Facility & Company Information > Browns Ferry
Colleges Near Browns Ferry
Ops Nub:
Any good colleges in the area. My wife wants to go back to college when we settle.
Roll Tide:
--- Quote from: honeycomb on Dec 11, 2007, 08:59 ---Calhoun Community College ...
--- End quote ---
Oh, you mean UCLA (University of Calhoun Longside that Airport)
You didn't say what major your wife needs. Judson is also in Huntsville (Baptist Women's College).
Ops Nub:
She has her associates and wants to finish and get here teaching certificate.
Athens State is more worldly now and is officially Athens State University. Actually, since ASU is an upper division school with only Juniors and Seniors, it would be a perfect fit for someone with an Associates.
Ops Nub:
Good info thanks for all the input.
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