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Offline felchie

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Re: Bartlett vs Clinton Hopefuls
« Reply #25 on: Nov 15, 2007, 06:28 »
One more thing, there may be other situations as to why Clinton
returnees cant work all of the other Exelon sites, i.e. commitments
to their home plants, SGR (Salem) prior commitments, etc..
These are commitments Bartlett is holding them to...

Offline dosetek

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Re: Bartlett vs Clinton Hopefuls
« Reply #26 on: Nov 15, 2007, 09:07 »
Just to try to get back on subject.....A lot of tech's who have been loyal to Bartlett over the last 10+ years had some concerns when
Numanco was acquired by Bartlett, they were concerned that some key positions in the company would be given to Numanco faithful (who for years bad-mouthed Bartlett, and were their biggest competitors).  This has now come true, look at some of the utility/regional managers and their background.  Now personally I get
along great with them and have no issues, but, the scuttlebutt from
the breakrooms is different.  Look at SC/Supv/Alara positions being
filled and you see a trend....Look at the current Clinton situation and the trend continues, Denise is taking care of her people, which I understand, but, there needs to be some flexibility to also take care
of those who have toed the blue line.....

Wow I was wondering if that was being noticed by anyone. LOL  If you want to see how true that is look at St. Lucie.  The ex Numanco/Ocala connection.

Offline Eric_Bartlett

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Re: Bartlett vs Clinton Hopefuls
« Reply #27 on: Nov 15, 2007, 09:50 »
One more thing, there may be other situations as to why Clinton
returnees cant work all of the other Exelon sites, i.e. commitments
to their home plants, SGR (Salem) prior commitments, etc..
These are commitments Bartlett is holding them to...

You've lost me now - "these are commitments Bartlett is holding them to..." - We just started hiring, we're still wait'n on 50% or so of our sites to even talk to us - what commitments are Bartlett holding techs to if they havent already confirmed for a job or string of jobs - we've been upfront about how Clinton falls into the scheme of things and how the Exelon sites are staffed, as I have been since we picked up all of the Illinois sites, that this site would be a feeder into the rest - this has been going on for 2-3 outages(6-7 years now) - this is nothing new.   

   Is the same Cordinator going to be there or has he/she been affected also?

After allot of round'n round talking the individual (someobne who Ii personnally consider a close and dear friend) was offered the slot - he wasnt sure if he was going to take it - I havent heard how its played out - I'll look into it.

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Re: Bartlett vs Clinton Hopefuls
« Reply #28 on: Nov 15, 2007, 10:18 »
Beercourt, how about that west coast pay, $37+/150+, for ANSI techs!  Rare, but real!

If you look at the turn that this thread had taken, you'll notice that Bartlett is packaging their jobs so that your season is set in advance.  Diablo Canyon will not be a part of the plan, so working one outage there could effectively lock you out of everything else for the season.
This isn't so bad.  You can make as much money for one outage at DC as you can make for the whole Illinois circuit.  Given a choice, I'd be heading west.  But, Diablo Canyon only hires a limited number of people who are hand-picked.
They have been doing this for years, so their effect on pay rates outside their fence has already been realized.  It is not as huge an effect as one might expect.  Here's one perspective that you can consider.
DC takes 50 techs out of circulation, rather than raising pay to try to lure them back (which would be impossible) a site might consider that they can get whoever is left for LESS money - considering that they are paying for the HP's who weren't good enough to make the top 50.
It's kind of like taking all the peanuts out of the box of Cracker Jack.  As a mixture, the stuff is worth $.25 a box (?).  Without the nuts, I'm not going to give you more than a dime; certainly not going to pay $.50.
So, you see; the Diablo Canyon effect on technician pricing could actually be a negative.  In reality, I don't think so.  I think that the difference only matters to those techs who are picked for DC, and not to anyone else.
This supply and demand thing is really the sixth-grade version of economics.  In the real world, there are so many other forces affecting the market prices that it is just too hard to move them with one action.  The step changes in pay and per diem have only barely kept up with the rate of inflation - perhaps lagging it.  There will be pay increases in the future, but not because of Diablo or  because of outage schedules, or because of an aging and dwindling pool of techs, They will be the result of the net effect of all these things and others, but never enough to make us stop arguing over them here.
« Last Edit: Nov 15, 2007, 10:21 by BeerCourt »
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Offline felchie

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Re: Bartlett vs Clinton Hopefuls
« Reply #29 on: Nov 15, 2007, 05:26 »
Eric,  they may not have actually committed to you yet as you say the staffing is just beginning, however, when you work the same plants or your home plant a lot, you make verbal agreements (I know they are not binding) to the people there that you will be back and
will take care of them.

One thing in the past sticks out at Clinton just from last outage
was the fact that there were Diablo regulars there?  How do they fit
in?  I have never seen them at any other Exelon site?

Also, I am just kind of being a mouthpiece right now for some tech's
who don't want to be named .....So dont kill the messenger, just trying to keep a healty dialogue going..

Offline Camella Black

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Re: Bartlett vs Clinton Hopefuls
« Reply #30 on: Nov 15, 2007, 05:37 »
I'm confused this practice has been going on for years hasn't it? I wouldn't put the blame on Bartlett or anyone. The company knows who they want and an experienced site coord (if he has any say) does too. With so few techs left in the busy and it being a small world, word of mouth and kudos/smites travel faster than a speeding bullet.

Companies want someone they are familar with, on good terms with and someone they know will do the job. If you had your choice would you go to the new doctor in town or the doctor you've known and seen for the past 5, 10, or 20 years?

I like knowing that my husband has a job lined up 6 months from now, this is the way it used to work, most of us traveled from site to site within a certain area (ours was the east coast except for a couple years at ANO).


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Re: Bartlett vs Clinton Hopefuls
« Reply #31 on: Nov 16, 2007, 03:20 »
Just to try to get back on subject.....A lot of tech's who have been loyal to Bartlett over the last 10+ years had some concerns when
Numanco was acquired by Bartlett, they were concerned that some key positions in the company would be given to Numanco faithful (who for years bad-mouthed Bartlett, and were their biggest competitors).  This has now come true, look at some of the utility/regional managers and their background. 

Could you Re-Pete that?:^)

Offline Eric_Bartlett

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Re: Bartlett vs Clinton Hopefuls
« Reply #32 on: Nov 16, 2007, 02:04 »
Eric,  they may not have actually committed to you yet as you say the staffing is just beginning, however, when you work the same plants or your home plant a lot, you make verbal agreements (I know they are not binding) to the people there that you will be back and
will take care of them.

One thing in the past sticks out at Clinton just from last outage
was the fact that there were Diablo regulars there?  How do they fit
in?  I have never seen them at any other Exelon site?

Also, I am just kind of being a mouthpiece right now for some tech's
who don't want to be named .....So dont kill the messenger, just trying to keep a healty dialogue going..

Flechie - (that name kills me) understand, your a mouthpiece (that and your name really kill me) and i appreciate it - i'd rather have the questions asked so i can try to answer them instead of it festering in someones mind.  I have my roster from last outage in front of me and it denotes who went to Diablo & who came from Diablo - about a 7 or 8 of them. The Diablo regulars as you call them are actually Clinton regulars, go figure and if i drill back on thier resumes most happen to be long term (talk'n >10yrs) Bartlett Techs.  Anyways last outage individuals, much to my chagrin, were able to finagle their way in...all the more power to them.  We had more slots last go around then we do now (almost twice as many) and we didnt have as many folk wanting to do the Exelon run as we do this time.  As far as commitments go, i now fully understand what your talking about, but with a 2 year cycle I'm sure people will understand if someone can't (for whatever reason) fullfill a promise to return made 2 years ago.  Anyways healthy dialogue is always a good thing.

Take it slow
The opinions & views expressed by me are mine and mine alone and may not reflect those of the company.

Joe Ferguson

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Re: Bartlett vs Clinton Hopefuls
« Reply #33 on: Nov 16, 2007, 04:24 »
You guys have alot of time on your hands!  I started to lose my grip at about the 'Cracker Jacks' and '6th grade economics' portion of this thread.  I believe you may be making too much of this and trying to over-analyze it.

It's really about this simple: 

1.)  Diablo gets who they want (no industry secret here).  Once you break the west coast barrier, you can go back until you screw 'up' or screw 'them'.
2.)  The Diablo Factor IS attractive to PM's and SVP's.  However, it won't work in the Exelon system.  Their NOT that creative and they are founded on standardization.  They are not going to cut big deals and try to out bid each other for tech's.  They believe by lining up their outages in a row - that's payment enough.   
3.)  Clinton is taking 1/2 the # of tech's as last time.  Not quite as much work to do and hoping to make up the difference with 'Shared Resources'.  SR's are about the same cost (probably cheaper) and they know all the standard procedures (key word - See #2).  [e.g. Would I bring a Sr. RPT with Bartlett who I don't know and who has never been at my plant before, or do I bring in a house tech from Peach Bottom or TMI with no gamble as to whether he/she has the right standards?].  "You send me 4, and I'll send you 4"



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Re: Bartlett vs Clinton Hopefuls
« Reply #34 on: Nov 16, 2007, 04:37 »
I  have a question,is there any truth to the rumor,if you don't do the other excelon plants then you arn't going to CLINTON????
That is the word on the street.
What is the true answer?

Offline hamsamich

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Re: Bartlett vs Clinton Hopefuls
« Reply #35 on: Nov 16, 2007, 04:52 »
read the rst of the posts radbastard!!!  no wonder they call you radbastard.


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Re: Bartlett vs Clinton Hopefuls
« Reply #36 on: Nov 16, 2007, 05:19 »
Hey, ham i didn't have time to go back and read some of those war and peace novels written,but they still never gave out a straight yes or no?
« Last Edit: Nov 16, 2007, 05:19 by RadBastard »


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Re: Bartlett vs Clinton Hopefuls
« Reply #37 on: Nov 16, 2007, 07:44 »
as far as clinton goes they are exelon but are also amergen. really not part of the ill. circut this came from a house tech i know. if ya wana know about having to work the other exelon plants call eric and ask. i bet he'll tell ya but ya won't know if ya don't ask.


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