My personal experience with Bartlett, they took very good care of my wife and I till that fateful year, the year 1988, my wife and I had just completed a outage at H.B. Robinson for them as senior deconners ( NO FUN AT ALL!!) and we were promised (BOTH OF US) decon supervisor jobs at Perrys first refuel outage. Well, we did our part and showed up at Perry to learn of a loss of a contract at Fermi, and because of that I lost my postion and had to go into Perry as a Jr. HP @ a dissmal 6 an hour and 35/day perdiem, pretty sad huh? But that wasn't all we were also promised we would be out of Perry by early may, as we had a July wedding planned, and we hadn't been able to get home to do much planning, as the outage wore on and got extended, May came around, we were told to quit if we wanted to leave, and that we would be on two years jail time with Bartlett. So I looked at my now wife and told her to go tell her friends goodbye.
Three months later the phone rang it was JUDY to tell us she had 7 plants we could choose from to go to. We did make the choice to go back to work for Bartlett at that time, we went toCY and then to Catawba and ended up staying busy for the next two years working the S.C cycle, then they gave us a great offer to go back to our home plant and work for three years, so we did, then after three years Barlett lost the contract to ARC, my wife stayed on with ARC, I left because ARC had labeled me a good ole Bartlett boy, and I knew hell was down the path for me if I stayed, but I did go back with ARC for one outage, and I did get treated as a good ole Barlett boy, so I left once again, only to get that dreaded call from my wife while I was at WNNP-2, hunny you last three checks from ARC bounced!! Barlett did me right and helped me to make sure I had work and that I had money coming in, I never seen my three weeks of pay I lost from ARC.
Then I had another experince with Barlett, mostly my fault ( Yes I can admit I made a mistake) I went to Maine Yankee 1995.. Partied to hard and got nailed on a FFD ( MY FAULT NOT BARTLETTS) But when I returned home, I made a phone call to the office to find out after I was properly escorted off site I got accused of smashing windows out of cars, which is totally false, and the Bartlett officed believed those rumors, and told me I'd never work for them again. Anybody that knows me knows I'am not that way, I walked away from that job knowing I messed up and had a greater fear to face. MY WIFE!!!.. Trust me it wasn't pretty..
All in all I don't dislike Bartlett, they did things for my wife and I others never would have, but they also wouldn't believe me, and yes Eric they lied to me, but if I look back at all the companies I've worked for I don't think any of them have ever been totally honest with you 100% of the time.
Personally I think Barlett is one of the best choices out there, but thats the great thing about this business is there are always choices, if you not happy leave. Just one thing don't go away mad, just go away..