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Author Topic: Talk about Bartlett  (Read 390456 times)

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Rad Honey

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Re: Bartlett
« Reply #25 on: Oct 12, 2004, 09:47 »
Bartlett has kept me working on and off. But they do have some very strange ways with there taxes, and how they take money for insurance you don't have. Lets just say I feel if you create waves you won't be working, now more then ever. But if they run short of techs, they will call you.


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Re: Bartlett
« Reply #26 on: Oct 12, 2004, 11:45 »
Bartlett has kept me working on and off. But they do have some very strange ways with there taxes, and how they take money for insurance you don't have. Lets just say I feel if you create waves you won't be working, now more then ever. But if they run short of techs, they will call you.
This is the very type of thing that can make anyone nervous. With the Numanco buyout looming, it still seems like if you are not friends, you aren't going to work ooooorrrrrr, you will get sent to oh....let's see?...........Siberia DOE until you....well you get it. You know what 'they' say about absolute power. So much for trying to work near home.
  So LOVE? I'll reserve vote for a later date.


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Re: Bartlett
« Reply #27 on: Oct 12, 2004, 11:56 »
" My mind is a raging torent...." I'm so confused, Am I or am I not being pimped and by whome? I've never been bought before. I think I feel so violated. Why can't we just hold hands.


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Re: Bartlett
« Reply #28 on: Oct 13, 2004, 10:22 »
I had problems with Bartlett in the mid 90's. Didn't work for them for about four years by my choice. You old timers remember 15/60 and Judy. :(
I went back to check it out after that, ended up with a great site coordinator at Beaver Valley, and another good one at Susquehanna. :)
Somehow one year I hit Millstone with a sh*t bird of a SC. I haven't worked back to back outages for Bartlett since.  ???
Some of that is due to my choice to avoid said SC and undesirable plants ie. Millstone and IP. ::)
I do admit Eric B. is fantastic when I,ve dealt with him, unfortunately he handles his core plants and other recruiters handle others: makes it hard to do back to backs.
I started work for the other Company: some how the've kept me employed almost all year. ;D
And direct deposit rocks. 8)
« Last Edit: Oct 17, 2004, 05:24 by HydroDave63 »


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Re: Bartlett
« Reply #29 on: Oct 15, 2004, 12:57 »
Sounds like a great opportunity for Bartlett to become a ligitimate company. Not that they are not a successful money making company but imagine;....If Bartlett paid wages and gave increases to their employees based on a quality work ethic and service time!...If Bartlett had a health insurance plan their employees could afford!...If Bartlett contributed to their employees retirement plans!...If Bartlett protected their employees families with short and long term disability!...If Bartlett would suck it up and admit a mistake and not charge their employees to Fedex their paychecks after they failed to pay their employees!...For that matter if Bartlett could figure out a payroll system where their employees could count on being properly paid each week!...If Bartlett would let a man go home after layoff without calling the unemployment office theerby forcing him to travle across the country to a job he doesn't want!...If Bartlett could hire all qualified and competent site managers and supervisors rather than who'll take the least money for the job!...I could go on and on....But just imagine the credibility Bartlett would gain with their clients if they supplied an experienced and qualified workforce of people eager to go to work with a good attitude!...Rather than the current push to bump up mopjoc, oops I mean deconners to senoirs just to fill slots, putting an increased burden on the few remaining quality technicians who are still around but looking for a way out. Gotta go in the can now but one more thing, If that clown wrecked edsel PM's me again and calls me a dumb ass, I'm calling the cops, among other things that are apparently forbidden to mention here on this forum, so watch it pal.


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Re: Bartlett
« Reply #30 on: Oct 16, 2004, 04:24 »

I remember reading the same quote, from the Fleet employee's, when Bank America did the buy out thingy!  After consolidation, reapplication and modifications, they opened a  couple of hundred new branches with about 6000 less employee's! 

I wouldn't say anything either!  The other company still has some loyal employee's, Die-Hards, that probably wont roll with the waves.  It wouldn't be in your companies best interest to make an official announcement, until after the Fall Outage Season is completed.  But you have to admit, it's going to be interesting, come Spring!   8)


Offline Eric_Bartlett

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Re: Bartlett
« Reply #31 on: Oct 16, 2004, 12:57 »

I remember reading the same quote, from the Fleet employee's, when Bank America did the buy out thingy!  After consolidation, reapplication and modifications, they opened a  couple of hundred new branches with about 6000 less employee's! 

I wouldn't say anything either!  The other company still has some loyal employee's, Die-Hards, that probably wont roll with the waves.  It wouldn't be in your companies best interest to make an official announcement, until after the Fall Outage Season is completed.  But you have to admit, it's going to be interesting, come Spring!   8)


RG - Which quote are your refering to?  ???

The other company definatley has its loyalist/Die-hards, all the more power to them for holding to thier integrity and principles, for that I would give them the utmost respect. As you've stated, and I'm sure they are well aware of, there are plenty of choices out there, especially in the world of DOE & DOD.  As far as saying anything before the fall season os completed, a couple more weeks and we should be there, unless we called on more back-ups ;)

I'm sure we'll be challenged by plenty of companies try'n to break into the commercial field, over the past 16 years I've seen many "old" companies leave and many other companies try to break in, some successfuly some not - I've always said that I personnaly like and need competition becuz w/out competitors I have no source to recruit from. Competition is healthy and in my mind a necessity in a capitalistic enviroment.  On top of that who can our clients and potential clients and others judge a companies performance against without competition? Over the past years I would say our competition has made us look good (at least to the majority of onlookers) if they hadn't Bartlett would not have gone from the smallest tothe biggest in the past 20 years and  I would have probably gone the way of so many other recruiters in this field, down the road.  Well gotta jet.  More to follow I'm sure.

Take it slow,

The opinions & views expressed by me are mine and mine alone and may not reflect those of the company.


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Re: Bartlett
« Reply #32 on: Oct 17, 2004, 08:53 »
Looks like the blacklist has reached out to almost the end .
what we need is the yankees to go into boston and end all this.
but oh will.
good luck to you who can not or will not work for bartllett, we all got good and bad stories, about them so whats next who knows.

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Re: Bartlett
« Reply #33 on: Oct 17, 2004, 08:48 »
There will always be that other company, there always has been and there always will be.

20 years and not one Nuclear Outage with "B"

everything is just peachy! ;D

Offline Dave Warren

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Re: Bartlett
« Reply #34 on: Oct 18, 2004, 04:47 »
So, the bottom line is this:
If The Big Blue Machine (who, for the record, has always treated me very well), does as some of you think they will, what will your next move be?
Will you cross over to DOE or DOD?
Will you pick one area of the country and do outages in that area?
Will you get out of the business?
Will you go on strike?
Will you bite your tongue and keep working for them?
Will you work for that "other" company?

I think there are too many unanswered questions right now, to make an educated decision. Regardless, this does make great conversation for the future Health Physics employment outlook. Possibly, a poll should be taken.  :D


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Re: Bartlett
« Reply #35 on: Oct 19, 2004, 01:01 »
Weeeellllll. I know crap all about how this all works. Bartlett this. Good company that. "worked for them for years". MY little corner of the world is small. However this corner of the world just doesn't seem to have many great feelings about " Big B".

  Guess well will just have to wait and see how much they love their new kids.

Offline Camella Black

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Re: Bartlett
« Reply #36 on: Oct 19, 2004, 01:16 »
Dave, maybe you should make this a poll?


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Re: Bartlett
« Reply #37 on: Oct 19, 2004, 06:29 »
Maybe everything will be just fine!  Maybe, somehow, a couple of investment firms decided it was time to get into the Nuclear Staffing Business!  I'm certainly not corporate material, been told so at least once, but why would investment companies enter into a partnership, instead of simply Investing?  Going to the bank and asking for funds to improve your company, is far different than asking the bank president to become an owner with decision powers!  I don't think a banker would care less on how the money was made, so long as he made as much as possible, in as little time as possible!  I've always wondered about banks?  Nice building, Nice furniture, Nice displays, but the average teller makes about $8.00 to $12.00 an hour!  Bank Managers about $100.00+ an hour, without Perks!  Seems Fair, Somehow!   :-\

Like Eric said, competition is a good thing, it gives him a pool to recruit from!  But it goes a little further than that, it gives the Employee's the Freedom to pick and choose, where, when and for how much!  Competition, no matter how small, is a great benefit to the customers as well as the Employee's.  What would happen to the industry, if every telephone number you dialed, got you the same person, quoting the same figures? 


If anybody believe they aren't a 5 X 5 target, Think Again!  I'll give it three years before the wave washes the competition away!  Next thing you'll be hearing about, is a new President for the DOE, in the home office!  Just Speculation!


Offline Rennhack

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Re: Bartlett
« Reply #38 on: Oct 19, 2004, 08:09 »
Next thing you'll be hearing about, is a new President for the DOE, in the home office!

They already have one, he's over "Federal Services".

Offline SloGlo

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Re: Bartlett
« Reply #39 on: Oct 19, 2004, 06:22 »
knot having enny probs wit either company that didn't get resaulved won weigh err da udder..... eye may hafta shead a teer four numanco.  competition iz a onerdarphul thang. 
quando omni flunkus moritati

dubble eye, dubble yew, dubble aye!

dew the best ya kin, wit watt ya have, ware yinze are!


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Re: Bartlett
« Reply #40 on: Oct 19, 2004, 10:20 »
Sure that you had to think of the possible responses for awhile. This is a hard on eto call. I would say go Union but we will get shut down. I hear that it was tried once before and failed. '89 I think. One company, no competition, one owner? Are we screwed or what. I would vote for an actual working representative between us and Bartlett. ( shop steward) even if we can't unionize.


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Re: Bartlett
« Reply #41 on: Oct 20, 2004, 05:33 »
Numanco has taken a licking, but it keeps on ticking!  I may have to shed a tear also.  Everybody has to admit, the name is a survivor, with quite a history!  This company has been bought, sold and bankrupted more times than I can remember!  To date it is the oldest Technician staffing company in existance!  Since it has been a thorn in the side of Big Blue for so many years, I guess it is fitting that it meet is demisy by their hand. 

To bad AEP didn't approach the Technicians, with an employee owned agenda.  I think their may have been a lot interest!  Besides, I believe the customers would appreciate a vested interest from the people who showed at their door! 

One aspect I haven't heard much about, where did their managers go?  They had a couple of good one's, two that I remember, the rest...Forgetabodit!  Maybe it will be one of those, go around, come around things! 

One Day your the Bird, One Day your the Windshield!


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Re: Bartlett
« Reply #42 on: Oct 20, 2004, 11:18 »

Stay nuke, get out of HP. (I don't have marketable skills outside nuclear power, I have tried that mistake before!)
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.

Offline Eric_Bartlett

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Re: Bartlett
« Reply #43 on: Oct 20, 2004, 12:24 »
All I know is that I''ll be busier than a one legged man in an arse kick'n contest!
The opinions & views expressed by me are mine and mine alone and may not reflect those of the company.


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Re: Bartlett
« Reply #44 on: Oct 20, 2004, 01:34 »
Hi Gang and Gangettes!!!

All I can say is....... I left the road in 93 and this was one of the reasons. And Yah..... there was a "Febble" attempt to form an independant union in the late 80's...But it was crushed before it even got started. Reason??? Tech's wouldn't stick together against the Lean Mean Recruiting Machine. Every plant ya'd go to all ya'd hear is Moaning and Groaning about how bad we were getting taken to the cleaners and how "We outta start a Union" and take down the "HeadHunters".... But then you'd go to an outage and Lo and Behold!!!! The one's doing the biggest "Soapboxin'" about starting a union and until one was formed...boycotting outages,  would be there working away. And when you asked them why??? The usual answer would be..."Cause I can't afford Not too"..... ALways seemed to me....That was a contradiction in their own beliefs...But that's just my opinion....Take it fer what it's worth.  :D  Anyway, I'm now on the DOE side of the Fence and pssssssssssssst........It's just as "Wierd" here.... :o


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Re: Bartlett
« Reply #45 on: Oct 20, 2004, 01:52 »
Nascar is right , if you can not deal with him move up and on. life is always better on the other side of the fence.
karma to you!

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Re: Bartlett
« Reply #46 on: Oct 20, 2004, 02:56 »
I dont know why some of you are afraid of this "union" Bartlett is a good company and if you do your job and dont do anything outrageous there is plenty of work for you.  With no more reason to "low ball" bid for a contract we should see wages go up if there is any change at all.
Live Aloha


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Re: Bartlett
« Reply #47 on: Oct 20, 2004, 04:18 »
my wages climbed after my last trip with bartlett(never agin) and bruce screaming at my wife I never work in nukes agin. I left hp and am happy , I have not made less than a 100k in 9 years.
and did not need the only one.
like the others say you get what you look for .

Offline Eric_Bartlett

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Re: Bartlett
« Reply #48 on: Oct 20, 2004, 05:29 »
my wages climbed after my last trip with bartlett(never agin) and bruce screaming at my wife I never work in nukes agin. I left hp and am happy , I have not made less than a 100k in 9 years.
and did not need the only one.
like the others say you get what you look for .

Come on now - I know you and your situation, #1 Bruce never screamed at your wife and threatened your career, and I know the main reason your not in the buisness and it had nothing to do with Bruce or Bartlett.  I hope you are happy and do'n well cuz  personnaly I always got along with you, but hiding behind a "handle"and throwing out the accusations just aint the way to make it right.  Just my thoughts on what I consider a  baseless attack.  If you think I'm way off base give me a buzz and we'll talk.

The opinions & views expressed by me are mine and mine alone and may not reflect those of the company.

Offline SloGlo

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Re: Bartlett
« Reply #49 on: Oct 20, 2004, 06:20 »
one company  ??? puhleeze! although i have no quarrel with either company, i haven't worked for bruce's company for >7 years nor numanco for >9 'n i haven't quit hp.  there's more'n one company. there's more'n one venue for hp 'n other nuke workers.  iffen i wanted to go back inta da plants, i'd call bruce in a heartbeat, 'cause numanco keeps calling me 'n keeping me informed of their upcoming contracts. ;)
quando omni flunkus moritati

dubble eye, dubble yew, dubble aye!

dew the best ya kin, wit watt ya have, ware yinze are!


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