I used to work as a house employee for a utility and recently decided to go on the road to find a better utility to go house with more room for advancement. I always thought the contractors who complained about Bartlett when they came in during outages were just the complaining type since my site doesn't pay well and the bottom of the barrel was all we ever got. Plus I live in williamsburg VA and had frequent contact with Ballard through mutual friends and thought he was a stand up enough guy.Well after working for bartlett for just one year I must admit I was wrong. From the lying by recruiters to the blatant disrespect by that idiot in per deim I now see this company cares nothing about the contractors. I just got off the phone with the per deim girl to fix a problem that MY SITE COORDINATOR caused and was totally treated like I was stupid and like I had caused the problem. Plus I have to pay money for their mistake! Its not the money but the principle. A BS MBA and Six Sigma Training and I'm dumb . The recruiters would straight lie over the phone to try and force me to go places I had no business going. Luckily I managed my money before I left my house job and repeatedly was in a position to tell the recruiter to stick it several times. I truly feel bad for the individuals who have to be treated like this to make a living. My "experiment" on the road has educated me on how one company, when too big, can mistreat the little guy time and time again.
I have recently taken the job of program RP training administrator at another utility starting in june. I will never forget how Bartlett treats its workers. Soon I will announce where I am so that contractors will come and I will help them get through the Northeast Exam and the NRRPT in the hopes that they can get out of the grip of this terrible company. My plan is to be an RPM in 5 to 9 years and by then I hope to have enough influence to rid our site and hopefully the utility of Bartlett all together. Is this holding a grudge, no not really, its more of doing the right thing to help others. Bartlett needs competition to be forced to recruit workers and not have workers beg them for work.
It really is a sad sad state of affairs concerning those who rely on Bartlett for work.
My first reaction is WOW! " I got to track down who ever pissed this one off and chew them a whole new _ _ _ ! because they obviously (per this post) did some low down dirty thing(s) to this individual to cause him to go on a tirade like this..." so i decided to look into things.
My second reaction is who is the guy that is so full of himself that he can knock down every contractor ever put to his site by stating "bottom of the barrel was all we ever got". Thats pretty harsh to lash out at all your co-workers and I'm sure if you thought about it you'd acknowledge that that statement was a bit untrue as many capable, skilled and exemplary employees have funnelled thru your site over the years.
Scottt66 I am truly sorry you had a bad experience with our company, if I could rewind it all and make it a blissful experience I would, but alas I am unable to do that...what I can do is look into your allegations and address them with those individuals responsible for your unpleasant experience.
Lets start by saying I know who you are and you know who i am so feel free to give me call anytime, if you cant get thru to me go to the operator and have me paged as I would love to address your concerns. I will state what I know to be the truth, maybe not the whole truth as there are always 2 or more sides to a story, but at least the truth from the recruiting end of things.
first off you are an x house tech
second we were contacted by a bni field mgr in charge of the site you were house at and asked to get you into a Plant A because you were considering going house there
so the recruiter pushed, made some calls and got you in
you weren't offered or you didn't take the house job at Plant A
do to the non existant house job you decided to go to plant C and asked recruiting to get you in
the recruiter cut a deal with ya to do plant B prior to C to help us out - tit for tat, scratch'n backs, etc...
you ended up working sites A, B & C - with excellent evals I must say
2 weeks later this post pops up
now I'm not trying to be confrontational I'm just trying to figure out what happened so please bare with me...when or at what point did the recruiter(s) lie to you and about what? You make the statement but don't explain it. Whether you believe me or not I do care about the contractors and I will not tolerate anyone working in my department that doesn't place the welfare of the work force first and foremost on their priority lists. But don't get me wrong, just because I genuinely care about the contractors doesn't mean I'm going to roll over and let some one dump on my recruiters without giving me hard core examples of their accusations. Now with that said I am concerned that you felt you were lied too and I'd really like to know by whom and what the lie was so it can be addressed.
As far as perdiem goes...alas I have no say there but I will raise the concern to the Director of Finance about how his people talk and treat field personnel.
Congratulations on your new position with your new employer - I hope it all works out for you.
Question regarding the last paragraph of your statement how does helping technicians get thru the Northeast Exam and NRRPT enable them to "get out of the grip of this terrible company". Doesn't it just make them more marketable for us to put to more and more positions.
"My plan is to be an RPM in 5 to 9 years and by then I hope to have enough influence to rid our site and hopefully the utility of Bartlett all together."
You ask "is this holding a grudge" and you state you don't think so, I have to kinda disagree with you - your post seems more than a standard fly off the handle temper tantrum.
"Bartlett needs competition to be forced to recruit workers and not have workers beg them for work." I don't know what industry you've been working in but I can tell you I, we, Bartlett welcome all of the competition this industry can muster. In fact we not only owe it to all of the technicians that helped us get to where we are today but we owe an especially big thanks to all of our competitors over the years for helping define and shape our company. If it wasn't for the Numanco's (both old school and the one we bought), the IRM's, ARC's, PSESI's, Hydro's, the GTS's, the NSS's, etc, etc, etc competing against us all of these years we would have not been able to grow to the point we are at - sometimes the best promotional tool for us is our competitors failure...failure to staff a client, failure to provide continuous employment for their techs, failure to just be able to compete with us.
Anyways I have gone on way to long as I just meant this to be a "hey Scottt66 give me a call so we can talk about your concerns and issues" type post. I apologize to those that have had to suffer through my rants and tirades in the past and find yourselves doing so again.
As always should anyone have a problem with any person, department and/or policy at Bartlett please contact me with specifics so that I or another dept head can look into and address your concerns. If you have a problem with me specifically then I can and would be more than happy to get you on the line with my immediate supervision. Anyways, Scottt66 give me a shout when you have a free moment.
Thank you all for your patience with my rant - hope y'all have a good weekend, a fun and safe summer and a productive & profitable Fall season.