,,,What a waste of your typing time...Eric...Every tech that has been in this business long enough to get a per diem check, knows, how Bartlett has manipulated the technicians,,and this is one reason a majority of the technicians went to DOE when they did,,with the exception of the Drug test failure people..when I started in DOE, DOD, EPA..Bartlett had no interest in them..we didn't work for you...we worked for Sigma Science,,Thermo-Nutech,,and later Duratek,,,I myself worked for you one time..and I thank AL Eidson for that, not Bartlett... of all of these listed benefits you are offering how many techs are actually benefitting from them..and the Duke thing..the Core,,Duratek or GTS or HPTS started this, you inherited it, it was in place...I never was a deconner, I came out of the canoe club a 3.1..was a house tech,,then hit the road..did ALARA..whatever,,,but when I made the change to Master-Lee, and later Areva, I knew I would not be back to the RP world..the main reason..Money, the reason we all are called roadtechs...RP's don't realize the money that's made out there...and the bid for an MCO would blow their minds...yea, I work for Troy and he is right, this organization we are associated with, is a family,,taking care of each other...the benefits you listed..we have all that, so what, and when something goes wrong at a site, we have backup,,experienced degreed, CSP type personell with years of safety experience (not only in Nuclear, but Dupont, refinery's, gas turbines ) that can answer the questions, give experienced advice, not just fill out the paperwork .I have worked sites with your EH&S people, they are RP's with a rewritten resume, not one of them had the OSHA 30 Hour ( or an idea what it was) much less the OHST.are you trying to sell us?..or yourself...this is just my opinion..you have yours, I have mine..and yours is not always right because your name is Bartlett