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Author Topic: Fluor  (Read 25378 times)

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« on: Jan 23, 2008, 02:18 »
Hey whats up ya'll! New to the board!

I work at S.R.S and we're all wondering what its like to work for FLUOR. Anyway, WGI just filed an appeal so it looks like they'll be here a little longer than anticipated.

So, if anyone has feedback about FLUOR, and what the company is like to work for... Throw me a bone so I can relay it to my colleagues here at the bum plant

p.s. I hope this is the right forum to post this on

Offline Camella Black

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Re: Fluor
« Reply #1 on: Jan 23, 2008, 02:29 »
Talk about this company here. Don't forget to vote. Keep your comments civil.

About Fluor

Fluor Corporation (NYSE: FLR) provides services on a global basis in the fields of engineering, procurement, construction, operations, and maintenance and project management. Headquartered in Irving, Texas, Fluor is a FORTUNE 500 company with revenues of $14.1 billion in 2006. For more information, visit

Since 1996, Fluor has worked as a DOE prime contractor at the Hanford Site in Washington State. Fluor Hanford and its 3,600 employees manage several major activities including dismantling former nuclear processing facilities, cleaning up the Site's contaminated groundwater, maintaining the Site's infrastructure, and operating the Volpentest HAMMER Training & Education Center. From 1992 to 2006, Fluor executed nuclear cleanup work at the DOE's Fernald Site near Cincinnati, Ohio. The project was originally estimated to take as much as 27 years to complete at a cost of $12.2 billion. Fluor Fernald completed the cleanup years ahead of schedule and billions of dollars under projected budget.
« Last Edit: Jan 23, 2008, 02:34 by Camella Black »

Offline Rennhack

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Re: Fluor
« Reply #2 on: Jan 23, 2008, 02:36 »
Fluor was the company that managed Fernauld, and is also out at Hanford.


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Re: Fluor
« Reply #3 on: Jan 23, 2008, 03:00 »
I've actually worked for them before. In '99, but that was on the construction side of things. I didn't break into HP until '03. Even then FLUOR completed the project well ahead of time. It seems they have a reputation for finishing ahead of schedule and below budget.
Hopefully they have competent management and the benefits are somewhat on-the-level.

Once again any feedback on Fluor is appreciated.thanx.

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Re: Fluor
« Reply #4 on: Jan 23, 2008, 05:29 »
Hey whats up ya'll! New to the board!

p.s. I hope this is the right forum to post this on

Wecome to NukeWorker ;D...yes this is the right place to ask your question.

Sorry but Flour is one of the (few) companies I have not worked for, but I'm sure you'll get some input from the folks here.
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Offline Loffy Muffin

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Re: Fluor
« Reply #5 on: Jan 24, 2008, 01:18 »
I work at Fluor.  What to you want to know?  People that have worked at Bechtel/shaw/parsons like Fluor a lot better.  the pay is good.  I have never worked at a nuke plant, but have had offers.  Fluor offered me 40K more then a nuke plant plus better OT, Like they pay it.  which is nice (and, no sea stories from a bunch of Leave it to Beaver type lifers).  but there are many divisions with each having there own personality.  Oil/Gas, chemical, gov, power.  the guy that sets next to me used to work at savannah river site if you are concerned about FLR taking over.

Power fossil is slow.  We got South Texas Nuc balance of plant.  about it for power.  Maybe some gassers for Duke.

Pay is good, people are good, Oil and Gas is off the charts, Fossil is slow...good pay and working conditions. 
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Re: Fluor
« Reply #6 on: Jan 24, 2008, 02:47 »
Thanks for your reply.
I've been on the construction side Fluor and it seemed to be a good company back then. We built Herzig (I think thats right) diesel burning power generators. 3 at SCE&G in Beech Island S.C. AND 7 IN Sandersville, Ga.  Fluor was also in Kuwait tying up loose ends.That being said they seem to be very knowledgeable as far as the energy industry goes, and that is encouraging.

My main question is: Will they be the type of company that comes in and sucks what little life is left in the facilities... out, and be so stingy that the work force moral is driven further into the ground?

Westinghouse, wgi, urs whatever its named this week...has really killed the moral site wide.


Offline Mike_Koehler

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Re: Fluor
« Reply #7 on: Jan 24, 2008, 03:28 »
They always paid me on time and the checks never once bounced ;)..... Worked for them from2002-2005 at Hanford. They are ok if you like being one of the #'s...... largely it was up to you to find out where you fit in best with the huge machine....... "I'm just a cog"

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Offline Loffy Muffin

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Re: Fluor
« Reply #8 on: Jan 24, 2008, 03:37 »
I'm assuming SRS is savannah river site.

No, FLR will make it better place to work.  I'm not involved on the gov side, but overall, that is not typically FLR's way.  More then likely, you will notice little change and an overall better environment over time.  the upper management level will be changed, the workers and mid levels should be unaffected.  I guess the site manager from Westinghouse is a blue flame tool.  he will be gone.  things will get better over time...should..maybe...
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Offline Rennhack

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Re: Fluor
« Reply #9 on: Jan 24, 2008, 03:47 »
I'm assuming SRS is savannah river site.
That is correct.

I guess the site manager from Westinghouse is a blue flame tool.

Interesting description.

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Re: Fluor
« Reply #10 on: Jan 24, 2008, 09:39 »
Fluor was the company all the RCT's at Hanford wanted to work for.  At least most did.  The working conditions and the OT was supposedly better.  They also ran the Fernald cleanup using Bartlett RCTs...I was there in 2006 and it seemed to go well.  If I had to guess I'd say Fluor would be the better company to work for from a radcon standpoint.


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Re: Fluor
« Reply #11 on: Jan 24, 2008, 10:44 »
Cool! Great to get the feedback!
One more question.

When westinghouse appealed the contract in Hanford, how much longer did they end up staying before Fluor took over.

Offline Dave Warren

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Re: Fluor
« Reply #12 on: Jan 25, 2008, 10:38 »
Hey whats up ya'll! New to the board!

I work at S.R.S and we're all wondering what its like to work for FLUOR. Anyway, WGI just filed an appeal so it looks like they'll be here a little longer than anticipated.

So, if anyone has feedback about FLUOR, and what the company is like to work for... Throw me a bone so I can relay it to my colleagues here at the bum plant

p.s. I hope this is the right forum to post this on

I worked with hundreds of Fluor employees at Fernald.
Overall, they were all happy with the pay, 401k, medical, holidays, project bonuses, etc.
Most of the big dogs in the machine were oil or construction veterans, grizzly, but cordial and very knowledgable.
Go to the driving range and learn the game of golf if you have aspirations with the company...:)
Good company overall.

Offline Mike_Koehler

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Re: Fluor
« Reply #13 on: Jan 25, 2008, 12:08 »

When westinghouse appealed the contract in Hanford, how much longer did they end up staying before Fluor took over.
The one time I remember anyone contesting a contract it was Bechtel contesting Washington Closure taking the "River Corridor" contract from them. Washington Closure eventually got it, but they wound up rebidding the whole thing....I seem to remember that the whole process took somewhere around 2 years. If they dismiss the appeal as having no basis it could be over in 3-6 months. The appeal process itself took about 6 months for all sides to agree to rebid.

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"If you seal the borders and you stop giving federal benefits to people who are in the country illegally... many of them will simply go home."
Lou Barletta, Mayor of Hazelton, Pa.


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Re: Fluor
« Reply #14 on: Jan 26, 2008, 06:46 »
This is all very encouraging news. Thanx for your input.


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