Career Path > Nuclear Operator

Do MIT courses = SRO Training prep?

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 ??? Just a question about the MIT courses that I found out about here.  I have been studying some of them and about to really dig in and get to work for my own personal knowledge.  Would it be safe to say that these courses would be good studying for a future SRO position that may come available.  I know they dont count for credit towards, but just the knowledge you get from them has to count for something.

No they won't help you at all.


Ok, then the next question begs to be asked, why?  ???

Because they

1: Don't teach plant unique systems
2: Plant system failure mechanisms.
3: Admin procedures.
4: Plant Abnormal Operating Procedures
5: Plant Emergency Operating Procedures.
6: Plant Radiological Procedures.
7: Judgement
8: Plant Alarm Procedures
9: Plant General Operating/Integrated Procedures.
10: Plant Clearance Procedures
11: Conduct Of Operations Procedures.

I can list about 100 other items if you'd like.



--- Quote from: B.PRESGROVE on Feb 11, 2008, 03:41 --- ??? Just a question about the MIT courses that I found out about here.  I have been studying some of them and about to really dig in and get to work for my own personal knowledge.  Would it be safe to say that these courses would be good studying for a future SRO position that may come available.  I know they dont count for credit towards, but just the knowledge you get from them has to count for something.

--- End quote ---

I know the MIT courses you speak of, and having just completed general fundamentals and systems training at one plant, and starting at another, I can tell you they have nothing to do with anything you learn in or need to know for licensing class. Is the information still useful? You bet, if you are going for a degree or another line of work for which the course content is relevant. I like reading that stuff too just for my on personal benefit. But again, they were of no direct use in my SRO studies. If you really want to prepare for a future SRO class, which I am not sure you really need to do, then I would find some general fundamentals notes online covering the type of plant you will be on (BWR/PWR) and read those, or get on the NRC website and start reading the general fundamentals exam bank. As far as systems and procedures... the stuff which in my opinion, you really need to know... well that is dependent on the specific plant. If you are where you might be going into class someday, then start walking down systems and following NLOs around on rounds, and reading procedures.




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