Career Path > Getting in

Mechanical maintenance tech-turbines


Hello everyone, new guy here.  I have a question as to what "normal" duties are for a turbine tech at a nuke plant.  Any help is appreciated.  I have searched and didn't see anything on this.

There is no such thing. Turbine work is either performed by contractors or by a special group within the utility.


Then how about mechanical maintenance techs, any help on this?

Yeah they fix stuff, usually mechanical stuff.



--- Quote from: turbtech on Feb 13, 2008, 09:02 ---Hello everyone, new guy here.  I have a question as to what "normal" duties are for a turbine tech at a nuke plant.  Any help is appreciated.  I have searched and didn't see anything on this.

--- End quote ---

Or run "turbine" through keywords on a nuclear utility website, they usually look for duties right out of the Position Description. All common sense stuff.

When I worked a turbine replacement outage on the turbine deck, it usually entailed a lot of "take direct measurements, verify procedural compliance" etc. etc.  With the exception of combustor boxes, compression stages etc. anything that doesn't touch flame or fuel in a CT is probably found on a steam turbine. It is helpful to have vibration analysis, bearing alignment, lube oil analysis etc. on your resume or CV.


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