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which plant is the most hated to go to work

10 (6%)
27 (16.3%)
all of comed
71 (42.8%)
11 (6.6%)
st lucie
6 (3.6%)
turkey point
5 (3%)
beaver valley
16 (9.6%)
peach bottom
13 (7.8%)
duke system
7 (4.2%)

Total Members Voted: 57

Author Topic: plants most dislike by hp&decon  (Read 70938 times)

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Re: plants most dislike by hp&decon
« Reply #50 on: Apr 19, 2006, 03:40 »
As I was told by the house tech's before I went, friends don't let friends go to Crystal River. This is a Hot PWR and the place could have used a coat of paint years ago. Management is very disorganized and most of the house techs don't have a clue about conditions in their own plant. 2 good things their Traning Instructor was top notch for the R.P.'s and the house techs that work the shared resources were Great!!! I hope I never need a job that bad to have to go back!!!!!
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Re: plants most dislike by hp&decon
« Reply #51 on: Apr 19, 2006, 04:08 »
the choices for picking should be revised to all the EXELON plants...really there is no difference in the way they are, from Clinton on up to Ex-Com ED, over to TMI, Peach all the way to the Jersey Shore & up to Cripple Creek!
They all SUCK!!!!!!
In all fairness though...Oyster Creek has sucked from 14 years ago & Peach Bottom is the f-ing bottom OF a scuzzy, human waste barrel!!!!


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Re: plants most dislike by hp&decon
« Reply #52 on: Apr 19, 2006, 04:13 »
Having only worked brunswick and beaver valley from the list I cannot rate the other ones. but will grade brunswick and beaver somewhere around a 4 to a 6. I will say from my visit to brunswick last spring that things have improved there alot since i was last there in 92-93 when they cut up a start up source without knowing what it was ! but as always still room from improvement. as for beaver not really thrilled about hp program there. would like to add ANO to the list so i can grade it a negative 5 on my sliding scale.

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Re: plants most dislike by hp&decon
« Reply #53 on: Apr 19, 2006, 04:27 »
the choices for picking should be revised to all the EXELON plants...

I will set up a separate poll for each Multi-site operator. Give me a little bit of time.
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Re: plants most dislike by hp&decon
« Reply #54 on: Apr 19, 2006, 05:46 »

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Re: plants most dislike by hp&decon
« Reply #55 on: Apr 19, 2006, 05:57 »
if you want to rate a whole company, here is the link:,7857.0.html
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Re: plants most dislike by hp&decon
« Reply #56 on: Apr 20, 2006, 04:35 »
humm good ones here.
I once heard a guy tell the head of dresden he would sooner blow a heard of goats then to come back to this plant. 

I was out at songs in 88 witht he Ex wife ,( should have listen to John Goss about wifes he was right) and I was in the site cords. office and he was on the phone with the home office telling someone I would not take that Tech if he was the last tech on earth.Send him to Dresden thats a good place for him.
oh I was at dresden 2 times once as an HP the other times with GE the later was better.


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Re: plants most dislike by hp&decon
« Reply #57 on: Apr 21, 2006, 11:47 »
Having been out of the plants for years it's interesting to see the list of hated. Back in the late 70's me and Gordon Dalby worked December night shift at Pilgrim because all house techs were barred from the protected area due to dose. It's the only plant I was ever at where you could pick up dose just sitting the HP Supervisors office and you knew that radwaste was moving resin drums on the turbine floor when the portal monitors at the guard shack alarmed. Oh for the good old days....

Of all the plants I worked I would have had to vote for ANY Comed site as the absolute worst. The plants were nice and clean but the staff treated you like crap. Only place I worked where they had walkways taped on the floor and contract techs had to stay within the walkway. Our breakroom was at the end of a dead end hall.

Best place ever was Turkey Point but I shifted to house tech during my stay there so I'm somewhat prejudiced.

Guess I should say that I've been out of the HP business for the last time since the early 90's and am now a Senior Executive with an Airline in Las Vegas. Would love to hear from the guys I used to work with or who remember me; good, bad, or indifferent.
« Last Edit: Apr 22, 2006, 04:04 by patzke »


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Re: plants most dislike by hp&decon
« Reply #58 on: Apr 24, 2006, 12:08 »
who are ya?

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Re: plants most dislike by hp&decon
« Reply #59 on: Apr 25, 2006, 06:15 »
I started as a deconner at Brunswick back in 92. we were treated like slaves and if we didn't like it they could get someone off the street. all in all a great experience, because when i went on the road starting with Vogtle where i was treated like gold (even after pissing off the asst. plant manager), i decided the road was the place for me.

i've heard from many friends that Brunswick has done a total turn around and that its their favorite place. since my home is three miles from the plant, i may have to try it again sometime.

My worst place was Dresden, mainly because of the strong anti contractor attitude (tires were being slashed). it quickly replaced Brunswick as my "never going back to unless i have to" plant
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Re: plants most dislike by hp&decon
« Reply #60 on: Apr 28, 2006, 10:12 »
my fav dislyked plant aint listed. point beach.  bin a long time since i wuz there, but the plant attitude totally sukt.  they had a couple werkers get flash burnt by using acetone to clean sum parts when the trouble light they were using for illumination fell, broke, sparked, and ignited the cleaner.  did they go to an agent with more applicable flammable limit?  nope.  they changed to florescent trouble light.  don't know iffen they had enny more burn accidents like this, as i put the plant in my rearview mirror. 
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Re: plants most dislike by hp&decon
« Reply #61 on: Apr 28, 2006, 10:41 »
Hands would have to be Braidwood........ the number one arm pit, they do call it the mother ship, oh by the way how many hundreds of rail cars are they going to need when they start to excavate the dirt around the leaky pipes?


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Re: plants most dislike by hp&decon
« Reply #62 on: Jul 10, 2006, 04:00 »
"No one is as good as they think they are and no one is as bad as we think they are."

No need to say whose quote it is, it stands on it's own merit.


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Re: plants most dislike by hp&decon
« Reply #63 on: Jul 11, 2006, 05:30 »
By far when Gulf States Utilities owned RiverBend YOUOVER, and D.C. Cook. Some of the house people were just plain rude, and the parking lot cop.


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Re: plants most dislike by hp&decon
« Reply #64 on: Sep 06, 2008, 11:29 »
I was at HB Robinson many years ago. I remember the contractor break trailer was between a stinkin' mountain of garbage bags and the honey-huts. We couldn't eat in the cafeteria or use the break rooms or the indoor plumbing. The tables in our trailer were covered in dirt and one of my buddy's got canned by a House Supervisor that caught him after he picked up a newspaper and absent-mindedly began reading it. I've heard that it's changed and also heard that it hasn't change much at all, but I've got no reason to ever go back.


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Re: plants most dislike by hp&decon
« Reply #65 on: Sep 08, 2008, 01:58 »
I remember at QUAD CITIES when the hp's in the union would file grievences on us for using the copy machine to make copies of our surveys.They said hey you are taking our work so we said ok,and bombarded them with surveys to make copies of.
Well that change real quick.
Yeah we were taking their work only,but when it came time to doing the work they didn't want to do it.

The other time in the 90's we were going to start pulling crd's right at shift change with no pre job brief,like that never happens.
Maintanence shows up we did all our surveys/air samples and the job went on,the night shift came on after.
The next day the head maint. guy wanted us all fired because he said it was all rush and his men could have been hurt or killed,killed mined you?
Well first it was their fault for doing the rush job because they jack around all morning and did nothing till the last minute.
Then he kept going on about how his men could of been killed doing this work,because it was so rush.
So we said killed huh?
He said yes killed!
Then we said if you knew they could have been killed why did you send them into do the job if there was a safety concern,risking your mens lives? just to get the job done!

well we didnt get fired,and he got days off for risking his mens lives with this killed garbage.
Thats what he got for helping his union brothers at contact time,by being an idiot.

« Last Edit: Sep 11, 2008, 12:32 by RadBastard »


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