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3 Questions...
« on: Jan 26, 2008, 09:48 »
1.  Does anyone have knowledge of how to get Excel to statistically round?  That is, always rounding to the even increment when the calculated value is half way.  For example: when rounding to nearest 1/10, for 2.25 normal rounding would yield 2.3 but statistical rounding yields 2.2.  For 2.75, normal yields 2.8 as well as statistical yielding 2.8.  So when x.x5 is calculated, round to the nearest even 1/10, when greater than 5 round up, and when less than 5 round down.

2.  Does anyone know of what features are available for all of the levels of service for Google Earth?  Are the more expensive services worth the money?

3.  How do I get my Yahoo emails to come in to Outlook?  I found out the process, but the step when you enter the URL that Outlook will use, but I don't know what the URL should be.


Offline Rennhack

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Re: 3 Questions...
« Reply #1 on: Jan 26, 2008, 11:01 »
1.  Does anyone have knowledge of how to get Excel to statistically round?  That is, always rounding to the even increment when the calculated value is half way.  For example: when rounding to nearest 1/10, for 2.25 normal rounding would yield 2.3 but statistical rounding yields 2.2.  For 2.75, normal yields 2.8 as well as statistical yielding 2.8.  So when x.x5 is calculated, round to the nearest even 1/10, when greater than 5 round up, and when less than 5 round down.

I'm not familiar with what you describe as "statistically round", here is a link to some of their rounding functions:
You can write yoyur own formula to do what you want with a combination of those functions.

2.  Does anyone know of what features are available for all of the levels of service for Google Earth?  Are the more expensive services worth the money?

The more expensive features are targeted at realestate profesionals, and the like.  Here is a link to the descriptions of what each does:

3.  How do I get my Yahoo emails to come in to Outlook?  I found out the process, but the step when you enter the URL that Outlook will use, but I don't know what the URL should be.

If tyou have regular yahoo mail, that option is not available.  It you have the paid version, follow these instructions:

All of these answers were found googling: "yahoo outlook", "google earth", and

Offline G-reg

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Re: 3 Questions...
« Reply #2 on: Jan 26, 2008, 10:11 »
1.  Does anyone have knowledge of how to get Excel to statistically round?  That is, always rounding to the even increment when the calculated value is half way.  For example: when rounding to nearest 1/10, for 2.25 normal rounding would yield 2.3 but statistical rounding yields 2.2.  For 2.75, normal yields 2.8 as well as statistical yielding 2.8.  So when x.x5 is calculated, round to the nearest even 1/10, when greater than 5 round up, and when less than 5 round down.

here is a link to some of their rounding functions:

Are you always rounding to ONE decimal place?  If so, "=MROUND(xxxx.xx,0.2)" will do what you want.

If you are using a variable number of decimal places, or cannot install the MROUND() Add-In, then it's going to get quite a bit trickier.  (PM me if you can't get MROUND() to do what you need.)

 - Greg
« Last Edit: Jan 26, 2008, 10:12 by G-reg »
"But that's just my opinion - I could be wrong."
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Re: 3 Questions...
« Reply #3 on: Jan 27, 2008, 02:50 »
Round is something that I have used in the past...   

From excel help
Rounds a number to a specified number of digits.



Number   is the number you want to round.  I use the cell here

Num_digits   specifies the number of digits to which you want to round number.


If num_digits is greater than 0 (zero), then number is rounded to the specified number of decimal places.
If num_digits is 0, then number is rounded to the nearest integer.
If num_digits is less than 0, then number is rounded to the left of the decimal point.

I use yahoo! in my outlook, but I do pay for pop forwarding.  For free pop forwarding, open a gmail (Google) account..
« Last Edit: Jan 27, 2008, 02:52 by Shayne »

Offline Rennhack

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Re: 3 Questions...
« Reply #4 on: Jan 27, 2008, 03:14 »
I use yahoo! in my outlook, but I do pay for pop forwarding.  For free pop forwarding, open a gmail (Google) account..

Or a mail powered by gmail...


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