I've used two different versions of VSDS. The first was OK...slow, cumbersome, but OK. The second was worse and we dumped it 4-5 years ago. I always liked the concept of electronic maps, but there was nothing else out there, so I developed my own electronic survey data base. Here are the basics:
1. I did the maps using Corel and converted them into pdf.
2. I created a blank map (room for smear data, instruments, names, locations, etc.) in Corel and converted that into a pdf.
3. Make all the blank spaces interactive so you can click and type.
4. Create smears, SOPs, etc. in Corel and import them as labels.
5. Next import the map pdf into the blank as a watermark and size it to fit.
Our management could care less and I hear we're going back to VSDS next year...
Works better than VSDS, but techs still hate it because it's slower than pen and paper...
Oh well, it was fun to create.