Reference, Questions and Help > Nuclear Software
Looking for a calculator for Cf-252 spontaneous fission rate
We have a winner! I love this site. Thanks AnotherExELT.
--- Quote from: AnotherExELT on Feb 22, 2008, 06:53 ---Actually I currently work for one of those source manufacturers get in contact w/ me and I'd be glad to help you out. CF-252 sources are one of my specialties. I'd be surprised if the OEM isn't willing to take the source back FOC for recycling.
--- End quote ---
I PM'd you. Thanks for the offer to assist. By the way of an update we have denied acceptance of this source pending a request for more information. Also, further investigation indicated that the activity value supplied by the waste generator was from 1992!! Given the relatively short half life of Cf-252 (just over 2 years) a quick decay calculation brings the activity down to a more comfy level as it were ;D All the responses are appreciated and keep on making this site the great resource that it is.
Maybe this is too simple, but I was looking on our internal ( ORNL) HP web page and we have a copy of the Los Alamos Radiation Monitoring Notebook LA-UR-2584 June 2000 by James T. (Tom ) Voss. On page 73 there is a table of "Radiation Levels of commonly encountered Radionuclide" and for Cf-252 it gives a value of 0.46 mR/hr/mCi at 30 cm. It might be the good estimate you need.
Some one tell me if I used this table incorrectly.
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