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Just took the POSS/MASS/BMST, a reflection
« on: Aug 13, 2007, 06:32 »
woo-hoo!  I'm applying for an Apprentice Nuclear Plant Equipment Operator (ANPEO) position at SONGS and I just found out I passed the MASS/POSS!  Now I have two weeks until I have to take their "Knowledge Test" which is basically focused on Math, Physics, Fluids Dynamics, and Thermodynamics.  I've been studying for the past few weeks and it's been a good refresher of the classes I took in college (BS Mechanical Engr).  I'm so glad I'm actually using the stuff I learned in school, unlike my previous job where I was wasting it and getting dumber by the day.

Well if you can't tell I'm pretty stoked.. I'm going to totally OWN that test. ;D Then after I pass that test then finally I will be eligible for an interview.. then I heard training starts in October.  
« Last Edit: Nov 02, 2013, 09:18 by Rennhack »

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I passed the MASS/POSS!
« Reply #1 on: Aug 13, 2007, 08:36 »
woo-hoo!  I'm applying for an Apprentice Nuclear Plant Equipment Operator (ANPEO) position at SONGS and I just found out I passed the MASS/POSS!  Now I have two weeks until I have to take their "Knowledge Test" which is basically focused on Math, Physics, Fluids Dynamics, and Thermodynamics.  I've been studying for the past few weeks and it's been a good refresher of the classes I took in college (BS Mechanical Engr).  I'm so glad I'm actually using the stuff I learned in school, unlike my previous job where I was wasting it and getting dumber by the day.

Well if you can't tell I'm pretty stoked.. I'm going to totally OWN that test. ;D Then after I pass that test then finally I will be eligible for an interview.. then I heard training starts in October. 

Congrats - I hope things go well, and you become one of those Ops people we all ask questions of later on. Keep us posted.
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I passed the MASS/POSS!
« Reply #2 on: Aug 13, 2007, 08:41 »
Congratulations! Keep us posted.
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I passed the MASS/POSS!
« Reply #3 on: Aug 14, 2007, 10:16 »
Hey I am waiting to hear when I am suppose to take the test can you give any pointers  ???.  Ive been doing those practice tests and doing alot studying on concepts, but is there anything else I can do to prepare for it?  Trying for an ops position at our local nuke plant.  ;D

Offline Bleyse

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I passed the MASS/POSS!
« Reply #4 on: Aug 14, 2007, 05:35 »
The practice tests given at the EEI website won't really prepare you for the real test.  They are just a small sample.

Most people around here advise using an ASVAB test prep book.  Try to find one that has at least three practice tests in it.

Good luck!


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I passed the MASS/POSS!
« Reply #5 on: Aug 14, 2007, 06:46 »

Get an ASVAB Book. Most of the Prep Books have about 5 to 10 tests.

Take the first test at your own pace.

Then try to shave 5 minutes off each subsequent test.

On the real McCoy you won't see anything Nuclear Specific. You have to work fast because if you don't complete a certain amount of questions the section you are in won't be graded.



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I passed the MASS/POSS!
« Reply #6 on: Aug 14, 2007, 07:14 »
Thanks for the support guys!

Besides the EEI practice tests I used the Barron's Mechanical Aptitude and Spatial Relations Tests book as a study guide.  It's good practice for the mechanical assembly part but only covered basic mechanical concepts.  Everything else in the book is irrelevant.  A LOT of the mechanical concept questions on the real test were way harder than the examples in the EEI practice test.  I relied a lot on what I've learned in physics and fluid dynamics. 

I've always been pretty good at doing calculations in my head so I was able to complete both math conversions/algebra sections.  They're not hard at all.  You just have to be QUICK, and that just takes practice.  Even if you memorize the conversions it won't help too much if you're busy doing calculations on the scratch paper.

Alright.. I gotta get back to studying. ;) I'll make sure to keep you guys posted.


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I passed the MASS/POSS!
« Reply #7 on: Aug 14, 2007, 07:53 »
 :-\  Hey Arkane I want to appologize for not sayin congrats on passing  ;) the test you took.  I was so anxious to see what you did to prepare that I forgot to do that.  I am currently looking for an ASVAB (I take it like the one I took to get into the military? ???) test book.  I also was wonderin when I went to go get employed at our local DOE site we had to take a battery of tests, could this possibly be the same type of test ????  Just wonderin. 


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I passed the MASS/POSS!
« Reply #8 on: Aug 15, 2007, 11:52 »
No worries man. :D Thanks!

I'm not too sure but the mass/poss I took was also described as a battery of pre-employment tests.  I've never taken the ASVAB but I just got done going through some online examples and it does look like good practice.


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I passed the MASS/POSS!
« Reply #9 on: Aug 28, 2007, 08:06 »
So the "Knowledge Test" was this past Saturday.  I guess I did pretty well because I just came back from an interview. :) Now I have to wait about a month until I hear any news.. oh the agony of waiting.


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I passed the MASS/POSS!
« Reply #10 on: Aug 28, 2007, 08:27 »
Hey you gotta love that patience thing that God likes to teach us so much.  Congrats on the interview and making it this far.  Im still waiting on a phone call for the test dates.  Hope you get the job and blow the socks off of m.


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previously passed POSS
« Reply #11 on: Mar 08, 2008, 06:20 »
Hi, I'm a newbie and I am scheduled to take the POSS test.  About 18 months ago I took and passed the POSS and MASS.  I was told the results are good for life, Does anyone know how I would go about getting the results of those tests?  BTW the tests were for a different company than the one I'm testing for now.


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Re: previously passed POSS
« Reply #12 on: Mar 09, 2008, 01:32 »
Hi, I'm a newbie and I am scheduled to take the POSS test.  About 18 months ago I took and passed the POSS and MASS.  I was told the results are good for life, Does anyone know how I would go about getting the results of those tests?  BTW the tests were for a different company than the one I'm testing for now.

They're only good for the company that offered you the exam. Each company has it's own criteria and use for the POSS. Results are never shared.



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Re: previously passed POSS
« Reply #13 on: Mar 09, 2008, 08:12 »
They're only good for the company that offered you the exam. Each company has it's own criteria and use for the POSS. Results are never shared.


I am not sure what to believe about the POSS.  When I took the POSS 3 years ago, the HR recruiter told all the test takers that the results could be shared with other companies if we gave permission.  We were also told that if the results were not good enough to be offered a job, we must wait 6 weeks before retesting.  These HR people may just be blowing smoke up our collective rear ends.

I have heard many things about the POSS and I am still not sure what to beleive.  I have been told that this test only requires a certain number of correct answers in each section to be passed and that wrong answers take away from your score.  I have also been told that the test pass rate, about 15%, is about the same when looking at people with just a HS degree through college degree.

I am convinced every company has different policies regarding the POSS.  I think it all depends on whos facts you choose to use  ;)


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Re: previously passed POSS
« Reply #14 on: Mar 09, 2008, 08:47 »
Well since I've been involved in administrating or evaluating the POSS at two utilities I can tell you how it's graded.

1: You have to complete a certain amount of questions to get it graded.

2: You have to have a certain number correct to pass.

It's how it's graded at ALL sites. Now the cut off based on the grades might be different.

No one gives the results of the POSS to anyone else, put it this way, do you think any utility wants to foot the bill for another utilities HR?


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Re: previously passed POSS
« Reply #15 on: Mar 09, 2008, 10:47 »
From recent experience, I can tell you that a utility CAN, and WILL, find previous scores.  EEI keeps a data base for these scores.  Of course, I just interviewed as a returnee to a utility, and of course knowing I was a returnee, they knew I had taken the POSS prior.  All it took was sending a consent form to EEI.  You might try asking HR to inquire if their test might be the same as the one you passed.  I have taken two tests, which were the same test,  with no prior notice and have done fine.  Remember, speed, answer only those you can answer quickly, don't spend time on a problem, and don't GUESS.  You will not be penalized for questions NOT answered.
« Last Edit: Mar 09, 2008, 10:50 by azkidd »


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Re: previously passed POSS
« Reply #16 on: Mar 10, 2008, 07:40 »
From recent experience, I can tell you that a utility CAN, and WILL, find previous scores.  EEI keeps a data base for these scores.  Of course, I just interviewed as a returnee to a utility, and of course knowing I was a returnee, they knew I had taken the POSS prior.  All it took was sending a consent form to EEI.  You might try asking HR to inquire if their test might be the same as the one you passed.  I have taken two tests, which were the same test,  with no prior notice and have done fine.  Remember, speed, answer only those you can answer quickly, don't spend time on a problem, and don't GUESS.  You will not be penalized for questions NOT answered.

Incorrect. I made an error in saying no utilities release the results but very few do. As for EEI keeping a data base that's not correct either. Neither my former or current utilities release the scores and neither inputs to any database. Again, why pay to test people for other utilities?


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Re: previously passed POSS
« Reply #17 on: Mar 11, 2008, 12:36 »
Perhaps some do, Mike.  After I took the POSS, other companies inquired about who I took it with, saying that they could get the scores.  I wonder if certain companies can pay other for those scores under some kinds of informal courtesy agreements...sure would be worth it rather than all of the expense of getting a guy all the way to the test site.


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Re: previously passed POSS
« Reply #18 on: Mar 12, 2008, 10:58 »
Thanks for the replies, I'm not going to try to jump through hoops to get the old test as I don't think I have enough time.  I test next week and the Poss did not seem to difficult, after that I have the BMST and that does seem like it will be much harder, it's been a long time since school and as you know it's use it or lose it.


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A reflection on the POSS test
« Reply #19 on: Jul 24, 2008, 01:54 »
I'm writing this post in order to hopefully help people who are preparing to take the POSS test. Before I begin, let me disclaimer this by saying this writing is based on my observations of the POSS test I took for an AO position at Arkansas Nuclear One, which I just finished about an hour ago. I assume the POSS test given by each facility is the same anywhere you take it, but just in case it isn't, there may be some deviation due to those differences or due to my memory.

Overview: I can honestly say the practice tests provided by the EEI that we all know so well were both a great help and a slight hindrance. It was good to get an idea of the format of the test so as to keep from going in and taking it cold. The practice tests, however, were far easier than the real thing. As a former teacher, it is my opinion that practice exams should be more difficult than the real thing. In that case, if you’re proficient at taking the practice exams, the real exam will not be much of a problem. With this way of doing it, expectations going into the exam might put the examinee at a bit of a disadvantage when confronted with the real thing. This is just my opinion as a former educator.

Assembly: This test was pretty straightforward and very similar to the practice test. There were 20 problems that ranged from very easy to very complicated. It didn’t go in order either – some of the ones at the end were easy. I believe we were given 10 minutes to complete this section. I didn’t finish it – I believe I had 3 more to go when time was called.

(At this point the order of the test diverged from the practice tests, with Tables and Graphs coming next before Mechanical Concepts. The order of everything else was the same as the practice test.)

Tables and Graphs: This is one of the sections I feel was woefully misrepresented on the practice test. Well, the Table section was about the same, just far more to do – I think 40 – and 7 or 8 minutes in which to complete them. Be prepared to deal with decimals out to the thousandth place. I didn’t need a straight edge to assist me, and in fact when I began and started using a straight edge, I found it got in the way. To each his/her own – if it helps you, great. Be prepared to chunk it (not literally) if it gets in the way. The Graph part though was the kicker. We were given 4 minutes for about 15 problems. Both the x and y-axes had a far larger magnitude of scale – out to 10k or so on the x-axis – than the practice test. Not only that, but the things being plotted on the graph weren’t differentiated from each other in their respective lines. That, combined with the very small grid of the graph made reading the points quickly and accurately a very difficult affair. My recommendation here would be to try to find random line graphs online and make up your own practice test. Or better yet, have a friend make it, then administer it to you under a controlled time. Don’t just rely on the EEI-provided practice test for this section.

Mechanical Concepts: Same as the test, just more problems. There were 40 problems and 20 minutes in which to do them. Nothing really to say here. Most of these were, for lack of a better description, ‘intuitive’ in nature. In other words, many, if not most, required no fundamental knowledge of physics. This was, in my opinion, the easiest part of the entire POSS test.

Reading Comprehension: Same as the POSS and any other reading comp test you’ve ever taken. As people have said before, many of the questions can be answered with prior knowledge. Be careful of that though – just in case whoever wrote the article was slightly off or you are, always double-check any answer you give off the top of your head with the article if you have time. There were 44 questions and we were given 30 minutes. I finished with about 5 minutes to spare and had plenty of time to go back and check the fuzzy ones.

Mathematical Usage: Ah, so here’s the killer. This is the part of the test I was dreading most, and rightly so! I personally think this part should be given first, as by this time, your brain is already becoming somewhat fatigued. There were about 20 conversions, 20 algebra, and 20 word problems, and we were given 17 minutes in which to do them. I didn’t even get to the word problems, and didn’t completely finish the algebra. The conversions bank given on the practice test is not the same as on the POSS test, nor does it even include the same things. Most of the ones there are the same, but there are others like cup to tablespoon to gallon, etc. With that said, be flexible when you get to the exam. The algebra section began innocently enough, but quickly got to problems like 0.3x + 12 = 4/3x, etc. Be prepared to deal with lots of decimals.
**This is by far the portion I consider to be the hardest part of the entire POSS test. Most of everything else involves either enough time or is straightforward enough. This part gave very little time and demanded lots and lots of mental calculations. It was exhausting.

So that’s my assessment of the POSS test. Hopefully I passed – I’ll know in a week (wish they could grade it on site!). Hopefully if you’re getting ready to take it, it’ll make the test a little less ambiguous. I know I would’ve really liked to have something like this available before I took it.


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Re: A reflection on the POSS test
« Reply #20 on: Jul 24, 2008, 04:15 »
Something I forgot to mention in the first post: I asked the exam moderator if the test was graded the way it has been discussed here, wherein if you attempt 20 but only get 17 correct, your score will actually be 14/20 (# correct - # incorrect). She said it was not graded that way. She said they simply count the number you get correct. Of course she could be mistaken, but she has worked in HR for 20-something years and has administered lots of POSS and other tests. Can anyone confirm or contradict this for sure?


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Re: A reflection on the POSS test
« Reply #21 on: Jul 24, 2008, 05:49 »
I'll confirm that.  They told us the same thing when I took the test.  Not how many you answer but how many you get right is the kicker.

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Re: A reflection on the POSS test
« Reply #22 on: Jul 24, 2008, 08:41 »
So is there no penalty for guessing wrong. Ergo if its multiple choice should you "shotgun" the remaining questions when you have say less than 10-15sec left.


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Re: A reflection on the POSS test
« Reply #23 on: Jul 25, 2008, 06:42 »
No.  Do what you can and try to get as many right as you can.  The answers left blank wont count against you, which I love cause then you are not under any pressure to hurryup and finish them all.  I know youve taken the test already but a good word of advise for me was not to linger to long on one problem.  If you dont know the answer within a few seconds go on to the next one cause they wont count the ones you dont answer.  That being said if you just guess at them all and only get 10 correct out of lets say 40....well you didnt do so hot, but if you only answered 10 of those 40 questions and left the other 30 blank but got those 10 right you passed.  Did that make sense?  Quality not quantity. 


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Re: A reflection on the POSS test
« Reply #24 on: Aug 01, 2008, 03:52 »
I received a letter from Entergy today telling me I was recommended based on my results. So that's a big sigh of relief. I'm grateful to all the posts here at Nukeworker I was able to read ahead of time to prepare myself properly for this test. I honestly was ambiguous about the result upon leaving, but I suppose I'm always like that after a high stakes test. I thought the math killed me, and it probably did suck a bit, but I must've done well enough.

To anyone getting ready to take it, I passed the exam with not even getting to the third section of the math part. I also only did about half of the graph subtest of the Tables and Graphs section. So if you do something similar when you take it, don't assume that it will cause you to fail.

Good luck to everyone else!

Now it's time to prepare for my interview...


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Re: A reflection on the POSS test
« Reply #25 on: Aug 01, 2008, 06:00 »
Great job!!!  Let us know how the interview went.


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Re: A reflection on the POSS test
« Reply #26 on: Oct 20, 2008, 04:06 »
Good job passing the test. I have been lingering around and getting some tips on where to start for the practice test for a coal plant. I thought that the information here has been most helpful to me up to this point. Futher more, I took the POSS test on Friday and found all of the sections to be fairly easy up to the Math. I was able to finish about 50% of the conversion 25% of the algebra and 20% of the word problems. What stumped me the most was the conversion I spent too much time on them not know them by heart. I am confident that answers that I did answer are right, so I hope that I was able to answer enough. Surprisingly math is my best subject, but I feel that I did the worst there.

Tips I wished I knew before taking the test was to memorize the conversions needed to answer the questions in the practice test. I know the questions were diffrent, but I would not have had to look up at the chart so much if I had memorized it.  I feel there is just not enough time to finish the math section with out knowing these conversions.


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Re: A reflection on the POSS test
« Reply #27 on: Oct 20, 2008, 05:16 »
Dude you might not have answered enough

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Re: A reflection on the POSS test
« Reply #28 on: Oct 20, 2008, 09:26 »
Tips I wished I knew before taking the test was to memorize the conversions needed to answer the questions in the practice test. I know the questions were diffrent, but I would not have had to look up at the chart so much if I had memorized it.  I feel there is just not enough time to finish the math section with out knowing these conversions.

Being able to do math correcty on the fly is an essential function of the job duties of an operator. That's what helps make the POSS tests a good predictor of potential future success


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Took the POSS a few weeks ago....
« Reply #29 on: Nov 06, 2008, 11:11 »
Hey guys,
Just took my POSS test about 2 1/2 weeks ago for a SGPO position at TVA.  Just want to thank everyone for the great information!  The information helped out dearly on the test.  I went into the test expecting the worst but it really was not that bad.  I finished most of the sections and on the ones that I did not finish I only skipped a few questions.  Thought I would share my experiences!   Just for the record I am finishing up a bachelor's degree in Physics from the University of Mississippi.  I was actually contacted by a TVA recruiter to apply for the position (I do have a few connections with them) so that was nice!  Anyways I hope to hear the results from the test soon.  I was told the wait could be up to 10 weeks :S !!

BTW to anyone planning to take the POSS:  Search this forum well.  There is a wealth of information.  Even if you don't pass the test it will be a great challenge and learning experience!


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Re: Took the POSS a few weeks ago....
« Reply #30 on: Nov 07, 2008, 05:52 »
I took the POSS for TVA recently as well. It took exactly seven weeks to get the results. I don't know if that's typical, but it might give you some idea of when to expect them.


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Re: A reflection on the POSS test
« Reply #31 on: Nov 10, 2008, 04:05 »
Good job passing the test. I have been lingering around and getting some tips on where to start for the practice test for a coal plant. I thought that the information here has been most helpful to me up to this point. Futher more, I took the POSS test on Friday and found all of the sections to be fairly easy up to the Math. I was able to finish about 50% of the conversion 25% of the algebra and 20% of the word problems. What stumped me the most was the conversion I spent too much time on them not know them by heart. I am confident that answers that I did answer are right, so I hope that I was able to answer enough. Surprisingly math is my best subject, but I feel that I did the worst there.

Tips I wished I knew before taking the test was to memorize the conversions needed to answer the questions in the practice test. I know the questions were diffrent, but I would not have had to look up at the chart so much if I had memorized it.  I feel there is just not enough time to finish the math section with out knowing these conversions.
Dude you might not have answered enough

Just thought I give you guys an update. I just got my letter in the mail today and I pased. I probley barley but I passed. Just thought I give anyone hope that even if you dont answer many of the ?s on the math part you still have a chance to pass.


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Another view and take on POSS
« Reply #32 on: Dec 30, 2008, 12:55 »
Hello All,

So for the last 2 months I have been meticulously reviewing all the vast information on this site regarding the POSS, so I wanted to throw in my few cents. I briefly used this website for health physics information a while back, but after I did not pass the POSS in October I was determined to find out more about it and understand why I did not pass... searching google about POSS and low and behold all this information was right under my nose on this website:(

I am scheduled to take it again in January... I believe the reason I did not pass the test was my math section and I was probably close on the graphing section as well. I came down to me taking WAY to much time on this exam. I have a great deal of experience with upper division math and physics, but this exam was humbling in regards to the speed at which I could do basic head math.

I personally believe there are a number of questions that are all most designed to be skipped. They are very solvable, but they require more than 2 or 3 manipulations to get the answer, the time is simply to valuable to waste on these few questions. This is where I went wrong on my first time... I attempted to solve these and I may have gotten them right (I hope) but I could have easily gotten 2-5 easy no brainer problems in the same time frame.

Tip #1: If you look at the problem and quickly recognize it will take more than a 20-30 seconds to solve... make an educated guess or skip and try and come back to it (differing opinions on this) but the key is to not spend to much time on a single problem.

Tip #2: On the math problems a good chunk of the time you don't need to fully solve each problem, just the first couple numbers... it is multiple choice.

Tip #3: Go with your gut, especially on the mechanical aptitude and graphing (in graphing there are lots of lines and tables so you gotta be confident that you are right)

Tip #4: Reading section is the easiest, I would suggest reading the question and then scanning to find the answer. Some of the topics if you are familiar with you don't even need to read. They do not put false information in the passages.

Tip #5: Studying; make sure to memorize some of those random conversions from the practice test. There are two versions of the Math section, from what I gather the longer one will have identical or very similar conversions... the second shorter one is based on algebraic manipulations. I also recommend to practice doing fraction and decimal math very quickly in your head. (I am having my girlfriend spit out a problem and I would try and answer it as quickly as possible).

Tip #6: Once you do the practice test, be sure to attempt to do each section in the time limit suggested. As I mentioned earlier it was not my knowledge of material but the speed that I answered was my fatal flaw. Be sure you learn from me!

Tip #7: Read ALL MATERIAL from EEI; the information in the testing brochure and heading of the practice test is simple... but it will help ease the nerves and may actually answer a question or two you may have regarding the exam.

Hope all this helps and feel free to add to anything I may have missed. If you have taken the test recently please add your experiences here as well! Again this is all just my personal opinion.

« Last Edit: Jan 16, 2009, 12:41 by BoilerHP »


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Re: Another view and take on POSS
« Reply #33 on: Dec 30, 2008, 01:53 »
Don't ever skip ANYTHING on the POSS. GUESS if you have to. You have to get a certain amount complete just to get it graded.

Get an ASVAB Study Guide.
Take the first exam. Time yourself.
Shave 3 to 5 minutes off the time.
Take test 2. Time yourself
Shave more time.
Take test 3 and so on.


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Re: Another view and take on POSS
« Reply #34 on: Dec 30, 2008, 03:20 »
I've gotta concur with BZ here..... the POSS is not only meant to see how well you take a test, but as an overall predictor of the test taker's success as a trainee in classroom training, and also as an independent plant or process operator on shift. In neither of those cases will you be successful if the only strategy is to skip the hard ones and move on.

Your Tip #4 may also be wrong, in that a good exam write will use distractors that sound close enough to be believable. The reason that there are POSS questions involving reading a short paragraph and then answering questions with in a short timeframe is to gauge your ability to read NEW material and correctly comprehend the information given in that material. Or, someone can prove me wrong, game the POSS test, hire on, and fail out of AO training or GFE is full of choices!
« Last Edit: Dec 31, 2008, 09:46 by HydroDave63 »


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Re: Another view and take on POSS
« Reply #35 on: Dec 30, 2008, 11:56 »
Broadzilla: I guess I should have written that slightly different, when I meant skip.. to me is an "educated guess". I have done what was recommended and used the ASVAB book from a local library.

Hydro: My dad is a teacher and I have been a teaching assistant for numerous college courses so I can say you are a 100% right about a good test write. I know from the POSS I took as well as the practice exam and from what others have said a long with me, the reading section is very simple. I did not say "don't read at all" I said: "Reading section is the easiest, I would suggest reading the question and then scanning to find the answer." As for the second part of my answer, the information is often not super detailed in the POSS passage. For example there may be a passage about the *basic* set up of a nuclear plant or fossil plant. If you are confident enough to answer these based on your knowledge, by all means go ahead. But this goes back to the first part of my Tip #4... was to confirm your answer by finding it in the passage.


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Re: Another view and take on POSS
« Reply #36 on: Dec 30, 2008, 05:57 »
I never read the paragraphs in the reading section well at least after the first one. I realized the questions were mostly straight forward and in many cases just definitions. They also came straight in order from the paragraphs. So  3 Paragraphs  would have  6 questions, two from each paragraph in the order the subject appeared in a paragraph. I had time to spare in the reading part.



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Re: Another view and take on POSS
« Reply #37 on: Dec 30, 2008, 06:55 »
Exactly, that was the method I used and seems many people used from reading other posts. I think this section can be completed very well with that method and it gives you some time to recollect yourself for the math section (by far the hardest)... which I can't recall may be the following section.


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Re: Another view and take on POSS
« Reply #38 on: Jan 04, 2009, 07:01 »
I recently passed the POSS and completed all of the questions except for the math.  I answered all of the easy quick questions on the math section first.  I did all the one step quick conversions, then I answered all the one step quick Algebra, then the quick word problems.  Then I went back and started on the tougher conversions....... Answered a few more then moved on to the Algebra.  I did this until time ran out.  I by no means finished the math section, but I only answered the questions I knew and I did not guess on any.  I left more than a few blank.  The way I understood the test was that you have to answer so many questions for the test to even be graded, but (like the SAT) it hurts you more to guess wrong than it does to just skip the question.


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Re: Another view and take on POSS
« Reply #39 on: Jan 04, 2009, 09:34 »
That is my exact attack plan for when I am taking it in about a week. Another tool I have been using that I did not mention before is actually a GRE/GMAT math study book. I noticed that the book covers all of the math material on the POSS and then some. I would highly recommend this to other people worried about this section, but you MUST practice speed when studying. I also have a few GRE books but I find the math study guide is a to much on the complex word problem side opposed to the arithmetic and basic algebra. Hope this helps you all!


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Re: A reflection on the POSS test
« Reply #40 on: Jan 11, 2009, 12:21 »
I just received my letter to take the POSS Test for the Pre Employment Process. I have a friend who is an AUO at a Fossil Plant but he said when he took his test Nuclear was the only section he didn't qualify for. How much higher is the criteria to qualify for the Nuke side versus the Fossil side. RvExotics I also was wondering how u would study Math Concepts if u had to do it over again. I am really stressing out about this test I have been studying but still very stressful. If anyone has any tips or pointers to help they would be greatly appreciated. I have read it seems like every thread on these forums and it seems as if some of the information you receive is conflicting. I am sure that probably has to do with each person's individual experience and how they perceived the process.


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Re: A reflection on the POSS test
« Reply #41 on: Jan 11, 2009, 03:28 »
If anyone has any tips or pointers to help they would be greatly appreciated.

I tried not to spend too much time on any one problem. On each section, I went through and knocked out all the easy problems. Then I made another pass and got some of the more difficult ones, and then again until I ran out of time for that section. I worked on the assumption that a time-consuming problem isn't worth any more points than an easy one. I don't know if that's really the case, but I passed so I guess it worked for me. This was for TVA, if that matters.

I see you're in TN; are you testing for Brown's Ferry NSGPO?


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Re: A reflection on the POSS test
« Reply #42 on: Jan 11, 2009, 12:34 »
I would recommend reading the post about "short math section" and "Another view and take on the POSS" I posted both of these and have all my advice on them. I am taking the POSS on the 16th and I am going to be using JC's method for the math section. I give some advice on studying material in the other posts (ASVAB and GRE/GMAT math workbook) Best of luck and keep us posted!
« Last Edit: Jan 11, 2009, 12:35 by BoilerHP »


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Re: Another view and take on POSS
« Reply #43 on: Jan 20, 2009, 01:06 »
Took the POSS about an hour ago, my biggest recommendation to anyone is to study the ASVAB Math, Assembly, Reading, and Mechanical sections. Then time yourself doing the POSS practice exam. I did this and got a feel of my natural speed and the speed I need to be at. The conversions were not the same as the practice exam, but there are a lot of the same units. I memorized them anyways, this I felt allowed me to do some problems faster. The word problems varied but where very similar to:

How many miles will a car travel that is going 50mph in 3hr and 45min?

What is the diameter of a basketball with a circumference of 34.76 inches?


I finished all sections but Tables and Graphs and I was able to do 36/46 in Math (I skipped through and did the ones I felt I could definitely answer.) Hope this helps someone and feel free to PM for further questions. Should know by Friday if I passed.


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Re: Another view and take on POSS
« Reply #44 on: Jan 20, 2009, 01:49 »
Didn't I say before to use the ASVAB?



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Re: Another view and take on POSS
« Reply #45 on: Jan 20, 2009, 08:33 »
Yes Mike, you said it a few times actually (to be conservative), so have I (at least 3 times)... but people keep asking for recommendations especially since I took it so recently; so I gave it to them. A few people were wondering what specific sections of the ASVAB they should study, why I brought that up.

I am sure in the relatively near future the internet will use mind reading technology to search topics so things won't be as repetitive... as in people will start to use the search function (as you so diligently point out for people to use).
« Last Edit: Jan 20, 2009, 08:36 by BoilerHP »


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Re: Another view and take on POSS
« Reply #46 on: Jan 22, 2009, 04:48 »
Just got the call... I passed! Thanks to everyone who has contributed to the forum as it was a great help.

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Re: Another view and take on POSS
« Reply #47 on: Jan 22, 2009, 06:09 »
Just got the call... I passed! Thanks to everyone who has contributed to the forum as it was a great help.

SCORE!  Congrats!  :)
We are plain quiet folk and have no use for adventures. Nasty disturbing uncomfortable things! Make you late for dinner! I can’t think what anybody sees in them.      - B. Baggins


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Re: Another view and take on POSS
« Reply #48 on: Jan 22, 2009, 07:09 »
Hopefully I will know officially which site tomorrow.


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Re: Another view and take on POSS
« Reply #49 on: Jan 22, 2009, 09:38 »
Congrats, with your ability to learn from your past and accept the learnings of others I'm pretty certain you'll be a definite asset to some lucky utility.



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Re: A reflection on the POSS test
« Reply #50 on: Jan 29, 2009, 11:59 »
Well I took the POSS Test yesterday and passed. All of the information that I found on hear was very beneficial, but I think you also have to think outside the box and go after some things on your own. The test was pretty straightforward I thought. I really didn't feel pushed for time as much since I took some of Braodzilla's advice and kept decreasing the amount of time I had to finish practice tests. It almost felt like at some points of the test I was expecting time to be called, but due to the way I practiced  I still had plenty of time. Some of the conversions were a little different from the practice test , but most were the same. Thanks to everyone for their helpful posts. The best advice I can give you for the test is this quote.
                                                                                     "A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds."

                                                                                                              Francis Bacon

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Re: A reflection on the POSS test
« Reply #51 on: Jan 29, 2009, 12:35 »
Well I took the POSS Test yesterday and passed. All of the information that I found on hear was very beneficial, but I think you also have to think outside the box and go after some things on your own. The test was pretty straightforward I thought. I really didn't feel pushed for time as much since I took some of Braodzilla's advice and kept decreasing the amount of time I had to finish practice tests. It almost felt like at some points of the test I was expecting time to be called, but due to the way I practiced  I still had plenty of time. Some of the conversions were a little different from the practice test , but most were the same. Thanks to everyone for their helpful posts. The best advice I can give you for the test is this quote.
                                                                                     "A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds."

                                                                                                              Francis Bacon

Congrats on nailing the test!

Do you have a concrete example of 'thinking outside the box' that might help future test-takers?

We are plain quiet folk and have no use for adventures. Nasty disturbing uncomfortable things! Make you late for dinner! I can’t think what anybody sees in them.      - B. Baggins


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Re: A reflection on the POSS test
« Reply #52 on: Jan 29, 2009, 01:05 »
What I meant by thinking outside of the box is don't just rely on this site. Don't wait on someone to give you answer to questions that you can find on your own by doing a little bit of hard work and research. By doing all of this I believe it will be very helpful in the test taking process. I have seen a lot of posts on here where it seems as if people just want you to come out and tell them everything they need to do to be successful.


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Just took the POSS test on thursday...
« Reply #53 on: Jan 31, 2009, 05:45 »
Hey guess whats going on? well i took the test on Thursday and i just got my results in the mail i did not pass..I really felt confident that i did well, I just don't know what happen...Well the lady told me i have 30days to wait till i can take it again, at least now i know what I'm up against and whats my weakest points on the test...but till then I'm going to have to continue hitting the books and trying my hardest to make it....To everyone that helped me thank you very much i greatly appreciate all the advice that was given..


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Re: Just took the POSS test on thursday...
« Reply #54 on: Jan 31, 2009, 07:42 »
You are lucky it is only 30 days... some places are 3 months even up to 6 months!


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Re: Just took the POSS test on thursday...
« Reply #55 on: Jan 31, 2009, 09:01 »
i really dont know what happen...I didnt think the test was hard at all, I think maybe the time issue was i my head and it might have disrupted me a little bit..but the assembly was pretty easy, the mech. was easy table n graphs easy the reading gave me a little bit of a problem...because i started to read the question n skim through the paragh to look for key words to find the asnwer but i found out that thats the worst thing you can do....I should have read the hole thing then answer it...the math really isnt that hard....i think i skipped maybe 2 conversion questions..then the second page of the math its just alot of fractions n decimals..i think maybe i spent a little too much time on the conversion section...i dont know...but lets see what i can do next time..hopefully i can pass with me knowing whats on the test i can be more calmer...

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Re: Just took the POSS test on thursday...
« Reply #56 on: Jan 31, 2009, 09:17 »
you know what always makes me nervous about those when you skip one or two answers. I'm always afraid I'll go on to the next question but put the answer in the number of the question I skipped. You could end up answering everything correctly but have the answer sheet off by one number. If you found the test easy, perhaps that's what happened?


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Re: Just took the POSS test on thursday...
« Reply #57 on: Jan 31, 2009, 09:32 »
I think it was maybe just me trying to hard n i kept thinking about the time issue...but what can i do their will always be a next time...


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Re: Just took the POSS test on thursday...
« Reply #58 on: Jan 31, 2009, 09:46 »
Did you finish the reading section? Also did you do the practice test under timed conditions? When you retake the practice tests (wait as long as possible so you don't have any memory bias of the questions) do them with speed and also skipping questions you recognize to be lengthy. I skipped about 3 questions in each section. I would highly recommend doing just more reading in the time being, any reading you do will help with that section. You know how to get a hold of me if needed. Best of luck and keep working on it!


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« Reply #59 on: Feb 07, 2009, 01:10 »
I have been invited to take the POSS on Monday for a position at Turkey Point.  I have taken the practice test as well as the ASVAB practice exam.  Most of the information that I have been able to gather from this website is pertains to the problems people are having with the time constraints on the exam.  I am going to continue to research for any information I am able to obtain.  If anyone has any other information or suggestions they would be greatly appreciated.


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Re: Just took the POSS test on thursday...
« Reply #60 on: Feb 07, 2009, 01:30 »
I calculated how much time I was spending per problem on the practice test, then calculated how much time (avg) I could spend per problem on the actual POSS. If you read the information EEI gives on their website you can determine that by the # of problems and time in each section. This helped with mental preparation of the speed aspect.

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Re: Just took the POSS test on thursday...
« Reply #61 on: Feb 07, 2009, 04:29 »
take the practice POSS test. Note the names of the five sections. Google those names. I found a site that let you download free tests that worked on what was in the POSS practice test sections, but I can't remember the name of the site off the top of my head. They want you to buy their tests which are bigger and more thorough, but the practice versions are roughly the same size as the practice test you get on EEI. I found it good practice, especially the section that asks you to assemble various pieces/parts and the mechanical aptitude section; which valves do I close to get this piston to move to the right? Which set of pulleys will require the least amount of force to lift the weight.  etc etc


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Re: Just took the POSS test on thursday...
« Reply #62 on: Feb 08, 2009, 09:36 »
take the practice POSS test. Note the names of the five sections. Google those names. I found a site that let you download free tests that worked on what was in the POSS practice test sections, but I can't remember the name of the site off the top of my head. They want you to buy their tests which are bigger and more thorough, but the practice versions are roughly the same size as the practice test you get on EEI. I found it good practice, especially the section that asks you to assemble various pieces/parts and the mechanical aptitude section; which valves do I close to get this piston to move to the right? Which set of pulleys will require the least amount of force to lift the weight.  etc etc

I have been looking for some assembly questions as I do not think that the ASVAB guides that I am using cover this very well. If you could locate that web site I would appreciate it.
Thanks in advance.


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Re: Just took the POSS test on thursday...
« Reply #63 on: Feb 08, 2009, 09:44 »

If this is the site let me know. If not than may be some one here can use it as the spatial tests/combine test and Mechanical reasoning are pretty good.
« Last Edit: Feb 09, 2009, 02:26 by Nuclear NASCAR »

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Re: Just took the POSS test on thursday...
« Reply #64 on: Feb 09, 2009, 12:01 »
yes! that's the site. I felt it really helped my preparation. I nearly bought the longer versions but decided the cost didn't justify the small benefit. How much practice does a person need, after all, before it's just too much?


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Just took POSS test
« Reply #65 on: Feb 13, 2009, 02:15 »
Ok, here's the deal. This is my second time taking the POSS. The first time I didn't do so well and the HR specialist told me based on the results, I needed some work on Mechanical reasoning and the Math section.

I took it again on Monday. The assembly part killed me this time. I've been a company employee for 2.5 yrs, so she wants me to pass it and is trying to help me any which way she can.

She gave me the results and they were as followed: I answered 6 correct and 12 wrong on the assembly section, so this killed me from the start. The rest of the test looked positive; I answered 31 correct and 14 wrong on the Mechanical reasoning. Had a perfect score on the table and graph section, answering over 35; Paragraph composition I had a very high score (she didn't even go into how many I had right/wrong). The Math section, I answered 24 correct and 5 wrong.

Now, I have to wait another 3 months to take the test, but I'm basically guaranteed the Aux. operator position if I pass the test. The Plant Shift Manager has already hinted that. I guess that's a plus if one already works the company and has good standing.

I've bought the Arco book mentioned in another thread and I've done the practice test numerous times, memorizing the examples with ease. From what I recall, there is only one question that is on the actual test from the practice test. With this being my second time taking it, I've just about memorized alot of the answers in the other sections without even looking through the passage or factoring out the problem. Any recommendations on how I can better prepare for the Assembly section? 10 minutes to do 20 problems is a kicker, but from what I've read one only needs 11 correct from each module, with wrong answers counting against you.

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Re: Just took POSS test
« Reply #66 on: Feb 15, 2009, 03:28 »
Well you are lucky to have so much individual help.  (People pulling for you, getting individual scoring results, knowing what you need to work on, etc.)  I'm sure with all of that you will do just fine.  The lady that gave me the test said that it wasn't graded that way though but I don't know one way or the other.


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Re: Just took POSS test
« Reply #67 on: Feb 15, 2009, 05:03 »
I would have to agree, as I am sure you have read... No one can get info like that. I had great connections and still couldn't get any details on my first attempt. Best of luck and just search the internet with specific and detailed searches... also become a regular at your local library.

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Re: Just took POSS test
« Reply #68 on: Feb 15, 2009, 06:29 »
In the assembly section I just focus on two parts that go together, then search the choices to see which of those have those two parts together correctly. If there is more than one, I look for another part to add and only look on the ones that fit the first two assembled pieces. You can narrow your answers down quickly that way. If I can't get it in 15 seconds or so, I go on to the next.


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Re: Just took POSS test
« Reply #69 on: Feb 15, 2009, 11:24 »
The test isn't that hard.  If you're having that difficult of a time passing it, then maybe you don't have the Aptitude to be successful as an NLO.  Just saying, there's no use in gaming the test just to fail on the job.  I'm surprised that the company would give someone the opportunity to retake the test multiple times.

As long as they are willing to help you, keep working.


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Re: Just took POSS test
« Reply #70 on: Feb 16, 2009, 01:24 »
The test isn't that hard.  If you're having that difficult of a time passing it, then maybe you don't have the Aptitude to be successful as an NLO.  Just saying, there's no use in gaming the test just to fail on the job.  I'm surprised that the company would give someone the opportunity to retake the test multiple times.

As long as they are willing to help you, keep working.

I disagree with your statement. The best Aux. operator here can't past the test and has been an operator for over 20 years. He was grandfathered in as an Aux. Operator when Fire & Safety downsized here and didn't have to take the POSS. I feel as though a high school student has a good chance at passing the POSS due to the Math section being a killer for most and it being fresh in their head since they do it on a daily basis. So you're telling me someone with a B.S. degree with a high gpa should be disqualified if he/she doesn't pass the test?  Navy nukes fail this test all the time, and to say that they don't have the aptitude to be successful is absurd. Only 15-20% of people who take the test pass it.
« Last Edit: Feb 16, 2009, 01:27 by MightyMouse »

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Re: Just took POSS test
« Reply #71 on: Feb 16, 2009, 01:58 »
The best Aux. operator here can't past the test and has been an operator for over 20 years. He was grandfathered in as an Aux. Operator when Fire & Safety downsized here and didn't have to take the POSS.

Since you haven't passed the POSS or spent time as a qualified Aux. Operator, how are you able to assess whether the AO you mention is the best, or even competent? Maybe your Site's Nuc. Training Dept. has weak JPMs and assessment?

So you're telling me someone with a B.S. degree with a high gpa should be disqualified if he/she doesn't pass the test? 

Oddly enough, that's why nuclear utilities still use that there standard EEI POSS test. It has served as a fairly accurate predictor of training success rate.

Navy nukes fail this test all the time, and to say that they don't have the aptitude to be successful is absurd. Only 15-20% of people who take the test pass it.

And your vast data scatter to substantiate that assertion would be what??


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Re: Just took POSS test
« Reply #72 on: Feb 16, 2009, 03:13 »
Since you haven't passed the POSS or spent time as a qualified Aux. Operator, how are you able to assess whether the AO you mention is the best, or even competent? Maybe your Site's Nuc. Training Dept. has weak JPMs and assessment?

Oddly enough, that's why nuclear utilities still use that there standard EEI POSS test. It has served as a fairly accurate predictor of training success rate.

And your vast data scatter to substantiate that assertion would be what??

Based on what other AO's have told me, they are saying that he's the most knowledgable AO on site.

Confirmation from the HR Specialist that administers the exam which includes the statistics from our sister sites.
« Last Edit: Feb 16, 2009, 03:19 by MightyMouse »


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Re: Just took POSS test
« Reply #73 on: Feb 16, 2009, 08:18 »
I'm surprised that the company would give someone the opportunity to retake the test multiple times.

As long as they are willing to help you, keep working.
The utility has already invested a lot in an existing employee.  It only makes sense to hire from within, if possible.  I've run into many people that I'd be more than happy to work with, if only they could pass the darn test.

heavymetal atom

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Re: Just took POSS test
« Reply #74 on: Feb 16, 2009, 10:32 »
I disagree with your statement. The best Aux. operator here can't past the test and has been an operator for over 20 years. He was grandfathered in as an Aux. Operator when Fire & Safety downsized here and didn't have to take the POSS. I feel as though a high school student has a good chance at passing the POSS due to the Math section being a killer for most and it being fresh in their head since they do it on a daily basis. So you're telling me someone with a B.S. degree with a high gpa should be disqualified if he/she doesn't pass the test?  Navy nukes fail this test all the time, and to say that they don't have the aptitude to be successful is absurd. Only 15-20% of people who take the test pass it.

Of course that guy is the "best" AO on site.  He's been doing the same thing for 20+ years!  At the same time, do you really think that all of the other AO's who were there during that timespan are inferior to him?  At least many of them managed to get licensed and move up.  It doesn't seem to me like he is the "best of the bunch" as you make out.

A B.S. with a high GPA won't necessarily make you a better operator than a high school graduate.  If the HS grad can pass the POSS and you can't then he/she will most likely be above you on the hiring totem pole.  What you said about HS grads passing the POSS more easily isn't true though, because from what I've heard the 15-20% pass rate holds up across educational backgrounds.  In other words, 15% of HS grads will pass, 15% of those with a B.S. will pass, 15% of those with a M.S. will pass, etc.  Obviously, the people on site know you well and want you as an operator so you've got that going for you.  Will you take the test again in 3 months?         

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Re: Just took POSS test
« Reply #75 on: Feb 16, 2009, 11:13 »
It's surprising to me that naval nukes would fail this test often. We had to score well on a similar test, ASVAB, to get into the program. We took tests that, at least to my mind, make the POSS look like a joke by comparison. Once you get through that program you are pretty much an expert at taking tests, which obviously has no correlation to being a good operator necessarily.


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Re: Just took POSS test
« Reply #76 on: Feb 16, 2009, 09:02 »
Of course that guy is the "best" AO on site.  He's been doing the same thing for 20+ years!  At the same time, do you really think that all of the other AO's who were there during that timespan are inferior to him?  At least many of them managed to get licensed and move up.  It doesn't seem to me like he is the "best of the bunch" as you make out.

A B.S. with a high GPA won't necessarily make you a better operator than a high school graduate.  If the HS grad can pass the POSS and you can't then he/she will most likely be above you on the hiring totem pole.  What you said about HS grads passing the POSS more easily isn't true though, because from what I've heard the 15-20% pass rate holds up across educational backgrounds.  In other words, 15% of HS grads will pass, 15% of those with a B.S. will pass, 15% of those with a M.S. will pass, etc.  Obviously, the people on site know you well and want you as an operator so you've got that going for you.  Will you take the test again in 3 months?         

Yes, I will take the test again. I think I will be ok this time having narrowed down my problem area. I'm just going by word of mouth about this said AO here on site. He must really like being an AO if he hasn't tried to move into Ops Training.


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Re: A reflection on the POSS test
« Reply #77 on: Mar 26, 2009, 10:46 »
I took the MASS/POSS test about three weeks ago.  I received a letter yesterday stating I was recommended for mechanical and controls maintenance as well as Operations.  It seems I must have done OK on the test.

I've been out of the industry for about thirteen years, and haven't been taking tests since I left the plant.

Here's my take on the test, which I think strongly aligns with what others here have said.

About two weeks before I took the test, I went over all the info and recommendations here at Nukeworker.  I bought an ASVAB book, and methodically worked through it.  I did both the practice tests, and brushed up with the sections that are reviews.   I made flash cards of unit conversions and used them to study as well. 

The test was stressful, because I knew I needed to nail the sweet spot between working too slow and not getting enough done, and working too fast and not getting enough correct.  The math section, was the hardest.  Absolutely skip questions that appear to be hard (two or more conversions).  Coming back to those skipped questions later, I found for some of them,  I had just missed the obvious answer.  I don't think I even looked up at the conversion chart once.  Maybe I did, but I don't remember, which was a big difference compared to the first time I took the practice test on line.  I completed most of the questions for most of the sections.  The mechanical and reading section were completed with time to spare, but upon checking my work, I found a couple wrong answers, so, just like operating the plant, self checking can help.

I did use the stop watch function on my wristwatch.  I didn't time each question, but just kind of ball parked my self as I went through the various sections.  We all know it's a fast paced test, and therefore we may have a tendency to rush.  Using a stop watch actually allowed me to realize I was going fast enough, and allowed me to slow down a bit.  I'm sure that improved my score by boosting the number of correct answers.

I have just recently started wearing prescription reading glasses.  My vision is fully corrected with them on.  Even wearing glasses, I had a hard time seeing some of the identifying letters on the assembly portion of the test.  IIRC, the letters are printed in small blue print, and appeared to be fuzzy.  I don't know if the printing press was off a slight bit when the test was made, or if it was me.  If I had the test to do over again, I'd invest in a cheap pair of dollar store reading glasses with more strength for that portion of the test.  If you do this, be sure to work with them on for a while during study sessions, as wearing glasses for the first time makes your head feel funny!

Although I think I remember reading about it, I was thrown off a bit by some of the answers on the test.  I remember the math section had an answer space for "N", meaning none of the answers given were correct.  For a couple questions,  after going through several steps in a calculation, I couldn't get a match to any of the answers they had given, so I filled in the "N" circle.  After the test, I felt that I had made a mistake on those two problems.  I still don't know.  However, the point is that the ASVAB book didn't have "N", but the POSS/MASS test has "N".  Don't be thrown.  After the test, I  think I remember a poster on here saying that "N" is never the correct answer, but haven't been able to find or validate that statement.

The algebra portion of the math section was fairly straight forward, but it's still algebra.  Gotta remember how to solve for X.  The level of difficulty of the ASVAB tests seemed to be a spot on for the POSS/MASS test.  Don't worry about having to solve the quadratic equation, or any calculus.  It's not on the test.  Just simple 1/x = 2.3, or x-2 =3 + 2x type stuff.  Again ASVAB practices and study guides will bring you right back up to speed.  I was so rusty in my math, that the first few practices, I didn't use the ASVAB, but went to and relearned there, without timing myself.  When I got to the ASVAB, I used a stopwatch.

In practice, I used scratch paper like a sonar tech taking a shower uses water.   When I got to the actual test, they only gave us one sheet of scratch paper.  Not a big deal, but perhaps worth mentioning.

 The biggest thing that I think helped was knowing the conversions cold.  Questions involving distances, in standard and metric and volumes in kitchen (tbsp, etc) and metric units were common.  There were a few Q's involving circle area, circumference, diameter and radius.  Knowing how to move back and forth between all those measurements was key, I believe.

That's all I can remember.  Hope this helps and doesn't confuse.  If anyone finds an error with this post, let me know, as I don't want to put out bum dope!

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Re: A reflection on the POSS test
« Reply #78 on: Mar 26, 2009, 11:56 »
The test was stressful, because I knew I needed to nail the sweet spot between working too slow and not getting enough done, and working too fast and not getting enough correct.  The math section, was the hardest.  Absolutely skip questions that appear to be hard (two or more conversions).  Coming back to those skipped questions later, I found for some of them,  I had just missed the obvious answer.  I don't think I even looked up at the conversion chart once.  Maybe I did, but I don't remember, which was a big difference compared to the first time I took the practice test on line.  I completed most of the questions for most of the sections.  The mechanical and reading section were completed with time to spare, but upon checking my work, I found a couple wrong answers, so, just like operating the plant, self checking can help.

I did use the stop watch function on my wristwatch.  I didn't time each question, but just kind of ball parked my self as I went through the various sections.  We all know it's a fast paced test, and therefore we may have a tendency to rush.  Using a stop watch actually allowed me to realize I was going fast enough, and allowed me to slow down a bit.  I'm sure that improved my score by boosting the number of correct answers.

Although I think I remember reading about it, I was thrown off a bit by some of the answers on the test.  I remember the math section had an answer space for "N", meaning none of the answers given were correct.  For a couple questions,  after going through several steps in a calculation, I couldn't get a match to any of the answers they had given, so I filled in the "N" circle.  After the test, I felt that I had made a mistake on those two problems.  I still don't know.  However, the point is that the ASVAB book didn't have "N", but the POSS/MASS test has "N".  Don't be thrown.  After the test, I  think I remember a poster on here saying that "N" is never the correct answer, but haven't been able to find or validate that statement.

I took the POSS twice recently, and I found skipping problems that I thought would take more time helped.  The math isn't difficult, but some later questions only require one conversion whereas others needed two or more.  I feel this helped me answer more questions for the same amount of time required.

I found my stopwatch very useful also.  Like aforementioned, it helps you keep gauge your speed quite well.  In a test like this, seconds matter in my opinion.  Mostly in the Charts and Graphs, and Math sections where it could mean answering a few extra questions.

The funny thing about answering "N" is that you always want to second guess yourself.  I truely feel like a few questions did require "N" as an answer.  Some of the alternates would be close, but typically they would be of by a 1/10 or have an extra 0.  Next week I will find out how well I did, which may allude to our theories being correct.

One thing I found was that the conversions in the POSS Practice Test are different from those in the actual test.  It's probably best to memorize all volumetric, area, distance, rate, etc.  conversions. 

« Last Edit: Mar 27, 2009, 04:10 by vagabond »
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Re: A reflection on the POSS test
« Reply #79 on: Aug 30, 2009, 02:36 »
I just took the test a few days ago, this was my first time taking it.  I had prepared for it extremely hard about a year ago, but the AUO program I wanted to enter (and had a union bid for) was slated to begin right during my last semester of classes before finishing my bachelors.  This time after receiving a bid, I only grazed the EEI prep tests online.  I breezed through EVERY part of the exam except for the short math and extended math tests.  On the short math I got through 11-12 of the 19 questions, I'm sure my answers were right.  The second time on the extended math I finished the conversions quickly due to the questions being exactly the same as before.  When I got to the algebra questions, I blanked on how to solve/find X for about 4 minutes.  I went through 4-5 problems and plugged in the given answers to find the proper answer for X.  Once I got over my apparent brain fart, I got through 2-3 more problems and time ran out.  Honest, should I call this one a day because I didn't finish enough questions?

Secondly I would like to say to anyone taking this from a collegiate background for the first time, it's NOTHING like anything you did in college due to time constraints.  Even though I did what I felt extremely well on the rest of the exam, I was pissed about my performance on the math, which was easy if I hadn't scrambled on the algebra. 

Couple of questions for recent vets of the test, who have tested for TVA:

1.  What was the time frame for receiving your interview/no-interview results?
2.  Can someone explain or point me in the direction of the grading criteria of the test?

Lastly, I wish I had found this site before the test.  Theres a lot of useful information and thanks to the people who provide it.  If I have to/get a chance to take it again, I'll look to here for help. 


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Re: A reflection on the POSS test
« Reply #80 on: Aug 30, 2009, 11:32 »
1.  What was the time frame for receiving your interview/no-interview results?

It can be between 2 to 5 weeks to have the test graded. TVA will have your results before you do. So far as the interview. It depends on how busy the people are who are screening your resume. Sometimes it's up to 3 months after you take the POSS and no, you won't be told if you are not to be interviewed.

2.  Can someone explain or point me in the direction of the grading criteria of the test?

Only getting 8 answers on the last section doesn't bode well for you. You have to get a certain number of questions answered merely to get the section graded. No I do not know how many you have to answer in each section.



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Re: A reflection on the POSS test
« Reply #81 on: Aug 30, 2009, 06:09 »
I disagree with your opinion on the up to three months, the SGPO starts in Jan.  They'll be quicker about it than that, but thanks for the information.


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Re: A reflection on the POSS test
« Reply #82 on: Aug 30, 2009, 06:46 »
I disagree with your opinion on the up to three months, the SGPO starts in Jan.  They'll be quicker about it than that, but thanks for the information.

So you're going to disagree with a MANAGER who reviews resumes and conducts INTERVIEWS for SGPO classes for TVA? It wasn't an opinion son.
Trust me, if they don't have time to get through the process they'll just put off the class. The class dates are tentative and believe it or not in mmany cases haven't even been approved by TVA Management. Way to get two strikes with one swing.



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Re: A reflection on the POSS test
« Reply #83 on: Aug 30, 2009, 07:41 »
Check your attitude man, I don't know your damn background.  I was just making an assumption based on the information given.  Have some class about yourself.  It's obvious, I'm not experienced with how they conduct the time frame.  I f'n assumed they would start in Jan, per the schedule I received. 


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Re: A reflection on the POSS test
« Reply #84 on: Aug 30, 2009, 08:35 »
Yet without asking one followup question you assumed I had no idea what I was talking about.
This type of thought process does not bode well for a nuclear career.


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Re: A reflection on the POSS test
« Reply #85 on: Aug 30, 2009, 08:53 »
That's irrelevant.  You should choose your word structure more wisely.  There wasn't any reason to be an ass about it, because I simply stated my disagreement. 


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Re: A reflection on the POSS test
« Reply #86 on: Aug 30, 2009, 09:01 »
That's irrelevant.  You should choose your word structure more wisely.  There wasn't any reason to be an ass about it, because I simply stated my disagreement. 

Nice!  Somebody hand me the popcorn...

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Re: A reflection on the POSS test
« Reply #87 on: Aug 30, 2009, 09:17 »
He should check his attitude, his word structure? (broadzilla) Really? He is one of the most helpful people on this site, if you are willing to use the search button. You were making an assumption, and I guess that college degree didn't let you find out what assuming does. Let's be honest here, you were coming for advice here, and one of the most well respected, knowledgeable individuals was trying to help you, and you act like he was f'n disrespectin you yo? That's right, I just wanted to make sure you understood it. He's trying to help you and if you can't handle a little criticism from the guy that would be directly or indirectly a potential supervisor in the industry, don't go away mad, just go away.
« Last Edit: Aug 30, 2009, 09:24 by nathaneltrct »
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Re: A reflection on the POSS test
« Reply #88 on: Aug 30, 2009, 10:21 »
don't go away mad, just go away.

And then butylrm disappeared..... been a while since I saw Power Word Kill used so effectively here in Nukeworker!  :P
« Last Edit: Aug 31, 2009, 12:31 by Rennhack »


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Re: A reflection on the POSS test
« Reply #89 on: Aug 30, 2009, 11:37 »
For the record I hate when anyone goes away. He asked for advice and when it wasn't exactly what he wanted to hear.... I guess with the children these days you have to give them milk, cookies, a pat on the head, and a bed time story or they feel the advice given is inadequate.

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Re: A reflection on the POSS test
« Reply #90 on: Aug 31, 2009, 05:51 »
For the record I hate when anyone goes away. He asked for advice and when it wasn't exactly what he wanted to hear.... I guess with the children these days you have to give them milk, cookies, a pat on the head, and a bed time story or they feel the advice given is inadequate.

Society has spent too much time giving everyone a medal after the game, a goodie bag after the party, a lesson on self esteem, and a sense of entitlement.

I doubt he would have made it through the interview if he had gotten one.... :-X
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Re: A reflection on the POSS test
« Reply #91 on: Aug 31, 2009, 01:07 »
Sounds about right Mike.  Saw M.P. the Ops Director at VY last week.  Seems the move from MI has gone well for hil.


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Re: A reflection on the POSS test
« Reply #92 on: Aug 31, 2009, 01:20 »
Sounds about right Mike.  Saw M.P. the Ops Director at VY last week.  Seems the move from MI has gone well for hil.

Too bad it's gone well for him.

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Re: A reflection on the POSS test
« Reply #93 on: Aug 31, 2009, 01:24 »
Sounds about right Mike.  Saw M.P. the Ops Director at VY last week.  Seems the move from MI has gone well for hil.

What's that got to do with "A reflection on the POSS test"?


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Passed the POSS test but.......
« Reply #94 on: Sep 21, 2009, 10:16 »
I passed the POSS test this summer, however, I unfortunatly was not selected for the positon.  Now I know if I failed the test I would have to wait 6 months to retake it.  Now my question is, does my passing grade have a shelf life or is it good for life?

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Re: Passed the POSS test but.......
« Reply #95 on: Sep 26, 2009, 02:27 »
Each company makes you take the test, IIRC.

If you reapplied with same company, you may not have to take it, again.


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Re: Passed the POSS test but.......
« Reply #96 on: Sep 29, 2009, 06:58 »
As a general rule of thumb I think they keep the results for like 2 or 3 years .  If you go past that date you will prob have to retake the test.  Im looking at that situation here with southern company.  Tested with them a little over 2 years ago and looks like I will have to retake if selected to do so.

Good luck though, and dont give up.  Its been a 2 year process for me, and some guys here waited 5 years before they were finally hired on at some plants.  Stay possitive.


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Just took the Poss Mass Test
« Reply #97 on: Oct 02, 2009, 03:41 »
I just took the Poss Mass test. The test itself took 3 hrs.
The Assembly was pretty easy.
The Mech. Concepts was pretty easy
The Reading was more difficult. Had 4 passages and several questions.
Back ground questions were tricky. Had several anwsers that could go either way. Were 120 questions on it.
The MATH was the killer. We had 7 minutes to complete around 20 questions. All questions were conversion type. I studied the conversions on the practice test, didn't help a lot. A lot of the conversions were cups, table spoons. Several questions were 2 and 3 parts to convert to get the answer. The answers were a,b,c,d, N (none). Some of the answers were N, which bothered me. You work out the problem and are looking for the correct answer and it is not there. Then you wonder if you did something wrong and look over it again, then realize it's not there. I will tell anyone taking the Poss Mass to study, study, study. Take the practice test and time your self.  Our insturctor didn't say anything about leaving problems blank, or how they counted the blank questions. I took everyones advice here and left the harder questions for last. I flew thru the easy questions and came back to the hard ones. I didn't answer all the questions, I hope they only count how many I answered correct. Our instructor said if you don't know the answer you may want to guess? This thru me for a loop.  The graphs was a LOT harder than the practice. It was about 50 questions that were lines that zig zagged all over the paper. You had to follow the lines from say 1. and follow it all the way to the corrosponding letter. Doesn't sound bad, but when you have lines going in every direction on the paper cris crossing everywhere, they tend to get hard to follow. This test was nothing like the practice test.  Math was the killer, skip the hard ones where you have to convert 2 or 3 times and do the easy ones first. Good luck to everyone getting ready to take the Poss Mass, I am glad it is over. :o


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Re: Just took the Poss Mass Test
« Reply #98 on: Oct 03, 2009, 01:53 »
Some things I would like to add. :'(
As I said the math portion was Exactly like the practice, with the exception that you had to convert most of the answers atleast 2 times to get the answer. Some like 234 miles= how many inches? or 3 kilometers ='s how many inches? 8 hogsheads ='s how many pints? 8 cups ='s how many table spoons? This was by far the hardest part of the test. We had 7 minutes to complete 20 questions. I completed 9, I hope that was enough?
The graph part was NOTHING like the practice test. This test was 50 problems, numbered on one side and letters on the other side. Example, you had to follow the line from problem 1. to the Letter on the other side. Seems simple enough, but the lines zig zag, go up and down, Left to right and side to side all over the paper and when you have 50 lines doing this it is VERY hard to keep up with them.
I think we had 8 minutes to do this. I think I finished 10 or 12 problems.
The reading was 4 LONG passages to read on different subjects. You had around 20 questions to answer on each subject, 80 total questions and 20 minutes to do the test. I looked over the questions first and skimmed thru the passages. I think the was the best and fastest way to do it.
The mechanical concepts was to me the easiest part of the entire test. A lot like the practice test. Questions like which hole to plug in a tank to let the least amount of water out. Also, it showed one of 2 pipes put together with a coupling and said if the pipe turns according the arrow will the pipe lengthen, shorten or stay the same. Fairly simple test.
The Assembly part of the test was just like the EEI practice tests. Study it and you will be fine.
The background part of the test was 120 questions and no time limit.
A lot of the questions had 2 answers that to me would fit, knowing which one to pick was difficult, all true and false.
Questions like do you like doing dangerous things. Now if you like sky diving or race car driving or rock climbing. I think you would answer TRUE. Now is this what they want? who knows because it is not like you can explain your answer.
Another was do you like dancing, drawing art, going to big parties, and enjoy talking to people you dont know? Does this sound like you? T or F? How do you answer this?  Another was did your parents give you guidance when you were young? T or F.
Do you do things on a dare? When others are doing things you dont agree with, do you tell your opinion, T or F?
I like this one, If people drink and drive is it there own business? T or F.
This test was tricky, not sure what they are looking for in this test.

Again the Math was by far the hardest and had the shortest time.
The Graphs were very tricky and I would google the heck out of examples or make your own and practice.
Take the EEI practice tests, they did help.
The math and graphs is the only part of the test that I am worried about. I am just not sure if I completed enough, but I dont see how anyone could complete the entire test. Do the easy ones first then come back to the hard ones.
The instructor didn't say anything about how they grade the test. Nothing about if the ones you didn't do count against you or not?
She did say if you don't know the answer it may be better to guess and move on to the next question, that really thru me for a loop?
I didn't guess at any, if I didn't know the answer I left it blank and moved on to the next question.
Needless to say I am very happy it is over and PRAY that I passed the test.
Good luck to anyone taking the Poss/Mass test.  :)


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Re: Just took the Poss Mass Test
« Reply #99 on: Oct 03, 2009, 04:16 »
Took the test about 2 years ago and remember it well.  Yah the math is designed to be that way.  They want to see if you can do it on the fly under stress.  Dont worry though its not about quantity its about quality.  Im sure youve read alot of posts on the site about this subject and most will tell you skip the ones you dont know first and come back to them.  They dont count ones you dont answer so you did fine, im sure.  Good luck and keep us posted.


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Re: Just took the Poss Mass Test
« Reply #100 on: Oct 03, 2009, 05:25 »
Thanks for the reply, I wil keep you posted on the results.
Wonder why the lady giving the test told us if we don't know the answer it may be a good idea to GUESS and move on to the next question. This really confused me when she said guess? I didn't guess on any, if I didn't know the answer I left it blank.
Are all the Poss/Mass test graded the same? Do some places count the ones you left blank against you? Does the quanity matter on the grading?


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Re: Just took the Poss Mass Test
« Reply #101 on: Oct 03, 2009, 07:28 »
Don't guess.  You are penalized for wrong answers.  I have been told that it is worst than the SAT because the POSS will penalize 100%.  If you answer 10 right and the last 10 wrong, that would mean a score of zero.


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Re: Just took the Poss Mass Test
« Reply #102 on: Oct 03, 2009, 09:24 »
What if you did really good on the reading, assembly, mechanical and graphs, but didn't do so hot on the math. Would doing good on the others out weigh doing bad on the math? In a case like this, would you still pass? OR do you have to pass every part of the test?


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Re: Just took the Poss Mass Test
« Reply #103 on: Oct 04, 2009, 04:25 »
Thats a good question.  I would think that if you do good on all but one the good would out weigh the bad, but I dont really know.  You did the right thing by not guessing at any.  Those that are left blank dont count against you.  Im sure you did fine, if you stuck to the game plan and did easy first then hard you should pass with no problems.


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Re: Just took the Poss Mass Test
« Reply #104 on: Oct 04, 2009, 07:43 »
Thanks for the help and a big thanks to this website. I feel like it really helped me get prepared for the Poss/Mass test.
The instructor told us they would grade the test on Tuesday. She said after they were graded they would mail us a letter letting us know if we passed or failed. This is a nerve racking process to say the least. There were only 18 people taking the test out of 184 people who applied for the job. In the reading I saw where only 15-20% of people who take the Poss/Mass test pass. That would mean only 3 or 4 of the 18 passed the test. I hope I am one of the ones who passed.
Thanks for all the help.

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Re: Just took the Poss Mass Test
« Reply #105 on: Oct 05, 2009, 09:18 »
I just took the Poss Mass test. The test itself took 3 hrs.
The Assembly was pretty easy.
The Mech. Concepts was pretty easy
The Reading was more difficult. Had 4 passages and several questions.
Back ground questions were tricky. Had several anwsers that could go either way. Were 120 questions on it.
The MATH was the killer. We had 7 minutes to complete around 20 questions. All questions were conversion type. I studied the conversions on the practice test, didn't help a lot. A lot of the conversions were cups, table spoons. Several questions were 2 and 3 parts to convert to get the answer. The answers were a,b,c,d, N (none). Some of the answers were N, which bothered me. You work out the problem and are looking for the correct answer and it is not there. Then you wonder if you did something wrong and look over it again, then realize it's not there. I will tell anyone taking the Poss Mass to study, study, study. Take the practice test and time your self.  Our insturctor didn't say anything about leaving problems blank, or how they counted the blank questions. I took everyones advice here and left the harder questions for last. I flew thru the easy questions and came back to the hard ones. I didn't answer all the questions, I hope they only count how many I answered correct. Our instructor said if you don't know the answer you may want to guess? This thru me for a loop.  The graphs was a LOT harder than the practice. It was about 50 questions that were lines that zig zagged all over the paper. You had to follow the lines from say 1. and follow it all the way to the corrosponding letter. Doesn't sound bad, but when you have lines going in every direction on the paper cris crossing everywhere, they tend to get hard to follow. This test was nothing like the practice test.  Math was the killer, skip the hard ones where you have to convert 2 or 3 times and do the easy ones first. Good luck to everyone getting ready to take the Poss Mass, I am glad it is over. :o

Good point!  Sometimes 'N' is the answer!  Do NOT waste time trying to find a different one.
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Re: Just took the Poss Mass Test
« Reply #106 on: Oct 05, 2009, 09:20 »
Don't guess.  You are penalized for wrong answers.  I have been told that it is worst than the SAT because the POSS will penalize 100%.  If you answer 10 right and the last 10 wrong, that would mean a score of zero.

Does anyone know the exact equation for grading?  On most tests, it still pays to guess if you have eliminated a choice or two...?
« Last Edit: Oct 13, 2009, 09:04 by UncaBuffalo »
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Re: Just took the Poss Mass Test
« Reply #107 on: Oct 05, 2009, 09:21 »
What if you did really good on the reading, assembly, mechanical and graphs, but didn't do so hot on the math. Would doing good on the others out weigh doing bad on the math? In a case like this, would you still pass? OR do you have to pass every part of the test?

I've always heard you have to pass every section...  :(
We are plain quiet folk and have no use for adventures. Nasty disturbing uncomfortable things! Make you late for dinner! I can’t think what anybody sees in them.      - B. Baggins


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Re: Just took the Poss Mass Test
« Reply #108 on: Oct 05, 2009, 03:49 »
  :o I have heard the same thing about passing all the sections.
I wish they would grade the test as an over all grade. I wish someone knew
there grading system. How many do you have to do correctly in order to pass the section.
I have read where some people say they only finish 5 or 6 questions and still pass?
The math was the killer. The test I took was about 25 all conversion questions.
You had ONLY 7 minutes to finish, I completed about 12.
The Graphs was the other killer. It was NOTHING like the practice test.
50 questions of lines Zig Zagging, Going Up and Down and Cris-Crossing all over the place.
This test looked like a 3 years old was drawing on a page all day and you have to follow 1. line
all the way thru to the corrosponding Letter on the opposite side of the page. Very time consuming
and very easy to loose you place on the line.
I am very happy the Poss/Mass is over, I was notified 8 days before I had to take test. I wish I had of had more
time to prepare for the test. This site helped a bunch on knowing what to look for and how to attack the test.
The Practice test also Helped. I also suggest timing your self on the practice.
They are suppose to grade the test Tuesday and mail us a letter letting us know if we passed or failed.


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Re: Just took the Poss Mass Test
« Reply #109 on: Oct 05, 2009, 05:40 »
WRONG you do NOT get penalized for guessing. If you don't complete the minimum required to get it graded you'll wish you had guessed. Guess away.



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Re: Just took the Poss Mass Test
« Reply #110 on: Oct 05, 2009, 06:34 »
I thought you got penalized for getting wrong answers, Wouldn't guessing be taking a Big chance on getting the answer wrong.
Wouldn't you be better off to answer all the questions you know and leave the ones you have no idea about blank rather than guess?
I would hate to chance getting one wrong by tossing a coin or going eeny meeny miny mo?
Seems like you are knowledgeable about the Poss/Mass. What is the minimum number of questions that you have to answer to get the Poss/Mass test graded? 10%, 20%, 30% of the questions? I have read about people only answering 7 questions and passing the Poss/Mass.  Thanks  :)


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Re: Just took the Poss Mass Test
« Reply #111 on: Oct 05, 2009, 07:08 »
I thought you got penalized for getting wrong answers, Wouldn't guessing be taking a Big chance on getting the answer wrong.
Wouldn't you be better off to answer all the questions you know and leave the ones you have no idea about blank rather than guess?
I would hate to chance getting one wrong by tossing a coin or going eeny meeny miny mo?
Seems like you are knowledgeable about the Poss/Mass. What is the minimum number of questions that you have to answer to get the Poss/Mass test graded? 10%, 20%, 30% of the questions? I have read about people only answering 7 questions and passing the Poss/Mass.  Thanks  :)

What the hell did I just post?


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Re: Just took the Poss Mass Test
« Reply #112 on: Oct 05, 2009, 07:18 »
Lets see, you wrote "If you don't complete the minimum required to get it graded". That's what the hell you posted.
My Questions was "What is the minimum number answered required to get it graded"? 10%, 20%, 30%?
Thought it was a pretty simple question?


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Re: Just took the Poss Mass Test
« Reply #113 on: Oct 05, 2009, 07:24 »
No, I said it's best to guess and you doubted it.

I guess I could tell you how many you need to finish but eh... Nah.



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Re: Just took the Poss Mass Test
« Reply #114 on: Oct 05, 2009, 07:30 »
If I had to guess, I would say you don't know how many you need to answer to get it graded.
I have noticed you always say "you have to answer a certain amount just to get it graded"?
What's the big secret? If you truly know, how many is it?


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Re: Just took the Poss Mass Test
« Reply #115 on: Oct 05, 2009, 09:23 »
I have taken and passed the MASS and TECH tests and I personally thought that the Tech was easier with that being said when I took the Tech the instructor told us not to guess, only answer  what we were sure of and that you do not want to guess. When I took the MASS test that instructor said the same thing yours did. The practice tests are so easy compared to the real deal. Also don't worry about if you left a couple blank because I didn't finish any of the sections  and I still was recommended(the results wont say pass/fail it will be recommended or not recommended). As far as the grading the way I think its done is you have to answer a certain amount for the machine to even read your answers. If you have enough answered then it subtracts your wrong answers from your right ones. When I was reading posts on here all nervous about the grading people said you had to get around 11 or 12 answered. So if you answered the minimum amount of lets say 11(out of 20 questions) and all 11 were right you pass. Again I'm not 100 percent positive on it but I read a boat load about this in different forums and its the best I can come up with. Good luck hopefully you pass


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Re: Just took the Poss Mass Test
« Reply #116 on: Oct 06, 2009, 04:44 »
I agree. I have always been told DO NOT guess on the Poss/Mass, wrong answers count against you.
It is better to go thru and answer the ones you know and then go back to the more time consuming questions.
If you dont finish the test, that's okay, most people don't. One thing for sure is DO NOT guess at the questions.
Do the practice test and time yourself as you do them. Read all you can about the Poss/Mass test, a lot of good reading on
this site. Get familiar with it and what to expect before you sit down to take it. As everyone says the math is the hardest. The Poss/Mass I took was ALL conversions. If you can memorize them do it. The test I took had conversions dealing with hogsheads, cups, tablespoons, quarts, gallons, miles and others on it. The Graphs part was nothing like the test, it is as described correctly in this thread. Reading was straight forward. Mechanical was straight forward and fairly easy, learn about density and mass of an object.
Do your homework and you should be fine. The main thing as others have said is Do NOT guess at the questions. Some on here say it is okay to guess, don't do it. Better to answer the ones you know first and skip the ones you don't. If time allows, then after you finish the ones you know, go back and work on the ones you skipped. Good luck to anyone taking the Poss/Mass.

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Re: Just took the Poss Mass Test
« Reply #117 on: Oct 06, 2009, 04:57 »
This is a nerve racking process to say the least.

If taking the POSS test is nerve wracking after 18+ years of life experience and public education , bringing an air ejector online or performing a resin regen  may not be your cup of tea....


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Re: Just took the Poss Mass Test
« Reply #118 on: Oct 07, 2009, 01:41 »
Hey cool, just recieved an email saying I get to take the test on Tuesday at 12pm.  Second time around for me.  Passed it the first time but didnt get interview, hopefully things will work out this time. :)


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Re: Just took the Poss Mass Test
« Reply #119 on: Oct 07, 2009, 02:24 »
No, take it from someone who has actually ACCOMPLISHED something in this industry. GUESS.

BPresgrove where at?


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Re: Just took the Poss Mass Test
« Reply #120 on: Oct 07, 2009, 04:15 »
Guess is a 50/50 chance?
This is better than leaving them blank and doing the ones you know first, then finishing what you can on the rest as time allows?
There are to many conflicting opinions on wheather to guess or not to guess? Confuses people on what to do. It would be nice if someone out there who gives and grades the Poss Mass would chime in and let us all know the truth, on if we should guess or not guess on the questions.

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Re: Just took the Poss Mass Test
« Reply #121 on: Oct 07, 2009, 06:11 »
Here's an up to the test with adequate knowledge!

If you are marginal on the POSS test, maybe you weren't destined to be an NLO/AO


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Re: Just took the Poss Mass Test
« Reply #122 on: Oct 07, 2009, 06:41 »
Hey Broadzilla, taking test for Southern Company to go, God willin, to Vogtle.  Its for the nuclear technician position which as yall know is the entry level, but its better than what im makin now.   :)

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Re: Just took the Poss Mass Test
« Reply #123 on: Oct 07, 2009, 07:13 »
Ok, stupid newbie (to the civilian sector) question...  please don't hurt me!

Is the Nuclear Technician with Southern equivalent to the AO/NEO/NLO positions elsewhere?  I saw that positing the other day and didn't know what to think, as the job description wasn't quite like the others I had seen.


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Re: Just took the Poss Mass Test
« Reply #124 on: Oct 08, 2009, 12:07 »
hey neutron,

Im not sure.  From what Ive read you can either go into maint, electrician, or ops from this nuclear tech position.  I think it all depends on what the needs of company are.  I dont think the tech position is an NLO/NEO/AO, but I could be wrong.


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Re: Just took the Poss Mass Test
« Reply #125 on: Oct 08, 2009, 01:22 »
Guess is a 50/50 chance?
This is better than leaving them blank and doing the ones you know first, then finishing what you can on the rest as time allows?
There are to many conflicting opinions on wheather to guess or not to guess? Confuses people on what to do. It would be nice if someone out there who gives and grades the Poss Mass would chime in and let us all know the truth, on if we should guess or not guess on the questions.

Ok darn. I hate that it's come to this but I have officially revoked your privileges to pump your own gas as you've proven yourself too ignorant to do so. If you had DONE your research you'd find I HAVE administered and GRADED the damn test.

B.PRESGROVE, I believe that is the path to an NLO job at Southern. Good luck my friend. If you need any help let me know. Use me as a reference!


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Re: Just took the Poss Mass Test
« Reply #126 on: Oct 11, 2009, 02:55 »
Hey thanks I just might take you up on that.  Been looking over some of the stuff for the POSS, but it is the same thing as the last time I took it and passed so no real worry here.  I also just finished getting my nuclear pharmacy technician cert. which was alot of math (half-life conversions, volume activity and concentration calculations, decay factoring, isotope decay charting on periodic table, things like that)   and medical deifinitions, alot of reading comprehension.  So feel pretty good about the test.


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Re: Just took the Poss Mass Test
« Reply #127 on: Jan 11, 2010, 09:46 »
Hey Guy's,

I also just took the POSS test this Friday, got the results Monday that I did not pass  :'(.

Now I'm not being cocky but I know for a fact that on the entire test I answered a maximum of 6 questions wrong. The only section I completed was the mechanical section. On the first math section I completed 14 of the 20 questions, on the assembly section I completed 11 of the 18 questions, the second "long version" math section I finished approximately 2/3 of it and the reading section I didn't get a chance to answer the last question. The table part I didn't get to the last 10 and on the graph section I finished 17 of the 24 (the graph was hard to see since the people who used the test booklet before me wrote all over it).

From what I have read they are looking for a certain number of questions...Does it sound like I completed enough of them?

Also, the current operator's that I have talked with have said "I've never seen a female operator." They've seen them apply but none have passed the POSS test. Is this true for other plant's?

One last point, do all companies have you wait 6 month's to retake the POSS test?

Thanks y'all,



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Re: Just took the Poss Mass Test
« Reply #128 on: Jan 11, 2010, 09:50 »
Now I'm not being cocky but I know for a fact that on the entire test I answered a maximum of 6 questions wrong.

Short of watching the test being graded, how would you know that for a fact? The failure would seem to defy your logic.


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Re: Just took the Poss Mass Test
« Reply #129 on: Jan 11, 2010, 09:53 »
You didn't answer enough questions.

You have no idea how many you missed so please stop insulting us by believing you do.

Yes 6 months is standard.

I've seen plenty of women operators.



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Re: Just took the Poss Mass Test
« Reply #130 on: Jan 11, 2010, 10:15 »
I greatly apologize for insulting you. It was not meant AT ALL!!! I am looking for all the advice I can get. 

I practiced for every night for 2 weeks (that is from the time I was emailed until the day of the test), had other practice tests made... has really crushed me.

Does anyone have any advice or tips on how to practice? Or should I just give up?
I have been told all 3 of the power plant's in my area is going to be hiring for a while; lots of people retiring.


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Re: Just took the Poss Mass Test
« Reply #131 on: Jan 12, 2010, 06:24 »
Get an ASVAB Study Guide. They usually have 5 to 10 tests in them.

Take test one. Time it.

Take the next test. Give yourself 5 minutes less to complete it.

Then so on. It helps!

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Re: Just took the Poss Mass Test
« Reply #132 on: Jan 12, 2010, 01:04 »

Some parts of the test look for natural aptitude.  For spatial relations, either you have it
or you don't.  The assembly portion is either hard or easy you can't study much for
an aptitude you don't really have.  I guess one can practice the comprehension but that
seems like a natural strength too.

Hydrodave mentioned earlier that one should show up with adequate knowledge and a mechanical
background helps with that. 


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Re: Just took the Poss Mass Test
« Reply #133 on: Jan 13, 2010, 11:40 »

Some parts of the test look for natural aptitude.  For spatial relations, either you have it
or you don't.  The assembly portion is either hard or easy you can't study much for
an aptitude you don't really have.  I guess one can practice the comprehension but that
seems like a natural strength too.

Hydrodave mentioned earlier that one should show up with adequate knowledge and a mechanical
background helps with that. 


If you practice extensively, at least you won't have any questions about what they are looking for as an answer...and then you can just let let your natural aptitude flow...
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Re: Just took the Poss Mass Test
« Reply #134 on: Jan 13, 2010, 06:11 »
Hi UncaBuffalo,

That is good idea about practicing.  Going in cold can be pretty tough.  Practicing
can be like warming up the brain. 

Have a good day.



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My personal account of the POSS test and BMST
« Reply #135 on: Jan 15, 2010, 05:07 »
I just took the poss test today.  I passed it and was able to take the BMST and I am now waiting for the results.  I took the long version of the POSS with 46 questions and 17 minutes to do the math section.  the math section was broken into thirds, the first part was conversions, most you can do in your head, if I couldn't do the conversion in my head or with one division or multiplication I skipped it.  There is no sense in spending 2 minutes on one problem when you can do 5 or 6 in that time. The second part of the math test was mostly single variable algebra like 4x/3 +3 =4 then solve for x, I don't remember if there were systems of equations in this part.  The third part was word problems like, "if a man is 4 years older than 4 times the age of his son how old is the son if 5 years from now the sum of their ages is 41". So this part is clearly making a system of equations and solving for the son's age. I was able to solve about 41 of 46 questions but only because I skipped the longer questions.

There was an assembly test that was 20 questions and we had about 8 minutes to finish it.  Some were on par with the practice test and some were a bit harder.  I was able to finish this one with literally 1 second to spare.

The mechanical concepts was I think 40 questions or so and we had 20 minutes minutes to complete it.  Again some of the problems were on par with the practice test and other were a bit harder. I was able to finish this with a few minutes to spare and I looked over some of the trickier problems with that time.

The reading comprehension was about 40 questions and 5 passages, we had 30 minutes to complete it.  This was by far the easiest part of the test and I finished it in about 15 minutes.  I took about 5 minutes to look over the questions again to double check and then just kept rereading the passages so as not to look around the room.  I followed the advice of a previous poster and quickly browsed the questions before I read the passage.

The tables and graphs sections was 2 parts. In the first part you were given a table with one metric on the left column like rpm or something and then something like inches on the top row with some arbitrary values filled in on the rest of the table.  There were 60 problems on the first part and you had 5 minutes to complete it.  There are examples at the beginning of the test so it is very easy to start the test once they say go. I finished about 45 of 60 questions.  The second part was a graph with about 5 or 6 lines on it, the lines were not differentiated in any way so when you find a value you would have to follow the line back to see which one it is.  There were 30 or 40 problems on this test again with about 5 minutes to complete it, I think I finished about 75% of it. 

Out of 12 or so people that I took the POSS with, only 5 passed it and were able to take the BMST.  In order to prepare for the BMST I would recommend reading a chemistry 101 review on the internet, basic physics texts, with an emphasis on different types of mechanical advantages, work and energy, nuclear physics.  Also study geometry, trigonometry, and using trig tables.  I had never used a trig table before the test but it is easy to use.  Also you might try to remember some basic trig identities, and don't forget SOHCAHTOA.  When using the trig table you don't really have to do any interpolation, for an angle like 16.3 degrees just look up 16 and then pick the closest answer from the test. 

That's my personal account, I hope it helps.


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Re: My personal account of the POSS test and BMST
« Reply #136 on: Jan 15, 2010, 05:23 »
Also I would recommend memorizing some conversion factors for volume and distance.  And when you go to the test make sure to bring some ibuprofen because your neck will be killing you when you are done.  I had my head down for almost 6 hours over the course of the two tests.


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Re: My personal account of the POSS test and BMST
« Reply #137 on: Jan 15, 2010, 06:23 »
Which test do H.P techs have to take for utilities like say FP and L?


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Re: My personal account of the POSS test and BMST
« Reply #138 on: Jan 19, 2010, 04:03 »
Which test do H.P techs have to take for utilities like say FP and L?


The technician test is known as the TOSS. From what I understand, it is less stressful than the POSS and about on par with the MASS. I found it pretty easy and had no time to study for it (was asked at 5 o'clock one afternoon if I would take it at 7 o'clock the next morning.)  The important part is not to stress out. But, I am a test geek... I love them. (I know, very strange. It is a sickness without an 800 number to call.)
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Re: My personal account of the POSS test and BMST
« Reply #139 on: Jan 19, 2010, 07:03 »
The technician test is known as the TOSS. From what I understand, it is less stressful than the POSS and about on par with the MASS. I found it pretty easy and had no time to study for it (was asked at 5 o'clock one afternoon if I would take it at 7 o'clock the next morning.)  The important part is not to stress out. But, I am a test geek... I love them. (I know, very strange. It is a sickness without an 800 number to call.)

I was clueless about the tech test - came in for an interview, was told to take the test first. I think I finished all sections (cold, no study), managed to be nice through the interview, been here 9 yrs... 8)
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Just Took POSS test
« Reply #140 on: Jan 20, 2010, 03:08 »
Hello all.  Just wanted to add my two cents on the POSS test.

I discovered this website too late.  I just took the test and was not recommended.  Contacted the recruiter and he said he couldnt even tell me what sections I failed.

First off, I took the EEI practice tests and did well in time and accuracy.  I even bought some extra practice tests online from this website:

I was very confident going in but needless to say all of the practice tests were not very indicative of the actual POSS test.  I actually feel misled and was unprepared.  I would have to say I probably failed the Assembly test since I only finished 14 out of 20.  It was alot more challenging than the practice tests.  And I also probably failed the Math test since I super rushed through to answer everyone question.  None of the practice tests were comparable to the long version which had the conversions, algebra and word problems.  I even recall marking a few dreaded "N" answers.  After reading all the posts here, I am amazed on how many people passed with not answering all of the math section.  To remedy my situation, I ordered the Arco book on mechanical aptitude and spatial relations to help with my assembly cognizance.  My plan of attack on the Math section is to be more accurate knowing I dont have to answer the whole section and still pass.  All other sections seemed rather easy to me.

I was devastated at not being recommended at first but I am glad I was able to get my feet wet and see a POSS test.  And though I dont plan to retest with the same company, I will take the test again next month for another utility.  My question now is can I keep quiet about my failed attempt or will the second company know about it?  Ive already been invited to test but had to postpone it until next month since I was already testing for the first utility.  Yes I was lucky enough to be called by two companies and both wanted me tested the same week.  I was just wondering if they might renig if they saw my test score.

Im an ex Navy nuke with a BS degree.  I scored a 99 on the ASVAB when entering the service.  I know I can pass this test but in my opinion it does require a different sort of strategy and preparation.

Any comments or information anyone has to add would be appreciated.  Thank you.


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Re: Just Took POSS test
« Reply #141 on: Jan 27, 2010, 08:24 »
Received my Arco workbook on mechanical aptitude and spatial relations and I have to agree with everyone that it helps a whole lot.  It's like exercises for your brain synapses and Ive done a whole lot faster on the assembly practice tests.  I'm pretty eager to have at the test again.

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Re: Just Took POSS test
« Reply #142 on: Jan 28, 2010, 11:29 »
Received my Arco workbook on mechanical aptitude and spatial relations and I have to agree with everyone that it helps a whole lot.  It's like exercises for your brain synapses and Ive done a whole lot faster on the assembly practice tests.  I'm pretty eager to have at the test again.


Hope things go good for you on the next test!
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Re: Just Took POSS test
« Reply #143 on: Feb 20, 2010, 05:27 »
Redemption!  I retook another POSS test, passed and interviewed for another utility.

For the benefit of others taking the POSS test for the first time, this is the strategy I took:

To prepare do not rely solely on the EEI practice test.  Basically it is informative to show you the format of the test but not the true complexity.  From others on this site, I used the ARCO book recommended to help "train my brain" and some standardized test books from the library to practice doing my speed math problems.  Also when taking the test, do all the easy problems first and come back to the ones you passed later.  This ensures maximum questions accurately answered because wrong answers count against you.  I would do this for all sections except the Tables and Graphs section.  That section its best to follow every problem sequentially.  If you look at the practice exam you'll know what I mean.

First time around, I only finished 14 out of 20 assembly questions.  This time I finished all of them with some seconds to spare.  Last time I finished all the math, rushing through just trying to put an answer in every problem because I didnt know better.  This time I skipped all the hard ones and did all the easy ones in my head and came back and attacked the ones I had skipped over.  I didnt get them all this time but that was okay.  The strategy should be quality over quantity.

Thanks to UncaBuffalo for your support.  Anybody feel free to ask any questions about the test and I"ll do my best to try to answer.  This website has helped me tremendously and I'm just trying to give back.  Thank you.


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Re: Just Took POSS test
« Reply #144 on: Feb 21, 2010, 06:34 »
The first time I took my MASS/POSS I only passed the MASS part and failed to meet the minimum requirements.  I was fortunate enough to get a second chance on the 11th, and I just recently found out that I passed.  I took the advice to answer only the questions that I was very sure on, and to become familiar with a few conversions that would make the math sections a litle quicker.  I also ordered a couple of spatial relation books off the internet to offer some more challenging assembly questions than the EEI practice tests give. I also made a trip up to my old high school and borrowed an old algebra book to help on the long math section.  I would like to thank everyone for their advice I am grateful.  The next step is the interview and any advice to help my chances would be greatly appreciated, Thanks.
« Last Edit: Feb 21, 2010, 06:43 by pg1 »

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Re: Just Took POSS test
« Reply #145 on: Feb 21, 2010, 08:20 »
The first time I took my MASS/POSS I only passed the MASS part and failed to meet the minimum requirements.  I was fortunate enough to get a second chance on the 11th, and I just recently found out that I passed.  I took the advice to answer only the questions that I was very sure on, and to become familiar with a few conversions that would make the math sections a litle quicker.  I also ordered a couple of spatial relation books off the internet to offer some more challenging assembly questions than the EEI practice tests give. I also made a trip up to my old high school and borrowed an old algebra book to help on the long math section.  I would like to thank everyone for their advice I am grateful.  The next step is the interview and any advice to help my chances would be greatly appreciated, Thanks.

What people have said about interview questions:

What people have recommended wearing to your interview:;all
« Last Edit: Feb 21, 2010, 08:23 by UncaBuffalo »
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Re: Just Took POSS test
« Reply #146 on: Feb 22, 2010, 12:53 »
Thanks for the response I appreciate it.


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Re: Just Took POSS test
« Reply #147 on: Feb 22, 2010, 01:59 »
I never figured out why spatial relations is on either the POSS or the MASS.

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Re: Just Took POSS test
« Reply #148 on: Feb 22, 2010, 07:04 »
I never figured out why spatial relations is on either the POSS or the MASS.

So you could visualize the location of the tracking device up your......  ;)
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Re: Just Took POSS test
« Reply #149 on: Feb 22, 2010, 10:37 »
I never figured out why spatial relations is on either the POSS or the MASS.

Perhaps it's just another aspect of your aptitude that the industry wants to monitor.  But I can tell you from experience that you can improve your "aptitude" by repetition and exercise.


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Re: Just Took POSS test
« Reply #150 on: Feb 22, 2010, 11:32 »
Perhaps it's just another aspect of your aptitude that the industry wants to monitor.  But I can tell you from experience that you can improve your "aptitude" by repetition and exercise.

I( don't give a flying F what you can tell me, you're a NUB. I've been a commercial nuke for 20 years, it has nothing to do with any jobs in the commercial world and no one knows why it's on the exam.


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Re: Just Took POSS test
« Reply #151 on: Feb 22, 2010, 01:07 »
Im not even a nub but a wannabe nub.  Your right.

Though I am perplexed how my response could of evoked an emotional response from a twenty year commercial nuke veteran like yourself.

I hear Cancun is nice this time of year...

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Re: Just Took POSS test
« Reply #152 on: Feb 22, 2010, 01:29 »
Im not even a nub but a wannabe nub.  Your're right.

Though I am perplexed how my response could of evoked an emotional response from a twenty year commercial nuke veteran like yourself.

I hear Cancun is nice this time of year...

 ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D +K
« Last Edit: Feb 22, 2010, 01:31 by Marlin »

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Re: Just Took POSS test
« Reply #153 on: Feb 22, 2010, 01:52 »
Im not even a nub but a wannabe nub.  Your right.

Though I am perplexed how my response could of evoked an emotional response from a twenty year commercial nuke veteran like yourself.

I hear Cancun is nice this time of year...

I can tell you kid, youse gots chutzpah, lots of chutzpah  8)
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Re: Just Took POSS test
« Reply #154 on: Feb 22, 2010, 01:56 »
I hear Cancun is nice this time of year...

No, vacations aer for nubs, dayshifters and slackers. BZ has been getting grouchier year after year after leaving Das Boot. Perhaps it is 'Post-Patrol-Partum Depression'  :P


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More reflections on the POSS test
« Reply #155 on: Mar 13, 2010, 02:04 »
I had my first POSS experience yesterday and luckily I passed.  For the most part I credit this forum for my success - I feel certain I would have been unprepared without the resources here.  My test was just the POSS (no MASS) and included the "long" math section.  In hopes that my experience can benefit others, I'll do a section by section breakdown of my test:

1)  Assembly - I had 20 questions with an 8 minute time limit.  I was a little anxious about this section since it came first and I was afraid I wouldn't be sufficiently "warmed up."  Difficulty was varied, probably half were on par with the practice test and half were more difficult.  More difficult in the sense that they included more pieces and incorporated more rotations/perspectives.  The answer choices were also very similar requiring more time to eliminate incorrect answers.  I finished 19/20 with about 15 seconds to spare.  I chose not to answer the last one because I was unsure of my answer and if incorrect answers counted against me (which seems to be a bone of contention amongst other posters...)

2)  Mechanical Concepts - I expected this to be one of the easiest sections of the test, and it was.  Many of the questions were general physics knowledge or even common sense, however towards the end of the section difficulty increased noticeably.  I noticed a common theme of heat transfer (i.e. which skillet gets hot faster, a short flat one with lots of surface area contacting the stove, or a tall skinny one with little surface area) and continued spatial relationship-type problems (I had at least 4 problems asking which way to turn a worm gear or screw to close a valve, etc.).  I think I had 20 minutes to complete 42 problems.  I completed 41 with about 10 seconds to spare.  I left the one blank for the same reason as above.

3)  Tables and Graphs - Ah, I was dreading this section.  Broken into two sub-sections, the time constraints really came into play here.  Although the questions were almost identical to the practice test, the numbers were larger or involved more zeroes after the decimal.  Doesn't seem like a big deal until you get to the answer choices that are pretty close to identical except for one more or one less zero.  60 of these in 5 minutes.  The graphs section was much harder than the practice test.  As other people have mentioned, you really have to follow the lines back to the source as there are MANY more lines on the graph that overlap each other significantly.  What a pain.  I think there were 20 of these in 4 minutes?  I don't remember exactly, but if you're quick you can finish them all.  The key to both sections is a straight edge.  Some people have folded scratch paper and I tried this but it got in the way.  Too much flipping back and forth for me.  Instead I used my extra pencil.  Perfect.  Use this method and you spend less time flipping and more time answering.  Stay calm and focused and you'll be just fine..

We had a 5 minute break between sections 3 and 4. 

4)  Section 4 was Reading Comprehension.  Not much to say here - easiest section of the test hands down.  As another poster has said "if you can read the newspaper, you can ace this portion of the test."  I agree, just be careful and take your time as some of the answer choices are intended to trick you.  30 minutes to answer 36 questions is overkill.  I had at least 15 minutes to spare after finishing which I used to check my answers and begin gathering focus for the last section...

5) Math section.  Everyone hates this.  I had the long version which includes conversions, algebra, and word problems.  It is my understanding that utilities will choose short or long versions depending on their needs and/or wants.  The conversions on my test were actually substantially different than those on the practice test, but I had prepared by reviewing all distance, volume, area, and weight relationships.  This helped me immensely as it spared me precious seconds having to look at the charts.  Memorizing direct relationships (i.e. teaspoons in a gallon, tablespoons in a gallon, cups in a gallon) instead of just single-step conversions (i.e. a gallon has 4 quarts which have 2 pints which have 2 cups, etc..) saved me even more time.  Lots more to study and memorize, but the benefits outweigh the costs.  The algebra was nothing to worry about, mostly single variable relationships; 3x + 1 = 13, solve for x.  Not too difficult but practicing will save you precious moments.  Word problems were fairly easy, just time consuming.  I recall several of the type - "If it takes 30 minutes to go 20 miles, how long will it take to travel 360 miles?"  Start with conversions and work your way up.  Skip anything that looks like it will take too long or multiple steps.  Work your way through and start over when you are finished.  Repeat until time is up.  I finished all but 3 questions on the math before time was called. 

Other info:  Get plenty of rest if possible before taking the test.  I think this is often understated but is very important.  My test was first thing in the morning and I made sure I ate something for breakfast although I didn't really feel like it.  Finally, as BZ and others have said, get a practice ASVAB book from the local library or used bookstore.  Take the first test timing yourself.  Take the second one and try to shave off some time.  Take the third shaving more time, etc.  Many of the math problems in the ASVAB are actually more difficult than those on the POSS, but I found this to be a positive thing - when I got to the real thing, it was easier than studying!

If you have any questions or if I can help in any way feel free to PM me.  Many here have more experience, but I figure every little bit helps!

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Re: More reflections on the POSS test
« Reply #156 on: Mar 13, 2010, 08:34 »
Congrats on passing.

This is an example of a great post. This should be the link we send everyone to when they come on NW as a nub and ask " what is the POSS test like?"   ;)

I look forward to more posts from you - I expect we may see categories like "new hire - orientation", "initial training", etc    8)
« Last Edit: Mar 14, 2010, 01:51 by HouseDad »
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Re: More reflections on the POSS test
« Reply #157 on: Mar 14, 2010, 06:39 »
Thank you....This is a huge help:)  I am scheduled to take the POSS, ANPEO and EEI all on the 23rd.  I am wondering if the ANPEO has the same concepts as the POSS??  I am stressing on that many exams in one day. Back to my books!!!  :)


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Re: More reflections on the POSS test
« Reply #158 on: Mar 16, 2010, 07:38 »
HouseDad - You make me blush, but really I am just trying to give back.  Hopefully I have the opportunity to start those other threads you mention.

roadrunner - I wish I could give you advice about the ANPEO, but I don't know much about it.  I found only a few threads here that even reference it and you've probably already seen them.  Here's a link just in case:,11250.msg61464/topicseen.html#msg61464

Good luck on all those tests though.  I have a feeling that if you're studying as hard as you are, test day will be cake.  Keep us posted, and if you have anything to add after your tests, feel free. 

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My POSS Experience
« Reply #159 on: Apr 13, 2010, 04:27 »
I just finished taking the POSS test and thought I would jot down some notes while it is all fresh in my mind. I am a former Navy Nuke Electrician who is gainfully employed by an electrical contractor doing business development. I found that I missed the black and white world of Nuclear Power.
In preparation for the test, I read most of the posts on this website, bought an E-Book that I found on the internet, and bought Barron's Mechanical Reasoning and Spatial Relations Test Prep by Joel Wiesen, and used a GMAT study guide I already had. All were helpful in their own way.

The order of the sections are in the order the test was administered.

1) Assembly -

Thoughts going into test: I felt this section would be one of my strong suits. I had taken all the practice tests and did well on all of them.

In Reality: I had read somewhere on here that this section was a little harder than the practice tests. I concur with this assessment. Not a great deal harder, but I was only able to finish 16/20. Of those I completed, I feel pretty good about most of them.

2) Mechanical Reasoning:

Thoughts going into test: I also felt this section would be one of my better areas. Throughout all the practice tests, I would get 99% of the questions correct - with some exceptions on crappy/unclear pictures.

In Reality: Some were very easy - similar to all practice tests- but there were a few that threw me for a loop. Specifically, there were questions on horizontal and vertical gears, air going through a windmill, and some others that I really had to think about. I believe that my POSS hinges on how I did in this section. I left two blank and probably had to have “extra-thought” on about 6-8 more of them. Here is to guessing that is why the Navy made me an EM instead of an MM.

3) Tables and Graphs

Thoughts going into test: Was concerned about this section because of all the differing statements on what this test was like. I have heard that the graphs were way different on the real POSS and the Tables had numbers into the .001 range that you would have to differentiate.

In Reality: The tables were just like all the practice tests I took. I finished this section right in the nick of time. Would not be scared of this section unless you cannot find a number in a table every 5 seconds.

The graphs were a little bit more involved than the ones in the practice test – but I am going to give a nugget that may help someone out. The big differences were that the data lines were all the same (which I read on here) and the values requested were normally in between two larger numbers. Here iswhat the graph looked like:

Get a piece of graph paper
Label the “Y” axis by tens, but have each block on the graph paper count as two
Make 6-7 Data Lines that intersect each other quite often (I really hope this comes through in writing)

Most of the answers were numbers like 82, 76, 54. I finished 20/24 on this section.

4) Reading Comprehension –

Thoughts going into the test: I have never had a problem with reading comprehension, but used the GMAT reading comprehension to prepare. These are the hardest Reading Comprehension test I have ever seen.

In Reality: Having experience in a technical field really helped me out here. There were 5 reading blurbs, which all dealt with the physical sciences. If you understand Heat Transfer/Fluid Flow and term like viscosity, you should have no problems. I answered all the questions with plenty of time to spare.


Thoughts Going into test: This has always been a strong subject for me, but was a little scared by all the comments on here about how hard it was to finish. I read so many people only got to 3-4 Algebra Problems and one or two word problems. I used nearly every resource to study for this section.

In Reality: Much easier than I expected. I used the Plant Dispatcher Math test on EEI because it actually had conversions, algebra, and word problems. I am not sure why this practice test is not the POSS Math test. It is virtually the exact same type of questions. Taking the advice from this website I left 3-4 Conversions blank as to not get hung up. I did all the algebra problems and all but one of the word problems. One thing that was unexpected – there were 4-6 problems that were answered as “N”. I am pretty sure were right, so expect to get answers that are not listed on the real test.

Based on what I have read on this website, I am pretty sure I answered enough questions to pass…it’s is now just a matter of if I got enough correct. As previously stated, I believe my Mechanical Reasoning test is the key to my passing score.

Quest. Type   #Completed     #On Test

Assembly        16      20
Mechanical    42      44
Tables      60      60
Graphs      20      24
Reading      36      36
Math      42      47

« Last Edit: Apr 13, 2010, 08:04 by tad2001 »

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Re: My POSS Experience
« Reply #160 on: Apr 13, 2010, 06:21 »
Nice information to share with those who are planning on taking this test. I completed about the same amount 1 week ago, I was "recommended". Where did you take it and when do you find out?

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Re: My POSS Experience
« Reply #161 on: Apr 13, 2010, 07:01 »
Excellent info Tad2001, this will help a number of people. Good luck on your progress.
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Re: My POSS Experience
« Reply #162 on: Apr 13, 2010, 07:36 »
Harris Plant - New Bern, NC - Classing up July 5th. - We were all told we would recieve an email within 72 hours...I really hope they don't make me think about it all weekend.
« Last Edit: Apr 13, 2010, 07:38 by tad2001 »

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Re: My POSS Experience
« Reply #163 on: Apr 13, 2010, 09:28 »
Its good that you studied.  Got to know what type of questions to look for.  But the point behind these tests:  Remember this....Do not spend time "thinking" or "figuring" the answer.  If you find yourself not able to answer the current question, move on!  It is not the amount you answer, it is the amount of "which" you answer, and of those, how many you have correct!  You will not be penalized for those you do not answer.  It has to do with speed vs accuracy.  I have done it three times, and passed every time.  Just a High School education, never studied. 

Don't get me wrong, this is good info that you gave.  But most people get nervous and fail, because they studied too much.  Just relax, and answer what you know.  If you finish before the time is up, go back and try to answer those you skipped.  Speed and accuracy!

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Re: My POSS Experience
« Reply #164 on: Apr 14, 2010, 06:35 »
I can definitely understand how someone can get nervous and fail. I have a friend who is applying for the same position, but he is from out of state. He flew in last evening, took his test this morning, found out he passed an hour later, and promptly interviewed.

It would be much easier this way! I really hate waiting for test results. I have always hated it. I have never failed a test before, but I always worry about it.

According to my friend, 10 out of 14 people in his group passed the test. Seems like a very high percentage from some of the reported pass rates listed on this site.

I will keep on waiting, but I really hope I get an answer tomorrow! 

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Re: My POSS Experience
« Reply #165 on: Apr 15, 2010, 03:48 »
I passed...I am not sure why I was so worried, but I am thankful that phase is completed.


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Re: More reflections on the POSS test
« Reply #166 on: Apr 26, 2010, 12:58 »
Hello everyone...I've been reading info on nuke worker for a few weeks...preparing for the mass/poss that I took last week. I will receive my results sometime in the next couple of weeks. The test that I took had five different sections. Assembly, mechanical, reading comprehension, "lines" test, and mathematical conversions. I am concerned with the amount of questions that I finished in each section. Is there a minimum amount that determines whether someone passes or fails. I finished about 2/3 on the assembly, all but two on mechanical, all of the reading, 14 of 35ish on the lines, and ten of nineteen on the conversions. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

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« Reply #167 on: May 12, 2010, 10:16 »
I took the Poss a week ago, and found out today that I passed.  I just wanted to say thank you to all of the people that posted information about the exam, tips on what to study and how to study, and the encouragement of lots of members of this board.  What you guys have written here is a really invaluable tool for helping people trying to transition from the Navy into civilian nuclear power, or civilian life period. 

Thanks to everyone who contributed to these boards, it is appreciated, and more importantly, it is useful. :P

Have A Day
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Re: My POSS Experience
« Reply #168 on: May 12, 2010, 12:24 »
I recieved a job offer yesterday, and accepted it on the spot. Very excited to get started.

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Re: More reflections on the POSS test
« Reply #169 on: Jun 10, 2010, 02:30 »
Having just taken the POSS yesterday, I wanted to say that this is an excellent description of the POSS experience, and I'm really glad it's a sticky.  Since it is a sticky, I would also like to throw in a link to a similar description:

gobigred specifically mentions finding 4-6 math questions to be "N" which I also experienced.  That was probably my greatest concern walking out of the test, as I've read in other posts that there should not be any questions with the answer "N".  Maybe no "N" answers is only for the short math version?

There were also extra places to write/bubble in your SSN on each right hand page of the math booklet.  The fact that they were not required was supposed to be derived from the fact that putting it on the first page was the only thing mentioned in the instructions.  Hopefully that was not a go/no go, just a time waster.

Finally I would like to add that a person could look around this forum and find at least 10 different theories on what constitutes a passing score.  I don't believe there is good answer out there.  Different plants can set different requirements, and quality is better than quantity are really the only things that everyone seems to agree on.


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Re: More reflections on the POSS test
« Reply #170 on: Jul 20, 2010, 08:17 »
Were there many new conversions on the test that werent on the practice test...other than teaspoon/tables? There's ALOT of units of conversions out there, so I hate to waste time trying to memorize stuff I don't need.

Also did you see area of a triangle, volume of a pyramid, etc on the test?


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Re: More reflections on the POSS test
« Reply #171 on: Aug 22, 2010, 11:12 »
Can someone let me know what POSS, ANPEO and EEI stand for. I am in the Canadian nuclear industry and these acronyms are foreign to me.

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Re: More reflections on the POSS test
« Reply #172 on: Aug 23, 2010, 12:12 »
POSS - Plant Operator Selection System (A test commonly administered to prospective employees in both nuclear and non-nuclear plants)

EEI - Edison Electric Institute (The company that developed and maintains the POSS, as well as several other pre-employment screening tests)

ANPEO - Apprentice Nuclear Plant Equipment Operator (Not sure about this one.  It looks like it's used by Southern Edison.  I don't know if anybody else uses it)
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Re: More reflections on the POSS test
« Reply #173 on: Aug 23, 2010, 08:25 »
Thanks Sovbob, Point Lepreau uses the terms:

PPOIT - Power Plant Operator in Training (fully qualified in 12 - 18 months)
PPO - Power Plant Operator (field operator)

SPPOIT - Senior Power Plant Operator in Training (fully qualified in 6 - 12 months)
SPPO - Senior Power Plant Operator (field & control room operator)

OFSIT - Operations Field Supervisor in Training (fully qualified in 2 -3 months)
OFS - Operations Field Supervisor

CROIT - Control Room Operator in Training ( fully qualified in 3 -4 years)
CRO - Control Room Operator

SSIT - Shift Supervisor in Training (fully qualified in 12 - 18 months)
SS - Shift Supervisor
« Last Edit: Aug 26, 2010, 10:34 by c-zar »

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Re: More reflections on the POSS test
« Reply #174 on: Sep 20, 2010, 11:51 »
Thanks for the great info! I'm going to take the POSS in the near future and found this very helpful.

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Re: More reflections on the POSS test
« Reply #175 on: Oct 08, 2010, 02:24 »
Took the POSS/MASS test Wednesday and found out I passed last night. Just wanted to say thanks again to all who contributed great advice.

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Re: More reflections on the POSS test
« Reply #176 on: Oct 09, 2010, 01:03 »
Took the POSS/MASS test Wednesday and found out I passed last night. Just wanted to say thanks again to all who contributed great advice.

Congrats!  :)
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Re: Another POSS Experience
« Reply #177 on: Nov 04, 2010, 01:05 »
I'm going to be taking the MASS version of this test soon.  I attempted once last year and didn't do so well.  It is definitely frustrating not knowing WHICH sections I faltered in but i think I rushed thru the Assembly section.  I also think paranoia got the best of me.  From what I've gathered it seems with the Nuke Industry, they'd like to see you only have correct answers marked. (i'm new to this site but i'm seeing 11 correct minimum).  I think my interpretation of only answering those you are positive about is "an unsure step can be more detrimental than taking the time to be completely positive of a correct step" Kind of a how likely are you to "Stop when unsure" type of measurement.  But again, that's my opinion.  I hope you did well.  Best of luck to you. I'm praying that I do well this go round!


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Re: Another POSS Experience
« Reply #178 on: Nov 10, 2010, 10:22 »

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Re: Another POSS Experience
« Reply #179 on: Nov 13, 2010, 11:51 »
Nicely Done, bb.  I have been lurking around this site too, and have definitely found some useful info in prepping for the POSS.  My mentality in taking this test was to work as fast as possible and skip anything that I could not do nearly instantly.  With respect to individual sections, these are my comments:


I had difficulty visualizing about 4 of the questions.  The particular issues I had with said questions were that the shapes were very irregular and the orientation of the finished assembly was dissimilar to the way the individual pieces were displayed.  One tactic I found useful was to isolate a particular piece that had to be placed in a certain place/fashion.  This strategy was useful for the questions that had 2 or 3 answer choices that were similar.

Common sense physics with a twist.  Some were difficult; most were very straightforward.  I ran through this section and answered all but about 3 on my first pass.  The others I had to think about because I lack both the hands-on background and schooling in subjects like fluid mechanics.  My advice on this section is to know how much time you have per question and budget accordingly.  You should be able to tell within about 2 seconds if you understand the concept or not.  Move on to a question you know and  backtrack if time permits.


The answers are in front of you.  Spot them quickly and fill in as fast as you can.  The graph section required some care because some of the graphs overlapped near the question value on the x-axis.  Although I didn't use one, maybe using your scratch paper as a straight edge would help.  I would not recommend a straight edge on the table section as IMO you will sacrifice too much time.  I answered about 45/60 in the table section and about 70-80% of the graphs.


I had to reread to answer a few, but crossed the finish line with about 5 minutes to spare.  The longest passage we had was about 4 paragraphs, and the passages are well-organized so it is fairly simple to locate the ones you don't remember.


My strategy:
Do all single conversions and only doubles(+) that are nice and clean.  I got bogged down on converting bushels to the speed of light or some such nonsense for a second, but dodged the bullet by moving on to the algebra section.  There were only 2 or 3 conversions that required a lot of work.  I finished all of the algebra questions and did about half of the word problems. In retrospect I wish I had done these 2 sections first, because I killed my time on one of the conversions (wasted about 25 seconds and didn't even answer it).

I prepped for the test by reviewing the suggested EEI practice material. I did the tests and checked my answers when I was first notified that I would be taking the test.  About 3 days before the test date I did the practice tests again.  I did not time myself either time (which I think would've helped me in the sections I did not finish).  I would recommend it to get yourself adjusted to the hustle.  The majority of the questions are not hard, but some require a little more thought/scratchwork than you would expect from the relative ease of the practice material.  If one were inclined to time themselves taking the practice tests it might be beneficial to deliberately short yourself on time to figure in the extra 10-15 seconds for the tricky questions.

I also passed and am hoping to hear back soon for an interview. Thanks to everyone who has contributed to this site- I am a prospective newcomer to the industry, and I feel that the stories posted on this site will reduce the shellshock when I (hopefully) make the leap from commercial electrical engineering to the world of the nuke.

Also, go Pacquiao!


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Re: Another POSS Experience
« Reply #180 on: Nov 18, 2010, 11:50 »
very good post imo. Extremely accurate :) 

I finished every section except the math section. I Was FURIOUS when the lady called time that  I didnt have it finished :(  turned out ok though haha

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My POSS experience :(
« Reply #181 on: Dec 01, 2010, 11:31 »
I took the POSS test yesterday for Entergy. There is no doubt in my mind that I did great on all parts except for the math!! I started on unit conversions. I did a few until I got to one that need a double conversion. Then I skipped the rest of the unit conversion and went to algebra. I completed all the algebra but that's it. The time expired! I was pissed! I know for the most part that the problems I did complete was pretty much right. I've been reading that I need to get 11 correct and if that's the case I should have no problem but I think I didn't answer enough to get my test graded. Can you guys please let me know what you think! By the way I'll found out tomorrow how I did!!  :D


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Re: My POSS experience :(
« Reply #182 on: Dec 01, 2010, 12:08 »
Don't sweat the time expiring. I don't think you are meant to actually finish it. I didn't the first time I took one, and I am an SRO. YMMV.  8)


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Re: My POSS experience :(
« Reply #183 on: Dec 01, 2010, 12:13 »
I took the POSS test yesterday for Entergy. There is no doubt in my mind that I did great on all parts except for the math!! I started on unit conversions. I did a few until I got to one that need a double conversion. Then I skipped the rest of the unit conversion and went to algebra. I completed all the algebra but that's it. The time expired! I was pissed! I know for the most part that the problems I did complete was pretty much right. I've been reading that I need to get 11 correct and if that's the case I should have no problem but I think I didn't answer enough to get my test graded. Can you guys please let me know what you think! By the way I'll found out tomorrow how I did!!  :D

Were did this mythical number 11 come from?

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Re: My POSS experience :(
« Reply #184 on: Dec 01, 2010, 12:25 »
but I'm worried if i answered enough question??


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Re: My POSS experience :(
« Reply #185 on: Dec 01, 2010, 12:27 »
First: 11 is not necessarily the number.

Second: If you did get enough correct and didn't complete enough questions it's a moot point.

Third: No one here knows the answer to your question.


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Re: My POSS experience :(
« Reply #186 on: Dec 01, 2010, 12:28 »
I have no idea. I guess you have to sweat until tomorrow.  :P good luck and keep us posted!

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Re: My POSS experience :(
« Reply #187 on: Dec 01, 2010, 12:32 »
hahaha Will do!  :D

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Re: My POSS experience :(
« Reply #188 on: Dec 01, 2010, 04:57 »
Maybe this will help give you a little better idea of how you did. I took the POSS a couple of weeks ago for Entergy and passed. I was also concerned about whether I answered enough. Apparently, I did since I found out I passed. In the math section I answered all the easy conversions like you described. I also did all the algebra except maybe one or two. Lastly, I got about 1/3 of the word problems done. I can not be positive but I believe the ones I did answer were right. Hopefully, this helps you get a better idea of how you did before actually finding out. Goodluck, and do yourself a favor try not to think about it because at this point everything is out of your control.
« Last Edit: Dec 01, 2010, 04:59 by 2004blackwrx »

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Re: My POSS experience :(
« Reply #189 on: Dec 01, 2010, 06:37 »
Thanks, that does make me feel a little better. Thank you guys for your input. I'll update tomorrow and let you guys know how I made out! :D

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Re: My POSS experience :(
« Reply #190 on: Dec 01, 2010, 09:27 »
I can't remember how many I finished on the long math but I know it felt like not very many and I passed, so don't sweat it. 

First: 11 is not necessarily the number.

Second: If you did get enough correct and didn't complete enough questions it's a moot point.

Third: No one here knows the answer to your question.

OMG!  BZ doesn't know the answer?  Hell must be frozen over  :o

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Re: My POSS experience :(
« Reply #191 on: Dec 03, 2010, 10:20 »
Here's an update! I guess I was recommend because I have an interview scheduled next week!! :) I'm one step closer! Now I have to nail the interview!! :) Thanks for all you guys input!!


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Re: My POSS experience :(
« Reply #192 on: Dec 03, 2010, 10:31 »
Congratulations and good luck!


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Re: My POSS experience :(
« Reply #193 on: Dec 07, 2010, 08:06 »
Here's an update! I guess I was recommend because I have an interview scheduled next week!! :) I'm one step closer! Now I have to nail the interview!! :) Thanks for all you guys input!!

Did you apply to river bend or waterford?  I just got hired at Riverbend, and Waterford wanted  to interview me on the 13th so you are going for one of the two.

This is how my interview went, lasted about 20 minutes. They didnt show me anything, and it was pretty simple really.,26272.msg134794.html#msg134794

Good luck, and if you are going to Riverbend, hope to see you on the 4th! :)


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Took Mass and Poss last week
« Reply #194 on: Dec 08, 2010, 10:33 »
I took the Mass and Poss last week. I feel like I actually did too much studying. I reviewed old math books, took a look at the asvab book and just stressed this test. I feel like the asvab helped me brush up on my math skills, but the math section of the mass and poss are not as hard at the asvab, well atleast what i can tell from studying the asvab book.

What I recommend for people who are going to take the Mass and Poss test to do is, study the practice tests and the concepts behind the answers. If you know the reasons behind the mechanical concepts, you should be fine. Definetly work on your conversions, well atleast the timing. Make sure you read the question thoroughly because they do try to trick you.

Now I do have a question, the people running the test said they do not know how it is graded. I took the approach of if I don't know the answer, dont answer at all, instead of guessing. Does anyone know if thats how it works?

Also, I was told that you need a certain score to get Nuclear and another certain score to get into everything else. The people said that you either are recomended or not recommended, it doesnt matter if its nuke or say coal. Is this true?


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Re: Took Mass and Poss last week
« Reply #195 on: Dec 08, 2010, 11:47 »
There have been a lot of posts on here from those trying to figure out exactly how it's graded.  I treated it like:  attack the test, don't waste time on involved questions, and be accurate.  I'm guessing this is how you took the test as well.  There was nothing "hard" about the exam, but I found that I was constantly pushing myself to answer faster and faster.  I didn't feel I was sacrificing accuracy for speed, but I didn't second guess myself on it, either...I passed.

The answer I've concluded is that the only people who really know how it's graded are the people who administrate and grade the test.  So far as I can tell:  they ain't saying.  No worries, I'm sure you did fine.

"A shortcut's a self defeating means.  If you cannot do it clean, you'll never reach your reward. And when the day is done, what you receive is the sum of what you took out from what you put in." ~311


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Re: Took Mass and Poss last week
« Reply #196 on: Dec 23, 2010, 01:13 »
What I recommend for people who are going to take the Mass and Poss test to do is, study the practice tests and the concepts behind the answers. If you know the reasons behind the mechanical concepts, you should be fine. Definetly work on your conversions, well atleast the timing. Make sure you read the question thoroughly because they do try to trick you.

Thanks a lot for your informative post. I now know what I should do when I take the test. Thanks again. ;)

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Re: Another POSS Experience
« Reply #197 on: Dec 30, 2010, 08:10 »
Update: I have an AO interview with Entergy on January 4th!


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Re: Another POSS Experience
« Reply #198 on: Dec 30, 2010, 08:49 »
Good luck to both of you guys.  Thank you for your post.  I took the POSS and MASS about a year ago.  I did not do so well.  I made the fatal flaw of spending too much time on questions that I did not know the answer to.  I read a lot of post, studied like crazy, and thought I had a good game plan.  I basically choked.  Hopefully I will get another opportunity to redeem myself.  Thank you again for your post it is very helpful for guys like myself.   

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Re: Another POSS Experience
« Reply #199 on: Dec 31, 2010, 09:50 »
I have another interview for later on that day with an engineering firm. I sure hope something finally happens. "It can't rain all the time." It's a bit discouraging to graduate in May, and still not have a new job by the first of the year. Be patient and prepare yourself, Willy. I'm sure your time will come very soon if you put the work in to pass the tests.


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Re: Another POSS Experience
« Reply #200 on: Jan 02, 2011, 11:13 »
Update: I have an AO interview with Entergy on January 4th!


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Re: Another POSS Experience
« Reply #201 on: Jan 26, 2011, 07:02 »
Thanks, Charlie Murphy! Just got the call/offer.


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Re: Another POSS Experience
« Reply #202 on: Jan 26, 2011, 09:41 »
Congratulations to all.

Offline rocco787

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Re: More reflections on the POSS test
« Reply #203 on: Feb 14, 2011, 03:39 »
Just took the POSS at 8am this morning.  Finished all but one question on the assembly, completely finished the mech concepts and reading comp(with time to spare) for the tables and graphs...finished half of the first section and a little over half the second section.

That irritated me, oh well.  To anyone taking this ready for an all out speed test for the tables and graphs portion.

As for the math usage...took the advise I found on here and skipped ahead to the algebra and word problems, then went back to the conversions...think I finished about 3/4 of that portion.

We'll see how it goes...This is the only hurdle between me and a NLO position starting in a couple months.

Offline jams723

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Re: More reflections on the POSS test
« Reply #204 on: Feb 14, 2011, 06:49 »
Just took the POSS at 8am this morning.  Finished all but one question on the assembly, completely finished the mech concepts and reading comp(with time to spare) for the tables and graphs...finished half of the first section and a little over half the second section.

That irritated me, oh well.  To anyone taking this ready for an all out speed test for the tables and graphs portion.

As for the math usage...took the advise I found on here and skipped ahead to the algebra and word problems, then went back to the conversions...think I finished about 3/4 of that portion.

We'll see how it goes...This is the only hurdle between me and a NLO position starting in a couple months.

It is good to be confident, but the POSS is just one step and probably the easiest.  Your stiffest competition will be the interview.  But good luck.

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Re: More reflections on the POSS test
« Reply #205 on: Feb 15, 2011, 10:43 »
Hi I have a question. How or what training do I need to work on a nuke shut down as an electrician?

Offline rocco787

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Re: More reflections on the POSS test
« Reply #206 on: Feb 15, 2011, 05:27 »
It is good to be confident, but the POSS is just one step and probably the easiest.  Your stiffest competition will be the interview.  But good luck.

Thanks man.
Interview has been done already, guess I made a good impression cause the reason I took the POSS was I originally applied for a maintenance position and passed the MASS, but because i wasnt available to work until 6 months down the road, they told me they would have to pass on me for now but they were recommending me to the OPs dept.

This site is one of the greatest resources I've found...period.
Anybody taking either the POSS or the MASS, just do a little searching on here for test taking tips and you will be golden.
Also...take any advise you find on here as far as the interview process.

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Re: More reflections on the POSS test
« Reply #207 on: Feb 15, 2011, 06:40 »
Hi I have a question. How or what training do I need to work on a nuke shut down as an electrician?

In most plants all you have to do is get submitted by the Union hall and pass the required Plant Access and Rad Worker tests (training and/or study materials provided.) If you are not in the union, your options are limited to just a few plants and you deal directly with the contract company.
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Offline jams723

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Re: More reflections on the POSS test
« Reply #208 on: Feb 15, 2011, 07:40 »
Thanks man.
Interview has been done already, guess I made a good impression cause the reason I took the POSS was I originally applied for a maintenance position and passed the MASS, but because i wasnt available to work until 6 months down the road, they told me they would have to pass on me for now but they were recommending me to the OPs dept.

This site is one of the greatest resources I've found...period.
Anybody taking either the POSS or the MASS, just do a little searching on here for test taking tips and you will be golden.
Also...take any advise you find on here as far as the interview process.

Anytime, however if Operations did not interview you I would be prepared for them to ask you to do another interview.  But times may have changed since I was in Ops.


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Re: More reflections on the POSS test
« Reply #209 on: Mar 01, 2011, 06:42 »
Hey guys

I am in a sticky situation I have a company who wants me to take poss/mass on one day then another wants me to take it the next day, but at the same time they prefer I take it at their locations. what to do? any help would be appreciated.


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Re: More reflections on the POSS test
« Reply #210 on: Mar 01, 2011, 07:34 »
Hey guys

I am in a sticky situation I have a company who wants me to take poss/mass on one day then another wants me to take it the next day, but at the same time they prefer I take it at their locations. what to do? any help would be appreciated.

I know Entergy wanted me to test with them and when I told the lady I couldn't make the testing date she said they would allow me to take it on another date, which happened to be 2 weeks after the date they had originally planned for me.  My take is explain to the HR rep that you have plans and then politely ask her if she can reschedule another date for you to make the test.  If they wont do it, then ask the other utility.  If they wont do it either, then pick one (obviously one site is likely more favorable over the other).  I really have to doubt they will reject your rescheduling date.  Chances are you might have to wait awhile longer for the next testing date, but a chance to test with them is better than not testing at all, and it will put you that much closer to landing a position with them.  Good luck.


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Re: More reflections on the POSS test
« Reply #211 on: Jun 19, 2011, 01:58 »
I just took the poss test for the second time. The first time I took it I knew walking out the door I did'nt pass it. This time is different. I never completed any section in its entirety but i did fishish 2/3 of all tests except the math. I answered 9 of 18 and i know i answered one wrong. With all of this said, Is it enough or will I be waiting another 90 days?

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Re: More reflections on the POSS test
« Reply #212 on: Jun 19, 2011, 04:41 »
I just took the poss test for the second time. The first time I took it I knew walking out the door I did'nt pass it. This time is different. I never completed any section in its entirety but i did fishish 2/3 of all tests except the math. I answered 9 of 18 and i know i answered one wrong. With all of this said, Is it enough or will I be waiting another 90 days?

Might not have made it, check out this thread on how others improved on scores:,22885.msg119916.html#new


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Re: More reflections on the POSS test
« Reply #213 on: Jun 20, 2011, 09:33 »
I just took the poss test for the second time. The first time I took it I knew walking out the door I did'nt pass it. This time is different. I never completed any section in its entirety but i did fishish 2/3 of all tests except the math. I answered 9 of 18 and i know i answered one wrong. With all of this said, Is it enough or will I be waiting another 90 days?

No, you'll be waiting another 90 days.


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Re: More reflections on the POSS test
« Reply #214 on: Jun 20, 2011, 07:24 »
I appreciate your hounesty. After the first test the lady who gave me the test told me i missed it by one point. As i have seen there is no clear cut answer to how it is graded. I did answer more questions this time and i feel they were right. I will never really know till i get my results in a week or so. All is well though if i have to take it again I will. If i was that close once i should eventually screw up and pass it.


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Re: More reflections on the POSS test
« Reply #215 on: Jun 20, 2011, 08:00 »
I appreciate your hounesty. After the first test the lady who gave me the test told me i missed it by one point. As i have seen there is no clear cut answer to how it is graded. I did answer more questions this time and i feel they were right. I will never really know till i get my results in a week or so. All is well though if i have to take it again I will. If i was that close once i should eventually screw up and pass it.
Prepare yourself...well.  The resources are at your finger tips.  Use them.  ;)


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Re: More reflections on the POSS test
« Reply #216 on: Jun 22, 2011, 08:45 »
My advice:

Finish all questions. Get all questions right.

It works.

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Re: More reflections on the POSS test
« Reply #217 on: Jun 22, 2011, 12:29 »
Finish all questions. Get all questions right.

It works.

I will second that one.

Finishing all the questions is not out of reach if you prepare yourself.  The only section I did not finish was the long math and I think I got through 75% of that one.  I did spend a lot of time studying though, perhaps an hour a day for a couple of weeks.  ASVAB question banks, time, and determination was what got me there.  I didn't study the ASVAB material per se, but instead refined the method.  ASVAB material is kids stuff, the method is speed and accuracy.


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Re: More reflections on the POSS test
« Reply #218 on: Jun 22, 2011, 07:16 »
I finished both times I took it, at SoCalEdison and DECO. Had time to spare too. There is no sense putting your future in the hands of an incomplete test.


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Re: More reflections on the POSS test
« Reply #219 on: Jun 23, 2011, 02:01 »
No, you'll be waiting another 90 days.

I just recived a call letting me know that I passed the poss test. I dont have a interveiw yet but it is a relief know I passed it.  There is a abundant of information on this site, take what you can and apply it to what best suits you. I thank God first and formost, then I thank everyone who posted ideas and ways to pass it. Thank you.


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Re: More reflections on the POSS test
« Reply #220 on: Jun 23, 2011, 06:19 »
Congratulations.  Now relax and have a cold one.   ;)

Don't stress the interview.  If you get called, you get called.  Be ready.  There are tons of threads on the interview process.  Spend time reading EVERY ONE.  If you don't get called then prepare a better resume and keeping applying.  Stay after it until you hear something.  The fall seems to be a good time for hiring in ops.  It'll be here before you know it...


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Re: More reflections on the POSS test
« Reply #221 on: Jun 23, 2011, 08:20 »
I am very happy for you. I am not disappointed to be wrong.  The interviews have become very canned. So, you should be able to prepare quite easily with the threads we have here on the site. If you questions pm some of the local contributors or me if you need help.


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Re: More reflections on the POSS test
« Reply #222 on: Jun 24, 2011, 05:37 »
you guys are absolutely right. Im not sweating the interveiw that much. I feel confident in myself. I will however not dismiss the fact that im not perfect and take what advise is given. there is always room for improvement. thank you all.


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My recent POSS Failure... too much conflicting info?
« Reply #223 on: Sep 29, 2011, 10:52 »
Hello everyone!  I thought I would share my recent feelings on failing the POSS test for Entergy this week. 

First, make no mistake, I am NOT trying to hide my role in failing.  Straight up, I didn't get it done.  I would however, like to shed some light on some inconsistencies regarding test strategies, grading, etc.

Like most people, I downloaded and took the EEI practice test, which I found VERY helpful.  One of my best friend's is an AO so I had that resource.  Some of his managers even took me aside and gave me some "sage" advice.  I studied for about 3-4 weeks before the exam, ate a big breakfast, slept well, the whole nine.

First, I will say that I didn't completely finish ANY section of the test.  First section was Assembly and I skipped ones that were too difficult or taking me too long.  I probably missed 5-6 out of 24?  All of the sections were like this except for tables/graphs and math.  I didn't finish the 60 table problems in 4 minutes or the graph problems in the same time.  Math was oddly my most comfortable test.  I got hung up on conversions with about 8 to go so I went to Algebra which i smoked through and then completed 5 word problems.  My friend who is an AO didn't even complete that many and passed so I know I did enough, at least on that section.  In fact, he didn't finish ANY section, like me.

Here's where it gets odd.  The proctor told us flat out to narrow the answer down to 2 , maybe 3 options and then take an EDUCATED GUESS!!!  This flies in the face of everything I have been told or read about the test.  The assistant OPS manager told me to not worry if I left "10-15%" of each sections' problems blank!  So that means I can only leave 3 out of 30 empty?  That didn't sound right either.  Also, the proctor told us the test is graded accumulatively.  I've read here on this forum that isn't "fail" one section and you fail the whole test. One Navy guy there even told us he heard if you answer 50% or more of the questions at at of 70% or better you pass! Huh?

I don't know.  I'm kind of bummed out obviously, but it would be nice if more information on this test came out or was at least more consistent.  I felt pretty confident in my answers, I wasn't guessing or feeling lost.  When I encountered a problem that gave me trouble I skipped it.  It also compounds things that i work in a Nuke plant and in a specific department that will never allow me to take the test again.  My friend had to bust serious balls just to get me in to take it this one time.  The other kick to the nuts was what Ive witnessed in a Nuke plant and my AO friend sees on a daily basis.  The test encourages rushing IMO.  At no point in time have I ever heard of someone needing to rush while doing their job in a Nuclear facility.  just seems like an odd test for an industry that beats into our heads: Slow down, review, peer checking, STAR, etc.. 

Thanks for hearing me out guys...any info, comments would be appreciated.

my name is.....

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Re: My POSS failure and some conflicting info?
« Reply #224 on: Sep 30, 2011, 09:11 »
I cannot attest to the inconsistencies of the test and its grading structure, but I do know that it is done to see how well you perform under pressure and with time constraints. Just hypothetically speaking, if an issue occurs at a plant that needs immediate, quick and accurate actions to mitigate it, a facility would want individuals capable of performing in this manner.

The veterans will chime in and elaborate and hopefully give some useful insight on the test itself.

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Re: My recent POSS Failure... too much conflicting info?
« Reply #225 on: Sep 30, 2011, 02:30 »
Here's where it gets odd.  The proctor told us flat out to narrow the answer down to 2 , maybe 3 options and then take an EDUCATED GUESS!!!  This flies in the face of everything I have been told or read about the test.  The assistant OPS manager told me to not worry if I left "10-15%" of each sections' problems blank!  So that means I can only leave 3 out of 30 empty?  That didn't sound right either.  Also, the proctor told us the test is graded accumulatively.  I've read here on this forum that isn't "fail" one section and you fail the whole test. One Navy guy there even told us he heard if you answer 50% or more of the questions at at of 70% or better you pass! Huh?

I had a big long witty reply brewing about believing 4th hand anecdotes, etc. but I'll paraphrase the words of one of my least favorite NNPS instructors ages ago that turned out to be quite wise: Study as hard as you can, show all your work , and don't put that pencil down until they take the test sheet away from you. Notice that nowhere in that advice was how to game the test, guess/don't guess, 10-15% is okay, etc.

There really isn't any light to be shed on inconsistent test strategies, grading, etc. Each year, thousands of potential power plant operators (whether nuke, fossil or hydro) take the same standard EEI POSS test that has been in use for decades. A large proportion of the applicants receive a score too low for consideration for hire, and frankly that is a good thing. The test is a valid screen of aptitude, or the utilities that pay those pricy EEI dues would discontinue its use.


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Re: My recent POSS Failure... too much conflicting info?
« Reply #226 on: Sep 30, 2011, 06:26 »
I had a big long witty reply brewing about believing 4th hand anecdotes, etc. but I'll paraphrase the words of one of my least favorite NNPS instructors ages ago that turned out to be quite wise: Study as hard as you can, show all your work , and don't put that pencil down until they take the test sheet away from you. Notice that nowhere in that advice was how to game the test, guess/don't guess, 10-15% is okay, etc.

There really isn't any light to be shed on inconsistent test strategies, grading, etc. Each year, thousands of potential power plant operators (whether nuke, fossil or hydro) take the same standard EEI POSS test that has been in use for decades. A large proportion of the applicants receive a score too low for consideration for hire, and frankly that is a good thing. The test is a valid screen of aptitude, or the utilities that pay those pricy EEI dues would discontinue its use.

I appreciate the reply.  I did study hard and go to the bell andnot waste time, but I think it's human nature to know where you were weak on a test OR how badly or closely you failed.  I'm so lost I feel like taking the test again could be a waste of everyone's time.  I wasn't really trying to "game" the test, but everyone has a different story to tell about the POSS and no AO's at my plant besides my best friend seem to remember anything on the test. 

Honestly, I don't feel it's gaming the test when simple advice like, make a guess or never guess is handed out.  The problem is that adviceis all over the map.  One last thing, I'm not trying to sound bitter or pouty, but I will say this.  I have worked in a Nuke facility for 10 years.  I know some of the people who pass this test and work as AO's at my plant.  Some of the pizza cooks and shoe salesmen that passed the test aren't the best AO's.  Most are good/great, but it would serve the plant better IMO if the POSS came with some human interpretation of the scores so maybe the personal interaction could be used as a way to figure out if Person A came close to recommended, but wow they sure did blow us away during the interview.  At my plant, if you pass you're in...which is great, but the flip side is now I have an HR lady tell me I fail and can't tell me why, it's just what Scantron said.

No biggie I guess.  If I knew how the test is graded it would help, but all I can do is hope someday they let me retake it.  I also don't feel like I'm trying to game or play the test because, if what some of what I have heard is true, than this test causes you to ignore some test taking impulses that have been instilled in us from a young age, like narrowing down choices and educated guessing.

Thanks for reading guys, any other info/comments are welcome and I look forward to maybe someday sharing some better news with you all.


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Re: My recent POSS Failure... too much conflicting info?
« Reply #227 on: Sep 30, 2011, 10:05 »
The test encourages rushing IMO.

I disagree.  Approach it as a stress test next time you take it.  A lot of people stress out when they feel rushed which results in stupid mistakes.  Sounds like you just psyched yourself out.  Don't worry about how scoring works and do your best.  RELAX.

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Re: My recent POSS Failure... too much conflicting info?
« Reply #228 on: Oct 01, 2011, 03:23 »
What's to guess about? Its 7th grade math, simple graphs, and extremely basic mechanical analysis...  Learn from your mistakes, and apply them to your next testing session; when/if you get one.  You're a navy guy. Think "immediate actions" here. You dont have time to think about anything, you just "do". Apply that concept to your testing next time. theres nothing hard about that test besides the time constraint.

Id say, make sure you are actually "practicing" as well. Its too easy to just go through the test. Have someone time you while you go through it. Be strict and honest with yourself.


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Re: My recent POSS Failure... too much conflicting info?
« Reply #229 on: Oct 01, 2011, 03:52 »
Hello everyone!  I thought I would share my recent feelings on failing the POSS test for Entergy this week. 

First, make no mistake, I am NOT trying to hide my role in failing.  Straight up, I didn't get it done.  I would however, like to shed some light on some inconsistencies regarding test strategies, grading, etc.

Like most people, I downloaded and took the EEI practice test, which I found VERY helpful.  One of my best friend's is an AO so I had that resource.  Some of his managers even took me aside and gave me some "sage" advice.  I studied for about 3-4 weeks before the exam, ate a big breakfast, slept well, the whole nine.

First, I will say that I didn't completely finish ANY section of the test.  First section was Assembly and I skipped ones that were too difficult or taking me too long.  I probably missed 5-6 out of 24?  All of the sections were like this except for tables/graphs and math.  I didn't finish the 60 table problems in 4 minutes or the graph problems in the same time.  Math was oddly my most comfortable test.  I got hung up on conversions with about 8 to go so I went to Algebra which i smoked through and then completed 5 word problems.  My friend who is an AO didn't even complete that many and passed so I know I did enough, at least on that section.  In fact, he didn't finish ANY section, like me.

Here's where it gets odd.  The proctor told us flat out to narrow the answer down to 2 , maybe 3 options and then take an EDUCATED GUESS!!!  This flies in the face of everything I have been told or read about the test.  The assistant OPS manager told me to not worry if I left "10-15%" of each sections' problems blank!  So that means I can only leave 3 out of 30 empty?  That didn't sound right either.  Also, the proctor told us the test is graded accumulatively.  I've read here on this forum that isn't "fail" one section and you fail the whole test. One Navy guy there even told us he heard if you answer 50% or more of the questions at at of 70% or better you pass! Huh?

I don't know.  I'm kind of bummed out obviously, but it would be nice if more information on this test came out or was at least more consistent.  I felt pretty confident in my answers, I wasn't guessing or feeling lost.  When I encountered a problem that gave me trouble I skipped it.  It also compounds things that i work in a Nuke plant and in a specific department that will never allow me to take the test again.  My friend had to bust serious balls just to get me in to take it this one time.  The other kick to the nuts was what Ive witnessed in a Nuke plant and my AO friend sees on a daily basis.  The test encourages rushing IMO.  At no point in time have I ever heard of someone needing to rush while doing their job in a Nuclear facility.  just seems like an odd test for an industry that beats into our heads: Slow down, review, peer checking, STAR, etc.. 

Thanks for hearing me out guys...any info, comments would be appreciated.

I am amazed at how cryptic and secretive the way this test is scored is!! How is it wieghed? quantity vs quality? I too failed to get the highly coveted " recommended" rating on my poss test... yet the HR lady will not divulge any details about my test regarding what sections I failed or what my weaknesses are!  Possibly I rushed and answered too many incorrectly for the number I completed? If I had to guess i would swear that my cumulative score would have to be over 90%... correct and 60-70% completed.... thoughts .. postulations.. theories hypothesis?  anyone anyone?


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Re: My recent POSS Failure... too much conflicting info?
« Reply #230 on: Oct 01, 2011, 05:48 »
What's to guess about? Its 7th grade math, simple graphs, and extremely basic mechanical analysis...  Learn from your mistakes,(Wow.  This is what I'm asking about.  What were my mistakes? Can you tell me?  I don't know what they were, no one does. Thanks for the insight though.) and apply them to your next testing session; when/if you get one.  You're a navy guy. (No, I'm not!) Think "immediate actions" here. You dont have time to think about anything, you just "do". Apply that concept to your testing next time. theres nothing hard about that test besides the time constraint.

Id say, make sure you are actually "practicing" as well. Its too easy to just go through the test. Have someone time you while you go through it. Be strict and honest with yourself.

Thanks for the opinion.  So, another person knocking me for trying to find out how this test is evaluated.  Why is it people who pass this test can't tell you why and people who fail are told to try harder?  I did time myself and I did practice.  I'm not saying I was perfect, I'm just wondering if maybe you need to be on this test, which is fine, but I was just looking for that information here.  It's okay to research strategies for the SAT's for example, but I get the impression that POSS "strategy" is a negative thing and by passing the test using strategies gleaned from a resource like this one, it somehow cheapens a passing score and means I would make a substandard AO.  Did I mention their are pizza cooks in Ops at my plant?

I was just looking for some concrete information like, "If you get one wrong at all, you'll fail."  At least then I could look at possibly moving a little slower next time instead of trying to finish every question, which no one in my group of 13 testers did and 6 of them got jobs.


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Re: My recent POSS Failure... too much conflicting info?
« Reply #231 on: Oct 01, 2011, 08:55 »
It depends on the utility though in general if you do not get enough questions in a section done you fail said section even if you got them all right and the guy who did get the minimum number of questions done misses a certain percentage yet still passes.

When I took the POSS I finished every section with time to spare and from what I heard I got them all correct. So my advice to you is finish all the sections and get al the questions right, it's a time proven winning strategy.

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Re: My recent POSS Failure... too much conflicting info?
« Reply #232 on: Oct 01, 2011, 02:16 »
but I get the impression that POSS "strategy" is a negative thing and by passing the test using strategies gleaned from a resource like this one, it somehow cheapens a passing score and means I would make a substandard AO. 

Looking for a "strategy" to pass a test strongly implies that you lack the confidence and/or knowledge level to pass the test. IF said strategies could raise a marginal fail to a barely passing, THEN yes it would cheapen a passing score and possibly result in substandard AOs.

Did I mention their are pizza cooks in Ops at my plant?

Did I mention that they passed the test, and you didn't?

I was just looking for some concrete information like, "If you get one wrong at all, you'll fail." 

Obviously a passing score allows some questions to be missed. Stop QQ'ing and cowboy up, histrionics won't look good to the Ops Department you want to join (that is probably reading this thread)

At least then I could look at possibly moving a little slower next time instead of trying to finish every question, which no one in my group of 13 testers did and 6 of them got jobs.

Six of them showed up with adequate knowledge.

Look, there IS life outside of Ops. There are plenty of electricians, mechanics and HP techs on this site waxing nicer cars than I'll ever drive. Find what you are good at doing, and work hard at it and prosper!


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Re: My recent POSS Failure... too much conflicting info?
« Reply #233 on: Oct 01, 2011, 11:55 »
It depends on the utility though in general if you do not get enough questions in a section done you fail said section even if you got them all right and the guy who did get the minimum number of questions done misses a certain percentage yet still passes.

When I took the POSS I finished every section with time to spare and from what I heard I got them all correct. So my advice to you is finish all the sections and get al the questions right, it's a time proven winning strategy.

Well, I guess I can just chalk it up to not having the chops.  You finished the whole test with time to spare and was perfect.  I know the test I took would never allow me to do that.  This is the annoying part though, if your situation was the only way to pass I would totally feel not cut out for the job and that would be the end of it, but there are guys on this very forum who claim to have attempted 10 math questions and received a recommended score.


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Re: My recent POSS Failure... too much conflicting info?
« Reply #234 on: Oct 02, 2011, 12:19 »

I hear what you're saying but with every reply comes more ambiguity.  Why the attitude toward me because I am inquiring why a guy who attempts 10 out of 30+ math questions gets recommended and others don't?  I only came to this forum for some answers and to share.  In fact, if a friend of mine in Ops didn't express his opinion of the POSS test being a mediocre (at best) judge of one's ability to learn his job, then I wouldn't have posted.  I felt I did well on the test, but obviously I didn't do well on what I answered OR I didn't answer enough.  Because I will never know, what's wrong with throwing a few feelers out there online to try to figure it out? have done nothing but passive aggressively stomp on me for asking questions instead of actually offering answers.  I get it, I failed...I'm an idiot.  Thank you for your time. 


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Re: My recent POSS Failure... too much conflicting info?
« Reply #235 on: Oct 02, 2011, 12:28 » have done nothing but passive aggressively stomp on me for asking questions instead of actually offering answers.  I get it, I failed...I'm an idiot.  Thank you for your time.  

You failed.... Study. Practice. Try Again. Repeat. THAT SIMPLE!
Skip the multiple posts of sadness, blaming others, and crying about the test. Everyone else is taking that same test and no utility cares how accurate or fair you think it is.

If this too saddens you.... Keep looking and skip the studying.
« Last Edit: Oct 02, 2011, 12:29 by Drayer »


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Re: My recent POSS Failure... too much conflicting info?
« Reply #236 on: Oct 02, 2011, 01:28 »

It would seem that with all the conflicting information regarding the criteria for passing this test..that possibly it is subjective.. relative to to the candidate?  Anecdotal evidence suggests that differerent people taking the same test are able to answer less/more questions.. less/ more accurately and still pass this test?  The results are secret... however so we can neither confirm nor deny this :o


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Re: My recent POSS Failure... too much conflicting info?
« Reply #237 on: Oct 02, 2011, 01:33 »
You failed.... Study. Practice. Try Again. Repeat. THAT SIMPLE!
Skip the multiple posts of sadness, blaming others, and crying about the test. Everyone else is taking that same test and no utility cares how accurate or fair you think it is.

If this too saddens you.... Keep looking and skip the studying.

I guess you missed the part of my posts where I mentioned NOT being able to take the test again because I work in a department that is routinely $hit on by everyone in the plant, in much the way you have on me in this thread.  Why can't people like yourself admit to not having ANY clue how this test might be evaluated instead of telling my to study and stop whining.  You know you don't have to comment right?  Thanks for the input...just wondering HOW I may have failed in my approach on a test in what may be the only time I can take it.  Think long and hard and you'll know what department I work in.  

Sorry to everyone for pissing you off with my questions, I just thought a test that has an 85% failure rate and ignores education level might have some unique approaches or strategies associated with it.  Sorry for waisting your time.  



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Re: My recent POSS Failure... too much conflicting info?
« Reply #238 on: Oct 02, 2011, 03:41 »

I think to summarize what everyone is trying to say is: " You studied and tried your best on the POSS do not inherently have whatever it takes to pass this non-biased admit it, accept it...get over it...and move on without further unfruitful questions and attempts to analyze it. Your was wasting your and everyone elses time    8)


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Re: My recent POSS Failure... too much conflicting info?
« Reply #239 on: Oct 02, 2011, 04:56 »

I think to summarize what everyone is trying to say is: " You studied and tried your best on the POSS do not inherently have whatever it takes to pass this non-biased admit it, accept it...get over it...and move on without further unfruitful questions and attempts to analyze it. Your was wasting your and everyone elses time    8)

Gee... divinitus asked some polite questions about the POSS test... and everyone here jumped on his back.. what gives?  There have been many posts by people looking for tips on how to pass this test why all the hostility towards this guy?  Maybe he doesnt have what it takes... but you have to admit he has not given up.. dont many people take this test several times before passing?  ;D


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Re: My recent POSS Failure... too much conflicting info?
« Reply #240 on: Oct 02, 2011, 08:57 »
Gee... divinitus asked some polite questions about the POSS test... and everyone here jumped on his back.. what gives?  There have been many posts by people looking for tips on how to pass this test why all the hostility towards this guy?  Maybe he doesnt have what it takes... but you have to admit he has not given up.. dont many people take this test several times before passing?  ;D

Not one person here slammed the guy for failing. What people did challenge was his refusal to accept that the replies given did not fully answer his question. It gets irritating when vanilla snow cones do this sort of thing.

I'm not certain if you are in the industry yet or not but this is light compared to a normal day at work. It's a body contact sport, people get bruised and those who understand that tend to heal, succeed then get bruised again.

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Re: My recent POSS Failure... too much conflicting info?
« Reply #241 on: Oct 02, 2011, 10:45 »
Gee... divinitus asked some polite questions about the POSS test... and everyone here jumped on his back.. what gives?  There have been many posts by people looking for tips on how to pass this test why all the hostility towards this guy?  Maybe he doesnt have what it takes... but you have to admit he has not given up.. dont many people take this test several times before passing?  ;D

I do not know about current test takers, but back in the day when I took it everyone we hired passed on the first attempt.

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Re: My recent POSS Failure... too much conflicting info?
« Reply #242 on: Oct 02, 2011, 11:09 »
This is a simple case.  The exams are designed to weed out potential hires who lack the aptitude to succeed in a technically and mentally challenging training program.  Unlike others here, I struggled with the POSS, but I passed.  If I had taken it 20 years ago I'm pretty sure I would have done much better.  Following the advice in these forums, I practiced so that I could improve my speed on things that I knew or used to know.   Too many times, we try to find a shortcut to succeed at something that requires hard work and dedication.  The guidelines and recommendations are pretty straightforward:  work fast and skip questions that you don't know.  If you have time go back.  If you can eliminate distractors then guess rather than leave one blank.  In the end, if you have the aptitude, you'll have answered enough questions correctly.  Here's what the writer of the exam says,
To say that the advice to guess if you can eliminate distractors "flies in the face of everything the OP read.." leads to me believe that he isn't really owning the failure, or he didn't read the source documents.
The things that will destroy America are prosperity-at-any-price, peace-at-any-price, safety-first instead of duty-first, the love of soft living, and the get-rich-quick theory of life.
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Re: My recent POSS Failure... too much conflicting info?
« Reply #243 on: Oct 02, 2011, 03:32 »
In before the (Thread) LOCK ... ;) ... Seriously though I believe if anyone follows the directions we have laid out in the POSS / TESTING forum then they are the best prepared they can be.  If you still don't pass then no other help will get you over the top.  Not everyone is/was meant to pass.  If you've failed twice then it's time to move on.

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Re: My recent POSS Failure... too much conflicting info?
« Reply #244 on: Oct 02, 2011, 05:23 »
If there is one thing to really study for...i assume it would be complex algebra.

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Re: My recent POSS Failure... too much conflicting info?
« Reply #245 on: Oct 02, 2011, 05:32 »
If there is one thing to really study for...i assume it would be complex algebra.

"Complex Algebra" on the POSS??????????????

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Re: My recent POSS Failure... too much conflicting info?
« Reply #246 on: Oct 02, 2011, 06:14 »
Thanks for the opinion.  So, another person knocking me for trying to find out how this test is evaluated.  Why is it people who pass this test can't tell you why and people who fail are told to try harder?  I did time myself and I did practice.  I'm not saying I was perfect, I'm just wondering if maybe you need to be on this test, which is fine, but I was just looking for that information here.  It's okay to research strategies for the SAT's for example, but I get the impression that POSS "strategy" is a negative thing and by passing the test using strategies gleaned from a resource like this one, it somehow cheapens a passing score and means I would make a substandard AO.  Did I mention their are pizza cooks in Ops at my plant?

I was just looking for some concrete information like, "If you get one wrong at all, you'll fail."  At least then I could look at possibly moving a little slower next time instead of trying to finish every question, which no one in my group of 13 testers did and 6 of them got jobs.

What I said wasn't "opinion". I took the poss test with 3 hours of sleep after at a 16 hour drive the night before. If you stress out yourself, you will fail that test. That's kind of the point of the test.  I apologize for assuming you were navy, you mentioned a navy buddy, so I made the relation like that. 

No one here "knows" how the poss is graded, or the criteria of the questions.

Finally, who cares what their background is. That pizza cook (as you say it in a perceived derogatory sense) managed to pass that test that you weren't able to. Think about that before you decide to talk down upon that person. Some people are just good test takers, others are not.

If there is one thing to really study for...i assume it would be complex algebra.

No. I wasnt joking or exaggerating at all when I said it was 7th grade math. Its just a LOT of it in a short amount of time.

2x+7 = 3; solve for  x....  At most, practice graph reading and practice doing lots of math in a short amount of time.


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Re: My recent POSS Failure... too much conflicting info?
« Reply #247 on: Oct 02, 2011, 08:55 »
This is a simple case.  The exams are designed to weed out potential hires who lack the aptitude to succeed in a technically and mentally challenging training program.  Unlike others here, I struggled with the POSS, but I passed.  If I had taken it 20 years ago I'm pretty sure I would have done much better.  Following the advice in these forums, I practiced so that I could improve my speed on things that I knew or used to know.   Too many times, we try to find a shortcut to succeed at something that requires hard work and dedication.  The guidelines and recommendations are pretty straightforward:  work fast and skip questions that you don't know.  If you have time go back.  If you can eliminate distractors then guess rather than leave one blank.  In the end, if you have the aptitude, you'll have answered enough questions correctly.  Here's what the writer of the exam says,
To say that the advice to guess if you can eliminate distractors "flies in the face of everything the OP read.." leads to me believe that he isn't really owning the failure, or he didn't read the source documents.

DDmurray.. thank you for offering constructive honest advice .. without judgement or ridicule. Thats how its done boys


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Re: My recent POSS Failure... too much conflicting info?
« Reply #248 on: Oct 02, 2011, 10:08 »
This is a simple case.  The exams are designed to weed out potential hires who lack the aptitude to succeed in a technically and mentally challenging training program.  Unlike others here, I struggled with the POSS, but I passed.  If I had taken it 20 years ago I'm pretty sure I would have done much better.  Following the advice in these forums, I practiced so that I could improve my speed on things that I knew or used to know.   Too many times, we try to find a shortcut to succeed at something that requires hard work and dedication.  The guidelines and recommendations are pretty straightforward:  work fast and skip questions that you don't know.  If you have time go back.  If you can eliminate distractors then guess rather than leave one blank.  In the end, if you have the aptitude, you'll have answered enough questions correctly.  Here's what the writer of the exam says,
To say that the advice to guess if you can eliminate distractors "flies in the face of everything the OP read.." leads to me believe that he isn't really owning the failure, or he didn't read the source documents.

Thanks for the above information.  I think what my frustration boiled down to is something you mentioned.  It was my fault for being unprepared or not practicing this way, but I had some very intelligent people in OPS management take me aside and tell me to never guess and only answer a question if I know for absolutely sure it is the correct answer.  To hear after the fact from some good people on this forum that educated guessing is okay after you answer everything you know for sure and go back, well that just seems like 2 totally different pieces of information.  That's NOT why I failed obviously.  I was just simply trying to figure out what was fact versus fiction.  Everyone here knows how internet forums are...sometimes it's hard to weed out the useful, factual information.

Also, I can't get your link to work...would be very interested in reading it.


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Re: My recent POSS Failure... too much conflicting info?
« Reply #249 on: Oct 02, 2011, 10:23 »
What I said wasn't "opinion". I took the poss test with 3 hours of sleep after at a 16 hour drive the night before. If you stress out yourself, you will fail that test. That's kind of the point of the test.  I apologize for assuming you were navy, you mentioned a navy buddy, so I made the relation like that. 

No one here "knows" how the poss is graded, or the criteria of the questions.

Finally, who cares what their background is. That pizza cook (as you say it in a perceived derogatory sense) managed to pass that test that you weren't able to. Think about that before you decide to talk down upon that person. Some people are just good test takers, others are not.
No. I wasnt joking or exaggerating at all when I said it was 7th grade math. Its just a LOT of it in a short amount of time.

2x+7 = 3; solve for  x....  At most, practice graph reading and practice doing lots of math in a short amount of time.

You're right.  I shouldn't have painted those guys in a negative light like that.  Your point about being a good test taker is well taken.  My only point earlier was that being a good test taker doesn't show you the whole picture.  Listen, before I make my point just know I'm not saying the test is worthless or shouldn't be used.  I'm just making a point that maybe we can talk about.  The people who are better test takers have an important skill, but the C student who gets a 1500 on his SAT's is still a C student.  He might have an amazing intellect, but after the POSS what comes next?  A year or so of training.  Maybe all things being equal, the guy who needs to practice harder for the POSS and uses strategies so he can "barely" pass would make a better employee down the road because he has the work ethic and study skills to excel in a training enviornment like that.

Either way, if I get a chance again someday I will bust my a$$ and do what I can and if my best is good enough maybe I will have better results.  If not, you guys are right and I'm clearly not cut out for this job.  I will keep my eye open in the meantime and research some other career choices around the plant.

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Re: My recent POSS Failure... too much conflicting info?
« Reply #250 on: Oct 03, 2011, 10:24 »
You're right.  I shouldn't have painted those guys in a negative light like that.  Your point about being a good test taker is well taken.  My only point earlier was that being a good test taker doesn't show you the whole picture.  Listen, before I make my point just know I'm not saying the test is worthless or shouldn't be used.  I'm just making a point that maybe we can talk about.  The people who are better test takers have an important skill, but the C student who gets a 1500 on his SAT's is still a C student.  He might have an amazing intellect, but after the POSS what comes next?  A year or so of training.  Maybe all things being equal, the guy who needs to practice harder for the POSS and uses strategies so he can "barely" pass would make a better employee down the road because he has the work ethic and study skills to excel in a training enviornment like that.

Either way, if I get a chance again someday I will bust my a$$ and do what I can and if my best is good enough maybe I will have better results.  If not, you guys are right and I'm clearly not cut out for this job.  I will keep my eye open in the meantime and research some other career choices around the plant.

   You may have missed the point of the test. It is looking for aptitude and the acumen to perform the job. Spatial reasoning, critical thinking skills, and cognition can only be studied for up to a point. Not everyone is meant to play a violin, paint, or sculpt a statue. There are some very intelligent people who will not make good operators.
   It is not my intention to discourage you just to help give you a little perspective for the next time you take the exam if you chose to do so.

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Re: My recent POSS Failure... too much conflicting info?
« Reply #251 on: Oct 03, 2011, 08:02 »
Thanks for the above information.  I think what my frustration boiled down to is something you mentioned.  It was my fault for being unprepared or not practicing this way, but I had some very intelligent people in OPS management take me aside and tell me to never guess and only answer a question if I know for absolutely sure it is the correct answer.  To hear after the fact from some good people on this forum that educated guessing is okay after you answer everything you know for sure and go back, well that just seems like 2 totally different pieces of information.  That's NOT why I failed obviously.  I was just simply trying to figure out what was fact versus fiction.  Everyone here knows how internet forums are...sometimes it's hard to weed out the useful, factual information.

Also, I can't get your link to work...would be very interested in reading it.
Try this.  The directions are in the link.  Sorry about giving you a bogus link.

Edit:  I tried the link and it worked.
« Last Edit: Oct 03, 2011, 08:07 by DDMurray »
The things that will destroy America are prosperity-at-any-price, peace-at-any-price, safety-first instead of duty-first, the love of soft living, and the get-rich-quick theory of life.
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Re: My recent POSS Failure... too much conflicting info?
« Reply #252 on: Oct 04, 2011, 06:50 »
You're right.  I shouldn't have painted those guys in a negative light like that.  Your point about being a good test taker is well taken.  My only point earlier was that being a good test taker doesn't show you the whole picture.  Listen, before I make my point just know I'm not saying the test is worthless or shouldn't be used.  I'm just making a point that maybe we can talk about.  The people who are better test takers have an important skill, but the C student who gets a 1500 on his SAT's is still a C student.  He might have an amazing intellect, but after the POSS what comes next?  A year or so of training.  Maybe all things being equal, the guy who needs to practice harder for the POSS and uses strategies so he can "barely" pass would make a better employee down the road because he has the work ethic and study skills to excel in a training enviornment like that.

Either way, if I get a chance again someday I will bust my a$$ and do what I can and if my best is good enough maybe I will have better results.  If not, you guys are right and I'm clearly not cut out for this job.  I will keep my eye open in the meantime and research some other career choices around the plant.

 I agree with you to an extent, but the point of the test isnt to determine intellect. Grace under pressure if you will. The training program is what makes you prove your intellect. Who knows if pizza boy happened to guess properly? Nothing. That will be determined when he goes through training.


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Re: My recent POSS Failure... too much conflicting info?
« Reply #253 on: Oct 04, 2011, 07:07 »
Starkist ... Not So Fast!  (re: POSS = grace under fire)  Why would the utilities do that?  Right or Wrong it is an APT'TI'TUDE test.  It is a predictor of power plant operator success ... period.  If the POSS/MASS is to stressful or problo'matic then it will show in the score.  PEACE! 

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Re: My recent POSS Failure... too much conflicting info?
« Reply #254 on: Oct 05, 2011, 12:38 »
Starkist ... Not So Fast!  (re: POSS = grace under fire)  Why would the utilities do that?  Right or Wrong it is an APT'TI'TUDE test.  It is a predictor of power plant operator success ... period.  If the POSS/MASS is to stressful or problo'matic then it will show in the score.  PEACE! 

Not a big fan of hemingway, are you?


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Re: My recent POSS Failure... too much conflicting info?
« Reply #255 on: Oct 10, 2011, 05:51 »
I hear what you're saying but with every reply comes more ambiguity.  Why the attitude toward me because I am inquiring why a guy who attempts 10 out of 30+ math questions gets recommended and others don't?  I only came to this forum for some answers and to share.  In fact, if a friend of mine in Ops didn't express his opinion of the POSS test being a mediocre (at best) judge of one's ability to learn his job, then I wouldn't have posted.  I felt I did well on the test, but obviously I didn't do well on what I answered OR I didn't answer enough.  Because I will never know, what's wrong with throwing a few feelers out there online to try to figure it out? have done nothing but passive aggressively stomp on me for asking questions instead of actually offering answers.  I get it, I failed...I'm an idiot.  Thank you for your time. 

I assume you are referring to me.  I did do 10 Questions but the Poss Test I took was the short math version


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Re: More reflections on the POSS test
« Reply #256 on: Jan 26, 2012, 07:05 »
Assembly: Much like the practice test but more difficult.

Charts and graphs: EXACTLY like the practice test.

Mechanical concepts: Much like the practice test.

Math:......The algebra is very much like the practice test.
So in other words, it's exactly like the samples they provide?

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Re: Another POSS Experience
« Reply #257 on: Jun 02, 2012, 04:08 »
I personally think waiting for the test results may be the worst part. I just took the POSS test this week and am waiting to hear back about my score, and I will tell you... it's kind of stressful.

The practice tests helped a lot. But I wish I had done more research and found this forum before I took it. I wish I knew that you were graded on the questions answered.... not the whole thing... If that's the case, then I may have done okay, but I've also learned to not get your hopes up. However, the test is still nerve wrecking as it is, practice test or not. Though I DO suggest taking the practice tests. Have someone time you, this way when you time get timed you have no control over stopping the timer and you're put under "real" pressure. Otherwise, the practice tests aren't as helpful.


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My Perspective on MASS/POSS
« Reply #258 on: Jul 03, 2012, 11:27 »
I passed both on the first attempt, MASS and POSS.

I would be surprised if I had more than five or six questions wrong on the entire POSS exam.

With the MASS there was one section that gave me a bit of a hurdle, that one with 20 problems and they pertain to "determine how the finished part should look" and we were basically given 20 minutes, so in theory one minute per problem, I didn't finish that section, I had 13 problems done and 7 that I didn't finish, but I am certain that 12 of those 13 were correct. I thought it was better to have the most correct answers possible than to rush through it and wind up with a crap-shot.

There wasn't a single section on the POSS that I didn't finish. I've seldom encountered a test that I didn't do well on except for some Accounting exams (reading/analyzing financial forms/statements is one thing, preparing them and reconciling them is an entirely different matter) and some Calculus exams where I had to really go into over-drive to make Cs and Bs.

Virtually everybody in the nuclear program at the community college failed the POSS on their first attempt, and most of them failed again on their second attempt. However, everybody passed the MASS on their first attempt.

When sitting around outside of class and talking with fellow students, I kept my opinion to myself that the POSS was an easy test as almost everybody I was speaking with had failed the test their first attempt and then most failed it the second time.

I didn't do any sort of "study" for the MASS/POSS, I simply made it a point to try to get a good night's sleep, eat well in the morning, and go into the exam relaxed and ready to take the tests.

The POSS parts that pertain to reading comprehension, I would suggest reading the questions first and then scanning the paragraphs to find the relevant information/answers. I tend to read incredibly fast and I remember almost everything I read (to the point where when it comes to light reading/novels I can read a 300 page novel in 4-6 hours depending on how I feel that day and then remember entire paragraphs/pages later, and I can read 200-300 page books on political theory/foreign relations/etc in 10-12 hours). Even still, I read the questions before reading the paragraphs and only read the paragraphs through in their entirety after I had answered all the questions that I was able to answer without thoroughly reading the paragraphs, then I thoroughly read the paragraphs, answered the rest of the questions, checked my answers by reading through everything again, and moved on.

The MASS parts that required visualizing "which way should you make this rod turn to make this rod turn clock-wise" (involving one rod that is up against another rod that is up against another rod, etc) I had to more or less construct a make-shift group of rods using two pencils and the click eraser to get a real image of what I was dealing with. I have trouble picturing those things in my head so I like to see a little model/demo.

I don't know my exact scores and I am uncertain if I will ever be able to find out, or how I would go about finding out, but I would wager that I had an incredibly high score on the POSS, possibly close to perfect, while I probably had a comfortable yet not so high score on the MASS. If I had to take a shot in the dark, on a 100% scale, I might have managed a 98% on the POSS and an 89 to 91 percent on the MASS.

Last year when I was thinking of the US Border Patrol as a career I scored a 98 on their exam but then I decided that it wasn't worth the hassle/cost to move to the Southwest border (which might entail California) to make $35,000 dollars per year in a career where I would be thrown to the wolves if I had to use my weapon to defend myself/my partners. Just like those two agents who opened fire on a drug cartel jeep that was trying to run them down, they spent several years in prison before Bush commuted their sentences and had them released, but they were not pardoned, merely commuted/early release, so they are still felons for life, with all the detriments to employment that the felon status entails, along with the accompanying loss of civil liberties.

I had also tested for a police department in a coastal city that was about 1,100 miles away, I was one point away from a perfect score on the written test and the physical was pass/fail and I passed, but instead of immediately bringing people in for interviews as was their original plan, they had a budget crisis and a hiring freeze. It wasn't until 18 months later when they were out of the hiring freeze, by which time my application (including my test scores) was 15 months stale. I was invited to come and test again but I decided that having made one trip, which entailed about 19.5 hours of driving (along with approx 38-40 gallons of gas) just to get there, in addition to a hotel for two days while I was there, had cost enough, and that I was not going to expend more money chasing a job that was probably going to be given to a local anyway.

So it came to be that I decided that my father's career wasn't all that bad, he always had something neat to say about his work, he was always fixing things around the house, fixing computers, building computers, fixing computers for others, so why not go study electronic engineering technology and see where I could go with that. I figured it would be a reasonable addition to my business degree and that I would have the management/administration side covered and then I could add some technical stuff to that and maybe work a few years in something technical and be tapped for a supervisor/manager role. My first semester in the electronic degree program I had an opening in my schedule so I filled it with a nuclear industry fundamentals class just to see what it was about, get some insight into the industry... Also, I figured it would be an easy A with only a few essays and maybe a term paper.

The class was very well conducted, the professor was very professional, I believe I built up a rapport with him and things went well. I'd say that probably six or seven weeks into the class I knew that I was going to go for both the Nuclear Engineering Technology and Electronic Engineering Technology and try to get into the nuclear industry.

When it comes to tests it is important to always be relaxed, well-rested, well-fed, properly hydrated, and make sure you use the bathroom before testing begins. If you tend to have stomach problems, take something to help settle your stomach before going into the test. Depending on the nature of the test, as in the test material/subject, you may want to spend hours or days studying.

In my experience tests that require moderate to significant levels of study would be Law class tests, Calculus tests, Chemistry tests, Accounting tests, AC/DC/electrical tests, etc.

Tests where you can just show up and take the test would include, Police written exams, MASS/POSS, Political Science tests, Philosophy tests, Management/Administration tests (assuming you paid attention in class and know the terms/theories that the test will encompass), Algebra tests, and things of that nature.

Not to beat up on anybody who may have failed the exam but my view of the MASS/POSS test is that it basically asks the question, "did you graduate high school by occupying a chair and having a pulse or did you actually earn your diploma and learn something useful while in high school?" and if you were educated to a 10th grade level and understand Algebra 1, maybe some Algebra 2, in addition to having 9th-10th grade reading comprehension skills, the POSS test won't be a problem.

Basically the company wants to know, "did you earn your way out of high school, did you deserve your diploma, or did they just hand you a diploma and push you out with the rest of the kids."

The SAT was more challenging than the POSS test. Likewise the ACT was more challenging than the POSS test. High school AP examinations were more challenging than any of the reading components of the POSS test.

In theory anybody who has a high school diploma should be able to pass the MASS/POSS.

However, not all high school diplomas are equal, some have AP/honors/etc, some are Summa Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude, Cum Laude, others are the bare minimum needed to graduate with remedial classes, and others are social diplomas simply handed out for reasons related to esteem building and inflating graduation rates. Thus the industry needs to have a standardized test to determine if you are a legitimate high school graduate who earned the diploma you have, or if you are a social graduate.
« Last Edit: Jul 03, 2012, 11:28 by DuckAndCover »

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Re: My Perspective on MASS/POSS
« Reply #259 on: Jul 04, 2012, 10:41 »
I'd congratulate you for passing, but it appears you've patted yourselfon the back enough already. Was the point of your post to help others, or show how smart you think you are?  Who is John Galt?
« Last Edit: Jul 04, 2012, 10:55 by a|F »


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Re: My Perspective on MASS/POSS
« Reply #260 on: Jul 04, 2012, 11:53 »

My point is to tell people to just relax and take the test, if they were able to do well on the SAT or high school standardized tests they'll do fine. One other key piece of advice, scan 10-15 problems ahead and answer those that seem the easiest. If any problem is taking more than one minute of your time, skip it and come back later as time permits. Also, sections of the test are recycled later on, at least in our case they were.

We had an exact repeat of the first math section of 20-30 questions, as section 4. Even though I didn't have the sheet/book of what I answered for the first time these 20-30 questions appeared, they were identical questions, I recognized that, and I remembered my answers, so I quickly filled things in, did a quick double check, and didn't waste time doing another series of conversions and figuring.

Work fast, do your conversions once, try to commit the basic conversions to memory, know things such as quarts in a gallon, pints in a quart, pints in a gallon, ounces in a gallon, don't get tripped up with units of measurement that you might not know conversions for, make sure you know the conversions before you sit down for the test.

I always tend to go on and on and write a lot. I'm not much for short posts.

Sorry if I offended you or came off as self-edifying, neither was my intention.

I took your post to be exactly as you just described. Anything you posted about yourself seemed to be simply to provide a backdrop. We all have our individual talents. I took your post as meaning "Hey I'm extremely well read but my opinion is if you did well in High School and your doing well was due to hard work you'll pass the POSS"

The key is relax, get rest and eat well before the exam. The fact you're in the room taking it means you can pass it. I think Nukes have problems with this exam because they get wrapped around the work quickly implication because it is a timed test and face it, most Nukes are not wired that way when they are confronted with an exam.

The only thing I would add is guys who have been away from nuclear for awhile tend to fudge this test simply because cobwebs settle in. It happened to one of the smartest guys I know, he passed it the second time then blew the interview.

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Re: My Perspective on MASS/POSS
« Reply #261 on: Jul 04, 2012, 04:43 »

Later that day one of them called and said that they were not happy with my lack of management experience and were pursuing other candidates. When I told my father about it he said, "you should have told them that they should make their job description and posting reflect what they actually want instead of calling it entry-level, they wasted hours of your time. If they want somebody with years of experience then it is not entry level."

This dichotomy occurs often at dysfunctional corporations that operate at several levels of incompetency:

1. HR too lazy to do proper screenouts up front, and a hidden agenda for staffing quotas, thus creating nebulous interview questions so vague that by design both Roseanne Barr and Hyman Rickover can be determined to be the best candidate.

2. Mushy middle managers that willfully fail to resist #1, and go along with the party line. Plus, in their world, doing interviews is a great way to filling in those otherwise blank spots in their Franklin-CoveyTM "7 Habits of Highly Defective People" dayplanners. Oh, and getting to play polyester-clad-voice-of-authority to those Gen Y college guys with bird's nest hair, and occasional smokin hotties who make the final round of interviews. Who needs eHarmony when you have hiring authority? ;)

3. Muddling senior executives that spend most of their time surrounded by lackeys in #2 , and bounce from one failing project to another like a 3 year old with a bag of M&M's. As living embodiments of "The Peter Principle" available in paperback, their vision of how the company should run is really just an accessory of their own view of personal greatness, reinforced by the expensive people at focus groups with behavioral psych degrees. These executives are rarely in the office because there is always something cool to do somewhere else, but they hate going to actual industry events because then they just get all of that negative reinforcement hearing how some other company can run a site with 0.7 FTE/MW, yet their plants run at 1.2/MW and have issues. They live in envy of the high-paid gel-haired consultants, and focus their attention and efforts on landing one of those sweet gigs personally, rather than keep the company healthy for the next generation to join, grow and prosper.


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Re: My Perspective on MASS/POSS
« Reply #262 on: Jul 04, 2012, 07:28 »
It's simple. They aren't hiring guys to be career Non License Operators. NOW once a guy gets there..
Also some utilities have mandatory Up or Outs.


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My experience with POSS/MBST test
« Reply #263 on: Sep 14, 2012, 12:15 »
I just want to say this is one of the rare times I post on forums and after my recent experience I felt compelled to do so.

I recently took the POSS and MBST test for a position at Exelon, overall it was a very difficult test and it takes a lot of concentration and focus to complete and pass the tests.  For anyone out there who is about to take the test here is a bit of advice

a. If you are reading this, your first step is already complete. This website is the starting point for all of your info and study material, as well as help with your concerns.
b. Do not immediately post a topic asking for help.  If you don't want this bad enough to spend countless hours doing research, no topic or thread can help you.  EVERYTHING, and I repeat EVERYTHING you need to know can be found through that box up there on the top right aka search.
c. Study, Study, Study and do not underestimate neither one of the tests.
d. Do your best, stay focused, follow the advice that was given on the other posts.  I did not finish 3 of the sections on the POSS but I still gave it my best effort until the last question.

The structure of the test has been posted numerous times so again do research and you will find how many questions per section and how much time.

To the gentleman who took time out of their days to post different topics, to reply to different people, and to share their experience and knowledge, I sincerely thank you from the bottom of my heart.  I am a good test taker and I am certain beyond any doubt that without your help and input I would not have passed these tests.  

I just got the news that I passed the BMST and I am beyond excited to hear back from them for an interview.  
Regardless if i am offered a position or not (lets hope that I am) I thank you gentleman for helping me get this far.

Thank You.
« Last Edit: Sep 14, 2012, 12:17 by rossch »


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Re: My experience with POSS/MBST test
« Reply #264 on: Sep 16, 2012, 12:26 »
Great advice and great job!

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Re: My experience with POSS/MBST test
« Reply #265 on: Sep 25, 2012, 08:22 »
Great advice and great job!

Came to talk about the POSS.

They got a building down at the nuke site, it's called FFD,

where you walk in, you get injected, inspected, detected, infected, neglected and selected.  

I went down to get my physical examination one day, and I walked in, I sat down,

got good and drunk the night before, so I looked and felt my best when I went in that morning.

`Cause I wanted to look like the all-American kid from New York City,

man I wanted, I wanted to feel like the all-, I wanted to be the all American kid from New York,

and I walked in, sat down,

I was hung down, brung down, hung up, and all kinds o' mean nasty ugly things.

And I waked in and sat down and they gave me a piece of paper, said, "Kid, see the Broadzilla, Room 604."

And I went up there, I said, "Broad, I want to SCRAM.

I mean, I wanna, I wanna SCRAM.  SCRAM.  

I wanna, I wanna see, I wanna see steam and ice and big fat cables in my teeth.

Eat dead burnt twinkies.


And I started jumpin up and down yelling, "SCRAM, SCRAM,"

and Broadzilla started jumpin up and down with me and we was both jumping up and down yelling, "SCRAM, SCRAM."  

And the VP came over, pinned a red badge on me, sent me down the hall, and said,

"You're our boy." 8)

The post above is satire and is in no way endorsed, condoned or encouraged by any nuclear professional association, entity or organization. The post above is solely satire and in no way represents the standards or expectations of any NRC or Agreement State licensed facility in the United States of America, nor does it reflect the views, standards or policies of
But it is funny,....................................................…to some people.
« Last Edit: Sep 25, 2012, 08:30 by GLW »

been there, dun that,... the doormat to hell does not read "welcome", the doormat to hell reads "it's just business"

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My Recent Experience with the POSS and BMST test
« Reply #266 on: Oct 23, 2012, 06:23 »
Hey guys

I have been a lurker for about a week now and just finished taking both the POSS and BMST test for nuclear ops.  I passed the POSS.  I'd just like to say thank you all for all your comments and great information.  Because I have been lurking and passed the test, I thought I'd help out as well and give what I thought about the test and maybe help out.  

For study material, I only used the practice test given and the ASVAB book by Barron.  I only had 3 full days to study from the day I found out I am eligable to take the test to taking the actual test.  

Here is what I thought about the test

A tad more difficult than the practice exam.  But, if you can breeze through the practice exam then you should have no problem with the real thing.  The ASVAB book I had had different "assembly" problems.  I did them anyway.  I don't know if it helped much, but probably didn't hurt.  
I finished.  20/20 maybe missed 2.

Not much to say about this.  You either know it of you don't.  Most of them were like the practice test.  A couple tricky ones had to do with which way a valve would go if turning the valve one way.  Some others had some elaberate (if you close this valve, which will close that valve, which will open this valve, etc.) questions.  If you understand very basic physics and are able to see "3D" when looking at a 2D picture, you should be fine. 
42/42  maybe missed 4

Tables / Graphs
This one worried me a bit when I was awaiting the results.  The graph on the exam was about the same as the practice test, just more problems.  Try finding a method that makes as fast as possible.  I didn't think I answered enough but I guess it was good enough.  The ASVAB book does not have graphs but justing practicing the practice test was fine.  
45/60  maybe missed 1
The graph part was much harder than the practice test.  Each line in the graph was by 2 or 10 (depending on x or y axis).  This was different.  Also, the lines were only labled at the very top and they criss crossed all over the place which made it difficult to follow back to the source.  With that being said, I somehow managed to complete that section.
20/20 maybe missed 2

Not much to say here.  All science based material.  Their were 5 passages.  With the first 2, I was able to answer most of the questions without even reading (about density, viscosity, etc).  One thing to note is I noticed a bunch of "trick questions".  If you just scanned for an answer and didn't read before and after the sentence that has the key word or definition, you would get it wrong.  
36/36 maybe missed 5

Obviously the worst one.  I have an engineering degree and still didn't finish this section.  Do what is told everywhere else on this site, skip problems that are 2 maybe 3 conversions away and get all the easy ones out of the way first.  It is basically the same as the practice exam just more of them.  There are more problems on the real test with decimal places.  This can throw you off.  And there are answers that are "N".   Everytime I got one, I had to redo the problem to double check.  Probably cost me a bit.  ASVAB was mostly different, but helped me out for the BMST.
38/46 maybe missed 3

Know all the basic formulas (circuits, volume, TRIG, etc).  There were quite a few trig problems.  The ciruits killed me.  Know the cicuit symbols.  I had no clue on that.  

About a week ago I applied for this postion and I already passed the POSS.  There isn't much "studying" that needs to be done other than working on your timing.  

About me:  I have an engineering degree.  Been in the work force for about 2 years.  Now I'm just waiting on the interview.

I hope this helped.  Good luck.  
« Last Edit: Oct 23, 2012, 06:47 by slickneck44 »

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Re: My Recent Experience with the POSS and BMST test
« Reply #267 on: Oct 23, 2012, 06:31 »
Congratulations! And thanks for the info.

Good luck on the job offer.
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Re: My Recent Experience with the POSS and BMST test
« Reply #268 on: Oct 23, 2012, 11:27 »
There isn't much "studying" that needs to be done other than working on your timing.  

I agree...but, well worth the "study" to get that timing...

Congrats on passing...and good luck with the interview!  :)
« Last Edit: Oct 24, 2012, 06:29 by UncaBuffalo »
We are plain quiet folk and have no use for adventures. Nasty disturbing uncomfortable things! Make you late for dinner! I can’t think what anybody sees in them.      - B. Baggins


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Just trying to get an idea of the weighting on each part of the hiring process? Assuming my medical portion is a breeze how tough are the interviews? Are they typically a panel interview of multiple people or just one person? Once you pass the testing, are able to re-apply for interviews at other plants with the same company without having to re-take the POSS & BMST?


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How hard would it be for you to use the search function?

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Just trying to get an idea of the weighting on each part of the hiring process? Assuming my medical portion is a breeze how tough are the interviews? Are they typically a panel interview of multiple people or just one person? Once you pass the testing, are able to re-apply for interviews at other plants with the same company without having to re-take the POSS & BMST?

What does it matter? Either you pass or don't pass. Either you convince the panel to hire you or not. Focus on being the best YOU that you can be, not worrying over things not under your control.


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Typically the POSS is not shared, but I have heard of candidates getting one company to share with another. It is not unheard of, just not the norm. It cost money for a company to source, recruit, interview, and on board an applicant. So why would one company pay for you to use their resources to support your hiring process elsewhere?

The BMST is an Exelon thing, IIRC. Is this an Exelon job? If an Exelon job, be prepared for a Targeted interview using the STAR interview process.

Search for Targeted Interview and STAR interview.

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Just finished taking the MASS/POSS
« Reply #273 on: Jan 14, 2013, 09:27 »
Most of the study material was helpful. IMO the biggest difference was that the mechanical comprehension was harder than the practice test and less time too. Sure would be nice to know how they score these tests though.


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Re: Just finished taking the MASS/POSS
« Reply #274 on: Jan 14, 2013, 09:43 »
Most of the study material was helpful. IMO the biggest difference was that the mechanical comprehension was harder than the practice test and less time too. Sure would be nice to know how they score these tests though.

We've posted on how "we" believe it's scored in the past.  If you need help finding those threads let us know & maybe we can find them for you.

When you get your results give us an update.

« Last Edit: Jan 14, 2013, 09:44 by MacGyver »

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Re: Just finished taking the MASS/POSS
« Reply #275 on: Jan 16, 2013, 06:08 »
Got the results today, successful - Nuclear. Thanks for all the info on this site, it was very helpful.


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Re: Just finished taking the MASS/POSS
« Reply #276 on: Jan 16, 2013, 08:16 »
Got the results today, successful - Nuclear. Thanks for all the info on this site, it was very helpful.

Outstanding.  Start prep-in for an interview.  Again, nice job.


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Re: Another POSS Experience
« Reply #277 on: Jan 21, 2013, 08:30 »
B and Ceefroe are right on with their description of the poss test.  Thank you Nuke Worker for all the information.  I took the poss test this past week and passed it.  I am waiting now to see if I get an interview.  The math by far was the hardest subject.  My advice would be memorizing as many conversions as possible and work the problems from easiest to hardest.  I found the mechanical concepts to be harder than the practice test.  I thought the assemblies were going to be harder, but it was probably my strongest section.  The chart and graph you just have to find the strategies that work best for you and do it fast.  I used my spare pencil as a straight edge for the chart.  The reading, read fast.  I am a slow reader and found myself taking too much time and thankfully I adjusted.   Last of all, practicing with the timer made a world of difference.  The timer during the test goes off faster than you think it will.  Thanks again everyone.


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My POSS/BMST test Exelon experience
« Reply #278 on: Feb 23, 2013, 05:34 »
30% of the new selected hires failed these tests.  So don't stress out or waste too much time studying, seems the only true purpose these exams serve is to waste your day. 

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Re: My POSS/BMST test Exelon experience
« Reply #279 on: Feb 23, 2013, 05:48 »
No, they're used as an indicator of future success. Before utilities used them, they would hire any guy off the street, sometimes to the detriment of the plant, the guy, or both

Though not a perfect system, they do serve a purpose, and they are good at weeding out non hackers.

"How feeble is the mindset to accept defenselessness. How unnatural. How cheap. How cowardly. How pathetic.” - Ted Nugent

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Re: My POSS/BMST test Exelon experience
« Reply #280 on: Feb 23, 2013, 05:58 »
By using the industries own standard regarding the POSS/BMST, a large percentage of new hires shouldn't have even been invited back to interview, yet were offered a job.  So if with what Higgs stated is true, the test is not functioning in "weeding out non hackers" or something else is at play, nepotism, favoritism.
« Last Edit: Feb 23, 2013, 05:59 by QCExelonSRO »

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Re: My POSS/BMST test Exelon experience
« Reply #281 on: Feb 23, 2013, 06:20 »
By using the industries own standard regarding the POSS/BMST, a large percentage of new hires shouldn't have even been invited back to interview, yet were offered a job.  So if with what Higgs stated is true, the test is not functioning in "weeding out non hackers" or something else is at play, nepotism, favoritism.

I misread your first post, I didn't realize that you actually hired failures. That being the case, then I agree with you, your company is wasting your time with them.

My utility doesn't do that.

"How feeble is the mindset to accept defenselessness. How unnatural. How cheap. How cowardly. How pathetic.” - Ted Nugent

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Re: My POSS/BMST test Exelon experience
« Reply #282 on: Feb 23, 2013, 08:02 »
There's always the training pipeline during the probation period...


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Re: My POSS/BMST test Exelon experience
« Reply #283 on: Feb 23, 2013, 08:10 »
30% of the new selected hires failed these tests.  So don't stress out or waste too much time studying, seems the only true purpose these exams serve is to waste your day.  

Does this mean you were offered a job as a NLO @ quad cities or were you turned down?

Also, if you are looking for a NLO job with this experience
I'm an engineering technician, past twelve years been working with substation digital fault recorders. I hold an AAS degree in electronics engineering and a BS degree in biology.

Unfortunately I am tied down to the area because my wife is employed here and it would be even more difficult for her to find a job elsewhere.  I'm willing to do the commute to Byron and have applied to several postings but never heard anything back.

Why are you changing your name from klink to QCEXcelonSRO?

« Last Edit: Feb 23, 2013, 08:12 by MacGyver »


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Re: My POSS/BMST test Exelon experience
« Reply #284 on: Feb 25, 2013, 05:23 »
By using the industries own standard regarding the POSS/BMST, a large percentage of new hires shouldn't have even been invited back to interview, yet were offered a job.  So if with what Higgs stated is true, the test is not functioning in "weeding out non hackers" or something else is at play, nepotism, favoritism.

Still curious if you got an offer extended.  But, heck I figure you did not receive one hence the bitterness (i.e. nepotism, favoritism,,, sic).

Its just free advice but if it was me I wouldn't make such remarks on an open forum that HR might visit.  It would be really easy to put 2 & 2 together.

Jus sayin,,, It's your call.


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Re: My POSS/BMST test Exelon experience
« Reply #285 on: Feb 25, 2013, 08:24 »
The reason I changed my username is because it is irrelevant to this topic. Which still remains, a large percentage of operator hires failed the poss/bmst.   Does this suggest nepotism or favoritism?  Whatever it is, it certainly doesn't look good. 

In the end like I stated in the op,  there is no reason for stressing over these tests.

I would not work for a company if they made firing or hiring decisions based off of comments on a mb but Exelon hr is welcome to contact me and we will discuss the reasoning for circumventing their hiring process. 


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Re: My POSS/BMST test Exelon experience
« Reply #286 on: Feb 25, 2013, 08:30 »
The reason I changed my username is because it is irrelevant to this topic. Which still remains, a large percentage of operator hires failed the poss/bmst.   Does this suggest nepotism or favoritism?  Whatever it is, it certainly doesn't look good. 

In the end like I stated in the op,  there is no reason for stressing over these tests.

I would not work for a company if they made firing or hiring decisions based off of comments on a mb but Exelon hr is welcome to contact me and we will discuss the reasoning for circumventing their hiring process. 

And you know this how (re: new hires failing test / circumventing of hiring practices)?

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Re: My POSS/BMST test Exelon experience
« Reply #287 on: Feb 25, 2013, 08:57 »
The reason I changed my username is because it is irrelevant to this topic. Which still remains, a large percentage of operator hires failed the poss/bmst. 

That statement kinda looks...fishy...  ::)

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Re: My POSS/BMST test Exelon experience
« Reply #288 on: Feb 25, 2013, 09:19 »
The reason I changed my username is because it is irrelevant to this topic. Which still remains, a large percentage of operator hires failed the poss/bmst.   Does this suggest nepotism or favoritism?  Whatever it is, it certainly doesn't look good.  

In the end like I stated in the op,  there is no reason for stressing over these tests.

I would not work for a company if they made firing or hiring decisions based off of comments on a mb but Exelon hr is welcome to contact me and we will discuss the reasoning for circumventing their hiring process.  

You're only talking about one utility. Therefore your claims that a large amount of operators are failing, yet being hired, is erroneous, at best.

Why should we take your word for it, anyway?

« Last Edit: Feb 25, 2013, 10:59 by Higgs »
"How feeble is the mindset to accept defenselessness. How unnatural. How cheap. How cowardly. How pathetic.” - Ted Nugent


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Re: My POSS/BMST test Exelon experience
« Reply #289 on: Feb 26, 2013, 07:07 »
You're only talking about one utility. Therefore your claims that a large amount of operators are failing, yet being hired, is erroneous, at best.

Why should we take your word for it, anyway?


Come on Justin you know that you can't put something on the internet if it isn't true,,,,  :P


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Re: My POSS/BMST test Exelon experience
« Reply #290 on: Feb 26, 2013, 06:20 »

I would not work for a company if they made firing or hiring decisions based off of comments on a mb but Exelon hr is welcome to contact me and we will discuss the reasoning for circumventing their hiring process

Well this may be but you have a much smaller pool of companies to choose from now more than ever.  This, to my knowledge, is now common practice.  As it should be.

But, I believe you feel you are owed an explanation from Exelon to explain themselves when it is obvious you just didn't make the cut.  And now feel it necessary to make excuses for you lack of success.

To me, Exelon got it right by not hiring you.


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Re: My POSS/BMST test Exelon experience
« Reply #291 on: Feb 28, 2013, 08:44 »
If you can't pass the POSS and BMST your day isn't worth that much anyway. No big deal if its wasted.

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Re: My POSS/BMST test Exelon experience
« Reply #292 on: Feb 28, 2013, 10:09 »
If you can't pass the POSS and BMST your day isn't worth that much anyway. No big deal if its wasted.

Well said. ;)

"How feeble is the mindset to accept defenselessness. How unnatural. How cheap. How cowardly. How pathetic.” - Ted Nugent

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Re: My POSS/BMST test Exelon experience
« Reply #293 on: Mar 01, 2013, 09:02 »
I passed the poss/bmst, I was also offered a job.  My concern, the topic of this post is several hires failed the tests.

It is unfortunate that Higgs and Mac have chosen to attack me.  I am concerned for mine and everyone else's safety that the industry is hiring people that can't comprehend 8th grade math. 


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Re: My POSS/BMST test Exelon experience
« Reply #294 on: Mar 01, 2013, 09:12 »
I passed the poss/bmst, I was also offered a job.  My concern, the topic of this post is several hires failed the tests.

It is unfortunate that Higgs and Mac have chosen to attack me.  I am concerned for mine and everyone else's safety that the industry is hiring people that can't comprehend 8th grade math. 

Attacked me (sic) (i.e. you), no.  Challenged you, yes.

Get used to it, if infact you got an offer, because it's the nuclear safety culture that suffers when you act like a victim.



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Re: My POSS/BMST test Exelon experience
« Reply #295 on: Mar 01, 2013, 09:37 »

I am concerned for mine and everyone else's safety that the industry is hiring people that can't comprehend 8th grade math. 

To anyone reading this thread that thinks this poster is telling you the truth.  He isn't.

No US Nuclear Co interviews much less hires anyone that fails to meet their standard minimum test requirements.

Even if someone had been hired that doesn't (hypothetically) that doesn't mean we don't continually test them as well.  The industry used to not perform entry / new hire testing and our safety hasn't suffered.  This is due to the ongoing training and testing.  If you can't make the grade in initial or continued training you will be given a second chance at that test and then asked to leave if unsuccessful.

What I am concerned about is how MacGyverFan1 will pass the MMPI.  Only a really sick person would change his screen name to that of another user's with the addition of Fan1 of the person trying to get clarification from him.  That is truly concerning.

I don't believe the author / op.  I don't believe was given an offer.  I don't believe his claim of 30% of the new hires failing their poss/bmst.

We value our processes and our safety when we hire folks.

Just so you know we aren't cutting corners.  We earn the trust of the public every day.  And are not going to cut corners for anyone.


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Re: My POSS/BMST test Exelon experience
« Reply #296 on: Mar 01, 2013, 11:22 »
Attacked me (sic) (i.e. you), no.  Challenged you, yes.

Get used to it, if infact you got an offer, because it's the nuclear safety culture that suffers when you act like a victim.


His posts are fishy...,

"How feeble is the mindset to accept defenselessness. How unnatural. How cheap. How cowardly. How pathetic.” - Ted Nugent

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Re: Just finished taking the MASS/POSS
« Reply #297 on: Mar 21, 2013, 10:33 »
We've posted on how "we" believe it's scored in the past.  If you need help finding those threads let us know & maybe we can find them for you.

When you get your results give us an update.


Hi Mac,

I'd be interested and need a little help finding the threads you mentioned.  I passed the POSS for one company and another company said I need to retake it for them.  I wasn't aware that different companies required different scores and I'm curious as to how it may be graded.  I'm keeping my head up but I've had 3 interviews and I wasn't hired for any of them.  At those times I didn't have a degree in anything, I have now been in school that is linked to a companies operator program and the degree is Engineering Technology with a focus on Nuclear Power.  I'm hoping that having a degree will get me over the hump I have had, I've still been applying for jobs though.  Thanks for your time!


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Re: Just finished taking the MASS/POSS
« Reply #298 on: Mar 21, 2013, 12:05 »
I don't know if I would waste my time trying to figure out how the test is graded.  There are a lot of different opinions on that one.  If you have passed it before, then keep doing what you are doing. 

If you take the POSS for one company and then apply for another company you usually have to take the test again. 

If you have been invited for three different interviews, maybe your interview skills need a little work.  I am not trying to be critical but half the fight is getting the interview, because if you didn't have the minimum requirements you would not have been invited.  However, college is a good thing and can only help.  Good luck.     

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Re: Just finished taking the MASS/POSS
« Reply #299 on: Mar 21, 2013, 12:23 »
I'm also in school for an energy tech degree. We took the test at school proctored by our sponsor company. They said their company has the highest standard for POSS/nuclear, that other companies may not require the score they do.

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Took POSS in 2001; DTE states it was the POSS "B" test?
« Reply #300 on: Apr 06, 2013, 08:50 »
I am a Sr FOT with 12 yrs exp and took the POSS in 2001.  I signed a release for DTE to check my results and was informed that it was the POSS "B" test that I took so I am off to Detroit to take the POSS again.  I've been reading the posts so I understand that each company can be different but has anyone ever heard the POSS B verbiage before?  Also is there are any Ops out there that are with DTE, what kind of a company are there to work for?  Looking into the Belle/St. Clair plants in East China.  Thanks.


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Re: Took POSS in 2001; DTE states it was the POSS "B" test?
« Reply #301 on: Apr 06, 2013, 10:10 »
I am a Sr FOT with 12 yrs exp and took the POSS in 2001.  I signed a release for DTE to check my results and was informed that it was the POSS "B" test that I took so I am off to Detroit to take the POSS again.  I've been reading the posts so I understand that each company can be different but has anyone ever heard the POSS B verbiage before?  Also is there are any Ops out there that are with DTE, what kind of a company are there to work for?  Looking into the Belle/St. Clair plants in East China.  Thanks.

From my understanding EEI only uses two different POSS/MASS tests.  This has been the case for a long time.

I can't recall if those tests are marked A and B.

I do know that sometimes utilities will only offer the POSS or the MASS.  It could be the job you applied for that determined the test they offered.  In that case it could be your previous utility only tested on one or the other.

Do you recall if you took the long math section at the end?

As for the rest, I don't know.

As you should know the EEI POSS/MASS test gets easier each time it's taken.  
« Last Edit: Apr 06, 2013, 10:12 by MacGyver »

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Re: Took POSS in 2001; DTE states it was the POSS "B" test?
« Reply #302 on: Apr 06, 2013, 05:26 »
Thanks for the info.  I'm not so sure it will be easier only because it's been 12 years; I was only 36 years old and I am nearing 50 so the gray matter isn't working like it did..  at least I know what to expect.

And yes, there was a long math portion at the end.


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Re: Took POSS in 2001; DTE states it was the POSS "B" test?
« Reply #303 on: Apr 06, 2013, 09:06 »
Thanks for the info.  I'm not so sure it will be easier only because it's been 12 years; I was only 36 years old and I am nearing 50 so the gray matter isn't working like it did..  at least I know what to expect.

And yes, there was a long math portion at the end.

Sounds like you took the POSS/MASS.  I can't say what POSS B (sic) means.  Maybe if asked them they might be in a generous mood and tell ya what it all means.

Oh, don't worry about your age.  Just get a good nights rest.  I know you'll do fine.


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Re: Took POSS in 2001; DTE states it was the POSS "B" test?
« Reply #304 on: Apr 06, 2013, 10:19 »
The POSS B test results are weighed for Fossil operations.  Nuclear utilities go by what is referred to as the POSS C.  It is the same exact test with overlapping sections as the MASS.
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Offline ddickey

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Re: Took POSS in 2001; DTE states it was the POSS "B" test?
« Reply #305 on: Apr 07, 2013, 10:09 »
This is what I've heard also.

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Re: Took POSS in 2001; DTE states it was the POSS "B" test?
« Reply #306 on: Apr 07, 2013, 11:08 »
The POSS B test results are weighed for Fossil operations.  Nuclear utilities go by what is referred to as the POSS C.  It is the same exact test with overlapping sections as the MASS.

That's good to know although I'm not sure why they would want the POSS A (HR used this term) since I am applying for another Fossil position.

And thanks about the age thing.  Guess I just need a larger dose of self confidence.

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Re: Took POSS in 2001; DTE states it was the POSS "B" test?
« Reply #307 on: Apr 08, 2013, 09:05 »
Heading for Belle River or St. Clair?

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Re: Just finished taking the MASS/POSS
« Reply #308 on: Jun 07, 2013, 06:55 »
Well I received my results and I passed for this company!!  I'm pretty excited about it since it was the sponsor company linked to my school. I also heard that this particular company had one of the highest if not the highest standard for nuclear. I have now passed it for three different companies so I feel like I have a pretty good grasp on how to take it now. 

Just wanted to thank everybody that offered advice on this site about taking the test, I'm very grateful!

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Just took the Poss/Mass
« Reply #309 on: Jun 29, 2013, 03:15 »
Just finished up taking the poss/mass test and the thing that really worries me was the table section.  We had 60 questions and i believe 4 minutes to complete them.  I only completed 36.  Is this enough assuming that i got all 36 correct?  I feel that i was moving at a decent pace. Most people around me got a couple more or a couple less.  The only thing i could have done different was that i second guessed myself for a second but i could not have lost more than 3 or 4 problems doing such.  The graphs part of that section was challenging as well.  I believe i got 20 out of 24 in 4 minutes on that.

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Re: Just took the Poss/Mass
« Reply #310 on: Jun 29, 2013, 04:43 »

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Re: Just took the Poss/Mass
« Reply #311 on: Jun 29, 2013, 05:58 »
Thanks, that will atleast let me sleep a little bit better until i get my results.


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Re: Just took the Poss/Mass
« Reply #312 on: Jun 29, 2013, 07:30 »

You cannot possibly know that.

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Re: Just took the Poss/Mass
« Reply #313 on: Jun 29, 2013, 09:46 »
Damn.  Do you know the answer broadzilla?

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Re: Just took the Poss/Mass
« Reply #314 on: Jun 30, 2013, 10:43 »
You cannot possibly know that.
You are correct. I misread his post. I thought he said 36 out of forty.

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Re: Just took the Poss/Mass
« Reply #315 on: Jun 30, 2013, 12:40 »
We had 60 questions and i believe 4 minutes to complete them.  I only completed 36.  Is this enough assuming that i got all 36 correct?  I feel that i was moving at a decent pace. Most people around me got a couple more or a couple less

Part 1. 36 out of 60, even if all 36 were correct (and we know what happens when we assume...), won't be a great score on that section.

Part 2. Most people don't pass the POSS test, so if your scores are comfortably close to everyone else in the were TOO comfortable. IIRC from a former plant, there were about 200 POSS takers to get ~50 passing, urinalysis weeded out a few, and they ended up hiring 15 ex-Navy nukes and a handful of college kids. Hopefully the numbers work differently in your favor. If not, practice the weak sections until you improve!

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Re: Just took the Poss/Mass
« Reply #316 on: Jun 30, 2013, 07:59 »
So when you say wont be a great score, does that mean no hope of passing?


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My POSS/BMST experience
« Reply #317 on: Jul 03, 2013, 01:28 »
First off I want to thank everyone who posted their POSS test experience.  This forum truly helped me out so I promised myself I'd give back to those that seek help from these forums.  Ok now on to business.  I took the POSS/BMST test last week and passed both.  The first section was assembly.  It is not much different from the practice tests except for a couple being a bit harder.  We had 10 minutes to solve 20 questions.  I answered the first 16 and then time was up so I was forced to leave the last four blank. The next section was mechanical concepts in which we had to answer like 44 problems in 20 minutes.  This section was the same as the practice test and shouldn't be a problem for anyone who has an electrical/mechanical engineering background or anyone who has taken physics 1 which covers the basics of thermodynamics, heat transfer, fluid mechanics, rotational motion, moments, etc.  I finished the section with some time to spare and had to take "educated guesses" on about 5 problems I felt iffy on.  My advice on guessing is if you answered the majority of the problems with confidence and you left lets say 5 blank then why not guess.  You either have a 1/3 or 1/2 shot so go for it.  Now excuse my lack for better words but this next section really sucks.  The section I'm of course speaking of is the dreaded tables and graphs.  I went in cold for this section.  I imagine that everyone that is invited to take this test can read data from a table or graph so that isn't the issue for this section.  This section is about straight up speed.  There shouldn't really be many errors.  I was able to finish 54 out of the 60 on the table section.  We were given 5 minutes.  Now the graph section gets a little confusing so be a bit careful because the lines do overlap a lot.  I was able to finish 18 out of the 24 questions we had to answer in 4 minutes.  If you don't finish no need to worry.  I only finished 75% of the graphs and was still able to pass.  The next section, Reading Comprehension, was by far the easiest.  4 passages, 36 questions, 30 minutes.  Really simple.  Most people with an Mechanical Engineering background can answer most of the questions without reading the passage since they dealt with viscosity, pressure measurement techniques, and heat transfer.  This part is identical to the practice tests.  Now the Math section was 47 questions with 17 minutes to answer them.  If you pride yourself on your ability to quickly solve basic math problems in your head then you have no worries for this sections.  For those of you who do not I implore you to skip the conversion part completely and do the simple (and when I say simple I mean SIMPLE) algebra problems.  Get those small fries out of the way.  Then do the world problems which again are not very hard but take a little bit more time.  Now take care of the easy conversions and if time allows you take care of the harder ones.  I was able to finish this section completely feeling pretty confident in every answer.  Oh and also do not be afraid to pick "N" as your answer.  There were about 4 or 5 "N" answers on my test. That's my POSS test breakdown.  I'm sorry I can't tell you how it's graded because I truly don't know.  The proctor kinda hinted towards not guessing.  I honestly didn't get a chance to even guess aside from a few problems on the mechanical concepts but if I were to be be 100% honest I'd tell you I would guess.  My mentality is if I answered enough with confidence I don't care if I have a couple wrong.  I mean if they do penalize you for wrong answers who cares if you truly believe you got that many more right and if they don't then hey you might just get some more right.  Just my two cents I know not everyone thinks like I do.

As for the BMST its really a you know it or you don't exam.  90 problems in 3 hours.  Simple kinematic physics such as this guy gets a 200 ft headstart and runs at 2 mph while a second guy runs at 5mph how long till they travel the same distance.  Some trig, basic chem like periodic table stuff, more algebra.  Remember SOHCAHTOA.

Well that's it I hope this helps someone out there who is eagerly waiting to take their POSS test.  Good Luck to you all

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Re: My POSS/BMST experience
« Reply #318 on: Sep 06, 2013, 06:47 »

Thanks for your post, I'm a first poster as I'm looking to get into the Nuclear Energy field. To be up front. I'm not looking for easy outs. Just targeted studying references. Is there anyone who could tell me what areas of Trig, Phys. and such to study? It's been awhile for college and high school for me and i'm afraid i am the guy that didn't keep text books. If anyone has practice problems or study guides that I could "re-edumacate" myself on I would greatly appreciate it! I have been taking the practice POSS test and find it pretty easy and like the example questions. I am primarily talking about the BMST test as that seems to be the bigger animal of the two.

Thanks in advance!


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Re: My POSS/BMST experience
« Reply #319 on: Sep 07, 2013, 02:05 »
Typically it's not the material that will trip you up on the POSS, as it's geared to be more of an aptitude test (relatively simple material).. The areas where people fail the exam (that are greatly overlooked) are as follows:

1. Skipping a question and "losing their place" on the bubble/answer sheet (poor placekeeping under pressure)
2. Too willing to fill in an answer to a question when unsure of the answer, for the sake of answering a higher number of questions (sacrificing accuracy for speed/quantity, which is a sure way to fail)
3. Not taking the exam seriously enough (no pass, no job)
4. Studying the material (important) but overlooking simple test taking skills under time pressure (ie practice with a stopwatch.. You should shoot for 100% correct answers and 90+% completed with each section when practicing).

My particular version of the test I took, the math section was multiple choice but always had "e. None of the above." for a possible answer. And I can tell you that 6 of the 60+ questions were actually none of the above. SOH-CAH-TOA should more than cover you for the Trig aspect.

Good luck!

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Re: My POSS/BMST experience
« Reply #320 on: Sep 07, 2013, 11:16 »
Typically it's not the material that will trip you up on the POSS, as it's geared to be more of an aptitude test (relatively simple material).. The areas where people fail the exam (that are greatly overlooked) are as follows:

1. Skipping a question and "losing their place" on the bubble/answer sheet (poor placekeeping under pressure)
2. Too willing to fill in an answer to a question when unsure of the answer, for the sake of answering a higher number of questions (sacrificing accuracy for speed/quantity, which is a sure way to fail)
3. Not taking the exam seriously enough (no pass, no job)
4. Studying the material (important) but overlooking simple test taking skills under time pressure (ie practice with a stopwatch.. You should shoot for 100% correct answers and 90+% completed with each section when practicing).

My particular version of the test I took, the math section was multiple choice but always had "e. None of the above." for a possible answer. And I can tell you that 6 of the 60+ questions were actually none of the above. SOH-CAH-TOA should more than cover you for the Trig aspect.

Good luck!

It really seems like SOHCAHTOA is the big key for the math. Thanks for the quick response!

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Re: Took POSS in 2001; DTE states it was the POSS "B" test?
« Reply #321 on: Nov 14, 2013, 11:59 »
The POSS B test results are weighed for Fossil operations.  Nuclear utilities go by what is referred to as the POSS C.  It is the same exact test with overlapping sections as the MASS.
But one won't qualify you for the other. I took and passed the POSS C. Applied for a utility that required the POSS B and I have to retake the test.

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Re: Just took the POSS/MASS/BMST, a reflection
« Reply #322 on: Oct 29, 2014, 01:58 »
Ok just took the test today so here is to a fresh review

Assembly- Answered 16-20
Got through this pretty quick then got hung up on a couple that really got my anxious when I couldn't solve them in 10-15 seconds
From browsing through the board I feel confident 16 out of 20 is enough, and I am also very confident in the ones I did answer. Throughout the test I went with quality when I could, I tried very hard to make sure it was correct and not just an educated guess.

Mechanical- Answered 42-44
Time was not an issue here. Like others have said you either know it or can work through it pretty quick. *Tip STUDY WATER FLOW MECHANICS! It was all over the test and had me stumped on a few

Tables and Graphs- Answered 53-60 & 21-24
Again I felt great about my answers and actually did better than all my practice runs. Note the graph and answers were all on the same 2 pages, so no flipping or time spent bubbling a separate answer sheet. More difficult than the practice test but I found this not too bad.

Reading- Answered 34-36
Didn't answer 2 because for some reason I blanked? Finished the others with about 5 minutes and I really took my time making sure I wasn't getting fooled

Math- Answered 29-44
Oh boy I believe my passing hinges on this and maybe the mechanical part. I'm not bad at math but I am bad about working problems out on scratch paper. I finished all the algebra problems in about 4-5 mins then went to conversions because alot of those were 1-2 steps.. The word problems took too much time for me, and I believe I only answered 2 or 3. I tallied it up at the end of the test and realized i failed to answer 15.. Again I believe all the ones I answered were good simply because I worked them out(which cost me time). However, I am rightfully concerned I may have not answered enough.
Conversions- harder than practice test
Algebra- easy some easier than practice test (DO THIS FIRST)
Word Problems- very similar to practice test, they required me to do a good bit of work..

We shall see how I did in about a week, I was encouraged by a couple guys I know who tested and was hired on at this particular plant. They seemed upbeat about my performance, but I am sincerely worried about the math..

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Re: Just took the POSS/MASS/BMST, a reflection
« Reply #323 on: Nov 06, 2014, 06:05 »
Got my results back, and I PASSED! Whew, I was legit stressed after getting home. I was second guessing my self big time, and I lost some hours of sleep. However, it looks like I was able to get past the major hurdle to a great career path.

This site is the sh*t... Without it I would have been a sheep sent to slaughter. I was prepared and went in knowing what to expect and how I was going to attack it.

Final thoughts.. Stay positive and study. The eei practice test will prepare you for all parts except Mechanical Concepts. This part was the only part that truly concerned me with my accuracy, and it was quite a bit more difficult than the practice tests.. Work fast, accurately, and don't guess wildly. I was only able to answer 2/3 of the math and it was enough. So, there must be some credence to blank answers not "hurting" the score.

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Re: Just took the POSS/MASS/BMST, a reflection
« Reply #324 on: Nov 07, 2014, 06:40 »
I know an NLO who answered one math problem and passed at nuc level. Not sure which math section it was but I was very surprised to hear that. And of course I would never suggest you answer just one question.

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Re: Just took the POSS/MASS/BMST, a reflection
« Reply #325 on: Dec 10, 2014, 05:51 »
Just wanted to give my experience with the POSS. I took the POSS last Friday and found out today that I passed. I spent quite a bit of time here researching the test, and had about a week and a half to prepare. As it has been said before the practice tests found online are a good idea of what the test is about, but really do no prepare you for the real thing. I went ahead and ponied up the $40 for an online set of practice tests (I'm not sure if I can post the site here so PM if you want the details). These practice tests were much better preparation for the test. Obviously the material is not that difficult, other than possibly the mechanical concepts section, but it's the time that is the real challenge. Preparing for the test I would take the practice tests with the TV on after work for maximum distraction. I found I would not be able to complete about 10 of the tables and graphs section and 7 or 8 of the math section. When it came time for the test I completed all but 1 of the tables and graphs and 2 of the math. If you are not strong on the mechanical concepts I recommended studying the basic concepts which can be found in a number of study guides. What I did was any questions on the practice exams I missed I would go back and thoroughly study and understand that concept, seems pretty common sense, but thought I would put it out there. Good luck to those of you taking the test.

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Re: Just took the POSS/MASS/BMST, a reflection
« Reply #326 on: Dec 30, 2014, 10:57 »
I may have taken that same test. I'm not sure why everyone is making the issue of guessing out to be a big mystery. The test instructions spell it out (the instructions provided by EEI, not "some proctor told me"). If you can eliminate one choice, there is a positive expected value to guessing. I would speculate that this is similar to the SAT, where a wrong answer is fractionally penalized such that blind guessing is neutral and any informed guess is positive.

That said, Broadzilla is correct several pages back - because of the time constraint, you really are putting yourself behind by guessing. Guessing is for times where you can't figure out the actual correct answer, and that should literally never happen on this test.

Practice is definitely necessary, but I think you can get a solid benefit from just using the EEI versions, especially if you wait a few days in between. Mostly I found I needed to develop a solid system for the tables and graphs section, and instantly understand the rules for each type of question. I also needed a system for the assembly problems. If your weakness is reading comprehension then having a variety of practice tests could be more important, but I found that section took less than half the allowed time.

N is definitely the correct answer several times.

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Re: Just took the POSS/MASS/BMST, a reflection
« Reply #327 on: Jan 04, 2015, 01:59 »
I took it (And passed) just recently and had the same experience. The questions are not hard it's simply the time constraints. If you are taking it don't be put off by the "N" Answer not present choice. There are definitely a few of those!
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Mass/Poss Post test thoughts.
« Reply #328 on: Jan 13, 2015, 08:30 »
Hey there everyone. New to the forum but have been browsing for a month or so. I just took the Mass/Poss for the Hope Creek Station in Jersey. I was selected to test for the operator position they have open. Pretty excited and even more excited because they have to be filled immediately. The test wasn't really that awful. This forum helped to prepare me for what I would see come test time. Math was the most challenging for me since I hate math but I feel confident I did well. Every other section was fairly easy. Waiting to hear what my results are and hopefully getting an interview. My current job is closing down soon so this came at a great time. The energy field just keeps growing so I'm hoping I can become a part of it. Oh and the money isn't too shabby either.

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Got my Mass/ Poss Results in
« Reply #329 on: Jan 29, 2015, 07:40 »
Good morning guys. I took my Mass/Poss on the 9th and just got my results in. The test was for an operator slot at the Salem/ Hope Creek Plant. I failed for the operator slot but it said I was qualified for mech, plant, and tech operator. Also qualified for nuclear tech mech and controls. I had just a couple of questions. My buddy took the test with me and received a fail email as well. Then on the same day received an email saying to disregard the first email and now he passed. I thought that was kind of odd. Maybe someone has had similar results? And for the jobs I qualified for, does that mean they will find me another position or do I just need to keep applying? Thanks for taking the time to read this.

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Re: Just took the POSS/MASS/BMST, a reflection
« Reply #330 on: Mar 16, 2015, 09:06 »
what did you use to study?

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Re: Just took the POSS/MASS/BMST, a reflection
« Reply #331 on: Jun 28, 2015, 12:30 »
Hey All, new to the site. Ex Naval Fire Controlman. Spent last 8yrs in the Energy sector. First as an I&C tech then onto Drilling. The industry tanked and I became unemployed. I recently was offered an opportunity to take a POSS TEST. I have to say I was looking I. The job market since February. In March I was sent info to study for the exam by the company. I spent all but an hour to go through each section. I then traveled to a Va Beach for a conference, returned to Pa for the POSS EXAM. A month later informed I passed. They had 200 people scheduled for the exam and only 25 agreed to test and I was only one who showed up. I had the interview and waiting for background check to clear to be given a start date. Been an awesome experience so far buttoning forward to interacting with many of you on this forum.


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Re: Just took the POSS/MASS/BMST, a reflection
« Reply #332 on: Jul 22, 2015, 02:35 »
Good luck Guys!

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Re: Just took the POSS/MASS/BMST, a reflection
« Reply #333 on: Jul 23, 2015, 12:03 »
I could find it but POSS / BMST are hard copy exams not soft copy, is my assumption correct?

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Re: Just took the POSS/MASS/BMST, a reflection
« Reply #334 on: Jul 29, 2015, 03:45 »
Hi guys.  Just tested POSS and BMST for EO 2 Saturdays ago for Exelon.  Am still waiting to hear whether or not I am recommended.  Just 1 thing to point out about the tables section of the POSS....a flattened pencil tip helps fill in the bubbles quicker.  I flattened mine during the first assembly test to help me fill bubbles quicker in preparation for the tables test.  Sadly I kept turning my pencil in my hand 2hile following the table so sometimes I flipped to the sharp point side, which tooke linger to fill the bubble.  In all, I ended with 5 table questions I didn't get to, and finished all of the graph questions with time to spare.

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Re: Just took the POSS/MASS/BMST, a reflection
« Reply #335 on: Aug 04, 2015, 05:29 »
2.5 weeks later just received a call saying I passed both tests (not saying recommended or not recommended).  Now for the interview in 1.5 more weeks.

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Re: Just took the POSS/MASS/BMST, a reflection
« Reply #336 on: Aug 05, 2015, 07:56 »
2.5 weeks later just received a call saying I passed both tests (not saying recommended or not recommended).  Now for the interview in 1.5 more weeks.

I'm going to guess if you're getting an interview then you were recommended.
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Re: Just took the POSS/MASS/BMST, a reflection
« Reply #337 on: Aug 08, 2015, 07:09 »
I'm going to guess if you're getting an interview then you were recommended.

Yeah things were just a bit different than other experiences ive read about.  Took poss first then bmst without the poss being graded, along with being told I passed instead of recommended.

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Re: Just took the POSS/MASS/BMST, a reflection
« Reply #338 on: Oct 26, 2015, 11:15 »
Hey Guys and Gals,
Im new to the forum.  I read all of the good info on this thread and just wanted to add my 2 cents.  I took the MASS/POSS C test and it was just as everyone else has previously described.  I would say to make sure you work on the math questions in the practice tests online. Others have said that the practice tests were nothing like the actual test but, the test I took was very similar to the practice tests for me at least. (maybe I just got lucky?!) The strategy others have mentioned about skipping the harder questions is ABSOLUTELY true.  There is almost no way the average person could complete EVERY question on EVERY section of this test in my opinion.

My question is, the grading, is it safe to say if you answer at least half or greater of the questions correct on EVERY section that you will pass? I know this has been mentioned in this thread but wasn't sure of the answer. 

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Re: Just took the POSS/MASS/BMST, a reflection
« Reply #339 on: Mar 16, 2016, 09:37 »
I took the POSS recently and wanted to offer an opinion of my experience.  I felt the practice exam on the EEI website fairly represented what the test entailed overall.  I am a recently graduated student with an engineering degree.

The reading comprehension section required some critical thinking, as some of the passages required you to understand the concept they were teaching and then apply them to answering related questions.  They weren't strictly questions were you had to scan the passages to find where the statement was made.  I finished all the questions just a few minutes before time ran out.

The assembly section had a mix of simple and complex structures.  If I could not easily cross out 2 or 3 solutions right away I skipped them.  Altogether I think I skipped 4 or 5 of them.

The mechanical concepts had a few problems that were more complex in nature than what I had seen on the practice exam, but if you could understand the basic principles at work then they weren't much harder.  I skipped 5 at most.

The graphing section was pretty straightforward. I did not finish either section, but managed to get around 75% of the questions done in each part.

The information provided on this website in reference to the math section was very useful to working through this section.  I started with the algebra problems, which overall were very easy and got that section completed first.  Then I moved on to the conversions and finished the ones that I could do in my head.  Then onto the word problems where I skipped any questions that I could not immediately figure out the correct method to answer them.  I don't remember how many questions I didn't finish, but I know I completed all the algebra sections and all but 3 or 4 of the conversions.  In the word problems I think I got around half of them answered. 

I found out that day I had passed the POSS  :) .  Thanks to all those who provided information and test-taking strategies.

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Re: Just took the POSS/MASS/BMST, a reflection
« Reply #340 on: Oct 06, 2016, 09:02 »
Got my results back, and I PASSED! Whew, I was legit stressed after getting home. I was second guessing my self big time, and I lost some hours of sleep. However, it looks like I was able to get past the major hurdle to a great career path.

This site is the sh*t... Without it I would have been a sheep sent to slaughter. I was prepared and went in knowing what to expect and how I was going to attack it.

Final thoughts.. Stay positive and study. The eei practice test will prepare you for all parts except Mechanical Concepts. This part was the only part that truly concerned me with my accuracy, and it was quite a bit more difficult than the practice tests.. Work fast, accurately, and don't guess wildly. I was only able to answer 2/3 of the math and it was enough. So, there must be some credence to blank answers not "hurting" the score.

Thank you for this information. My situation was very similar to yours and I also passed. I will make a separate post similar to yours so others can also use this information who may be in the same boat as me.

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Re: Just took the POSS/MASS/BMST, a reflection
« Reply #341 on: Oct 06, 2016, 09:09 »
I want to share my results and experience with POSS exam that I recently passed.
New EEI POSS does not have Tables/Graphs, and assembly is now figural reasoning.
This is how I "think" I performed":
Figural reasoning: ran out of time, completed 14/20, was fairly confident that I did them all or most correctly of the ones attempted.
Mech Concepts: completed all 44/44. Was confident about most of them. Brush up on fluid mechanics.
Reading: Completed all 36/36, confident about most of them.
Math: Only completed 33-34/46. But knew got most of them correct of the ones completed.

As you can see in mine and Athletix experience - I was worried about figural reasoning and math since did not complete them all..especially math.

Fact that I passed, tells me:
1. I did really well on other sections
2. No of correct out of no completed matters...?What I mean to say is I completed only ones that I knew answers for and guessed on ZERO.

Use this for what its worth..I am not claiming that I know how they score this exam but giving you facts so you can use it as I did with Athletix example. Good luck. Math will require practice. Practice well and go and do your best. Good luck and thanks for all help from this forum.
« Last Edit: Oct 06, 2016, 09:11 by rockyroad507 »

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Re: Just took the POSS/MASS/BMST, a reflection
« Reply #342 on: Jan 25, 2018, 08:09 »
Great post. I have a week to prepare for the POSS, BMST and interview.


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Re: Just took the POSS/MASS/BMST, a reflection
« Reply #343 on: Jan 25, 2018, 06:50 »
You have to pass all sections and you have to complete a minimum number in each section to get the section graded. Its better to guess

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Re: Just took the POSS/MASS/BMST, a reflection
« Reply #344 on: Feb 05, 2018, 07:35 »
about 3 questions on converting temperature from fahrenheit to celsius. I couldn't remember the conversion formula at all.
« Last Edit: Feb 05, 2018, 07:48 by Tabby »

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Re: Just took the POSS/MASS/BMST, a reflection
« Reply #345 on: Feb 05, 2018, 08:05 »

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Re: Just took the POSS/MASS/BMST, a reflection
« Reply #346 on: Feb 09, 2018, 06:57 »
Passed the BMST and failed the POSS C. Didn't finish enough questions in time....definitely practice taking the EEI test with a stop watch, and I would recommend to bring a watch to the exam to keep track of time. This way if you see you have less than 2 minutes left you can at least make some educated guesses instead of leaving no answers for the remaining questions.

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Re: Just took the POSS/MASS/BMST, a reflection
« Reply #347 on: Oct 23, 2018, 05:34 »
I wanted to weight in as it has been a minute since anyone has commented on their experience.

I was invited to take the BMST and POSS with Exelon with 2 weeks to study. They gave me access to several websites with practice exams, which I have found to be excellent representations of the actual exam. I bought The Peterson's book on "Master the Mechanical Aptitude and Spatial Relations Test" from Amazon as study material before the exam, because I had never studied spatial relations.

For your comparison;

Before taking and of the practice tests I felt very confident in every subject except for the spatial relations. This is because I was in the top ten for my Power School class, and I was very confident with my math skills. My first attempt on the EEI tests showed that my intuition was very close.

Reading comp. I got 100% correct with plenty of time to spare. This section was especially easy as everything was also technical in nature, and very basic, so even if you're not great at reading, you're often answering very basic science or math questions (like "does heat go from hot to cold or cold to hot?").

Mechanical concepts was also very easy for me. I had plenty of time left over, and I only missed one question on the practice exam. If you did well in thermodynamics, fluids and mechanical equipment in the Navy, you'll do well here.

Math was surprisingly a time crunch. I taught math for a long time, and I've always done extremely well in math, but I only completed about 32 of the questions in the practice exam. However, I did get them 100% correct. I brushed up on my decimal multiplication and long division to help make up time.

Figural reasoning was crazy hard, in my opinion. I didn't complete them all, and I got 9/15 right in my first attempt. The patterns ranged from stupid easy to insanely difficult (especially for 30 seconds per problem). I was very worried about this section going into my official testing.

I had a very difficult time finding out any information about the BMST before I went into it. From what I found, I re-learned the unit circle and read up on basic reactor physics and theory.

Post test;

I received results that I passed the BMST but the POSS is still being graded. I found the BMST to be very, very easy. I would learn how to use trig tables and how to do common science-related conversions from memory.

POSS: SPATIAL REASONING...... I completed every section of the POSS except for spatial reasoning. I am 100% confident in every other section, but I'm worried about spatial reasoning. I finished 14/20 questions and I was completely rushed. My one regret is that I forgot to skip difficult problems, and instead tried to solve everything in order. I would definitely practice spatial problems from every available resource if you're serious about passing this exam. Also, SKIP DIFFICULT PROBLEMS. The last question I had was very easy, but I ran out of time as I was filling in the bubble. I think it is best to finish all of the easy ones, then systematically attack the moderate ones. I don't think anyone can finish all of these with 100% accuracy with any sort of consistency. The problems can be very complicated.

I'll post an update on my final results. Good luck to everyone.
*update* I passed. I still recommend skipping the difficult ones immediately and coming back to them. I'm confident that you'll complete more questions and get more correct this way.
« Last Edit: Oct 26, 2018, 05:53 by gb54123 »


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Re: Just took the POSS/MASS/BMST, a reflection
« Reply #348 on: Oct 23, 2018, 07:27 »
I completed and aced the POSS test twice. I am not the only one who completed every section.
Do not skip any problem unless you know you will complete enough problems to get it graded.
If you were 14/14 and you needed to complete 15 to get it graded you fail. The guy who got 13/15 goes on, you dont.

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Re: Just took the POSS/MASS/BMST, a reflection
« Reply #349 on: Jul 12, 2019, 05:19 »
Hey all, current Exelon employee taking the POSS/BMST at the end of the month for Exelon for entry-level EO, I assume this is the POSS B test that is a little easier if I'm understanding correctly, but can't be sure of that.

Bit of background about me: Took the ASVAB back in 2012 and scored a 93 with no practice whatsoever. Math was never my strongest subject but I'm picking it back up relatively quickly and feel my knowledge of Mechanical Systems is plenty strong, same with Reading Comprehension. Figural Reasoning will likely take some more practice on my part, but I'm still doing /alright/ on the practice from EEI.

I've taken the tests from EEI and frequently score above 85-90%. I have not been given study materials from HR as of yet despite my testing date being announced. This forum has been exceedingly helpful in what to expect but would like a little specific insight if possible. I've read in a few threads that simple calculators are being allowed on the test now, that said also seen recent comments that state long-division/decimal multiplication is necessary to succeed and would like some clarification from anyone that's taken it recently. Also there's no Graphs and Tables section in EEI but I assume this is still part of the test?

Either way, I intend to follow frequent advice and skip difficult questions in favor of easier ones and return to harder ones should time allow. I'd appreciate any further advice anyone could give me!

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Re: Just took the POSS/MASS/BMST, a reflection
« Reply #350 on: Jul 12, 2019, 01:54 »
Don't forget to breathe while taking the test.
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Re: Just took the POSS/MASS/BMST, a reflection
« Reply #351 on: Jul 12, 2019, 04:25 »
Hey all, current Exelon employee taking the POSS/BMST at the end of the month for Exelon for entry-level EO, I assume this is the POSS B test that is a little easier if I'm understanding correctly, but can't be sure of that.

Bit of background about me: Took the ASVAB back in 2012 and scored a 93 with no practice whatsoever. Math was never my strongest subject but I'm picking it back up relatively quickly and feel my knowledge of Mechanical Systems is plenty strong, same with Reading Comprehension. Figural Reasoning will likely take some more practice on my part, but I'm still doing /alright/ on the practice from EEI.

I've taken the tests from EEI and frequently score above 85-90%. I have not been given study materials from HR as of yet despite my testing date being announced. This forum has been exceedingly helpful in what to expect but would like a little specific insight if possible. I've read in a few threads that simple calculators are being allowed on the test now, that said also seen recent comments that state long-division/decimal multiplication is necessary to succeed and would like some clarification from anyone that's taken it recently. Also there's no Graphs and Tables section in EEI but I assume this is still part of the test?

Either way, I intend to follow frequent advice and skip difficult questions in favor of easier ones and return to harder ones should time allow. I'd appreciate any further advice anyone could give me!

Jesus christ did you read my post?


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Re: Just took the POSS/MASS/BMST, a reflection
« Reply #352 on: Jul 13, 2019, 12:43 »

Just wanted to throw in my 2 cents about the POSS. This. Forum. Works.

Initial Conditions: Navy Nuke, ETN1, EWS qualified, Upper/Upper, researched and took 2 weeks time before the test to practice online

Really hope you get to see this before you post something like 'where can I find --- on'

Consider google and the search bar above your first behavioral competency test. The most helpful people are those who can help themselves.

Now don't get me wrong, I know plenty of Navy Nukes who actually won't pass this even if I force fed the practice tests to them. Some of you may have been told you were 'very bright' a couple too many times as a kid and let it get to your head. This is your second test - make an honest, true assessment of yourself and your ability to perform basic logic under pressure (time). Take the EEI practice tests like the real deal and face your weaknesses brutally and honestly. I was complete trash at the figural reasoning at first but just googled it and took every free practice test I saw.

They don't tell you your score at the end, only 'recommended' or 'not recommended', but I passed and really felt like I crushed it. Remember that the amount of questions you answer correctly is more important than answering the hard ones. So **SKIP HARD QUESTIONS**. Come back to them after you've make one round through the whole test.

If you get good at the online practice tests, you'll be good on the real deal. I actually felt the real one was way easier than some of the online ones, and I only had 4 questions unanswered through all the sections (yes, those were the hard ones I skipped and couldn't finish in time). The reading comprehension I started answering the questions immediately without reading the passage, only using it for reference - I finished that with what felt like 10 minutes to just casually go back over the passages twiddling my thumbs. Easy day.

Practice is confidence. Practice like you fight and you'll win this. Keep on steaming my fellow Nukes   -ETN1

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Re: Just took the POSS/MASS/BMST, a reflection
« Reply #353 on: Jul 13, 2019, 08:00 »
"Jesus christ did you read my post?"
He didnt need to, he was the first one to pass the exam. Mr.Peabody was 2nd, 3rd through 25th ex-ELTs, and then the rest.


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Re: Just took the POSS/MASS/BMST, a reflection
« Reply #354 on: Jul 13, 2019, 09:55 »
The smartest man alive ( me ) has graded these tests.

GUESS! If you get 14/14 correct and the exam is looking for 15 answers the guy who gets 13 right wins.

I have coached 50 or 60 people to recommended scores after they received a not recommended.
I am an extremely proficient exam taker and more importantly have NEVER missed a question on any exam. Ever.

Here is a great tool that works.

Get an ASVAB book. Usually they have 10 to 15 exams.
Take exam 1. Time it.
Take exam 2 but give yourself 2 less minutes
Exam 3 with two less additional minutes
And so on.
It works. I guarantee it.

Ammo made an interesting point. Nearly 50% of the Navy nukes fail it and it has nothing to do about being dumb. Nearly all of them get every question they answer correct. They simply don’t answer enough questions. They want to analyze.
( Same with Navy Nukes in the commercial world when they take their first exams then most learn exam taking techniques and do fine. I teach exam techniques but dont use them at all. )

Reading comprehension kills Navy Nukes and here is why... They want to read the entire passage. Here is what you should do.
Go straight to the questions:
Question 1 will be in the first paragraph or sentence. ( If it has more than one paragraph 1 is in paragraph 1 )
Question 2 will be in the second sentence or paragraph. If it has paragraphs the answer will not be in paragraph 1.
And so on.
I have never read any entire paragraph on a POSS.
This way you get rid of fluff. You do not have to comprehend anything. You should answer more questions and get rid of frustration. The exam can be nerve racking.

I am actually helping a guy right now via email.

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Re: Just took the POSS/MASS/BMST, a reflection
« Reply #355 on: Jul 13, 2019, 01:42 »

"The smartest man alive ( me ) has graded these tests."
It was always rumored in certain sci-fi circles that a Krell spore had made it back to earth with Commander Adams. As the Krell were a 2000 century old far superior race to man, a hitchhiker would be a distinct possibilty. Somehow a Khan /Krell hookup ensued, and the result was, well, you know who. Altair 4 is 17 light years away. Of course a Krell descendant who has never missed an exam question during their existence on earth would obviously know off the top of their conical head that that is 1.61 E17 meters or more obviously 9.1 E13 miles. As previously stated JC #1, Mr. Peabody#2, 22ELTs #3. Where the heck is the authority in the valley ?
« Last Edit: Jul 13, 2019, 08:23 by fiveeleven »


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Re: Just took the POSS/MASS/BMST, a reflection
« Reply #356 on: Jul 13, 2019, 01:50 »
Which doesnt change the fact I am the smartest person alive

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