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Offline Laning

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« on: Mar 25, 2008, 11:28 »
If my memory serves me correctly, it was on this day 18 years ago that many of us, in an attempted show of solidarity, kept to the plan and refused to report for duty. Unfortunately as I recall it, many more of us chose to ignore the plan.

Here's to being young & dumb!!
If you're gonna be dumb, ya gotta be tough

Offline Rennhack

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« Reply #1 on: Mar 25, 2008, 12:41 »
It may be 18 years too late, but I stayed home today.

Offline Camella Black

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« Reply #2 on: Mar 26, 2008, 12:07 »
If my memory serves me correctly, it was on this day 18 years ago that many of us, in an attempted show of solidarity, kept to the plan and refused to report for duty. Unfortunately as I recall it, many more of us chose to ignore the plan.

Here's to being young & dumb!!

My how the time flies by... I can hardly believe it, seems it was just a few years back. I salute you and all those brave souls who walked the walk.

Offline Rennhack

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« Reply #3 on: Mar 26, 2008, 09:53 »
You guys should organize ( bad word) something for the 20 year anniversary.

Offline Marlin

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« Reply #4 on: Mar 26, 2008, 11:29 »
I was at Point Beach. The plant made a back road our access point for one day so that normal traffic would not see us and we could barely see the plant from our picket line (4 or 5 people IIRC). A young TV news man drove up talked to a couple of us and left somewhat unimpressed. The next day we were back to work with no noticable difference in anyones lives. Ahh the good old days....

Offline Camella Black

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« Reply #5 on: Mar 26, 2008, 01:34 »
I was at Point Beach. The plant made a back road our access point for one day so that normal traffic would not see us and we could barely see the plant from our picket line (4 or 5 people IIRC). A young TV news man drove up talked to a couple of us and left somewhat unimpressed. The next day we were back to work with no noticable difference in anyones lives. Ahh the good old days....

Sounds very familar to what happened in our area. I actually recieved calls from Columbia SC and Oregon asking whether anyone else had walked. Henry was at Baxley GA at the time. I shot video and took it to WRDW in Augusta who did air it. I then attempted to have the storyand photos picked up by the AP but recieved a letter that read "do to wire contraints we are unable to run this story at this time".

What can I say, we were young and we believed that we could make a difference...

Rad Sponge

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« Reply #6 on: Mar 26, 2008, 02:00 »
What are you all talking about? Did you all try to organize an RP walk-out back in the day?

Offline Marlin

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« Reply #7 on: Mar 26, 2008, 03:06 »
IBEW local 1500 (a national Local for contract rad techs) never saw daylight.

Offline RDTroja

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« Reply #8 on: Mar 26, 2008, 04:30 »
It was a very loosely organized, poorly advertised one day walk out. I am not even sure that Local 1500 was officially involved in it... if they were they did not do a very good job of advertising it. I had signed a card and was working that day blissfully unaware of any organized efforts. Granted, I was not at an outage and was filling a non-union slot (training instructor) at the time, but I think I should have at least known about it... I was still a contractor and had a card.
« Last Edit: Mar 27, 2008, 04:21 by RDTroja »
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Offline shiine8

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« Reply #9 on: Mar 27, 2008, 03:00 »
It was a very loosely organized, poorly advertised one day walk out. I am not even sure that Local 1500 was officially involved in it... if they were they did not do a very good job of advertising it. I had signed a card and was working that day blissfully unaware of any organized efforts. Granted, I was not at an outage and was filling a non-union slot (training instructor) at the time, but I think I should have al least known about it... I was still a contractor and had a card.

We were both at Calvert at the time if my memory serves me right Roger. And Dick Scott was ready for any one that didn't come in that day!!!LOL


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