News and Discussions > Holiday Greetings


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Camella Black:

--- Quote from: Marlin on Mar 26, 2008, 11:29 ---I was at Point Beach. The plant made a back road our access point for one day so that normal traffic would not see us and we could barely see the plant from our picket line (4 or 5 people IIRC). A young TV news man drove up talked to a couple of us and left somewhat unimpressed. The next day we were back to work with no noticable difference in anyones lives. Ahh the good old days....

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Sounds very familar to what happened in our area. I actually recieved calls from Columbia SC and Oregon asking whether anyone else had walked. Henry was at Baxley GA at the time. I shot video and took it to WRDW in Augusta who did air it. I then attempted to have the storyand photos picked up by the AP but recieved a letter that read "do to wire contraints we are unable to run this story at this time".

What can I say, we were young and we believed that we could make a difference...

Rad Sponge:
What are you all talking about? Did you all try to organize an RP walk-out back in the day?

IBEW local 1500 (a national Local for contract rad techs) never saw daylight.

It was a very loosely organized, poorly advertised one day walk out. I am not even sure that Local 1500 was officially involved in it... if they were they did not do a very good job of advertising it. I had signed a card and was working that day blissfully unaware of any organized efforts. Granted, I was not at an outage and was filling a non-union slot (training instructor) at the time, but I think I should have at least known about it... I was still a contractor and had a card.


--- Quote from: RDTroja on Mar 26, 2008, 04:30 ---It was a very loosely organized, poorly advertised one day walk out. I am not even sure that Local 1500 was officially involved in it... if they were they did not do a very good job of advertising it. I had signed a card and was working that day blissfully unaware of any organized efforts. Granted, I was not at an outage and was filling a non-union slot (training instructor) at the time, but I think I should have al least known about it... I was still a contractor and had a card.

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We were both at Calvert at the time if my memory serves me right Roger. And Dick Scott was ready for any one that didn't come in that day!!!LOL


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