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« on: Mar 26, 2008, 10:05 »
Is McGuire hiring?

Offline spentfuel

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Re: Hiring
« Reply #1 on: Mar 27, 2008, 01:04 »
I think there was an RP tech position open at all three duke sites but not sure what the current status is as I do not see them on the duke jobs site


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Re: Hiring
« Reply #2 on: Mar 27, 2008, 01:32 »
BZ is in operations.


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Re: Hiring
« Reply #3 on: Mar 27, 2008, 06:49 »
Mike is right, I'm a Shift Manager with both a BWR and a PWR SRO license.

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Re: Hiring
« Reply #4 on: Mar 28, 2008, 01:39 »
Refer to my posting under "Catawba / Hiring". I've posted what I believe to be the reason why the job posting has "disappeared".

Offline redline

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Re: Hiring
« Reply #5 on: Mar 28, 2008, 01:58 »
Yes Duke Energy is hiring at all sites in all departments. They plan on replacing more than 5800 employees within the next five years due to attrition. If you check throughout the year the jobs will be posted.

As far as Operations; they keep and open job posting whether they're currently hiring or not, they want your resume' especially if you're right off the boat or just out of school. They do not want experienced (older) new hires but experience does not prevent your hiring just makes you less valuable to them in the future which is when they need you. I imagine after several years of the job posting the resume' bank is pretty full.

For RP; yes Duke sponsors an AA program in Spartanburg. It remains to be seen if they will only hire from that program in the future. There's probably zero chance of being hired unless your a Spartanburg student or well known by them. Duke expects to hire 16 students this summer as RP trainees.

When Duke posts jobs (except for operations) it's there for two weeks then it's gone.

Hope this helps


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Re: Hiring
« Reply #6 on: Mar 28, 2008, 02:27 »
Yes Duke Energy is hiring at all sites in all departments. They plan on replacing more than 5800 employees within the next five years due to attrition. If you check throughout the year the jobs will be posted.

As far as Operations; they keep and open job posting whether they're currently hiring or not, they want your resume' especially if you're right off the boat or just out of school. They do not want experienced (older) new hires but experience does not prevent your hiring just makes you less valuable to them in the future which is when they need you. I imagine after several years of the job posting the resume' bank is pretty full.

For RP; yes Duke sponsors an AA program in Spartanburg. It remains to be seen if they will only hire from that program in the future. There's probably zero chance of being hired unless your a Spartanburg student or well known by them. Duke expects to hire 16 students this summer as RP trainees.

When Duke posts jobs (except for operations) it's there for two weeks then it's gone.

Hope this helps

I can almost bet my salary if I told them I had SRO Licenses and am qualified as a Shift Manager on both a BWR or a PWR the word "experience" would not be a factor :)


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Re: Hiring
« Reply #7 on: Mar 29, 2008, 12:49 »
Yes Duke Energy is hiring at all sites in all departments. They plan on replacing more than 5800 employees within the next five years due to attrition. If you check throughout the year the jobs will be posted.

As far as Operations; they keep and open job posting whether they're currently hiring or not, they want your resume' especially if you're right off the boat or just out of school. They do not want experienced (older) new hires but experience does not prevent your hiring just makes you less valuable to them in the future which is when they need you. I imagine after several years of the job posting the resume' bank is pretty full.

I think Duke is confused!?!

It takes less effort, time and money to bring someone with experience up to speed than it does to train someone with no experience at all.

By "appropriating" experience from other plants, a company can learn and gain a small advantage over their counterparts.

Experience trains inexperience.  They are the ones with the OE.

Offline redline

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Re: Hiring
« Reply #8 on: Mar 30, 2008, 11:35 »
Sorry, I didn't mean to confuse anyone or sound confused. The fact is Duke likes to grow their own. There is currently an over abundance of OSM's, SRO's, RO's and folks in licensing class. There are also many who have given up their licenses simply because they will never use them again. Take out the word experience and just use 'age', not politically correct, but Duke is hiring for the distant future, not tomorrow. Again that doesn't mean they will not hire someone who is seasoned, experienced or licensed some where else. It's just not their philosophy in hiring right now. With any luck they will break ground on a new plant in the next couple years and the hiring will continue.

I would recommend anyone looking for a change to apply. It's a great company to work for and the Carolinas are a great place to live, especially if you're family oriented. The pays a little lower than most other areas, but the cost of living is lower also.


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Re: Hiring
« Reply #9 on: Mar 30, 2008, 01:31 »
Redline is right, when I talked with their Ops Manager and Hiring managers, they basically told me that they didn't care to talk to outside people; they liked to grow their own and hire engineers and NLO's from outside while supplying the RO/SRO/SM ranks from within.  BZ, I PM'd you some contact info if you are interested.

Offline spentfuel

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Re: Hiring
« Reply #10 on: Mar 31, 2008, 01:24 »
Sorry BZ and Mike didn't know he was on of those LOL

For what its worth

The RP jobs have been pulled because they (Duke) only run these for two weeks unless there are no apps received and then they may stay out for longer.  Yes they are in cahoots with a Tech college and will likely fill many positions from there but will look at more experienced dependant on each sites needs.

As for ops what has been said is true from my experience.  Getting into license class is like a personality contest and all others positions are home grown as quoted.

The current philosophy at Duke is hire um young pay them bottom rung pay and teach them to be up to speed to run the place in 5 years so all the old farts can RIP.

Shame to BZ you would fit right in man ;D  Oconee has hot turbines and McGuire and Catawba have lower containments about the size of most drywell's Ive been in.



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Re: Hiring
« Reply #11 on: Mar 31, 2008, 06:37 »
Ditto with that low pay issue.  I would have taken a pay CUT from my Navy pay if I accepted their offer.  I know I'm not qualified to operate a civilian plant yet, but I'm definitely worth more.  I didn't even have to haggle with Progress or Southern to get multiple offers for nearly twice what Duke was willing to give.


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Re: Hiring
« Reply #12 on: Mar 31, 2008, 06:59 »
LMAO!! Ice Condenser Lower Containments. I remember when I started at SQN. Everyone and I mean everyone was telling me how my eyes would be opened at how cramped the containment is.  Now I'd already seen the dimensions and knew the Lower Compartment was 3 times bigger than the entire Fermi containment but I was told yeah but you wouldn't believe how much equipment is in there. So on my first entry I was prepared for the worst, then openly laughed at how much extra space there was. Heck in many parts two people can walk side by side!! There's nothing like a BWR MK I Containment to cure one of claustrophobia!


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