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Good Democrat

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--- Quote from: DaveWarren on Apr 18, 2008, 11:56 ---Then, you cross that same Redneck with that same Republican and you put him in the White House.
Then, you sit back and watch the damage pile up and let the bodies hit the floor.
What a great vision..... >:(

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Much better than the roll over and play dead policy being espoused by a certain candidate.  ;D

What with DNC Chair Howard Dean now telling the supercandidates to decide now, well before all states have had primaries/caucuses...hearkens back to the 'good old days' of the Central Committee deciding things back in the USSR and PRC.

So, I present a short video of the kind of convention Howard would like to have

Hmmmm...I'm thinkin' that it would have been wiser to post this in Poly Sci, though my original post was intended to be a little "tongue-n-cheek" to stir the pot, it is starting to boil a little.


--- Quote from: Marlin on Apr 18, 2008, 01:32 ---Hmmmm...I'm thinkin' that it would have been wiser to post this in Poly Sci, though my original post was intended to be a little "tongue-n-cheek" to stir the pot, it is starting to boil a little.

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And you expected any less??? ;)    ;D

Ha ha, how accurate even ten years later. Weird how even back then we knew what was up. "Vast right-wing conspiracy" sounds all too familiar. . .


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