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Author Topic: ELT looking for options relating to work in USA-> Australia or NZ.  (Read 24377 times)

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Hi, my name is Sal and i am currently a sub ELT.  I get out in approximately 2 years.  At the moment i am trying to sort out my options.  I love this site and I find it extremely helpful.  However, my wife is originally from New Zealand, is a NZ citizen, and would feel more comfortable if i worked in either NZ or Australia.  I realize there are no nuclear power plants there, but they have non-nuc power plants and there is an astronomical amount of knowledge and experience here and is my best place for advice.  I am sorry this isn't totally nuclear power related.  It is clear what this site is dedicated to. 

I see 2 options at the moment.  I can get out of the navy, move into a job in the USA, aquire more experience and qualifications and try to transfer to (most probably) an Australian plant or water treatment facility, or pretty much anything i can qualify for.  I don't mind this process taking a couple or several years if needed.   OR  I can make a smooth transition from the navy to Australia/nz. 

Based on what i know now, i must have some sort of chance of getting a job in an Australian plant with my experience in the navy, and if needed, my future experience at an american plant. 

I am/will be qualified LELT, EWS, EDPO, QA.  with the Excelsior Bachelors in Nuclear Eng. Technology and plan to pursue my masters in business after the navy. 

ANY advice or information on jobs, web-sites, qualifications i should go for, contacts, and most importantly your personal opinion is greatly appreciated.  Even if this is impossible or unlikely, i would at least like to know. 

Much Thanks,
Sal   :)


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Your Navy Nuclear experience can easily get you into a non nuclear power job.  Your knowledge of the general engineering principles of a steam cycle and electrical generation can get you into any fossil fuel plant (simple/combined cycle, coal, hydro).  Easily in the first year on the job you can learn all about the plant and aquire the necessary licensing.  I see the most difficult part of your plan is getting the required paperwork required to work outside of the United States, however I do not have any experience attempting to work overseas.


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Realise this is an old thread, but for anyone looking along similar lines, the only rx's in this part of the world (other than visiting nukenavy) are here:


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