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Re: increase per diem
« Reply #25 on: Aug 20, 2008, 11:16 »
If you are staying in Manhattan, you're nuts.  The per diem is $411, but you can get a nice room in Jersey for under $100, take the PANYNJ bus to the city and use the subway.($81.00 per month).  Or you can stay in Queens and take the subway the whole way.  Meals aren't cheap, but you have to avoid the tourist traps.  OTOH, you really ought to have a steak at Wolfgang's at least once while you are in town.  If you are working nights, the parking meters stop at 7 p.m. and the tunnel tolls are cheaper with EZPass.  If you don't mind traffic driving in NYC can be fun.

I was going in 5 to 7 nights a week when per diem was only $260, and I'm sure there was at least a grand left over after tolls, parking, meals, hotel, etc.  It's all in how you plan the commute.

The guys who were staying in Manhattan were paying over $250 per night for the rooms, plus $15-30 per day to park at the hotel.  Dayshift guys who drove in were shelling out $600 to park for the month - a BIG discount.  Definitely if working days, use mass transit. 
"To be content with little is hard; to be content with much, impossible." - Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach


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Re: increase per diem
« Reply #26 on: Aug 20, 2008, 06:06 »
..I am not gonna say the company name I work for is the best I have ever worked for,,I AM GONNA SHOUT IT..after reading all the complaints here about pay, per diem, and travel...I don't have any..per diem is GSA, pay is as good as it has ever been(really better than I would ever have imagined)..and travel, remember the rental cars and gas receipt days, well they are in, fly out, no 3-4 day rides, get laid off,  get home that day..from the west coast.....this company takes care of their employees, like family...let me describe it like this, if the company was the big Blue, I could call Eric(cousin Eric),,have him on the speed dial and me on his speed dial....I am a very blessed man..and all of you who know me..knows who is gonna get the GLORY for taking me from where I was to where I am...just my positive opinion, about a company that takes very good care of their loyal


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