There for You Forever
I understand,
then I don’t understand.
I accept,
then I find it hard to accept.
I’m not alone,
but then I’m alone.
I never grieve,
and then I grieve.
I have been angry,
but I do not live in anger.
I witness compassion,
then I see no compassion.
I long for peace,
and there is little peace.
I cry for love ,
but then love has it’s changes.
I do think one thing that is true to life,
the only absolute is the darkness and the light.
Put your faith in you, it’s a worthy endeavor,
your soul is a fragment of life’s essence,
and will be there for you,…. forever.
A confused man spoke to a man of wisdom and asked, how can I accept the tragedy of my lost love? When can I be done with the agony of my misfortune? And the wise man looked at him with a comforting smile and said, you have much to do to accept your change. For it is not an easy moment in your life to realize yourself in a different light. As your life changes its course so then must you. As the new seasons breeze blows from the horizon, your vessel will be sent aimlessly into it’s journey. You will come to understand that to survive the uncertainty of your direction, you must take the rudder firmly into your hands and guide your course to its destination. And the man looked back at the wise man asking him, When will my journey end? Again the wise man smiles back to him and said. To accept your destiny you will never reach your journeys end. For acceptance, as in love and life, grows and will spread its branches until the end of time. It is not and never will be enough to say that you accept a tragedy or even a great joy. For in love, to say you are in love is not enough within itself to love. And in pain, It is not enough to endure the pain by your words of acceptance. You must grow with your love as you must grow with your pain. When a grove of trees grows together in a forest and one is cast back into the ground from the hand of nature, the tree next to the tragic event, in time will grow stronger in light of change. And in its time, its roots will have the latitude to take a firm hold creating a foundation never known before. And its branches will reach out for the nourishment life brings to it, in the new place created by what once was. The wisdom gained by your constant acceptance of this living experience will be your salvation.
Trusting Heart
I will say to you; go by the way of your heart.
If you cannot trust what you have inside you,
then you have a book that is filled with pages of emptiness.
If there is writing in your book, but you do not follow its
calling, then you have knowledge that is like an echoing sound,
and your search for the essence of its meaning is lost in its pulse.
It is the trust that you have in yourself
that offers you the benefit of trust that you seek in others.
To find your way, be silent unto yourself and look inside your heart and soul,
then examine the foundation that holds the key to your life.
When life unfolds and the time of your understanding is at its new
You will be filled with the knowledge and wisdom that carries you to the temple of light,
and born will be the words of light,
and your heart will sing with the music of love.
Your heart will then trust all things eternally,
as trust is the foundation of life and love.
In Time
A desperate and anxious man can be a fool of fools.
The wise and patient man sees not the fool in him
but that which the desperate man does not understand, thus
having not sympathy, but compassion towards him.
For the tempest in others is your tempest.
Just as the path of ascension of the wise man will in time,
become the path of ascension of the man in desperation.
Eye Can Tell You
Electromagnetic fields bend our dimensions.
Gravity binds our physical intensions.
Lunar magnets change the direction of our minds.
Stellar creations, life’s center in time.
Far past these regions of solar impressions,
is the realm of total magnificent perfection.
We’ll not see these things when we look to the skies,
your mind’s eye can tell you,
that you must look inside.
For inside our structure are chambers of darkness,
don’t be afraid when you knock on their doors.
The wisdom we gain when crossing their thresholds,
we’ll see all the answers, not known in our time.
And build a new temple, where cosmic visions will shine.