Career Path > Navy Nuke
Have I Made The Wrong Choice?
Hey guys,
Well, I leave for boot camp here in about a week. I scored an 86 on the ASVAB so my recruiter (being a Nuke recruiter) convinced me to take the Nuke test. It was required that I scored 53 on the test but I scored a 62. So what is next? What the hell, seems like if I qualify for the job why wouldn't I sign up for it? I mean, why wouldn't I want to sign up for the most qualified position in the enlisted Navy?
Well now as my date approaches I have stumbled onto this forum and see that absolutely NO ONE has ANYTHING POSITIVE to say about the program (obviously a slight exaggeration).
My question is.....did I make the right choice? I originally was going to do IS before I realized I could probably qualify for Nuke. I'm not worried about the difficult schooling, I feel if I dedicate myself to something it can be done. What I'm concerned about is the quality of life of the nuclear sailor, or the lack there of.
Also, my recruiter said I'd want my car in South Carolina for A and Power School. How would I even get that stuff there? Have my parents drive it out? Is it allowed to have your car?
Thank you in advance.
This is a hard life. But it can open doors after navy. If you want to be a career sailor I would not recomend this program. If you want an easy path to a degree I would not recomend this program there are easier paths though other ratings that don't work as hard and TA. After nine years I have often asked myself knowing what I know now would I still do it and I think the answer is no.
You have to ask yourself "what do I enjoy doing" and from there try and find a path in the Navy that can met that or don't join the Navy if you find that you cannot find something in it that you would like. This is a decision that will affect your life for the next six years (or more) don't make it lightly and don't let anyone else make it for you.
As for the car other threads address the question better but the short answer is yes and no. yes you can have a car but not right away. And yes you will have to figure out a way to get one there the navy will not pay to ship it and you will most likely not get any leave time to pick on up.
From my perspective, the navy has been very, very good to me. And, it can be good to you too if you work hard and play your cards right. This forum, while very good in most respects does tend to paint a bad picture of nuclear life.
My experiences in 18+ years (8 enlisted and 10+ officer) is mostly positive. If your overly concerned about quality of life, go surface. There are more folks to share the pain with.
I predict in 6 years you will be glad you came in the nuclear navy. You'll leave smarter, more mature, and you'll know you can accomplish anything.
Butterflies close to leaving for boot camp are normal. I predict you'll be fine.
PM me if you want to talk more offline.
--- Quote from: Coppenrath22 on Jun 17, 2008, 06:33 ---Hey guys,
Well, I leave for boot camp here in about a week. I scored an 86 on the ASVAB so my recruiter (being a Nuke recruiter) convinced me to take the Nuke test. It was required that I scored 53 on the test but I scored a 62. So what is next? What the hell, seems like if I qualify for the job why wouldn't I sign up for it? I mean, why wouldn't I want to sign up for the most qualified position in the enlisted Navy?
Well now as my date approaches I have stumbled onto this forum and see that absolutely NO ONE has ANYTHING POSITIVE to say about the program (obviously a slight exaggeration).
My question is.....did I make the right choice? I originally was going to do IS before I realized I could probably qualify for Nuke. I'm not worried about the difficult schooling, I feel if I dedicate myself to something it can be done. What I'm concerned about is the quality of life of the nuclear sailor, or the lack there of.
Also, my recruiter said I'd want my car in South Carolina for A and Power School. How would I even get that stuff there? Have my parents drive it out? Is it allowed to have your car?
Thank you in advance.
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Good luck and thanks for your service! Of course you didn't make the wrong choice to enlist in the navy nuke program. You may or may not make the wrong choice when they dangle the carrot of re-enlistment in your face and you leap for it without looking.
--- Quote from: Gamecock on Jun 17, 2008, 07:06 ---
If your overly concerned about quality of life, go surface. There are more folks to share the pain with.
--- End quote ---
That has to be one of the funniest and most true things I've ever seen posted here.
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