Career Path > Navy Nuke

Navy subs and nukes?

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Hello everyone, I recently came across ur forum while doing some research on the navy nuke programs and general nuke jobs and hope u can answer some of my questions,

1. I am 28 years old and have read the age limit for nuke program is 25, I realize there is a waiver for everything, but do u have any knowledge of any one getting in at my age.

2. I have read that u volunteer to go subs, in ur experience do they pretty much give u this or do they use the needs of navy rule and send a lot to the surface fleet.

3. In I'd experience do civilian nuke reactors hire mostly navy nukes or do they also hire a lot of 2 year technical nuke graduates.

Some additional background, I was in AF , crew chief on U-2 for 1- 1/2 years, general discharge in 2001, got a 89 on asvab, I don't think navy would have a problem in general enlisting me according to my reenlistment code, any info would be greatly appreciated thanks

As far as your eligibility you will have to talk to a recruiter. I knew a guy that came in around 28 years old. So its possible.


--- Quote from: mdulleck on Jul 14, 2008, 05:29 ---Hello everyone, I recently came across ur forum while doing some research on the navy nuke programs and general nuke jobs and hope u can answer some of my questions,

1. I am 28 years old and have read the age limit for nuke program is 25, I realize there is a waiver for everything, but do u have any knowledge of any one getting in at my age.

2. I have read that u volunteer to go subs, in ur experience do they pretty much give u this or do they use the needs of navy rule and send a lot to the surface fleet.

3. In I'd experience do civilian nuke reactors hire mostly navy nukes or do they also hire a lot of 2 year technical nuke graduates.

Some additional background, I was in AF , crew chief on U-2 for 1- 1/2 years, general discharge in 2001, got a 89 on asvab, I don't think navy would have a problem in general enlisting me according to my reenlistment code, any info would be greatly appreciated thanks

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If you have a 2 year technical degree, you qualify to be an NLO in the Exelon corporation. Good news is that they try to hire a mix of navy nukes and off the street folks. If you want more info, let me know. But, based on your age, I think direct hiring into a nuke plant is the best way to go for you.


For someone so serious about their career you should spend less time listing your resume and learning how to use the search engine.

Couldn't help it.


--- Quote from: PapaBear765 (3363) on Jul 18, 2008, 06:58 ---For someone so serious about their career you should spend less time listing your resume and learning how to use the search engine.

Couldn't help it.

--- End quote ---

 ;D ;D ;D Classic!


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