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What can we do to encourage women to post on the discussion boards?

Gear topics towards women
4 (7.7%)
Have more women moderators
13 (25%)
Have a women's only area
6 (11.5%)
24 (46.2%)
5 (9.6%)

Total Members Voted: 18

Author Topic: More posting from Women Nukeworkers  (Read 65003 times)

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Re: More posting from Women Nukeworkers
« Reply #25 on: Jul 31, 2008, 03:37 »
II am not only a woman in the nuclear field, but also a wife.  I have been bashed in here, not for being a woman of nuclear, but for standing up for my husband and speaking my mind... I've not done it since.  I've also worked for a supervisor that believed the little woman needs to be at home and not working at all, much less in the nuclear field.

I fully support this site and have done so for a while, but I will not comment on some subjects, simply because I do not want to be bashed... and if I feel that way as a supporter of this site, I can only imagine how the new people feel.
I know your husband and he is a stand up guy. Talking to him at work it is very apparent that you and your children are his number one priority. You should stand up for him and to hell with anyone who bashes you for it. You simply cannot take it personally. Easier said than done right?
I too have worked for that supervisor many times at many different outages. At first it bothered me, really pissed me off. One day, it dawned on me, I get paid the same either way. It is not a reflection of my ability to do my job, it is a reflection on how narrow minded and ignorant the person I am working for is. Plastics and a respirator, I can do that. Watching PCMs (usually in an air conditioned area  8)), I can do that too. There is no bonus for covering high risk jobs.

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Re: More posting from Women Nukeworkers
« Reply #26 on: Jul 31, 2008, 04:02 »
Yo. Let me put my two cents in.  If the gurls want their own site..then let them have it.  Doesn't mean you can't look and post.  I agree with the ones here that say they don't want to be humiliated in this public forum.  Some of you are down right nasty!  If someone new comes in and asked a is not necessary to belittle them and correct their grammer.  For GODS sake you aren't making any new members that way. This is not a bashing board!  If you don't want to help them out..just don't post your negativeness. Let someone else help them out.  After being out of the business for 18 years (and thats why) I came back and ya know..nothing has changed.  Back stabbin is the past time.  I think everyone need to have LIFE COACHING.  Some of you don't get it or just don't have a life.  There are more important things in life than climbing the ladder at someone else's expense.  I saw people bashing others about other work sites..that site and just trying to ruin others credibility.  A woman says something and they are labeled a B***h and a man says the same and they are one of the "good ole boys".  Well boys...I think its time the rules of the game should change..  So to the man who told me at Oconee.."You need to be more like a Southern woman..they know their place"  to him those like him need to see who the worker bees really are....and  :-* my **.

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Re: More posting from Women Nukeworkers
« Reply #27 on: Jul 31, 2008, 04:05 »
wow, great posts all...

I would like to say that I often feel alone here on the site. I can usually count on Cathy to get involved and once in a while Lorrie. I of course am outside the norm and post away (please note that many, many of my posts are through the lodging area) but it was not always that way.

When I first began I jumped in and began updating the lodging section not realizing that I was crowding the front page with the posts and boy did HydroDave let me and others know. I actually cried, I was so embarassed as I used my name and well it really hurt my feelings but he said sorry and I got over it.

I have been a member several years and yes I have been hurt by posts, embarassed and ticked off to boot but I've hung in there, taken a break when needed, im'd Tom for guidance and struck back at times. But I love nukeworker, it has provided me with guidance when looking for lodging, a group of friends to talk politics, religion and other hot topics with and a way to keep up with old friends while making new ones.

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Re: More posting from Women Nukeworkers
« Reply #28 on: Jul 31, 2008, 04:09 »
Yo. Let me put my two cents in.  If the gurls want their own site..then let them have it.  Doesn't mean you can't look and post.  I agree with the ones here that say they don't want to be humiliated in this public forum.  Some of you are down right nasty!  If someone new comes in and asked a is not necessary to belittle them and correct their grammer.  For GODS sake you aren't making any new members that way. This is not a bashing board!  If you don't want to help them out..just don't post your negativeness. Let someone else help them out.  After being out of the business for 18 years (and thats why) I came back and ya know..nothing has changed.  Back stabbin is the past time.  I think everyone need to have LIFE COACHING.  Some of you don't get it or just don't have a life.  There are more important things in life than climbing the ladder at someone else's expense.  I saw people bashing others about other work sites..that site and just trying to ruin others credibility.  A woman says something and they are labeled a B***h and a man says the same and they are one of the "good ole boys".  Well boys...I think its time the rules of the game should change..  So to the man who told me at Oconee.."You need to be more like a Southern woman..they know their place"  to him those like him need to see who the worker bees really are....and  :-* my **.

Bravo. I have worn the B label myself, especially here on nukeworker, but what most guys don't realize is that many women wear this as a badge of honor. I am proud to be a strong, independent, outspoken, amazon woman and if that makes me a b*&(H well so be it. As far as a Southern woman knowing her place, I bet he didn't say that to his momma or his truly Southern wife without a slap in the mouth or to the side of his head.  ;)
« Last Edit: Aug 01, 2008, 09:16 by Camella Black »

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Re: More posting from Women Nukeworkers
« Reply #29 on: Jul 31, 2008, 04:11 »
wow, great posts all...

I would like to say that I often feel alone here on the site. I can usually count on Cathy to get involved and once in a while Lorrie. I of course am outside the norm and post away (please note that many, many of my posts are through the lodging area) but it was not always that way.

When I first began I jumped in and began updating the lodging section not realizing that I was crowding the front page with the posts and boy did HydroDave let me and others know. I actually cried, I was so embarassed as I used my name and well it really hurt my feelings but he said sorry and I got over it.

I have been a member several years and yes I have been hurt by posts, embarassed and ticked off to boot but I've hung in there, taken a break when needed, im'd Tom for guidance and struck back at times. But I love nukeworker, it has provided me with guidance when looking for lodging, a group of friends to talk politics, religion and other hot topics with and a way to keep up with old friends while making new ones.

Well Said.
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Re: More posting from Women Nukeworkers
« Reply #30 on: Jul 31, 2008, 04:16 »
I got your point.  Apparently you missed mine.  My post wasn't directed at you, I just quoted you.  You must be such an import person to assume everything is directed at you.

Tell me this, if I was agreeing with you, then why would you attack me?  All I see is more of that angry man syndrome that Lori talked about.    Candy and flowers will do for an apology… unless you want me to stop posting… I feel that every time I post anything RDTroja attacks me.  Something should be done about that monster.  Are you a wife beater too?  I know she deserved it; she opened her mouth and agreed with you.

Perhaps I should start every post with " RDTroja , this isn't about you.
Oh Snap!!
She really is my daughter!
At last, the truth echoed by more than just TVOLS and myself.
Things are starting to look grim for the mean guy that picks on women (RED HACKER), rednecks(TVOLS) and veterans(ME).
« Last Edit: Jul 31, 2008, 04:19 by DaveWarren »

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Re: More posting from Women Nukeworkers
« Reply #31 on: Jul 31, 2008, 04:18 »
 ;D   They used to say "She's cuter that Christmas but meaner than a junkyard dog".  My reply was "MEN AND NUCLEAR POWER HAS MADE ME THE WOMAN I AM TODAY"
« Last Edit: Jul 31, 2008, 04:29 by NJ »

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Re: More posting from Women Nukeworkers
« Reply #32 on: Jul 31, 2008, 04:18 »
I know your husband and he is a stand up guy. Talking to him at work it is very apparent that you and your children are his number one priority. You should stand up for him and to hell with anyone who bashes you for it. You simply cannot take it personally. Easier said than done right?

Thank you Cathy!!  You brought a tear to my eye and a smile to my face!!  Yeah, I think he's a pretty good 'ol boy and I'll keep him.     ;D

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Re: More posting from Women Nukeworkers
« Reply #33 on: Jul 31, 2008, 04:22 »
;DThey used to say "She's cuter that Christmas but meaner than a junkyard dog".  My reply was "MEN AND NUCLEAR POWER HAS MADE ME THE WOMAN I AM TODAY"

LOLOL NJ... "they" have a saying for me as well... "she's as sweet as apple pie, just don't piss her off"....  ;D


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Re: More posting from Women Nukeworkers
« Reply #34 on: Jul 31, 2008, 04:40 »
So to the man who told me at Oconee.."You need to be more like a Southern woman..they know their place"

God I hate that.


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Re: More posting from Women Nukeworkers
« Reply #35 on: Jul 31, 2008, 05:04 »

Its obvious by the amount of interest this thread has generated,that this is something that should be concentrated on...

What will it take for more women to start posting on here???It looks to me like just bringing that thought up in a thread has helped alot.

I think the answer is like SP suggested,more female goldmembers....I have been registered on this site since 2002 and rarely ever found anything that gave me the inspiration to respond with my opinion until I became a goldmember. That is where most topics become a lightning rod for opinions...
I would suggest to Red hacker ,that her sharpness in defending her position is very similar to what goes on in the GM area....
She should join immediately and I would guarantee that she would have an avenue for all that anger...Just kidding Red.
Seriously though,maybe the thread about becoming a gold member could show some of the interesting topics that are talked about ,and the wonderfully  entertaining responses that go with them....That is a real selling point.....
I became a goldmember because I felt like I owed it to this site for many reasons,but If I would have joined many years ago if I would have known about the entertainment value..


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Re: More posting from Women Nukeworkers
« Reply #36 on: Jul 31, 2008, 08:06 »
I figure I'll post seeing I'm a female and just joined the forum. I'm getting used to the forum format and where to post and who post and who gives the best advice etc, etc, etc.

Mostly, I've been reading. Why? I need and want information on NUKE and other outside Navy NUKE issues as well. I haven't posted as much simply because of the reading.

Why women aren't posting? I'm going to just assume here and say that if a woman joins this forum and doesn't post then it's on her for not posting. I don't think it's the forum's responsibility to go on and try to get women to post. If in the end they really don't want to and just want to lurk around to soak the information then that's just what they will do.

As for the women who are shy or feel left out or blame the men. I only see one person to blame and that's themselves for not speaking up and being afraid. It's the 21st century, even if you speak up, whoever you may be,  woman or man you will get both positive and negative views no matter what the subject is. So go ahead speak up, if you can't do it in a forum, online over the internet...then I wonder how you can do it in the real world where the confrontations may be a lot more harsh.

I am assuming a lot of the people here are at least over 18, or somewhat mature adults (even though sometimes it's fun to use the little kid in you, and I'm not saying that's bad), so go ahead and act like one. Women be women men be men but all together be ADULTS.

Post when you have an opinion, advice or something say, and if it gets heated up face it, don't take anything personal, no one is here to hurt your feelings maybe just slash your thoughts in half because they disagree. That's all. No true blood shed.

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Re: More posting from Women Nukeworkers
« Reply #37 on: Jul 31, 2008, 08:46 »
Hey Rennhack...where did your HUMMMM go?  Didn't want to get in this except for the stats??
« Last Edit: Aug 01, 2008, 10:18 by NJ »


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Re: More posting from Women Nukeworkers
« Reply #38 on: Jul 31, 2008, 09:23 »
My personal nuclear work experience has been a one month outage so I don't really have a lot to contribute to most of the topics. I'm mostly just trying to figure out if something will strike my fancy and motivate me to make some career decisions.

I think that most women have a thicker skin than to worry about what some joker on a message board is posting about them.  Most females over 18 have heard worse things in real life than "you're an opinionated [bi-otch]" from somebody they'll never meet.

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Re: More posting from Women Nukeworkers
« Reply #39 on: Jul 31, 2008, 09:32 »
My personal nuclear work experience has been a one month outage so I don't really have a lot to contribute to most of the topics. I'm mostly just trying to figure out if something will strike my fancy and motivate me to make some career decisions.

I think that most women have a thicker skin than to worry about what some joker on a message board is posting about them.  Most females over 18 have heard worse things in real life than "you're an opinionated [bi-otch]" from somebody they'll never meet.

Welcome young nukeworker!!!

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Re: More posting from Women Nukeworkers
« Reply #40 on: Jul 31, 2008, 09:37 »
Quote from Camella
Bravo. I have worn the B label myself, especially here on nukeworker, but what most guys don't realize is that many women wear this as a badge of honor. I am proud to be a strong, independent, outspoken, amazon woman and if that makes me a b*&(H well so be it. As far as a Southern woman knowing her place, I bet he didn't say that to his momma or his truly Southern wife without a slap in the mouth or to the side of his head.  ;)

Hey good one. You may be all that but I still  Love you anyway, just the way you are.
« Last Edit: Jul 31, 2008, 09:40 by HenryBlack »

Offline Camella Black

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Re: More posting from Women Nukeworkers
« Reply #41 on: Jul 31, 2008, 11:58 »
Quote from Camella
Bravo. I have worn the B label myself, especially here on nukeworker, but what most guys don't realize is that many women wear this as a badge of honor. I am proud to be a strong, independent, outspoken, amazon woman and if that makes me a b*&(H well so be it. As far as a Southern woman knowing her place, I bet he didn't say that to his momma or his truly Southern wife without a slap in the mouth or to the side of his head.  ;)

Hey good one. You may be all that but I still  Love you anyway, just the way you are.

Thank you my kind and gracious husband, you made me cry.  I believe this is why we have made it almost 29 years, we love each other, faults and all.

 forever and always, Camella

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Re: More posting from Women Nukeworkers
« Reply #42 on: Aug 01, 2008, 12:37 »
OK, I don't usually jump in the middle of good discussion because most of the time I end up with hoof in mouth but here goes.  I believe that the reasons are as varied as the number of people on the site but if I were to condense it I'd say the major reasons are: (In no particular order)

1. Lack of respect, real & perceived.  Real disrespect is pretty self-evident and I believe we are all cognizant enough to know it when we see it and when we are RESPONSIBLE for it. 
Perceived can be as simple as not picking up on sarcasm, (Feel free to USE THE SMILEYS.  That smart-aleck grin or your tongue-in-cheek doesn't broadcast over the internet without them)  taking a sarcastic remark literally due to not knowing the poster or their style.  The solution to this one lies on both sides of the fence, think about what you're posting and think about what you're reading.  If it pushes your buttons just as quick as you read it, DON'T POST right away.  Write a response, look at it, and delete it.  You'll get it off your chest, won't make a new enemy, and in taking a second look LATER you might see it in a different light.  (OK, not always but it is worth a try.  ;) )

2. Hyper-sensitivity, many times caused by the reasons listed above, and at times caused just because "I'm looking for something to be ticked off about".  (Come on, be honest with yourself.  We've all been there at one time or another, myself more than I can remember)  Adopt what I like to call the "Ted attitude" after a co-worker whose attitude is "I'm easily offended by those who are easily offended.  Very little gets to me."

3. Experience, history, life.  We've already seen some good examples of that mentioned here and that's one of the things that got this whole thread started. 

What can be done to fix it?  First, foremost, top-of-the-list (Just trying to catch as many cliches as I can  :P ): RESPECT!  While we may not always want to hear what the fairer sex has to say we most likely NEED to hear it.  I can't find the exact quote yet but it was something along the lines of "Without women men would be nothing more than savages who shave".  We NEED the input of the women here on Nukeworker and we need to value it more, I believe we can all agree on that. 

We ALSO need to take this one step further and extend this to all of the NUBS, DINKS, NON-QUALS, and prospective Nukeworkers who are coming here FIRST to check out this industry.  While I can understand the line of thinking that says "They need to learn how harsh this industry/branch of service/profession/craft is so they can understand what they're getting into" there is NO NEED for it to hit a new poster between the eyes when their first post asks something that has already been answered just because we're tired of answering it again. 

Short solution: Don't post a smart*** answer just because you can!  This site was created to HELP, let's try to do more of that and take the belittling, personal attacks, etc.. "to the barn".  It contributes nothing to the discussion other than making that poster feel better about themselves and the attacked feel ticked off, stupid, and less likely to ever come back.  What do we end up with?  A group of crotchety old farts who know it all and do a poor job of sharing their knowledge with PEOPLE ($1 to Red Hacker) who want & need it.  THIS NEEDS TO END, AGREED?

OK, now I remember, nobody wants to read my rambling, over-analyzing theses where I say in 1000 words what most can say in 50.   :D  I apologize for the rambling but to me this has been personal for years as the older brother of 4 sisters (6 now counting my step-sisters).  I also realize that ALL CAPS is the internet equivalent of shouting.  It was intended.

Peace y'all,
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Re: More posting from Women Nukeworkers
« Reply #43 on: Aug 01, 2008, 09:01 »
I got your point.  Apparently you missed mine.  My post wasn't directed at you, I just quoted you.  You must be such an import person to assume everything is directed at you. 
Are you sure this isn't DW with another avatar so he can get into the girl's only section and spread Obamaism? ;D
« Last Edit: Aug 01, 2008, 09:03 by stownsend »

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Re: More posting from Women Nukeworkers
« Reply #44 on: Aug 01, 2008, 09:52 »
Good post Tom.
Peace & Love

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Re: More posting from Women Nukeworkers
« Reply #45 on: Aug 01, 2008, 11:48 »
Concerning the poll question, does that mean women who have worked in nuclear power, or women who have ANY connection with nuclear power?  My only connection is that my son will be graduating this month from Navy Nuke Power School.    Kathy VPNM

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Re: More posting from Women Nukeworkers
« Reply #46 on: Aug 01, 2008, 11:53 »
Whoops. Never mind. Just answered my own always helps to read the first post on a thread!     Kathy VPNM

Offline Camella Black

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Re: More posting from Women Nukeworkers
« Reply #47 on: Aug 01, 2008, 11:53 »
Concerning the poll question, does that mean women who have worked in nuclear power, or women who have ANY connection with nuclear power?  My only connection is that my son will be graduating this month from Navy Nuke Power School.    Kathy VPNM

Women who are connected to nuclear power; we have a couple of mom's of navy nukes on here aleady. Welcome Aboard!

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Re: More posting from Women Nukeworkers
« Reply #48 on: Aug 01, 2008, 11:58 »
Thank you, Camella.  Kathy, VPNM


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Re: More posting from Women Nukeworkers
« Reply #49 on: Aug 01, 2008, 02:08 »
OK, I don't usually jump in the middle of good discussion because most of the time I end up with hoof in mouth but here goes.  I believe that the reasons are as varied as the number of people on the site but if I were to condense it I'd say the major reasons are: (In no particular order)

1. Lack of respect, real & perceived.  Real disrespect is pretty self-evident and I believe we are all cognizant enough to know it when we see it and when we are RESPONSIBLE for it. 
Perceived can be as simple as not picking up on sarcasm, (Feel free to USE THE SMILEYS.  That smart-aleck grin or your tongue-in-cheek doesn't broadcast over the internet without them)  taking a sarcastic remark literally due to not knowing the poster or their style.  The solution to this one lies on both sides of the fence, think about what you're posting and think about what you're reading.  If it pushes your buttons just as quick as you read it, DON'T POST right away.  Write a response, look at it, and delete it.  You'll get it off your chest, won't make a new enemy, and in taking a second look LATER you might see it in a different light.  (OK, not always but it is worth a try.  ;) )

2. Hyper-sensitivity, many times caused by the reasons listed above, and at times caused just because "I'm looking for something to be ticked off about".  (Come on, be honest with yourself.  We've all been there at one time or another, myself more than I can remember)  Adopt what I like to call the "Ted attitude" after a co-worker whose attitude is "I'm easily offended by those who are easily offended.  Very little gets to me."

3. Experience, history, life.  We've already seen some good examples of that mentioned here and that's one of the things that got this whole thread started. 

What can be done to fix it?  First, foremost, top-of-the-list (Just trying to catch as many cliches as I can  :P ): RESPECT!  While we may not always want to hear what the fairer sex has to say we most likely NEED to hear it.  I can't find the exact quote yet but it was something along the lines of "Without women men would be nothing more than savages who shave".  We NEED the input of the women here on Nukeworker and we need to value it more, I believe we can all agree on that. 

We ALSO need to take this one step further and extend this to all of the NUBS, DINKS, NON-QUALS, and prospective Nukeworkers who are coming here FIRST to check out this industry.  While I can understand the line of thinking that says "They need to learn how harsh this industry/branch of service/profession/craft is so they can understand what they're getting into" there is NO NEED for it to hit a new poster between the eyes when their first post asks something that has already been answered just because we're tired of answering it again. 

Short solution: Don't post a smart*** answer just because you can!  This site was created to HELP, let's try to do more of that and take the belittling, personal attacks, etc.. "to the barn".  It contributes nothing to the discussion other than making that poster feel better about themselves and the attacked feel ticked off, stupid, and less likely to ever come back.  What do we end up with?  A group of crotchety old farts who know it all and do a poor job of sharing their knowledge with PEOPLE ($1 to Red Hacker) who want & need it.  THIS NEEDS TO END, AGREED?

OK, now I remember, nobody wants to read my rambling, over-analyzing theses where I say in 1000 words what most can say in 50.   :D  I apologize for the rambling but to me this has been personal for years as the older brother of 4 sisters (6 now counting my step-sisters).  I also realize that ALL CAPS is the internet equivalent of shouting.  It was intended.

Peace y'all,

Thank you for posting this long post. It's better to clearly state what you want to say in a 1000 words than to use 50 and say it that way and have people misinterpret it.

I agree with you 100%.


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