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Tom Selman - motorcycle accident
« on: Aug 07, 2008, 03:44 »
Tom Selman had a motorcycle accident coming from work Wednesday 8-6-08. A vehicle pulled out in front of him. He was airlifted to savannah.

Tom is at Memorial Hospital in Savannah in ICU Echo Trauma.  He has a broken right arm, broken left femur, broken ribs, fractured nose.  He also had lacerations on his liver, spleen, and colon in which he had surgery to repair.  He had quite a bit of blood in his lungs which they were in the process of draining.  But he has no serious head trauma.

The doc said to expect at least 4-5 days in ICU and 2 weeks in the hospital. He’s very lucky.

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Re: Tom Selman - motorcycle accident
« Reply #1 on: Aug 07, 2008, 04:01 »
Tom, you and your family are in our prayers.
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Re: Tom Selman - motorcycle accident
« Reply #2 on: Aug 07, 2008, 04:19 »
...Tom, You are in my prayers...Bud

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Re: Tom Selman - motorcycle accident
« Reply #3 on: Aug 07, 2008, 05:37 »
Pappy - you are definitely in my thoughts and prayers.  Hang in there......Ruth
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Re: Tom Selman - motorcycle accident
« Reply #4 on: Aug 07, 2008, 06:34 »
Tom, We praying for you man!
Russell Morris

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Re: Tom Selman - motorcycle accident
« Reply #5 on: Aug 07, 2008, 08:23 »
I hate to hear of this. You are in my thoughts Tom, I wish a speedy recovery. I too love to ride but it is just that other drivers don't pay attention no matter how safe you try to be. Tom is such a good guy, I'm glad to hear that he is still with us after such a bad accident.
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Re: Tom Selman - motorcycle accident
« Reply #6 on: Aug 08, 2008, 08:38 »
I am very sorry to hear about this but glad the prognosis is as good as it is. Add my prayers to the list. Keep the spirits up, Tom... your attitude makes as much difference as the doctors' skill, now.
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Re: Tom Selman - motorcycle accident
« Reply #7 on: Aug 08, 2008, 09:26 »
I never met Tom, but as a fellow motorcycle rider I wish him a speedy and full recovery.

Hope the driver that caused the accident is held accountable and doesn't just get a slap on the wrist.  A lot of states now have laws that drivers that cause these types of accidents(right of way violations) are held to a higher accountability and lose their privelege to drive for at least 1 year, along with hefty fines.

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Re: Tom Selman - motorcycle accident
« Reply #8 on: Aug 08, 2008, 10:56 »
Sorry to hear about the accident Tom. Stay in good spirits and don't chase the nurses......too much  ;).


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Re: Tom Selman - motorcycle accident
« Reply #9 on: Aug 10, 2008, 12:40 »
 :( hey Tom
I  heard about the accident  I am so sorry and my prayers are with you and hope for your speedy recovery .It was just a year ago in May you fought another battle so you can pull thur this my friend.with the love of all your friends , and family you will get back on your feet soon.I will keep in touch with our pals in Georgia to see how your progress is going.  stay strong and see ya soon...........


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Re: Tom Selman - motorcycle accident
« Reply #10 on: Aug 11, 2008, 10:02 »

My thoughts have been with you since working with you at the INL. Here is to a speedy recovery!


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Re: Tom Selman - motorcycle accident
« Reply #11 on: Aug 12, 2008, 02:42 »
Saying a prayer for you Tom.........Get well.


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Re: Tom Selman - motorcycle accident
« Reply #12 on: Aug 12, 2008, 05:49 »
I worked with tom at st lucie.Me and my wife would like to wish him well and to get well soon.

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Re: Tom Selman - motorcycle accident
« Reply #13 on: Aug 12, 2008, 08:26 »
Anybody have an update on Tom's condition?
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Re: Tom Selman - motorcycle accident
« Reply #14 on: Aug 13, 2008, 02:47 »

I pray for your speedy recovery.  Hope to see you at Cook again!


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Re: Tom Selman - motorcycle accident
« Reply #15 on: Aug 13, 2008, 03:06 »
As a fellow biker I wish you a speedy recovery and will keep you in my prayers.
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Re: Tom Selman - motorcycle accident
« Reply #16 on: Aug 13, 2008, 03:54 »
Best wishes on a speedy recovery.

...nurses, sponge baths, demerol. When given lemons, make lemonade.

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Re: Tom Selman - motorcycle accident
« Reply #17 on: Aug 15, 2008, 08:39 »
I spoke with Tom's mother this afternoon when she was on her way over there.  Tom is in an induced coma, they had to do a tracheotomy on him, he's on a respirator, broken femur, opposite broken arm and internal injuries.  She said he was being a tiny bit alert but no great recovery.  It's going to take him a long time to recover from this. He's very lucky (from what I understand) that he wasn't killed.  I think Tom and his family really need our prayers at this time.  So please everyone, keep him and his family in your prayers.   Like Di said, he just went through something horrendous last year.  I will update as I hear from Tom's mother.  His daughter is there now from Arkansas so maybe that Wall help.

Once again, this teaches us that you cannot take anything for granted.  Not the next day, nor the next minute.  One thing Tom was trying to teach me was to enjoy each day and moment as if it were your last.

He needs your prayers, or whatever positive thoughts you can give him.

Thank you, 8) 8)

Laurie Duda

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Re: Tom Selman - motorcycle accident
« Reply #18 on: Aug 15, 2008, 08:56 »
hey Laurie thanks for this update We all need to keep Tom and his family in our prayers and thoughts and hope he pulls thru this ordeal..he was so very lucky .please continue your support in any way possible at this time . Laurie email me at my home email address if you want too..


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Re: Tom Selman - motorcycle accident
« Reply #19 on: Aug 18, 2008, 10:42 »
Hey, I called the hospital today to get in touch with Tom or someone or family members, they said there was no Tom Selman in that hospital. We have a biker ministry at our church and we were going to go see him pray with and for him. Maybe I have the wrong hospital. Anyone know different?? ???

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Re: Tom Selman - motorcycle accident
« Reply #20 on: Aug 19, 2008, 04:50 »
I did get a message from someone that has been in touch and Tom is improving everyday but has a very long road ahead of him with his recovery.please continue to keep Tom and his family in our prayers..I am waiting to get the hospital location and number again and pass it along when I get it as well.

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Re: Tom Selman - motorcycle accident
« Reply #21 on: Aug 26, 2008, 09:16 »
I  have been in touch with someone who went to visit Pappy in the hospital. Below is the note that she sent me regarding his recovery.

Ray Romanowicz... AKA.. Mongo


Thank you all for your concern. A friend and I drove down and back to Savannah today (4 hours each way, not counting the monsoon on the way home) and I’ve included the update below. After 15 days in ICU, he is on the way back up, but what a long way it will be. Please feel free to post this to nukeworker. com.


Hey all,

We just swam back home, and man, it was a chore! The rain started just this side of Savannah and hasn’t let up yet, the last hour or so was a real white-knuckle driving experience for me!

Tom is doing ok. He is in a regular room now, and off of most of the tubes and machines. He is doing regular breathing treatments and they gave him a fluid IV today because he’s not really getting enough food and liquids down. His throat still has a hole from the vent tube, but it should be healing quickly. He’s got a fractured neck and will be in a neck brace for 90 days. His broken right arm is in an immobilizer cast, and his left leg has a metal rod running the length of his thigh. He is a little loopy from the drugs, but his eyes are bright, he is very coherent and rather chatty (try being unconscious and unable to speak for more than 2 weeks, and see how chatty you become!) What they thought was road rash is actually probably burns from the motorcycle muffler and from laying on 100+ degree pavement for an extended period of time. They are concerned about his lungs and the possibility of pneumonia, and he has developed a small blood clot in his right leg which they started treating today with Coumadin. He is certainly on the road to recovery, but not completely out of the woods yet, PLEASE keep your good healing energy coming. We told him that lots of good energy had been flowing his way, and he said he had been aware of it, and is most grateful.

Do not call him. He is not able to answer a phone or take messages right now. His mom has his cell phone, but does not check the voice mails. DO write to him. He is just now able to appreciate cards and letters coming in, and will continue to need them. He is a long way from home, and has a very long time ahead of him in the hospital and then at home in recovery.

His attitude is great. He figures he lived through this because his time is not up yet, and is very positive about his recovery.

Cecil Thomas Selman
Savannah Memorial Hospital
4700 Waters Ave.
Room 557
Savannah, GA 31404

Ray Romanowicz... AKA Mongo

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Re: Tom Selman - motorcycle accident
« Reply #22 on: Aug 26, 2008, 04:58 »
 8) hey Mongo!! thanks for this update on Tom!!  I am  sure there are alot of us out here that appreciate this info, thanks


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Re: Tom Selman - motorcycle accident
« Reply #23 on: Aug 26, 2008, 07:04 »
I visited Tom today(Tues, 8-26) I am in awe of how well he is doing since I saw him Friday, 8-15, when he was still in Trauma ICU.  I will just update you since the post that Mongo had is pretty much the same. Great news!!! They are moving Tom to the Rehabilitation part of the hospital(so the room number will change) today or tomorrow.  This is where it is going to get tough, but he knows it will take this to get home.  He is so ready to get out of there. So I'm confident he's going to do his best.
They removed Tom's arm cast.  His right elbow was dislocated in the accident and believe it or not, that will be one of the hardest parts of the body to rehab. He is still doing the breathing treatments. Eating is not easy, but they give him Ensure between meals, so he is getting nutrients. He still has the IV though. 

He is in such good spirits.  But I know he would love to hear from everyone through cards or letters. The situation is still the same as far as phone calls.  His mom gets his cell phone calls, but not his voice mails.  He is talking very well, but I could tell he was getting tired after a few minutes. So do not call him at the hospital.  The address is still the same as listed in Mongo's post, but be sure to put CECIL TOM SELMAN. They will not know who Tom is or have him registered that way.  You can put in care of the Rehabilitation Center.

He still needs your thoughts, prayers, and healing energy!!!!

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Re: Tom Selman - motorcycle accident
« Reply #24 on: Aug 27, 2008, 04:15 »

CC and I are wishing you a speedy recovery...get in touch when you can........!


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