Career Path > Resume & Interview
A reflection on the Interview
I had my interview yesterday. Thanks for various threads on this site, I knew the interview would consist of various behavioral questions, so I did a bit of research into those kinds of interviews and found some tips such as preparing 3-5 stories that could illustrate qualities like teamwork, leadership, difficult choices, etc. Before I went in for the interview, I prepared a set of 3 identical portfolios that I felt illustrated my qualifications for the job. Apparently, preparing portfolios like this is a somewhat uncommon thing. I can't say one way or another just yet how well it helps me, but I was thanked by all three of my interview panel for preparing them.
That reminds me, you may wonder how I knew my panel would consist of three people, thus how I knew to prepare three portfolios? Well, thanks goes to my inside connection who works closely with the person in charge of hiring, who happened to be one on the interview panel. If you're considering preparing a portfolio, I recommend you contact the head of the HR department, who will probably be in the interview him/herself, and ask how many will be there. If in doubt, prepare more than enough.
The interview began the way almost every interview I've had began - "Tell us a little about yourself, your oral resume if you will, about your life and what you've done. Then we'll get to the behavioral questions." So I went through my spiel about school, work, and my hobbies. Once I was finished, the lead interviewer (the person most in charge of hiring people), asked the first question. All three of them jotted down notes while I was speaking. With behavioral questions, they're looking for you to use an actual example that happened in your past and how you dealt with it. I have a tendency to go off into the hypothetical, so I had to constantly remind myself to stick with the facts rather than the 'what ifs.' Once I was finished, the second person in the line asked her question, then the last person, and the process repeated until I had answered roughly 6-8 questions. I did use the same example for two of the questions, because it just fit so nicely with the second question.
I tend to get very nervous before things like this, and I certainly was walking into the training building, but once I walked into the interview room I just focused on the task at hand. All three people on the panel were very relaxed and friendly, which helped ease the tension. I even managed to squeeze in a few jokes and get them to laugh on a few occasions. I always try to do that whenever possible for my part.
I certainly felt a lot more confident about it than I did with the POSS test (yikes), but now it's just a waiting game. I was told it could be 2-4 weeks before I hear anything. I'm hoping to hear something before 2 weeks is up, but from some of the posts here at nukeworker, the nuke industry isn't always the quickest and most efficient when it comes to things like these.
So that was my experience. I didn't think I was going to document it here like I did my POSS test, but when I searched here for interviews, I didn't find a whole lot and figured this might help someone. Oh, I dressed in a coat and tie. As cliche as it is, you only get one chance to make a first impression. I know I was the most dressed during my POSS test (I was the only one there in a dress shirt and tie) so maybe that helps.
Hopefully someone gets something out of this. I'll update once I get the nod either way.
Thanks for the write up! Good luck!
I did a similar thing with the portfolios... but I felt like a chump when they gave them back at the end and one guy was "hate to see you waste your money on that fancy paper." :-\ :'(
Got the job anyway. ;D
Also, I wouldn't wait to hear from them. Exactly one week from the interview, I would start calling the senior person on your panel, IMO. Maybe others can chime in, but I think its a good idea to show some further interest in the job by calling. Also, did you send a thank you note?
Ouch, that would be awkward if they handed the portfolio back. Fortunately in my case, all three of them kept them and thanked me for making them. Great to hear you got the job though!
It has now been a little over one week and I've learned through a friend who works there that I was placed in the "middle ground" area, the one where they're not absolutely going to hire me but they're not going to turn me down either. Apparently this middle area is where most of those they interview go. I have an inside connection, and through him I know I'm "still in the running," so I'm hoping his recommendation will be enough to push me above the others when they come down to making the final selections. I feel like I'm waiting on some sort of contest...
Anyway, thank you for the tip. I've considered calling the guy, but I know how busy they are right now and didn't want to bug him. I'll reconsider giving him a quick call tomorrow, just to ask how things are going in the hiring process and when I might know something. Keep up the good vibes! ;D
8) RV EXOTICS it sure sounds like you did a fine job with the interview process with all the basis covered and your strategy in the interview you used..I too think a phone call to these folks lets them know you are serious and would like the opportunity to join their team. (don't worry about them being too busy) go for it ! it will make the whole process worth it for you in the end. best of luck and do keep us posted. Karma to you !!!!!!! :)
RV EXOTICS good luck.
I interviewed with Entergy (a different site though) last fall. I got the call with a job offer for a different position than what I interviewed for. I took it and it seems to have been a good choice.
Nice touch with the portfolio, I'll have to remember that one. I went into the interview cold, but it sounds like the exact same type of interview I had. They called me two days after the interview.
Again, good luck ;)
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