Career Path > Outages
Annoying contractors
Duke Nuker:
Oh yeah, I was an annoying contractor. Now I am an annoyed house tech that gets to travel to close places and play annoying house tech contractor and be annoying to the annoyed house techs at their "home plant". But then, they get to return the favor and annoy us already annoyed house techs at our outage. I have gotten to the point where all of the annoying people just blend into the cacophony that is an outage. Whining, biatching, crying, cussing just all blends together anymore. Maybe my filter needs cleaning.
--- Quote from: Duke Nuker on Aug 21, 2008, 05:01 ---Maybe my filter needs cleaning.
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You'd probably fair better, if you left well enough alone!
RG........... ;)
--- Quote from: grantime on Aug 19, 2008, 11:32 ---Don't worry I've been laughed at before ;D
It does get quiet when everyone leaves. But I don't think we will be without contractors for the foreseeable future.
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Lucky me!
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