Career Path > Outages
Annoying contractors
Dave Warren:
--- Quote from: RAD-GHOST on Aug 13, 2008, 05:21 ---Last, but not least, inform them that contractors cause all Industry Events, OE's!
Hope this helps....RG! ;)
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Don't you know that House Techs are groomed from the time they are born?
They don't go on the road and never go outside of a 100-mile radius of their home.
These people were meant to be in the position they are in.
The contractor hating techniques are etched in their brain, normally within 2-3 weeks upon getting hired.
The best way to get to them is to leave your pay stubs laying around and steal the snacks off their desk.....
Already Gone:
--- Quote from: kp88 on Aug 12, 2008, 11:39 ---Certainly not. I need these people. I just want to know how to explain to them that I don't care how things worked at "their" plant.
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Having been on both sides, I can tell you that it does get annoying when some techs simply argue all day long that you don't do things as well as they do at Catawba, or DC Cook, or wherever.
On the other hand, you might learn a few things from them. It is probably written in the Bartlett and Atlantic handbooks somewhere that the techs are not allowed to share information that they learn while working for a customer with that customer's competitors. But who cares? You are getting some free industrial espionage. Take the good ideas, and toss the rest.
On the third hand (?), contractors aren't the only ones who do this. Shared resource techs who work for the same company will do it too. The contractors love this, because you tell us to shut up about how they do things at the plant down the road. Meanwhile we know damned well that your plant and that plant are at least claiming to be using the exact same procedure while one of you must be reading it upside-down. After working at enough Entergy, Exelon, NMC, Duke, and FPL plants, we can tell you that you are all full of s#!t. There are no two sites, identical procedures or not, that do things the same way. You think you do, you say you do, but you don't. And we get to hear from BOTH of you that the other guys are f*@ked up.
Annoying? Try working at six different sites in one year and having to learn six different ways to do the exact same job with the exact same instruments. That is annoying!
you need advice on how to tell us that we are becoming annoying? Just tell us what site your having trouble with and we won't go there and you can do the outage 6 hours in the drywell and 5 1/2 hours at the desk briefing workers...oops thats what we already do at Peach....
Smart People:
I like reminding house techs who have problems with contractors "You're just upset that when the outage is over, WE get to leave!!"
I tell house techs who have problems with per diem "If it wasn't for per diem you would have never had the joy of meeting ME!! 8) 8) 8)
Brett LaVigne:
I think I am offended. If you don't like the contractors, try completeing the outage without us. Of course you are going to have contractors that are annoying, and there are plenty of house people that are annoying...that's just life in any business. You should try to listen to how it is done in other plants, no matter how annoying it may be to YOU. Your missing the point that with contractors working your outages, you have a wealth of information available to you about how things are done at different facilities. If the advice doesn't fit your plant, forget it, big deal. Ever heard of "benchmarking"? It is very similar but you don't have to travel to another plant. Just climb down from your pedestal and listen a bit. Or...just believe that "annoying" contractors do not have any value added information for your facility, continue doing things the way that you always have, and never be able to keep up with the rest of the industry.
You might also want to mention what facility you represent so we can be informed in the future when deciding what outages we would like to take part in and which ones to avoid.
I can't believe that I took the time to read this post let alone respond. What an arrogant view.
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