Facility & Company Information > Fernald

Fernald officialy to the public

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sdabler where did you end up at? Steve needs someone to wax his car

all of the above, but you left out grounds keeper/mechanic/bird watcher/sampler/pipe fitter/and anything else they can come up with. once they ran that worthless union out we do it all


--- Quote from: jcouch on Aug 21, 2008, 12:36 ---all of the above, but you left out grounds keeper/mechanic/bird watcher/sampler/pipe fitter/and anything else they can come up with. once they ran that worthless union out we do it all

--- End quote ---
I'm guessing editing news releases is not one of them?

Wow...crazy how fast time flies.  I'll have to stop by next time I am in the area on my way to wherever. It was a good place to learn.  Good to see some of y'all on the road though. Life was getting to cushy for you! J/K It's glad to see some things go like life, from dust to dust.

The Nuclear Navajo


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