Career Path > Outages

outage work hours

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--- Quote from: SloGlo on Sep 02, 2008, 09:33 ---isn't dis four operational times?  i thought outages were different, as in whatever the traffic will bare.  i usta see da refuel crews, s/g crews, 'n udder teams dat were in high demand work da hours they deemed necessary, regardless of house rules in da 80s 'n 90s.

--- End quote --- hatch rigger crew, beaver, 7-12's, no body else on site...

   ...contract safety specialist, hope creek, no days off, no body else over 72...

   ...doesn't seem to be a pattern or even a hint for the future...

nothing firm here but last I heard we were assuming that we had to have 3 days off every 14 days during outages.  Luckly we don't have fall outage next year and can see how it falls out.


--- Quote from: Nuclear NASCAR on Sep 02, 2008, 10:33 ---I believe the October 1 date is 18 months from the date they were released.  I'll post more tomorrow after I find my notes.

--- End quote ---

if memory serves me correct i believe compliance has to be with in 12 months from the date the rules are published. as for refuel tech hrs i know that we already work 7-10's so hopefully this will not impact us.

Nuclear Nascar is correct, it is October 1st, 2009.  I know that one of the Exelon plants is toying with going to the April 1st date as a dry run to test their compliance tools with the new ruling.  Sorry for the misinformation I laid in above.

All it takes is an exemption form filled out by the requesting departments and approved by the plant manager and you can work as many hours as they need you to. This is common practice by a lot of utilities. Sometimes blanket request are filled out prior to the start of an outage when they know they are going to be short handed or under time pressure to get something completed.We have done this many times


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