Career Path > Outages

Cell Phone Contamination

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 we have a hand carried item policy but alot of people are taking cells inside with them and they find the reception and they do wear them all the time and talk on them during exit process thru  monitors so I agree with you Melrose not to take them in with you but is this a  can of worms we want to open or is it a big look ahead item and do they want to start enforcing this at more  sites to have them monitor thru the SAM .It could make for a angry bunch of folks that don't have that communication with them ........interesting.....Karma to you grantime for explaining........


 dinutt, thanks for the karma.  Its been too long since you worked Farley. You need to come back down here sometime.

One thing I try to remind people is that they shouldn't take anything into a RCA that they would mind seeing buried in a waste site-- be that nice watches, fancy jewelry or in this case -cell phones. 

  grantime it has been a very long time since I  have been to Farley but since I joined the house side I don't travel anymore much unless I support our sister plants or if  its a benchmark maybe they will let me come that way one day to benchmark...always had a good outage there and fun......I too try the waste story but they don't believe it , as it still continues, if need just try to  take their boots wow!! ( another story );D



--- Quote from: kp88 on Sep 06, 2008, 07:43 ---

Radiation Protection Technicians are telling me that the two personal contamination monitors I just passed through, do not detect gamma rays emitted from contamination on my cell phone.

--- End quote ---
That's what you get for hiring HP's from McDonald's. Time your plant found some new HP's or a better training department.


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