Career Path > Outages
Cell Phone Contamination
retired nuke:
--- Quote from: kp88 on Sep 06, 2008, 03:08 ---“The tool monitor detects gamma radiation.
The personnel monitor detects beta radiation.
The second personnel monitor (at most plants) is also a gamma detector.”
Ok, I agree.
However, you are telling me that personnel contamination monitors are incapable of detecting gamma radiation, if it is emitted through commonly used clothing materials. I hoped that I had already said that. :)
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Personnel contamination monitors - commonly called "portal monitors" detect gamma - plants have them at the RCA line, just after the beta monitors (the ones you have to turn around in) and usually at the security gatehouse going out. They are a walk through type monitor.
--- Quote from: HouseDad on Sep 06, 2008, 04:23 ---Personnel contamination monitors - commonly called "portal monitors" detect gamma - plants have them at the RCA line, just after the beta monitors (the ones you have to turn around in) and usually at the security gatehouse going out. They are a walk through type monitor.
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Again, tool monitors detect gamma radiation emitted by contamination on cell phones. Personnel monitors are effectively shielded from this gamma radiation by commonly used fabrics.
Don't be condescending.
I am not intending to drift on this subject but, there are a number of workers who balk/hesitant about placing their small electronics into the S.A.M. for fear of damage to the electronics. sad to say but the list also includes some Jr hp's AND some Sr hp's.
--- Quote from: dinutt on Sep 06, 2008, 03:44 --- :o Are we starting to see this as a major issue at the sites ? alot of personnel take their cell phones into RCA..haven't heard much about this yet til now? interesting ???
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I think that this started at Palo Verde.
--- Quote from: nowhereman on Sep 06, 2008, 05:11 ---I am not intending to drift on this subject but, there are a number of workers who balk/hesitant about placing their small electronics into the S.A.M. for fear of damage to the electronics. sad to say but the list also includes some Jr hp's AND some Sr hp's.
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Tool Monitors are harmless to electronics. Radiation detectors detect radiation. They don't emit radiation. It kind of defeats the purpose.
Feel free to PM me if you drift too far off the subject.
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