Career Path > Outages

carpenter looking to work at nuke outages

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i have a list of the outages, now i was just wondering how do i go about finding out who to talk to about getting on an outage at the different plants.  i appreciate any help.

retired nuke:
Here - from another thread on Nukeworker, your one stop shop..... ;D
This is a listing of the union locals for the plants - a google search for the local should bring you contact numbers.,13465.0.html

Already Gone:
HD, c'mon.  If this guy were a union carpenter, he wouldn't be asking here.

Call Bartlett, 800-225-0385

give atlantic a call also or it dz atlantic  ?


--- Quote from: HouseDad on Sep 09, 2008, 03:47 ---Here - from another thread on Nukeworker, your one stop shop..... ;D
This is a listing of the union locals for the plants - a google search for the local should bring you contact numbers.,13465.0.html

--- End quote ---

I would hope that he is a union guy.  If he is, then call the BA for the local for each plant from the list linked to in the message above.

If you're not a union guy....  You should consider joining your local carpenters union.


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