...I have over the last few weeks, read all this and in my own old Hippy, Biker way I want to say this....I look like I do and to some people I am offensive, but at a biker event I am the norm...so one event I was looking at a person with purple hair, that was spiked and started to say something aout it,,,until I looked in the mirror...some of us don't look the normal, maybe there is a reason..what is normal for you isn't for me....this is a new generation of Rp's, millwrights, deconners,,,and people...and will continue to be...when I was in the Navy, with a Navy haircut, I didn't look the norm in SC,, I still had an earring ,I put in in 1975...but in 1975 earrings for guys were taboo( and yes it was in my left ear)...and I had a beard...now all of that is taboo in the Navy, we could get an OBA(remember those) fit test with a beard, if you could get a seal...so what I am saying is,,,I understand all the wear a Bartlett collarded shirt and be presentable during training, and on your way into work...but that doesn't have a D#@%n thing to do with the knowledge or worth ethics you present during the work day..and that is where the rubber meets the road, not walking around training week talking to all your buddy's, or at the bar buying the boss a beer, so you can stay a week longer at the outage...and never ever judge a book by it's cover....I am proof of that....red