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Author Topic: Question for union plant house techs (all crafts, But esp. RP)  (Read 7060 times)

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Offline retired nuke

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Please feel free to PM me with your response.

Does your plant / union contract specify if contractors must be union?

Does your plant / union contract have any type of assessment on non-union contract companies if they are allowed to work your site?

Does your plant / union contract address any limits on use of contractors for long term non-outage work?

Any other information you can share regarding the use of contractors / treatment of contractors in your plant / union contract that you can share would be appreciated.

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Offline imbucky

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At Point Beach our Union contract does not specify that contractors must be union represented for RP & decon. Although in the past we have used some local laborers from the local hall to perform decon duties we have since reverted from using laborers for decon work and went back to Bartlett.
We are evaluating using Union represented RP's and decon like other utilities have been doing at other sites in upcoming outages or projects.
How is that set up at the other utilities?
Are the represented contractors then paid the same rate as the house mouse plus diem?
How are dues handled?

Please send me a PM if you have any info....
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As a contractor tech I can only think of one plant where we were required to join the union for outage work, but, also received monetary benefits as well and that is Clinton. We were paid well and treated well.

Offline UncaBuffalo

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As a contractor tech I can only think of one plant where we were required to join the union for outage work, but, also received monetary benefits as well and that is Clinton. We were paid well and treated well.

Ditto at Diablo.

Please feel free to PM me with your response.

Does your plant / union contract specify if contractors must be union?

Does your plant / union contract have any type of assessment on non-union contract companies if they are allowed to work your site?

Does your plant / union contract address any limits on use of contractors for long term non-outage work?

Any other information you can share regarding the use of contractors / treatment of contractors in your plant / union contract that you can share would be appreciated.


Current plant does NOT require contractors to be union.  The inplant union is allowed to submit bids on upcoming work.  If outside contractors are brought in to do work, then union workers are paid a bonus based on a percentage of the amount of work that was lost.
« Last Edit: Dec 02, 2009, 11:23 by UncaBuffalo »
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