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Author Topic: Canberra Argos-5  (Read 8453 times)

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Offline Boilermaker

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Canberra Argos-5
« on: Sep 23, 2008, 06:55 »
Does anyone have any experience with this monitor?  I'll tell you what, coming from a place that currently uses IPMs (Old Tech!) and PM-7s, this monitor is like upgrading from a old Hyundai to a new Lexus.  Wow, the capability of monitoring alpha, beta, and gamma at the same time, all at about 15 second count time?  Is it true?  With alarm setpoints in the teens?  Please share your experiences  :P.     

Offline desertdog

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Re: Canberra Argos-5
« Reply #1 on: Sep 24, 2008, 11:10 »
I agree with you that the Canberra personnel monitors are a huge step forward.  I was involved with the implementation of the Argos 5 a/b/g at Comanche Peak and to a lesser extent at Diablo Canyon.  Diablo decided to use just the alpha and beta monitoring with the Argos units and to use the Gem 5 for gamma monitoring.  To me it seems that if you have the space that you have more complete monitoring in this format.  More gamma detectors/monitoring area covered has to be more efficient. Comanche did a great deal of trouble shooting with  the original Argos 5 units and seem to have it dialed in, though. They really deserve a great deal of credit for the Argos's success.  Both units run on Windows XP making them very versatile and easy to operate.  They also use the exact same program for setup and calibration.  I hope this info helps.

Offline desertdog

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Re: Canberra Argos-5
« Reply #2 on: Sep 24, 2008, 11:15 »
Oh yeah, the count times are that low.   :)


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