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Author Topic: Old Dominion vs. TESC vs. Excelsior  (Read 89994 times)

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Offline richardm82

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Re: Old Dominion vs. TESC vs. Excelsior
« Reply #50 on: Jul 29, 2010, 07:39 »
Does anybody have a link or can post a degree roadmap for ODU and Excelsior for Navy Nukes?

How many more classes are required for ODU and Excelsior than TESC?

I am two classes shy of getting my BSAST in NET at TESC but am concidering transfering those credits to ODU or Excelsior to get the ABET. I know Excelsior has no minimum credit requirements, you just have to pay more.


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Re: Old Dominion vs. TESC vs. Excelsior
« Reply #51 on: Jul 29, 2010, 09:03 »
I am two classes shy of getting my BSAST in NET at TESC but am concidering transfering those credits to ODU or Excelsior to get the ABET.

Get the BSAST and get going on Grad School.   Get Excelsior (with the ABET blanket) and get to Grad School.

I'd leave the Navy with a BS degree and shoot for grad school "in progress" all depends on how much time you have left. 

 [2cents] from Co60

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Re: Old Dominion vs. TESC vs. Excelsior
« Reply #52 on: Jul 29, 2010, 09:08 »
Here is a link to Excelsior's degree program, in their catalog, and a list of credits that you will receive from the navy. Pages 53 to 58....

Hope this helps. I just finished the Excelsior degree (EM1(SS)). Send me a message if you have more questions.

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Re: Old Dominion vs. TESC vs. Excelsior
« Reply #53 on: Jul 31, 2010, 02:05 »
Interesing topic...Im about a year and a semester away from graduating a program that combines an AAS in radiation protection and 2 extra years for a BAAS in Industrial Engineering focus is on ALARA, as that i am an HP. I did notice that the majority posting here are Ops.

The program is through Tarleton University in Texas and is called 2 for 2 . Tarleton is partnering with TSTC's AAS program.

Just some information for those looking for HP/ Engineering degrees.
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Re: Old Dominion vs. TESC vs. Excelsior
« Reply #54 on: Oct 07, 2010, 11:16 »
Just some information to put out there.....

I just received an email from TESC in which they are looking for students to participate in a pilot class called Nuclear Engineering Captsone. This class is in addition to the current class work for Nuclear Engineering Technology and the entire program is going to be submitted for ABET accrediation in 2011.  So basically, TESC is looking to get their ABET accrediation for their NET degree.  I will let you guys know more when I hear more.  I have signed up for the pilot and will let you know how it works out.
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Re: Old Dominion vs. TESC vs. Excelsior
« Reply #55 on: Dec 23, 2010, 11:26 »
Hello All and Merry Christmas!

I just graduated from Excelsior with the BST with a specialty in Nuclear. My experience dealing with Excelsior was good. I have a AAS in Rad protection, have the NRRPT and completed an Initial RP training program with a commercial nuke plant. All of these pieces added up as I enrolled at Excelsior. I only needed 8 courses to complete this degree. I used CLEP and Dantes to complete most of these requirements. Took 6 months to knock this out.

This is a good route in order to get a BS using previous training.

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Re: Old Dominion vs. TESC vs. Excelsior
« Reply #56 on: Dec 23, 2010, 01:57 »
Congrats on completing your degree ! Its quite an accomplishment :) Now get to work on that Masters ! LOLOL just kidding..seriously , Congrats ! What a great Christmas present to yourself   :) :) :)
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Offline sarpedon

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Re: Old Dominion vs. TESC vs. Excelsior
« Reply #57 on: Oct 17, 2013, 07:37 »
Bringing back to life an old thread here... but, time has passed, so it may be worth revisiting.

I'm an ex navy nuke submarines ET, and I've been going to community college for a few years ready to graduate with an associates (I'm pursuing business administration).  I've realized as of late that I probably have all kinds of prerequisites done for the Nuclear Engineering Technologies degree either at Thomas Edison or Excelsior.

Both TESC and Excelsior now have ABET accredited programs.  Looking at their websites, they look like they provide basically the same thing.

What are the comparative differences between the two, today?

Thanks guys.

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Re: Old Dominion vs. TESC vs. Excelsior
« Reply #58 on: Nov 17, 2013, 11:15 »
As a person who works with Sailors every day in IDing what will work best for them, I would recommend you go to two places...

1st - Begin talking with and researching the companies you'd like to work for. Ask them what they consider acceptable. To learn how to play basketball, you can talk to a Nike shoe salesman, or talk with Michael Jordan.

2nd - Use the ABET website to ID what schools have ABET accredited degrees.
While I'm not a "Nuke" I have been told by many in the field that ABET is one of the more sought after specialized accreditation.  You'll see that TESC ABET degree is "energy engineering technology". You'll have to put the two schools degree's classes and requirements side by side to see the real difference.

You have many options and I see you are pursuing an associate level degree. Thats good to get your basics taken care of but make you you are looking forward then planning backward so as much or all of your classes will be accepted later.

Don't forget to your Navy College Office to learn about the many options and programs that may help you reach your educational goals.



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