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Author Topic: Shawnee Environmental Services  (Read 10262 times)

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Shawnee Environmental Services
« on: Oct 25, 2008, 04:50 »
I heard about becoming a Jr. HP from a friend in the biz. She explained what she does and how much she makes and I asked her how I get in. She referred me to Shawnee Environmental Services to do the education and pass my core competency exams and that they would help get me placed in some jobs. I called SES today and they gave me the summary of what they can offer. Since I already have a strong background in math and science I only need the job specific training which would cost something like $1600 including tests. This sounds like a very reasonable sum to pay to enter a recession proof job with pretty good pay. He said that all of his graduates end up working and I believe him. He really does sound like a stand up guy who is providing a great service to the community. I just wanted to do my due diligence before I shell out $1600. Can anyone verify that Shawnee can deliver and get me in the field so that I can recoup my investment and enter an exciting new field? I am looking to start the training within the next week. Thank you in advance for your assistance and information.

« Last Edit: Oct 25, 2008, 10:06 by Rennhack »

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Re: Shawnee Envirinmental Services
« Reply #1 on: Oct 25, 2008, 10:04 »
I heard about becoming a Jr. HP from a friend in the biz. She explained what she does and how much she makes and I asked her how I get in. She referred me to Shawnee Environmental Services to do the education and pass my core competency exams and that they would help get me placed in some jobs. I called SES today and they gave me the summary of what they can offer. Since I already have a strong background in math and science I only need the job specific training which would cost something like $1600 including tests. This sounds like a very reasonable sum to pay to enter a recession proof job with pretty good pay. He said that all of his graduates end up working and I believe him. He really does sound like a stand up guy who is providing a great service to the community. I just wanted to do my due diligence before I shell out $1600. Can anyone verify that Shawnee can deliver and get me in the field so that I can recoup my investment and enter an exciting new field? I am looking to start the training within the next week. Thank you in advance for your assistance and information.


This is what I know:

The Owner/Operator of Shawnee Environmental is Bill Childers.  He is a long time 'friend' of the website.  He spends time answering peoples questions in the forum and helping where he can.

He is known by many in this industry, and I have only met people that spoke highly of him.

In addition to having one of the only on-line RCT training classes, Shawnee also bids on employee placement jobs.  So there is the potential for them to put you to work.  I also believe that they have a good relationship with Bartlett, the 800 pound gorilla in our industry.  I believe that Bartlett places the Shawnee graduates when they have openings for Jr's.  -- Most clients ask for Sr's.

Another route would be one of the many colleges that advertise on this site.  With them you would also get prefered placement, plus a DEGREE to boot.

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Re: Shawnee Environmental Services
« Reply #2 on: Oct 25, 2008, 05:22 »
I have known Billie since we were 18.  He is a stand-up guy.  Some of his graduates were having hard times getting in to nuke plants as Jr. techs because they had no experience in a nuke (that is- they never held a clearance, which can be expensive on the first try)  They prefer to promote deconners to those jobs because they have been badged and worked in nuke plants.  So anyway, Billie got me to hire some of them as FME Monitors for an outage or two.  Now, they are welcome by the big boys to come play as Jr techs.
If you take this training, you might find yourself in the same boat, but you can get work, and Billie will bust his butt to find someone to hire you.
You will be better trained than some people you will be working with.
"To be content with little is hard; to be content with much, impossible." - Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach


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Re: Shawnee Environmental Services
« Reply #3 on: Oct 26, 2008, 02:40 »
Thank you and the last poster for your helpful advice. I feel confident that this would be a good investment of time and money. I am excited about the opportunity. :)


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Re: Shawnee Environmental Services
« Reply #4 on: Oct 26, 2008, 05:14 »
.....and by the way, a lot of facilities are hunting for talent, Commercial and DOE.  Any training in the field is a HUGE plus!



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