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Author Topic: Bartlett Techs @ Oyster Creek  (Read 53715 times)

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Bartlett Techs @ Oyster Creek
« on: Nov 01, 2008, 02:19 »
Had to come and make this post, probably should wait til I've cooled off a bit.  Here goes anyway.

Just left access, the MAC, tried helping a tech there, I didn't know him, he didn't know me.  He obviously was struggling with the release of a contaminated shoe, using the tape, the pancake probe, the whole bit.  He just wasn't cognizant enough to realize the pancake doesn't fit into the tread of the shoe.  I won't go into too much detail... save getting spun up all over again.
I really musta touched a nerve, cuz I got the whole laid back, cynical, fuqd up attitude that most of the "RPTs" (non-commercial nuke types) heroes have here at Oyster.  Rather than a simple thanks, and just go about doing what he thought was right and THE ONLY way to do it, I get the whole story about, "yeah I been dun doin' dis 'bout 23 year now, I guess I got a vague idee 'bout what I'm doin", ..... what a d%$head,
I asked him why he hadn't learned anything in 23 years, or if after 23 years he hadn't realized that he hadn't learned anything, that's why he's still stuck being a friskall cop.  (Did I mention... the shoe is still in the RCA?)

People like him and others here..... they're exactly why there are times that I don't miss the job.

Haven't missed an OCC meeting yet, to this date there hasn't been a day pass that a complaint hasnt' arose about the B staff.  Really hate hearing it, but truth be told, the ball has been dropped.  Slow movers, bad attitudes, and techs that lack experience ('experience', not 'time') make for a nasty black eye on the blue machine.

« Last Edit: Nov 01, 2008, 02:23 by Melrose »

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Bartlett Techs @ Oyster Creek
« Reply #1 on: Nov 01, 2008, 10:24 »

Haven't missed an OCC meeting yet, to this date there hasn't been a day pass that a complaint hasnt' arose about the B staff.  Really hate hearing it, but truth be told, the ball has been dropped.  Slow movers, bad attitudes, and techs that lack experience ('experience', not 'time') make for a nasty black eye on the blue machine.

Note the OCC in this quote.  Obviously this is a tie that doesn't know what is going on here.  The techs are having to spend 10 to 12 hours in the RCA covering his work that he can't schedule right because otherwise there would be enough techs in the plant to at least get the Federally mandated amount of breaks, but have to spend most of that break travelling to a break trailer that is at the extreme end of the plant just to have a supervisor tell them that they are needed in the plant and their break or lunch will have to wait, and then have supervisors (one in particular) try to switch around techs without consulting the lead techs about what work is going on, but yelling at them for having techs standing around IN THEIR WORK AREA waiting on jobs that have been scheduled, briefed, and are just waiting for the craft to come back from their union mandated break, but can't go on break themselves because there are a dozen or more work groups that might need help in that space of time.
It is also obvious that this person has never been a tech covering real work, because he would have a little more understanding about what a tech with tape and a frisker can do to get a shoe out, and that the tech is taking his time that he could be on break to try and get a worker's shoe out so they don't have to go home in flipflops and can get back to work.  Yes, the shoe is still in the RCA not because the tech is inexperienced, but that the shoe just isn't coming out without major surgery to cut the tread off, in which case the shoe is trash anyway.  I challenge this tie to try and do the work of a tech under the conditions that we are facing.  I'll switch my jumps in the drywell any day for his coffee and doughnuts in the OCC.  I probably push more paper than he does anyway, so it will be a nice break, and I won't even have to deal with a tenth of the work crews that I have to deal with now.
Brave, brave Sir Robin, set forth from Camelot!!!!

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Bartlett Techs @ Oyster Creek
« Reply #2 on: Nov 01, 2008, 10:29 »
Oh, did I mention that the techs were asked to work their 7th day, and the vast majority of them turned it down...when have you heard of even 50% of techs turning down an extra day of work in a 19 day outage. 
Brave, brave Sir Robin, set forth from Camelot!!!!


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Bartlett Techs @ Oyster Creek
« Reply #3 on: Nov 02, 2008, 09:30 »
Roady.... thanks for substantiating everything that I've stated.....  whether the shoe is in or out is irrelevant.  You've missed the point, it's the crappy attitude of the techs on site, not just this one but several on the list that span across the site from the access point to the DW, to the TBOF.  I don't think I can be any clearer than that.  Gotta go put my feet up, sip my coffee, nibble my donuts and piss some other gullible sap off.
KUDOS for being as quick to fall apart as the MAC bozo.

Edited for language.
« Last Edit: Nov 02, 2008, 09:56 by Lorrie Henson »

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Bartlett Techs @ Oyster Creek
« Reply #4 on: Nov 02, 2008, 09:34 »
Had to come and make this post, probably should wait til I've cooled off a bit.  Here goes anyway.

Just left access, the MAC, tried helping a tech there, I didn't know him, he didn't know me.  He obviously was struggling with the release of a contaminated shoe, using the tape, the pancake probe, the whole bit.  He just wasn't cognizant enough to realize the pancake doesn't fit into the tread of the shoe.  I won't go into too much detail... save getting spun up all over again.
I really musta touched a nerve, cuz I got the whole laid back, cynical, fuqd up attitude that most of the "RPTs" (non-commercial nuke types) heroes have here at Oyster.  Rather than a simple thanks, and just go about doing what he thought was right and THE ONLY way to do it, I get the whole story about, "yeah I been dun doin' dis 'bout 23 year now, I guess I got a vague idee 'bout what I'm doin", ..... what a d%$head,
I asked him why he hadn't learned anything in 23 years, or if after 23 years he hadn't realized that he hadn't learned anything, that's why he's still stuck being a friskall cop.  (Did I mention... the shoe is still in the RCA?)

People like him and others here..... they're exactly why there are times that I don't miss the job.

Haven't missed an OCC meeting yet, to this date there hasn't been a day pass that a complaint hasnt' arose about the B staff.  Really hate hearing it, but truth be told, the ball has been dropped.  Slow movers, bad attitudes, and techs that lack experience ('experience', not 'time') make for a nasty black eye on the blue machine.

Where I work, the RP tech surveys the shoe, determines the level of contamination, and may make an attempt to decon it. Generally, we don't. Company has a replacement policy, get new shoes. I realize there are a dozen ways to survey / decon shoes, and other things, but most plants nowadays don't staff up to give techs the time to decon and release minor material like that. And if someone wanted to give me direction / attitude about how it was being done - they would get an opportunity to do it themselves. I work hard to get the people out, not worried about material...
Many of the techs here aren't working the 7th day either...had some laborers choose a layoff rather than stay to be LHRA guards. Too much to do, with fewer folks each time.
If you want to complain about techs work ethics, how about observing how they are treated - no breaks (tag teamed by work crews), short staffed, lack of competent and clear direction, and everyone is a higher priority than you. Go back to the OCC, and stay there.
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Bartlett Techs @ Oyster Creek
« Reply #5 on: Nov 02, 2008, 09:51 »
Where I work, the RP tech surveys the shoe, determines the level of contamination, and may make an attempt to decon it. Generally, we don't. Company has a replacement policy, get new shoes. I realize there are a dozen ways to survey / decon shoes, and other things, but most plants nowadays don't staff up to give techs the time to decon and release minor material like that. And if someone wanted to give me direction / attitude about how it was being done - they would get an opportunity to do it themselves. I work hard to get the people out, not worried about material...
Many of the techs here aren't working the 7th day either...had some laborers choose a layoff rather than stay to be LHRA guards. Too much to do, with fewer folks each time.
If you want to complain about techs work ethics, how about observing how they are treated - no breaks (tag teamed by work crews), short staffed, lack of competent and clear direction, and everyone is a higher priority than you. Go back to the OCC, and stay there.

Been there done that, techin' is the only craft in the nuke world that is not considered a skill..... hmmmmmm,  wonder why.
You get beat up cuz you let yourself get beat up....
No breaks???  Against the law ain't it.  Probably not happening.
Don't like the way you're treated... go somewhere else, find another profession or get therapy... simple as that.  There's no arm twistin' goin' on.
If how you're treated matters that much when you're only working a few months a year... you got issues, stay home, let the family coddle you.
No matter how you're treated, how competent directors are or where you fall on the food chain.... your ethical habits should remain the same, ie-above standard.
Don't leave a bad mark for the big blue cuz you're pissed off, work like you know you should, go home with a little change in your pockets, then remember how you were treated next time you get the call to attend the next outage.

again..... screw the shoe, the shoe's not the point.  You guys are killin' me,  ???

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Bartlett Techs @ Oyster Creek
« Reply #6 on: Nov 02, 2008, 05:54 »
I don't know how you guys do it anymore.  I have been in the biz for 21 years. Most (15-16 yrs) in commercial.  I would not change 5 minutes of it. Good days, bad days, everything was exciting, fun, and I learned something from everywhere I was. If I could go back, I would do everything again.

Not today however.

I saw the light when I had to do 6 outages just to get 9-10 months of work. When we went from 100 techs to 30-40.

I went the way of doing the government jobs. Pay is ok, but most sites now are doing away with per diem.

Anyway, most of the people who post here, I know and have worked with many times and lots of places.   Guys (and Gals)  you are not tied in to a job. If you are mistreated, leave. Don't like the working conditions, area, leave. It isn't hard to do and there are always other jobs.

I can't do 72 hour weeks anymore. I liked the work but age catches up. Now 4/10s are a drag.  Guess it is time to drag up and go to a beach in Mexico for the next ten years. 8)

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Bartlett Techs @ Oyster Creek
« Reply #7 on: Nov 02, 2008, 07:58 »
dang!  it's good two sea dat da nu joisey attitude ain't dead.  had nuff of working in dat state after 2 weeks, thurty sum years ago.  ain't bin bak.  dew knot mist it.
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Re: Bartlett Techs @ Oyster Creek
« Reply #8 on: Nov 03, 2008, 06:19 »
Been there done that, techin' is the only craft in the nuke world that is not considered a skill..... hmmmmmm,  wonder why.
You get beat up cuz you let yourself get beat up....
No breaks???  Against the law ain't it.  Probably not happening.
Don't like the way you're treated... go somewhere else, find another profession or get therapy... simple as that.  There's no arm twistin' goin' on.
If how you're treated matters that much when you're only working a few months a year... you got issues, stay home, let the family coddle you.
No matter how you're treated, how competent directors are or where you fall on the food chain.... your ethical habits should remain the same, ie-above standard.
Don't leave a bad mark for the big blue cuz you're pissed off, work like you know you should, go home with a little change in your pockets, then remember how you were treated next time you get the call to attend the next outage.

again..... screw the shoe, the shoe's not the point.  You guys are killin' me,  ???

You're right, it isn't the shoe, it is the attitude of people like you for RP in general.  RP is the only difference between a chemical plant and nuclear.  But we don't just get hammered for RP related stuff, we have to be safety because you and your kind don't care, we have to be housekeeping because you can't pick up your mess, we have to be diplomats because you can't work well with other groups, and we have to be nursery workers because you can't even wipe your a$$ without blaming RP for the mess you have caused.  As far as the skill, you must not have swung a meter for very long or you would know what kind of skill it takes to be able to assess a situation from all points of view and try to make an area or job work without crapping up the world or overexposing workers, and still keep the OCC off your backs because you have a big target.  Your suggestion of finding another proffession has been taken by quite a few techs, which is why it is so hard to staff an outage these days even in a slow season.  And you can ask all of your GE buddies about what kind of a mark I leave on Big Blue, it is better than the mark you have just left on all of supervision.  By the way, I did my homework, and the tech you first mentioned wasn't even Bartlett, he was house!  That means you can't even read the Licensee on a badge, but just assumed it was Bartlett because you wanted someone to blow steam off on.  BTW SloGlo, I'm from the South, and we can get attitudes, too.
Brave, brave Sir Robin, set forth from Camelot!!!!


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Re: Bartlett Techs @ Oyster Creek
« Reply #9 on: Nov 03, 2008, 06:35 »
Wait... let me clear the tears outa my eyes...... :'(
OK all better....

You haven't gotten it yet have you?
Everyone's enjoying this.  I talk about whining, you whine, I mention complaining.... you complain.  You just keep on falling in.
BTW.... I spoke with the bad attitude, he was wearing a 'contractor' badge... and later, a blue hard hat that had big white letters across the front... you know what they spelled.
This is too fun.... ;D,
You've been such an easy lure. 
There's always one, thanks for entertaining us, Patsy.
« Last Edit: Nov 03, 2008, 06:36 by Melrose »

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Re: Bartlett Techs @ Oyster Creek
« Reply #10 on: Nov 03, 2008, 07:05 »
Lies are always too easy to tell from the truth.  The techs at the MAC NEVER wear a hard hat as they are exempt.  Better get your story straight, and next time actually look at the tech instead of having your nose so far up in the air that you would drown in a rain storm.  Your attitude is the one in question.  I guess when you are whining for RP coverage because of the lack of techs, the only one to blame is yourself for getting us to realize what a mistake it was to try and help you out of the mess you and your craft have caused.  Your lack of planning no longer constitutes an emergency on my part, I need a break.  BTW, you are the one who needs to find another proffession, since RP is your issue and you can't go to a nuclear plant without RP.  I hear the refineries are looking for some good craft to abuse.
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Re: Bartlett Techs @ Oyster Creek
« Reply #11 on: Nov 03, 2008, 07:54 »
Wait... let me clear the tears outa my eyes...... :'(
OK all better....

You haven't gotten it yet have you?
Everyone's enjoying this.  I talk about whining, you whine, I mention complaining.... you complain.  You just keep on falling in.
BTW.... I spoke with the bad attitude, he was wearing a 'contractor' badge... and later, a blue hard hat that had big white letters across the front... you know what they spelled.
This is too fun.... ;D,
You've been such an easy lure. 
There's always one, thanks for entertaining us, Patsy.
Melrose, You are right about how easy it is to bait us RP's. You have also given me wisdom in one other matter... I will NEVER set foot in OYSTER CREEK as long as I know people like you are running it! I also encourage all of my fellow contractor slugs to the same. That way, You won't have to be burdened by our whiny, bad attitudes! Good luck with your future outages. ;) BTW: I'm not at Oyster and it looks like I never will be... :(
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Re: Bartlett Techs @ Oyster Creek
« Reply #12 on: Nov 03, 2008, 10:13 »
Ok..iam sure this Topic is prob. in the wrong place....
To all.....Oyster Creek has been discussed at lenght here....Follow the link & you will find some pretty helpful advice about Oyster Creek.
Here is a sample of a posting from that Thread..
I could care less. The last I checked Oyster Creek doesn't affect my pay or bonus.

Quote from: me
I wrote that place off in 1992!
It's on par with Perry!

Again, look at these Topics before you confirm to go to these plants, it could be very enlightening!
Doesn't sound like much has changed in 16 years tho! esp the attitude.

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Re: Bartlett Techs @ Oyster Creek
« Reply #13 on: Nov 03, 2008, 10:42 »
BTW, "RemBoy " and "Melrose" have the same IP address, and RemBoy's email address is "m_rose69@". 

Officially, this site does not condone more than one user name.
« Last Edit: Nov 03, 2008, 11:01 by Rennhack »

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Re: Bartlett Techs @ Oyster Creek
« Reply #14 on: Nov 03, 2008, 10:46 »
Hum..thats odd! ::) :-\ ;)

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Re: Bartlett Techs @ Oyster Creek
« Reply #15 on: Nov 03, 2008, 10:49 »
BTW, "RemBoy " and "Melrose" have the same IP address, and RemBoy's email address is "m_rose69@".  So now he is taliking to himself, and congradulating himself.

Self-stimulating in public, isn't he? ;)

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Re: Bartlett Techs @ Oyster Creek
« Reply #16 on: Nov 03, 2008, 12:10 »
BTW, "RemBoy " and "Melrose" have the same IP address, and RemBoy's email address is "m_rose69@". 

Officially, this site does not condone more than one user name.

Hmmm, and since neither is a GM, maybe a bit of time off the board may correct the situation / attitude??
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Re: Bartlett Techs @ Oyster Creek
« Reply #17 on: Nov 03, 2008, 11:01 »
BTW, "RemBoy " and "Melrose" have the same IP address, and RemBoy's email address is "m_rose69@". 

Now that's funny......I thought Melrose was a know like in that night soap "Melrose Place" maybe it's "Remboy's" wife? If so I fill sorry for the dude - Melrose is a real %&#@!   :P    might be why he goes by "boy"............ ;)

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Re: Bartlett Techs @ Oyster Creek
« Reply #18 on: Nov 03, 2008, 11:10 »
BTW SloGlo, I'm from the South, and we can get attitudes, too.

did aye ebber say attitude wuz a bad ting?  butt, eye wuz tawking moor about da attytude of da natives.... 'n wuz tinking dat suits 'n ties usually feal like there local, even iffen der frum acrost da countree.
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Re: Bartlett Techs @ Oyster Creek
« Reply #19 on: Nov 05, 2008, 09:02 »
Melrose:  It's house techs like you that bring out the attitude you are talking about...that's crap!  People act as they are treated...get a life! 8)
« Last Edit: Nov 05, 2008, 09:04 by NJ »


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Re: Bartlett Techs @ Oyster Creek
« Reply #20 on: Nov 05, 2008, 11:04 »
I only worked OC once (Nights, Turbine Deck) but still I have to say I never met a house tech with a bad attitude or one that discriminated against contractors.

Oh wait  ::) I never actually met a house tech. They were always gone before I showed up (early) for turnover. Didn't matter what was going on...what kind of parts (rotors, inner or outer shells, etc...) were being flown...they were just nonexistent as far as us night-shifters were concerned. And in the morning it was always a contractor or a "shared resources" tech from another plant that showed up for turnover.

I have to be honest...I had a great outage there. We had our own world, a great supervisor and good work crews. And we never dealt with house techs.
« Last Edit: Nov 05, 2008, 11:07 by Austria »


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Re: Bartlett Techs @ Oyster Creek
« Reply #21 on: Nov 06, 2008, 05:39 »
It seems too many people out there are waiting for a good battle.

Melrose, Why did you go from RP to your newest profession?  Money? Better job?  Not having to deal with other RP's who either knew more than you, less than you, or were the "favored one"?  Personally, I can't evaluate your RP skills as we were at different control points the last time we were RP's together.  But having friends in higher places has helped you get the job you currently have.  Also, cut the RP a break already!!  We are overworked and trying to get thru an outage that has been challenging on many levels.  RP management is not consistent in their knowledge of how things are done in other systems.  What we know to do our jobs is considered wrong at times at OC.  Very frustrating.

HouseDad, remember, boneheads and space cadets have to start somewhere.  They have even been in your Drywell.  Right Melrose?  In '99?  Although Melrose did not start there, he has been to your "house".

To all who care....which I'm sure is not too many....Some, if not the majority, of techs working this outage were told that if they wanted to work Peach then they had to come here.  It was a choice they made and if they are whining about the work conditions, then they need to talk to Denise Leasure.  I, myself, and me decided we were in great need of some well deserved rest and left work early.  I'm recharging my batteries so that I can perform my job as skillfully, respectfully, efficiently and most important, above all, CORRECTLY.

To all......have a great day!!!!!! :) :-* 8)

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Re: Bartlett Techs @ Oyster Creek
« Reply #22 on: Nov 09, 2008, 11:29 »
A little late on this post and apologies if this has already been said but I just couldn't read any more than 3 or 4 replies...

On the shoe. It has become our DUTY to bend over backwards to decon items for people coming out of the RCA. Why? If it's contaminated and it is a personal item like a shoe, it is a courteous thing to do to make an attempt to get the item back to the person but it should not be our duty. It is our duty to ensure no licensed material leaves the RCA, period.

On the Bad attitudes. We all see it. On the one hand, there is an argument for spending 9 -10 hours/day in the RCA even when work doesn't dictate it. Some utilities seem to expect this and it is not right. The outage I am working currently seems to be one of those utilities. I can't say that I have had a bad time, and I can't say that I have not pissed and moaned from time to time but I sure try not to. The reason I try not to is this...I am here for a few weeks and then I get to go home or to another job and decide if I want to come back for the next one. Even though this plant has the tendency to treat us as if we are a production department, I believe that it comes from a level beyond the management I enterface with daily. I find most of the house people to be tremendous and the work enjoyable so I will be back. My point is that we have a choice so if you don't like something about the plant you are working, make your point and make it in a professional manner to someone that may have enough power to make a difference. If your point is deemed unimportant, do what they expect you to do, even if you don't like it and then decide not to come back. But more than anything, do your best to not spread the hate and discontent. I know it is hard to not get caught up in it and sometimes it helps to vent a little with a friend but venting with everyone that will listen is counterproductive and even if you are right, it gets translated that the whole Bartlett group is nothing but a bunch of lazy whiners.

This has been Brett's 2 cents ;D
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Re: Bartlett Techs @ Oyster Creek
« Reply #23 on: Nov 10, 2008, 06:31 »
Maybe you should read the whole stream.  I wasn't just venting, I was responding to attacks from an individual on this board from someone to whom the whole idea of RP is a speed bump that needs to be removed so he can do his work faster.  I'm glad he isn't an RP anymore, 'cause he is the kind of RP that gives us a bad name.  But I like your point of the licensed material.  I try to use that point every time someone says, "You have to get this out."  It isn't my job to get it out, it is my job to keep it in until it is ready to be released.
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Re: Bartlett Techs @ Oyster Creek
« Reply #24 on: Nov 10, 2008, 09:57 »
Maybe you should read the whole stream.  I wasn't just venting, I was responding to attacks from an individual on this board from someone to whom the whole idea of RP is a speed bump that needs to be removed so he can do his work faster.  I'm glad he isn't an RP anymore, 'cause he is the kind of RP that gives us a bad name.  But I like your point of the licensed material.  I try to use that point every time someone says, "You have to get this out."  It isn't my job to get it out, it is my job to keep it in until it is ready to be released.

During an outage a few years ago, I hung a sign at my checkpoint in the TB bldg (lots of folks wanted stuff out there) it said:

It is not my job to release material from the RCA
It is my job to ensure that NO radioactive material is released from the RCA.

I didn't have as much problem after that.   ;)
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