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Author Topic: Bartlett Can't Staff Duke-Energy  (Read 79741 times)

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Re: Bartlett Can't Staff Duke-Energy
« Reply #75 on: Nov 25, 2008, 08:39 »
If they start training Monkeys to do these jobs all of you guys will be out of work... As for some of you that do know what you are doing you should be teaching the JRs so they can become good SRs not career JRs. Most of the JRs have become lifelong JRs and that is nobodies fault but their leadership. Everybody knows that an RP is just a glorified babysitter and you all act like you are better than us. That is why I went to decon where the real men are... RP is a dying breed and all of you whiners are in for a rude awakening. You guys should be kissing the feet of (No names) and be thankful that they let you keep your jobs. (No names) is the real supervisor of BNI at Duke and is the only one with the real sense it takes to perform an outage. If it wasn't for (No names) a bunch of you all would still be in the Aux Bldg riding around on your Mops... If you don't like it at Duke Leave it is not a tough decision... Just my 2 cents worth

7. Peoples name’s: Don’t use them, they lead to law suits. Some names are already censored because of this. Don’t use names in stories or messages that could in any way be taken wrong.

This guy has it figured out he has the knowledge and foresight to help us move in the right direction and as he stated in his closing

This message complies with the rule of the forum. This is a classic closing the only thing that is missing is. The message described here has nothing to do with real people anything that simulates a real person living or dead is purely coincidental. All persons described here are fictional and for entertainment purposes only

Offline Marlin

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Re: Bartlett Can't Staff Duke-Energy
« Reply #76 on: Nov 25, 2008, 09:00 »
This guy has it figured out he has the knowledge and foresight to help us move in the right direction and as he stated in his closing

This message complies with the rule of the forum. This is a classic closing the only thing that is missing is. The message described here has nothing to do with real people anything that simulates a real person living or dead is purely coincidental. All persons described here are fictional and for entertainment purposes only

 :) Thinly veiled civility I can live with that.  :)


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Re: Bartlett Can't Staff Duke-Energy
« Reply #77 on: Nov 25, 2008, 09:10 »
Finally a voice of reason on this site I give you + Karma... You the "person" to be politically correct (as not to be banned or deleted from this thread).


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Re: Bartlett Can't Staff Duke-Energy
« Reply #78 on: Nov 25, 2008, 09:13 »
i am sorry i forgot the closing statement so here it is...

This message complies with the rule of the forum. This is a classic closing the only thing that is missing is. The message described here has nothing to do with real people anything that simulates a real person living or dead is purely coincidental. All persons described here are fictional and for entertainment purposes only

Offline rocknrollrick

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Re: Bartlett Can't Staff Duke-Energy
« Reply #79 on: Nov 25, 2008, 09:36 »
 ;DGreat!!!!! Remember Kids Work to Live!!!!! >:( Not Live To Work!!!!!! :'(

Life Is Short !  The Last One Standing Gets Stuck With The Bar TAB :P
Early to bed, 13 hours on nights, makes you tired, wealthy and a night crawler!!!!


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Re: Bartlett Can't Staff Duke-Energy
« Reply #80 on: Nov 25, 2008, 09:53 »
Well I know it will break your hearts but the big boss has sent me into the Bldg so I won't be posting anything on the site for a liitle while. Mopjockey you are killin me.. "VY Guys" (I assume that is both of your identies) you are my hero and to all I will talk to you tomorrow. If not call me in the morning and we will go to the Tiki Hut... Over and out JB... PS Toad think about Atkins...

This message complies with the rules of the forum. This is a classic closing the only thing that is missing is. The message described here has nothing to do with real people anything that simulates a real person living or dead is purely coincidental. All persons described here are fictional and for entertainment purposes only.


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Re: Bartlett Can't Staff Duke-Energy
« Reply #81 on: Nov 25, 2008, 10:03 »
Jim Taylor at catawba was top shelf this industry can't afford to keep loosing folks.. Jim is what Pat Hoppe is at Cook....Pat Jim knew how to do the right things,, I'll miss him forever as a friend and boss


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Re: Bartlett Can't Staff Duke-Energy
« Reply #82 on: Nov 26, 2008, 12:11 »
is this the original wrecked_edsel and mopjockey? your posts get deleted more than vermontgeys phone numbers ;)...hope the mods are getting paid double time on this thread


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Re: Bartlett Can't Staff Duke-Energy
« Reply #83 on: Nov 26, 2008, 12:19 »
now i'm waiting on cain to show up at my door and kill me


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Re: Bartlett Can't Staff Duke-Energy
« Reply #84 on: Nov 26, 2008, 12:30 »
i know right...where's hooker when ya need him


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Re: Bartlett Can't Staff Duke-Energy
« Reply #85 on: Nov 26, 2008, 12:32 »
Nah... All in good fun.
Can't take this stuff too seriously..
no doubt...what's next? a brawl at Big Johns???


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Re: Bartlett Can't Staff Duke-Energy
« Reply #86 on: Nov 26, 2008, 12:37 »
Anyone ever hear from HoseA or HoseB? Where did those two go?
big bird and japetto?


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Re: Bartlett Can't Staff Duke-Energy
« Reply #87 on: Nov 26, 2008, 12:41 »
hey vermontguy, tell stewart to hit the gym...his arm is looking skinny in your profile pic

Offline Rennhack

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Re: Bartlett Can't Staff Duke-Energy
« Reply #88 on: Nov 26, 2008, 11:02 »
It seems that this topic has run it's course, and then some.  I don't see how the post quoted below has anything to do with the original posting.

I have locked the topic.  If you would like to tqalk about something, please feel free to start another thread.  I have also moved this to the Oconee section, and this had nothing to do with Bartlett, and everything to do with Oconee.

hey vermontguy, tell stewart to hit the gym...his arm is looking skinny in your profile pic

Offline Marlin

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Re: Bartlett Can't Staff Duke-Energy
« Reply #89 on: Nov 26, 2008, 04:30 »
I don't understand why my post get deleted allthetime!! Yeah the mods have been working double time on this one. But not like back in 2004.

Done with fire fighting the flames are out, I've just done a little smoke damage cleanup with posts I brutalized beyond redemption. Sorry if I was a little indiscriminate but you get what you pay for and I'm free.  ;) If you like a little more aggressive discussions I would recommend PolySci but bring a thick skin (provided you are a Gold Member of course 8) ) you will need it there.
« Last Edit: Nov 26, 2008, 04:33 by Marlin »

Offline Rennhack

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Re: Bartlett Can't Staff Duke-Energy
« Reply #90 on: Nov 26, 2008, 05:31 »
If you like a little more aggressive discussions I would recommend PolySci but bring a thick skin (provided you are a Gold Member of course 8) ) you will need it there.

Also, you can have flame wars like this in the "Bathroom Wall" section, another Gold Member area.


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