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Re: Bartlett Can't Staff Duke-Energy
« Reply #25 on: Nov 22, 2008, 11:58 »
Okay, time for a deep breath.

Let's clear the air a little.

First, there are all kinds of people who decide at some point to become HP techs.  Some are uneducated, but hard workers.  Some are ambitious.  some are content with what they have.  Some are young and impressionable.  Some are old and set in their ways.

Second, to arrive at the answer, one must ask the question.  So, if you are not happy with the quality of work coming from your fellow techs, ask yourself what you can do to get better than what you are getting.

Third, (this one is going to make some people unhappy) there ARE some lazy, stupid, stubborn, untrained, untrainable, and totally useless HP techs out there.  If you are reading this, you may or may not be one of them.

If you are a house tech, and the roadies are not performing to the level you need them to, you need to get that info to your management.  Let them know.  They will in turn provide the necessary feedback to the vendor company who supplied these unsatisfactory people.  They will do what they have to do, or they will lose business.

If you are a roadie, and your co-workers are letting you down, you do your work the best way you can.  You put out your best effort, and forget about what everyone else is doing.  If you can't take that (because you don't have to) then quit and do something else.  Lots of us have done that.  Lots of us got disgusted with the fact that we are working while someone else is slacking for the same pay.  We just left.  You can to.

Having "paid your dues" in this business counts for nothing unless you are going to keep up your end.
The fact that you may have been a hard-working, super smart, master of the craft at one point in time does not give you the right to drag your ass now.  If you are earning the same pay, you need to be doing the same work at the same level of competency as everyone else - regardless of what you used to do.  Your outstanding performance of the past has earned you the right to come out and take on the job of the present.  But, today's paycheck is for today's work - not a reward for yesterday's work.  You already got paid for that.  What are you going to do today?

Leaders need to take the lead.  Set the example for the newer techs that competent, motivated, energetic techs are their role models -NOT the break-room commandos.  This is not a hard job.  It is not hard to get good at it.

If you can cover the job, then cover the job.  If you can't, then learn how to do it.  If you are physically unable to do the work, then don't burden your crew by leaving it all for them.  Find a job that you can do and leave the one that you can't for someone else.  Everyone is asked at the time of assignment if they are physically able to do the work.  If you said yes to that question, then don't show up with a bunch of excuses.  The job requires the ability to climb ladders, enter confined spaces, work in high heat areas, wear respirators and plastic suits.  You need to be able to do those things.  If you can't, you are a burden to those who can.  Get off their crew and get on a job you can actually get done without depending on everyone else to do all the hard part.
Likewise, if you are weak in math, learn the math.  If you don't understand the instruments, or the systems, or the regulations; you are not a senior tech.  PERIOD.  Learn that stuff or stop calling yourself qualified.

If your motto is "never sweat on their time, never s**t on your time" CHECK YOURSELF!!!!  If you know someone like that, do not emulate him.  Don't let the new techs coming in model themselves after that attitude.  Teach one thing to someone every single day that you are at work - no matter who you are.  LEARN at least one new thing every single day you are at work - regardless of how long you have been doing the job.

If you are showing up and bringing the best you have to give every day, don't get offended by what others are saying - because it doesn't apply to you.  If these comments are making you angry, understand that it is frustrating for some people to work with the incomptent, the lazy, the lame, and the untrained for the same poor pay and bad treatment that they are getting.  Maybe you just got used to it, but not everyone can.  If you are getting injured and sick from the job (like blisters on your feet from too much walking) you really ought to wonder why nobody was willing to help you out and keep that from happening.  This job shouldn't require anyone to get bruised, blistered, sick, or even sweaty a lot of the time.  If you are getting beat up, and you are soaked every day - and everyone else isn't - speak up and get them off their asses to help out.  Don't insult them; teach them.

There is no reason for anyone to get offensive or defensive here.  RadBastard is totally right.  If the plant, the coworkers, and the pay all suck, then why did you go there?  If you go again, you have only yourself to blame.
« Last Edit: Nov 22, 2008, 02:16 by Nuclear NASCAR »
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Offline SloGlo

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Re: Bartlett Can't Staff Duke-Energy
« Reply #26 on: Nov 22, 2008, 12:42 »
Slogo (I mean sloglo)
scroll up two posts
stownsend,  tanks.  aye thaught that wuz watt wuz meant, butt eye fingered eyed better axe befour i made a wrong assumpshun.  using dat data assa template, it wood a peer duke ain't changed nuttin in 30 yeers.  when eye chatted wit dem bout house, dey wuz putting me at less dan watt eye wood pull in diem for a year, let alone wages.  when i expressed dismay, day wuz all about telling me da low costa living their.  aye reminded them that there area was growing 'n hadda higher c.o.l. than my home town, witch was in da middle offa major recession (15-17% unemployement).  day shut up 'n whent aweigh.
thems folk gotta relize dat when yer talking too contractors, it's all about da money.
quando omni flunkus moritati

dubble eye, dubble yew, dubble aye!

dew the best ya kin, wit watt ya have, ware yinze are!

Offline SloGlo

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Re: Bartlett Can't Staff Duke-Energy
« Reply #27 on: Nov 22, 2008, 12:46 »
beercourt....won moor time, karam two yinz.  message targit acheeved.  eye mean dat inna good way.   ;)
quando omni flunkus moritati

dubble eye, dubble yew, dubble aye!

dew the best ya kin, wit watt ya have, ware yinze are!

Offline SloGlo

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Re: Bartlett Can't Staff Duke-Energy
« Reply #28 on: Nov 22, 2008, 12:56 »
... believe me being a road tech wife for the past 27 years has been one hell of a ride and I have gone way beyond my duty in supporting and caring for my husband. But don't take my word ask him.

enny person married two a rhode nuke worker has a full time job, and that is it.  seeing as how dis field is littered wit divorces, a marriage of dat durashun kneads special consideration. unfourtunately, dat consideration ain't in da form of compensation, ala cash.  butt, it is a fine 'n noble calling dat few can weather.  karma two yinz.
quando omni flunkus moritati

dubble eye, dubble yew, dubble aye!

dew the best ya kin, wit watt ya have, ware yinze are!

Offline Lorrie Henson

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Re: Bartlett Can't Staff Duke-Energy
« Reply #29 on: Nov 22, 2008, 02:44 »
enny person married two a rhode nuke worker has a full time job, and that is it.  seeing as how dis field is littered wit divorces, a marriage of dat durashun kneads special consideration. unfourtunately, dat consideration ain't in da form of compensation, ala cash.  butt, it is a fine 'n noble calling dat few can weather.  karma two yinz.

The few, the proud, THE nuke wives!!!  UNITE!! 

K to ya Slo!!  Very well said.

Offline Camella Black

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Re: Bartlett Can't Staff Duke-Energy
« Reply #30 on: Nov 22, 2008, 05:59 »
enny person married two a rhode nuke worker has a full time job, and that is it.  seeing as how dis field is littered wit divorces, a marriage of dat durashun kneads special consideration. unfourtunately, dat consideration ain't in da form of compensation, ala cash.  butt, it is a fine 'n noble calling dat few can weather.  karma two yinz.

eye news eye cewd kount on yinz fer aye kind werd  :)


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Re: Bartlett Can't Staff Duke-Energy
« Reply #31 on: Nov 22, 2008, 08:10 »
Thanks for agreeing with me.
Most techs give me hell for what I just said about their home????? plant????
Salem/hopecreek is my home plant and i have not been back there since 1991
No DIEM FOR ONE THING,I don't have to work there just cause im 20 miles away.
Even though I 'm sure ive scribbled my name on a wall or 2 in salem over the years,so I guess it kinda belongs to me.

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Re: Bartlett Can't Staff Duke-Energy
« Reply #32 on: Nov 22, 2008, 08:29 »
  You can't miss me - I'm tall, fat, incredibly good-looking and have a Scottish accent.  (3 out of 4 of those are true.)

So you are actually Shrek ? ;)

Offline Brett LaVigne

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Re: Bartlett Can't Staff Duke-Energy
« Reply #33 on: Nov 22, 2008, 10:15 »
Such and angry and unprofessional post, I hate that it is getting any attention at all. So I'll chime in anyway...I'm unemployed as of last week and I am bored...

The idea that it is Bartlett's fault for staffing with underachieving technicians is ridiculous. There are plenty of lazy or incapable techs out there, and the rule of a small percentage carrying the weight of a large percentage is pretty accurate. It is pretty accurate in other industries as well, we are not that unique where this is concerned.

With the average age above 50 in our field it kinda compounds the problem with some folks being unable to physically do some of the things required, that doesn't necessarily mean these people are lazy and I think it is unfair to lump them into the same group. Just like it is unfair to blame Bartlett for an aging workforce that is plagued with the problems that would be expected by that. It is a bit frustrating when a physically able person gets the brunt of the jobs because they are simply the most physically able. However, I have run into plenty of techs that would love to be able to do some of those jobs but just can't and they contribute in other ways, that is perfectly fine with me, we will all get older and I hope to have that kind of respect if it is justified. It is exponentially more frustrating when you get the brunt of the work because you are more willing than your less than average peers who look the other way or can not be found when jobs come up. They are different groups.

The lazy techs could be managed better by site Bartlett management and the Home office, but that is only part of the equation. We have been a shrinking group for many years and that enables the laziest of us to survive purely on the fact that Bartlett needs to supply techs and they have only a small pool to supply from. There hasn't been any great inspiration for new people to enter the RP field in quite some time and that has helped cause the average age to increase and the lazy to stay because they are relatively safe due to numbers.

So...Do your job as best you can, forget about the lazy ones because in the end you will not be judged on their performance, only your own. Know the difference between older peers that are willing to contribute but unable to do some of the things they used to and the ones that think they have earned the right to do nothing for the same pay, they are different. One is worthy of respect and should be in a job where they can contribute to the effort and the other should just be exposed. Most of the utility management that I know can see the difference. Most importantly...if you just can't deal with any of this, quit. Unfortunately, you will probably find some of the same in your next industry of choice.

With all of that said south kackalackee , stop getting on here and screeming about how incompetent all of your contractor peers are. There are ways of discussing some of these problems on these threads without sounding like an infant, you haven't found any of them. I too have felt some of your frustrations (and they are founded to some degree) but you have made a fool of yourself with the way you argue your points.
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Re: Bartlett Can't Staff Duke-Energy
« Reply #34 on: Nov 23, 2008, 06:31 »
So you are actually Shrek ? ;)

That's right... the one and only!


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Re: Bartlett Can't Staff Duke-Energy
« Reply #35 on: Nov 23, 2008, 08:03 »
It's the "plantation" mentality,....

For those who understand no explanation is necessary,...

For those who don't, none will suffice,..

MMPI Question 432, "Someone is Stealing my Thought"!

RG................ :D

Offline HenryBlack

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Re: Bartlett Can't Staff Duke-Energy
« Reply #36 on: Nov 23, 2008, 12:54 »
I don't know why this person wants everyone to ask me anything. I don't know what you are talking about myself and people are already wanting to know what I know, and what I am saying to you Kackalackee. Please leave me out of your conversation. Thanks Henry

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Re: Bartlett Can't Staff Duke-Energy
« Reply #37 on: Nov 23, 2008, 04:24 »
I think Henry's name was only thrown in as a response to Carn Carm Camella's post
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Re: Bartlett Can't Staff Duke-Energy
« Reply #38 on: Nov 23, 2008, 08:39 »
South Kackalackee!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have a lot of things I would like to say but being that I don't want to stoop to your level I'm going to say a few things and then I'm done with this and you also!!!!!!!!!!! I agree with one thing you said (No names) is a good person and one he__!! of a worker.I see it like this, if you go to any other plant and line up 10 people I will bet you there will be at least 1/2 of them are either over weight or has other issues but that is life. I would much rather work with them then someone like you that ( from your post ) I gather you must be one that would rather run from work then to it. I never claimed to be a know it all or better then the next person unlike you. I've got a lot to learn and as far as (No names) goes,I've learned a lot from him and have the up most respect for him. (No names)  is a hel__ of person and don't come after me through him ( leave him out he has been through enough ) come to me. I feel you know me and where I'm at so maybe you might just need to discuss this in private instead in public. I feel like (No names)  said it best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think you just need to look in your own closet instead of others and quit slamming you fellow worker cause you will need him or a friend someday and where will they be. I have over the years stepped on some toes and I regret that so much it is hard to right a wrong, but you need to learn from a wrong.I would much rather work with a (No names) ( being you had to slam him ) and even people with weight or other issues then someone that is so full of it like you. I'm done with this topic cause unlike you I do have better things to do then to set around and play child games. I hope some day you wake up and realize society these days, not all are as perfect as you.I want know why you started out with Bartlett can't staff when all you wanted to do was slam your co-worker. Don't bite the hand that feeds you.!!!

7. Peoples name’s: Don’t use them, they lead to law suits. Some names are already censored because of this. Don’t use names in stories or messages that could in any way be taken wrong.
« Last Edit: Nov 24, 2008, 08:20 by Marlin »
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Re: Bartlett Can't Staff Duke-Energy
« Reply #39 on: Nov 23, 2008, 09:30 »
(No names)  it's all small stuff.. Hey I remeber (No names) at DC.Cook,,, dude put everything behind you...
But I bet I could get a few to back me up on kackaslaclie is a fool...Come on (No names) you busted your ass and I know it..


7. Peoples name’s: Don’t use them, they lead to law suits. Some names are already censored because of this. Don’t use names in stories or messages that could in any way be taken wrong.
« Last Edit: Nov 24, 2008, 08:22 by Marlin »

Offline Vermontguys

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Re: Bartlett Can't Staff Duke-Energy
« Reply #40 on: Nov 23, 2008, 09:45 »
I am Adam Carrara and I DO WORK...

That is all :)

Sacrificial Anode

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Re: Bartlett Can't Staff Duke-Energy
« Reply #41 on: Nov 23, 2008, 11:21 »
South Caca-lackey


First off, Oconee was fully staffed and not 18 tech short.

Second, there is no McGuire spring outage next year and Bartlett has just started staffing Catawba so how can they be short already?

As for the pay; did you not also agree to $23/hour and $85/day too?  Duke may not be the best paying utility, but the COLA is darn low and they really do treat you well.  I paid almost $400/week at Ginna this spring and $410/week this fall at Peach for motel rooms, yet at Oconee I'm paying $300 a MONTH for a studio apartment.

BTW if you think Oconee is 50% overstaffed (wait I thought you claimed we were 18 short?) THE LEAVE and don't let the door hit you in the...rear on the way out.

More seriously, it IS getting near the end of the outage.  The Alloy 600 project is wrapping up and (No names) is looking for volunteers for immediate layoffs.  Thats (No Names), Extension xxxx or xxx-xxxx from off-site.  I'm sure one of your co-workers in the Turbine building will more than happy to dial the number for you and personally help you leave the the site post haste.


(No names) did leave Oconee once for severe blisters but at the let that proved he was up walking around the Turbine deck and not sitting on his rear posting BS to Nukeworker.
Moreover, that was just a symptom of a more serious medical condition and not a sign of being lazy or overweight.  Right now (No names) works the Equip hatch, if you you think that is an easy or make-work job, come to nights and take it. I'm sure (No names) would rather stay inside working somewhere else and not most of the night outside in the 30 degree or less weather.

BTW how dare you criticize anyone's wife?  If I were (No names)....

The only statement you made I agree with is the one about about 90% of the techs being not worth a plug nickle and by inferance that YOU are among the other 10%.
90% of the techs at Oconee right now a worth 1000x more then a plug nickle while there are always a few who spend most of their time sitting on their rears, bitching about the amount of work they don't do and finding time to post to Nukeworker on company time using an Duke computer.

Also I was at one time one of those overweight techs, I still worked just as hard then as I do now.  I admit I am more productive in the Reactor Building then I was on the Turbine, but back then I also had a job the could only be done by a senior RP when I worked the Turbine so how did the fact I was overweight change that?

Lastly there is a rumor that YOU may have posted these comments just to stir up the pot and you really don't mean most of them and did this for the fun of it. I hope this is not true. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

Sacrificial Anode AKA "50 Cents"

4. Please learn to be respectful, tolerate and support each other.’s goal is to help others, not see how many people we can annoy. Do not initiate arguments or tension. This will only cause the triggering of other members and make this site less professional.

7. Peoples name’s: Don’t use them, they lead to law suits. Some names are already censored because of this. Don’t use names in stories or messages that could in any way be taken wrong.
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DefamatoryAn imputation is defamatory if it is calculated to engender: `hatred, contempt or ridicule of', `lowering the estimation of', or causing people to `shun or avoid'. 
« Last Edit: Nov 24, 2008, 08:31 by Marlin »


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Re: Bartlett Can't Staff Duke-Energy
« Reply #42 on: Nov 24, 2008, 02:39 »
<-------- is a fat RP who works at Duke. Yet manages to climb ladders and crawl. But I choose to work at Duke because I want to!----- not because I have to. And please show me a RP tech who hasn't had a lazy day. Or even a person period who hasn't????? And I know at least three Rp's who were told they couldn't come to Oconee this outage because they were staffed? So how are we 18 short?
« Last Edit: Nov 24, 2008, 02:40 by stewdill »

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Re: Bartlett Can't Staff Duke-Energy
« Reply #43 on: Nov 24, 2008, 08:55 »
Great line.
Having "paid your dues" in this business counts for nothing.
I contracted for about 27 years and some things change and some things don't.


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Re: Bartlett Can't Staff Duke-Energy
« Reply #44 on: Nov 24, 2008, 09:52 »
There have been a bunch of Techs put in their time at Duke and get nothing out of it because of the hiring process. The reason for all of these bad feelings towards Duke is because they don't think they have to pay a top wage because they have 7 units and work for most of the year. There are some good guys at ONS and then there are some real jacklegs. If you leave the Core you can pretty much work year round as a ring tech with per deim so the advantage of being in the Core is what??? Case in point is the (No names) he is one of the special boys there at Duke, goes from site to site and off when he wants. Look at (No names)  from Mcguire, he quit and look at him now making more money and living the great American Dream. The List goes on i.e. (No names), (No names), (No names), (No names), (No names), ask any of those guys what they think. So what if some of the techs at ONS are fat and lazy you knew that going in. You have 2 choices suck up and get a good job or be fat and lazy and get what's left.

7. Peoples name’s: Don’t use them, they lead to law suits. Some names are already censored because of this. Don’t use names in stories or messages that could in any way be taken wrong.
« Last Edit: Nov 24, 2008, 08:38 by Marlin »


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Re: Bartlett Can't Staff Duke-Energy
« Reply #45 on: Nov 24, 2008, 03:30 »
Is this the "You might be a Redneck if" thread?

Damn Computer............. >:(


south kackalackee

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Re: Bartlett Can't Staff Duke-Energy
« Reply #46 on: Nov 24, 2008, 03:56 »
I have been at Duke 29 yrs and this is the worst crew I have seen. Road RP's are like spongeBob squarepants, No backbone. Look at the last strike attempt, You cannot get 2 road techs to stick togeather for nothing.Living payday to payday. You are no more then glorified laundry techs who was given the NEU answers because real RP'S are getting out. When you take the NEU on computer next time you will too. Back to decon you go.

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Re: Bartlett Can't Staff Duke-Energy
« Reply #47 on: Nov 24, 2008, 04:14 »
still haven't seen a name
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Re: Bartlett Can't Staff Duke-Energy
« Reply #48 on: Nov 24, 2008, 04:47 »
<----- Smiles and eats popcorn :)


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Re: Bartlett Can't Staff Duke-Energy
« Reply #49 on: Nov 24, 2008, 04:56 »
I have been at Duke 29 yrs and this is the worst crew I have seen. Road RP's are like spongeBob squarepants, No backbone. Look at the last strike attempt, You cannot get 2 road techs to stick togeather for nothing.Living payday to payday. You are no more then glorified laundry techs who was given the NEU answers because real RP'S are getting out. When you take the NEU on computer next time you will too. Back to decon you go.

You're obviously someone who thinks they're funny.  You're not.

Go on, tell us a joke and redeem yourself, coz at the moment, you just look like a XXXXXXXX.

As for you, (No names) ... lifting my kilt and showing you the goods might just do it.  I've seen your type before - you'll get all giddy and fall in love with me, forgetting why you were mad in the first place.  You Yankees are all the same... that's how I ended up marrying one!  ;)

4. Please learn to be respectful, tolerate and support each other.’s goal is to help others, not see how many people we can annoy. Do not initiate arguments or tension. This will only cause the triggering of other members and make this site less professional.

7. Peoples name’s: Don’t use them, they lead to law suits. Some names are already censored because of this. Don’t use names in stories or messages that could in any way be taken wrong.
« Last Edit: Nov 24, 2008, 08:42 by Marlin »


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