Career Path > Different Country
Koeberg Nuclear Power Station - South Africa
--- Quote from: catch-n-release on Dec 03, 2008, 10:43 ---Has anyone called to ask what the pay/per diem is?
--- End quote ---
..."Dear Bill,
Thank you for the interest that you have shown in this job posting.
Your resume has been forwarded to Eskom.
We had more interest than the 10 positions we are looking for, so Eskom will make a first selection and tell us with who we can proceed further and have a telephonic interview. These will take place beginning of the week of 15 December.
By that time I will have sent to you a mail with most of the answers to the questions you have in mind ( hourly rate, per diem, overtime, travel ticket, start date etc… ).
I shall be abroad next week, but will be able to answer my mails.
With kind regards.
Bernard Jongen
Managing Partner
Deros International
Unit A3, Westlake Square, Westlake Drive
Cape Town 7945
Tel.: (+27) 086 118 58 72
Mob.: (+27) 072 263 20 54
Fax: (+27) 021 701 06 03
steve gary can give you some inside info on this since he did it before. its not a wild and weird as when i applied back in the 80s.
i got an email back from the guy just like yours. one difference is that he wanted to know my rate? i emailed him back about ten questions he needed to answer before i gave him my " rate " such as peir diem. etc?
has anyone heard of a rate or peir diem yet ????
i dont think this is a perdiam job. its a real job, not a temp job. there was a stipend and travel money, but its not a temp job.
It's sounds like an interesting job.
I would love to try it as a contractor.
The one big problem with south africa is when you go in the ocean half the time you get eaten by a white shark.
I wonder if that is what happened to the 10 tech postions???????
Loss of techs by attrition
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