Career Path > Outages
new to the world of outages
I've worked an outage at TVA. It was a short one I believe (5 weeks) but I don't know too much about them really I went through the process because of my mom. Everyone at the plant seems to know her or even knew I was her son even though I had never seen most of them before. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm pretty green to many things about this type of work. I was just wondering how would I go about working at other plants and other places? I read one post where people gave advice, it was pretty good stuff. I don't really go out unless I go with my girlfriend; I don't drink; and I read not to loan people money. Is there any other advice?
what kind of work ? do you want to go to other plants as a deconner, hp tech etc that will help us help you !!! good luck !
Oh sorry. I'm just a laborer but I would like to learn how to be something else. I'm hoping i can get into an operator class.
operators don't travel 'n do outages. apply at tva four operations.
--- Quote from: SloGlo on Dec 10, 2008, 10:07 ---operators don't travel 'n do outages. apply at tva four operations.
--- End quote ---
I know, i was just talking about my future endeavors.
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