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Which browser do you use?

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Why would I try a new browser when perfection has already been achieved? What does chrome have to offer me that FF modified to my liking does not?


Well, I've used chrome for about a week now.  Here are my observations:

They rushed it out of beta, there are still some bugs.  It works great with, it loads the site twice as fast as Firefox, and 5 or 6 times as fast as internet explorer.

However, Other sites don't always operate correctly, like the logo tournament site doesn't work with chrome, but it does with Firefox and IE.

I have to tell you, after using IE for so long, the speed of Firefox and chrome are a little astounding.  I'm going to try Firefox now for a while.  It is very fast as well, and also tells me when I have a typo.  Plus it works on some sites that chrome (rushed out of beta) doesn't.

I've found (no surprise) that chrome works instantly with Google maps (like the one in our facility info section), while Firefox is a much slower load of new map data.

However, the page load times of 'normal' pages looks a little faster in FF.

Firefox.  Our oldest does IT for a living and he put it on our machine several years ago.  As others have said, it runs good and seems to shield against bad stuff better than IE.  In fact he just updated our Firefox over Christmas and it's better than ever.


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