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What mileage do you deduct on your 2106

From home to site and back when a trip is made
4 (40%)
From motel/apartment to site every day worked
6 (60%)

Total Members Voted: 6

Author Topic: Tax deduction for mileage/commuting mileage  (Read 42254 times)

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Re: Tax deduction for mileage/commuting mileage
« Reply #25 on: May 06, 2008, 05:29 »
Beer, yeah I use a Cpa I have to many things that I have to claim between  house,work expences, rental property,different states. I would  surely be audited every year If I had to do it.
Thanks for the info.
Sorry RB.  I don't do them for money anymore.  I wouldn't use one of those storefront places either.  I used to run one.  They suck.  Seriously, get TurboTax or Taxcut, or some other good software.  Then, maybe take a course on tax prep, but the best thing is to learn how to do your own taxes.  That way, you don't have to trust anybody's knowledge but your own when it comes to your relationship with the IRS.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2008, 05:29 by RadBastard »

Offline IMFC- My Wasted Years

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Re: Tax deduction for mileage/commuting mileage
« Reply #26 on: Jan 23, 2009, 10:00 »
I think I can get a better deduction after reading all of your posts. Currently I get paid mileage to/from home/worksite, and get an additional $8/day for personal vehicle use to go back and forth to the plant from motel everyday worked. With the price of fuel and the feds raising the mileage reimbursement, I believe I can get more of a deduction if I keep track of mileage everyday. This really depends on how far away the plant is from the motel. I believe it would be the same as Beercourt stated earlier, add totals up and subtract what the employer has paid to get the allowable deduction.


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