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Preparing for first Day at DC Cook
« on: Feb 22, 2009, 05:44 »
As a JHP on my first outage, I've been scouring the official DC Cook webpage to make absolutely certain I'm in the right place at the right time.  NOW, it says all workers need safety boots and scrubs.  I can get those here before I leave easily enough, but I must get the right kind.
As for boots, I assume steel toe that goes above the ankle?  Or do they care about the height?
As for scrubs, how many pair would I be wise to buy, and is one color as good as any other?  Thanks for any help.   :)

Offline TENN-1

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Preparing for first Day at DC Cook
« Reply #1 on: Feb 22, 2009, 06:15 »
Welcome to Cook and your new career! Work boots need to have a safety cover over the toes: some folks prefer use steel, some composite. Know that steel will NOT pass the metal detectors, you will have to take them off and run them thru the x-ray, or wear something else in and out of work. There is a national cert - but the official tag escapes me. A lot of the folks wear Redwings, Wolverine, and Caterpillar too - the boot doesn't have to be elaborate - just safe, but that's a different thread. The "Search" function will help you narrow your choices. Scrubs, or modesty garments, don't have to be any color - whatever suits your budget and is comfortable will be fine. Cook is a great place to work as a Jr HP. You will do your time a t control points but also will get meter and survey time too. A positive attitude and energetic work ethic will open lots of doors. G

Give yourself some extra time on your first day. Unbadged workers park across the street in an overflow lot and ride a bus into Training. It's really a sweet deal but will take some time to navigate on the first try. One of the deadly sins here is being late for Training. Good Luck! See you there.
Things come to those who wait, but usually it's stuff left over from those who hustle!

Offline Lorrie Henson

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Preparing for first Day at DC Cook
« Reply #2 on: Feb 22, 2009, 08:00 »
Hey BF!!  When's your report date?  I'll be there on March 9th.  I've been to Cook a couple of times before, but not as a Jr. HP, this will be my first for that.  I do know quite a few folks there and will help you out in any way I can. 

About the safety shoes... I prefer compost because steel toes get COLD in the Michigan 'winter'... plus you can just wear them through the metal detectors.

See ya soon.


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Re: Preparing for first Day at DC Cook
« Reply #3 on: Feb 22, 2009, 08:53 »
My report day is March 9th.  I'll be leaving Idaho on the 2nd for the 3 day drive over.  Woo hoo.   8)

I have the option here of buying composite or steel safety shoes, if either is OK then Ill get composite as to avoid the metal detectors.
I went to school all of last year to get radiation certification.  I interned at the Idaho National Lab over the summer and have spent every moment since looking for my first job, and here it is.  See you there.  ;)

Offline PWHoppe

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Re: Preparing for first Day at DC Cook
« Reply #4 on: Feb 23, 2009, 05:39 »
My report day is March 9th.  I'll be leaving Idaho on the 2nd for the 3 day drive over.  Woo hoo.   8)

I have the option here of buying composite or steel safety shoes, if either is OK then Ill get composite as to avoid the metal detectors.
I went to school all of last year to get radiation certification.  I interned at the Idaho National Lab over the summer and have spent every moment since looking for my first job, and here it is.  See you there.  ;)

If you have a choice get composite toes. That way you don't have to take your shoes off at the security check, and walk through the snow and slush on the floor :-X
If a chicken and a half can lay an egg and a half in a day and a half, how many days will it take a grasshopper with a rubber foot to kick a hole in a tin can?

Forum rules..

Offline Lorrie Henson

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Re: Preparing for first Day at DC Cook
« Reply #5 on: Feb 23, 2009, 08:28 »
Sheesh Pat!!  At Duane Arnold, they give you clear booties to wear through the detectors... Cookie needs to get with the times.

 ;D   :P   ;D   ;)

Offline Rennhack

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Re: Preparing for first Day at DC Cook
« Reply #6 on: Feb 23, 2009, 12:54 »
As a JHP on my first outage, I've been scouring the official DC Cook webpage to make absolutely certain I'm in the right place at the right time.  NOW, it says all workers need safety boots and scrubs.  I can get those here before I leave easily enough, but I must get the right kind.
As for boots, I assume steel toe that goes above the ankle?  Or do they care about the height?
As for scrubs, how many pair would I be wise to buy, and is one color as good as any other?  Thanks for any help.   :)

First of all, Congratulations on the new J.O.B.  I'll be visiting DC Cook on the night shift this outage, if everything goes as planned.  Look me up, and I'll get you some official NukeWorker SWAG.

I see you said you visited Bartlett's info page about the outage. Here is a link for others:

The page was last updated 2-14-09, here is what it says:

If you are new to D. C. Cook Nuclear Power Plant, welcome.  If you are returning to D. C. Cook Nuclear Power Plant, welcome back.  We currently have two report dates March 9 or March 16.  The U2-C18 outage is a refuel outage scheduled for shut down on 3/25/09.  The outage is tentatively scheduled for 4 weeks.  The first reduction in work force will tentatively occur April 26.  ONLY those pre-approved will be released to staff other outages.  Anyone leaving without approval will forfeit their Bonus. All Techs will go through Bartlett Recruiting for Approvals on early outs for Bartlett’s staffing needs.  The work schedule will be a fixed Days/Night and work 6 off 1schedule.  Please read the following information carefully if you have any questions feel free to contact me through the Bartlett Office.


If you are having any difficulties or problems getting to the plant, please use the contact numbers.  Fred Grimsley Cell: 912-245-2984, Training Lab: 269-465-5901 ext. 3030.  Training Instructor Milton Paquette: 269-465-5901 ext:  3812.


Exposure Records:

If you received exposure to ionizing radiation during 2009 please bring your record or estimated exposure with you.  In addition you should know your lifetime estimate exposure to present.


Fitness For Duty & Proof of Unemployment Documentation:

If you have had a FFD incident at any time in the past, please bring all rehabilitation documentation and associated paper work with you.  If you have received unemployment compensation during the past year please bring your payment stubs or a printout from the state where you were collecting.


Health Physics Competency Exam:

All Senior Health Physics Technicians are required to take and pass the North East Utilities HP Competency Exam with an 80% or greater passing grade.  Exceptions to this requirement would be active NRRPT registered technicians, or those of you that have passed the exam within the last 5 years, and a record of it is on the PADS information system.


Personal Protective Equipment:

 Safety shoes are required at this site, Steel or Composite, meeting ASTM F24.12.05 & F24.13.05 standards.  Safety glasses with side shields and hard hats are required to be worn in most areas.  Safety glasses and hard hats will be provided, but all technicians must provide their own scrubs.  If you need prescription safety glasses and have a current prescription, safety glass can be obtained locally.  Please either plan to bring them with you or be prepared to purchase them during your training week.  Also, an approved safety shoe vendor will visit the site and will be available to purchase safety shoes.


Reporting Schedule:

 At this time it is uncertain if buses will be running.  Should signs direct you as Non Badge personnel to a parking and buses area USE IT.  IF, not, please use the Main Plant Access Road.  At this time there is No Black out period for Arrival.  Report time for 1st day will be 07:00.  Please, Allow time for security and parking.  Report to the RP Lab on the first floor by 07:00.  Be on time for we have a very tight training schedule.


***Ensure that your vehicles meet security standards at ALL times when on AEP property***





When you arrive on site you must have at least two forms of ID; one must be a valid photo ID.  The other must be your Social Security Card or Passport.  When completing your security package, please read and answer all questions carefully.  Failure to disclose truthful and complete information to the D.C. Cook  Security or Medical Departments will result in your immediate termination regardless if it was an honest mistake or not.  If you have not been to a commercial nuclear power plant within the past 365 days.  Please bring enough information to complete these forms including your past work history and up to date personal references.   

The boots 'should' be composite.  They 'should' cover your ankles. They 'shall' have stiff leather uppers and protect your toes.

Scrubs:  I 'assume' any color.  And you would suggest at least 6 pairs, as you will be working 6 days in a row.  You can do laundry on the 7th day.  You might decide later they you want to change more than once a day after being in some very warm places.

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Re: Preparing for first Day at DC Cook
« Reply #7 on: Feb 23, 2009, 03:27 »
I just called Fred Grimsley about the scrubs, he said that some people wear t-shirts instead of scrub tops.  -- It's hear say, but should be reliable.

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Re: Preparing for first Day at DC Cook
« Reply #8 on: Feb 23, 2009, 06:06 »
BF... I wear composite toes but I made sure I got what they call "airport friendly", there is no metel at all. Some guys here at Perry come in with composite toes and still can't make it through the metal says they still have metal shanks in them.


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Re: Preparing for first Day at DC Cook
« Reply #9 on: Feb 24, 2009, 05:24 »
  I myself wear t-shirts instead of scrub tops here at D.C.Cook on a daily bases.
Just don't wear a favorite in case you may loose it.  Just the chance you take.
CB   ;D

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Re: Preparing for first Day at DC Cook
« Reply #10 on: Feb 24, 2009, 08:33 »
For the new people coming in that don't have scrubs, and want to buy them:

I have found a place a few miles from the plant, right off the highway that sells scrubs.  (Lots of ladies scrubs, just a few mens scrubs)  They were not cheap, they were the fancy ones.  The guys scrubs were dickies, or university logos, or NASCAR logo type scrubs.

The store is called "Uniformly Yours", and it just moved to a new location by the Panera off of the Niles Road exit #27 on I-94.  The exact address is 3260 Niles Road, St. Joseph MI 49085.

Driving directions  From DC Cook:
9 mi – about 9 mins
1.   Turn left at Red Arrow Hwy      3.4 mi
2.   Turn left at Grand Mere Rd      0.2 mi
3.   Turn right to merge onto I-94 E      5.2 mi
4.   Take exit 27 for Niles Ave/M-63 toward St Joseph/Niles   0.2 mi
5.   Turn left at M-63/Niles Rd Destination will be on the left
« Last Edit: Feb 24, 2009, 08:44 by Rennhack »

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Re: Preparing for first Day at DC Cook
« Reply #11 on: Feb 24, 2009, 11:27 »
Last year I got some cheap at Wal-Mart.  They work just fine. 8)

Offline Lorrie Henson

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Re: Preparing for first Day at DC Cook
« Reply #12 on: Feb 25, 2009, 08:27 »
I agree with the Walmart scrubs.... they have cutsie ones for the gals, regular ones that are unisex, and even some that have school prints on them.... you'll know me if you see the gal wearing the MICHIGAN scrub shirt... LOL



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Re: Preparing for first Day at DC Cook
« Reply #13 on: Feb 25, 2009, 01:03 »
My lodgings are confirmed, the Silver Beach Hotel in St. Joseph.  The hotel operator said that other HP's are staying there, any of them on this board?  (I'd like a review of the hotel from firsthand experience).  I'd like to get together for carpools if at all possible.  Last I checked the DC master page, they said they didnt know if there would be bus service.  If there was, does it extend into St Joseph?


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Re: Preparing for first Day at DC Cook
« Reply #14 on: Feb 25, 2009, 01:04 »
BTW, when everyone sees me, the "B" stands for Bernie.  Former physics and mathematics teacher starting a new career.

Offline Rennhack

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Re: Preparing for first Day at DC Cook
« Reply #15 on: Feb 25, 2009, 02:18 »
My lodgings are confirmed, the Silver Beach Hotel in St. Joseph.  The hotel operator said that other HP's are staying there, any of them on this board?  (I'd like a review of the hotel from firsthand experience).  I'd like to get together for carpools if at all possible.  Last I checked the DC master page, they said they didnt know if there would be bus service.  If there was, does it extend into St Joseph?

I believe the bus service mentioned is from the contractor parking lot to the contractor security entrance.  NOT from your hotel to the plant.

Offline PWHoppe

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Re: Preparing for first Day at DC Cook
« Reply #16 on: Feb 27, 2009, 04:48 »
I believe the bus service mentioned is from the contractor parking lot to the contractor security entrance.  NOT from your hotel to the plant.

You would be correct. ;D The buses run 24/7 from the parking lot across Red Arrow Hwy to the Security entrance. It's a pretty good deal especially when raining or snowing. You'll get a heck of a lot closer (less walking) than parking in the main lot. I use it myself during the outage. ;)
If a chicken and a half can lay an egg and a half in a day and a half, how many days will it take a grasshopper with a rubber foot to kick a hole in a tin can?

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Re: Preparing for first Day at DC Cook
« Reply #17 on: Feb 27, 2009, 08:05 »
Shot in the dark:  Looking at the map of St. Joseph, it says a rail line called "Csx Transportation" runs right by the hotel.  By any chance is that community transportation that stops at the plant?

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Re: Preparing for first Day at DC Cook
« Reply #18 on: Feb 27, 2009, 08:21 »
Shot in the dark:  Looking at the map of St. Joseph, it says a rail line called "Csx Transportation" runs right by the hotel.  By any chance is that community transportation that stops at the plant?
It's a friggin freight train !Maybe nuke power isn't for you??
Call Before You Dig!

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Re: Preparing for first Day at DC Cook
« Reply #19 on: Feb 27, 2009, 09:15 »
Shot in the dark:  Looking at the map of St. Joseph, it says a rail line called "Csx Transportation" runs right by the hotel.  By any chance is that community transportation that stops at the plant?

There is no community transportation that stops at the nuclear plant (or any nuclear plant that I am aware of).

Your options are drive yourself to work, ask a friend to drive you aka carpool, or call a taxi a few hours before you need one.

I hope you don't have driving issues, like no drivers license.  If so, getting through security might be a little harder for you than it is for the rest of the work force.

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Re: Preparing for first Day at DC Cook
« Reply #20 on: Feb 28, 2009, 02:20 »
Things will be easier after the first day B.  Just flow with the rest of the cattle. :)
« Last Edit: Feb 28, 2009, 02:32 by NJ »

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Re: Preparing for first Day at DC Cook
« Reply #21 on: Feb 28, 2009, 02:25 »
You would be correct.  The buses run 24/7 from the parking lot across Red Arrow Hwy to the Security entrance. It's a pretty good deal especially when raining or snowing. You'll get a heck of a lot closer (less walking) than parking in the main lot. I use it myself during the outage.

:-\ Hey Pat, maybe you could work on making one of those buses a "CASH CAB"  You know.. like the one on TV where they ask you questions and you win money..It could be a Nuclear Trivia Cash Cab!  See what you can do 8)
« Last Edit: Feb 28, 2009, 02:27 by NJ »

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Re: Preparing for first Day at DC Cook
« Reply #22 on: Feb 28, 2009, 03:32 »
Hey Pat, maybe you could work on making one of those buses a "CASH CAB"  You know.. like the one on TV where they ask you questions and you win money..It could be a Nuclear Trivia Cash Cab!  See what you can do

Don't tempt him, I'll end up with the task.
Things come to those who wait, but usually it's stuff left over from those who hustle!


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Re: Preparing for first Day at DC Cook
« Reply #23 on: Feb 28, 2009, 11:45 »
Since this is your first time, be sure you have your PHQ completely filled out, and account for any lapses in between work or school. This will definitely speed up the process for you. MAKE SURE YOU ARE ON TIME. That is very important here.

Also make sure you pack a lunch unless you want vending machine food. Until you get badged it is too much of a hassle to leave for lunch.

Anyhow, welcome to DC Cook. You picked a great place for your first outage.

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Re: Preparing for first Day at DC Cook
« Reply #24 on: Mar 01, 2009, 04:18 »
Anyhow, welcome to DC Cook. You picked a great place for your first outage.
I couldn't agree more.


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Re: Preparing for first Day at DC Cook
« Reply #25 on: Mar 15, 2009, 08:19 »
My lodgings are confirmed, the Silver Beach Hotel in St. Joseph.  The hotel operator said that other HP's are staying there, any of them on this board?  (I'd like a review of the hotel from firsthand experience).  I'd like to get together for carpools if at all possible.  Last I checked the DC master page, they said they didnt know if there would be bus service.  If there was, does it extend into St Joseph?

The hotel is ok.  They have been doing a lot of remodeling the last year.  They have a whole floor remodeled into a dorm like design for Whirlpool corporation's interns that stay there.     Its right down town and close to everything besides the plant which is about 10 miles south of town.

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Re: Preparing for first Day at DC Cook
« Reply #26 on: Apr 04, 2009, 04:49 »
Work boots need to have a safety cover over the toes: some folks prefer use steel, some composite. Know that steel will NOT pass the metal detectors, you will have to take them off and run them thru the x-ray, or wear something else in and out of work. There is a national cert - but the official tag escapes me.

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