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Best HP jobs
Roll Tide:
There are many vacancies in the HP market in March, so it's a good time to ask the question.
How many are in their ideal situation, anyway? ???
yoe!! dat'd be me! at least in the short time mode.
Ideal job? One that someone else has.
I've had a number of jobs at various locations. Its hard to say what would be best. I like contract commercial, but kinda need the insurance and benefits of a Housemouse.
I try to make the most of the job I have at the time. I am always amused at the Techs that say the previous or next job is better then the one they're suspose to be working now. All that whinning... and they wonder why they're on the bottom of the stack for returnee resumes. ;D
--- Quote from: darkmatter on Mar 18, 2004, 07:58 ---I am always amused at the Techs that say the previous or next job is better then the one they're suspose to be working now.
--- End quote ---
Must be the ol' Navy influence there. The saying was that there were only two good ships in the entire Navy. The one you just left or the one you were going to next. It was never the one you were on. ;)
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