milt shaw in days of old, a cab driver beyond reproach, was looking to make some more money. he had heard about hp tex making lots of cash on the road, so he hired in with rad services. he became involved with many successful enterprises, such as milton’s hilton. soon he crossed paths with a southern belle hp tech and figured he must impress her. so he took a house job in shipppingport, pa and told her he was now a career beaver. duly impressed, complete with her eye roll, they hooked up. knot long later, per diem withdrawal was supplanted by tack wan dough with progression thru da belts. soon a chance opened up in the training department. thinking that talking must be easier than toting rem balls around, uncle miltie (as he wuz known by then) took that position and the rest is history. Milt Shaw, nrrpt and trainer extraordinaire, is retiring on may 1st. may he live long and prosper, wherever his path now leads.