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SRO Certification completion

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Just wanted to send this out to all my friends on NW that I completed my SRO certification. (Now I'm certified to teach the big boys...I've got a lot to learn  :) )  [Mike, I will be coming to see you soon]  ;)

Several of you on this site have helped me through the process and others helped me to get into the industry.  To all of you I say a heartfelt Thank you!

Congrats!  Time to start earning that paycheck now!  ;D

War Eagle:
Great job, Mike! Congratulations!!

Way to go Mike. Max told me the other night but I was busy recovering from the Reactor Trip we had to initiate so I never had the time to congratulate you.

When are you gonna become my shift training liaisson??



--- Quote from: Broadzilla on May 01, 2009, 01:05 ---Way to go Mike. Max told me the other night but I was busy recovering from the Reactor Trip we had to initiate so I never had the time to congratulate you.

When are you gonna become my shift training liaison??


--- End quote ---

Hopefully I will be your STL very soon.  There is a very strong "force" pulling some of us towards the ILT program.  As of right now, I am still part of the LOR group. 


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