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Author Topic: End of outages as we know has begun . . .  (Read 81349 times)

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Offline Camella Black

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Re: End of outages as we know has begun . . .
« Reply #100 on: Mar 13, 2010, 12:57 »
Actually Joe and Bill Mahoney back in the mid 80's taught me a lot. They made me what I am today; good or bad. Oh the days at the Cedar Knoll Convalescent Home. That should prove that outages aren't what they used to be. Take care everyone

How very, very true... I can just picture us all living in that wonderful boarding house... sharing meals, playing Trivial Pursuit, yada yada; we were a family back then weren't we? And yep you are right, without people like Joe and Bill and even my dad to bring in new blood and teach them and guide them I just don't know what is ever going to happen... as far as outages I miss the days when we could pack up the car and the kids and go somewhere for 9 months or a year or even two... remember when we went to Millstone in the Ford Fiesta and 3 kids, Brad took his truck to carry a few things in... 2 years later we came home with the biggest Uhaul you could rent full of stuff!


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Re: End of outages as we know has begun . . .
« Reply #101 on: Mar 15, 2010, 07:33 »
The new pinch-penny attitude is still there out at the sites.   My daughters tell me they have completed training, got their badges and are sent to wait 3 days in their hotel room waiting for the outage to start on their own dime, with the exception of per diem, barely getting 40 hours for the week.   All the workers didn't travel 2,000 miles to sit in a hotel room unpaid except for per diem.  This seems to be the way of outages now, and they only ended up getting one outage this season to boot.  One daughter may leave the field to go on a mission someday, another to get married and become a house tech as soon as she can and get off the road.    What advantage is there for being a traveling tech if you get no benefits, short seasons and even when at the outage, they nickel and dime you?

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Re: End of outages as we know has begun . . .
« Reply #102 on: Mar 15, 2010, 08:47 »
How would this work for dosimetry?

I've been told you cannot be assigned dosimetry at two sites simultaneously.
i'm knot knowing of a reg against this.  four the techs sake, it wood be good to keep both hp departments in the loop regarding exposure, especially if there was much hi rad or internal exposure.  aye have worked multiple sites, butt it wasn't hi rad work. 
quando omni flunkus moritati

dubble eye, dubble yew, dubble aye!

dew the best ya kin, wit watt ya have, ware yinze are!

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Re: End of outages as we know has begun . . .
« Reply #103 on: Mar 15, 2010, 08:53 »
You just turn in our TLD when you leave the site.  There are lots of people who travel back and forth between outages.  They don't get to bogged down by dosimetry.
"To be content with little is hard; to be content with much, impossible." - Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach


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Re: End of outages as we know has begun . . .
« Reply #104 on: Mar 16, 2010, 08:44 »
You just turn in our TLD when you leave the site.  There are lots of people who travel back and forth between outages.  They don't get to bogged down by dosimetry.
If I’m being monitored for occupational radiation exposure at the local utility, and, I’m monitored at the local university research reactor, do I need to fill out a daily NRC Form 4?


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Re: End of outages as we know has begun . . .
« Reply #105 on: Mar 16, 2010, 10:36 »

Check your PM's.
I'll keep it secret.


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